Invincible in one touch

Chapter 197 Mage?Shadow thorn?

Chapter 197 Mage?Shadow thorn?

The sound of breaking through the air continued to sound, accompanied by strong wind.

Ye Fusheng raised his head suddenly, and saw dozens of daggers flashing with cold light flying towards him at a very high speed!
[Throwing the dagger, there is actually a shadow stab waiting for me here? ! 】

A little dazed, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing, some mere shadow assassins want to kill him, it's too far-fetched!
With a calm look on his face, he drove the angry flame horse towards those daggers. Ye Fusheng didn't even make a defensive posture, letting the daggers stab him.

dang dang-

The clear and crisp sound kept ringing out, pitiful numbers of -100-200 floated out of Ye Fusheng's head one after another, and the blood bar just dropped a little.

The corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng glanced at him, and released his Eye of Truth ability. In an instant, dozens of figures came into view, rushing from all around, brandishing daggers.

It's just that they all had expressions of shock on their faces.

Dagger throwing, although there is no damage bonus, but to ordinary players, at least it can cause thousands of points of damage. When it hit Ye Fusheng, it only knocked out about 100 points. This gap is too big, right?
If it wasn't for the fact that all the people ambush here were Shadow Thorn masters, they might not even be able to continue the offensive under that kind of horror.

[Darkness Ziming... Expected to be the enemy... Is Deng Ai here too? 】

[Unexpectedly, Deng Ai is also a Shadow Assassin in the game! 】

Seeing the IDs of the two leaders, Ye Fusheng frowned, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Deng Ai, the famous general of the later Three Kingdoms, is not much worse than Lu Meng in terms of strength, plus all shadow assassins are besieging him. If he doesn't act like a little bit, the opponent will retreat immediately.

If you can't kill all these shadow thorns outside the Black Devil Temple, once you enter the Black Devil Temple, it will be troublesome to kill the Shadow Thorns.

After all, the shadow thorn moves very fast and can also be invisible. Once it exceeds a certain distance from Ye Fusheng, even the Eye of Truth cannot see it.

Putting on a dignified look, Ye Fusheng steered the Raging Flame Demon Horse, and slowly moved forward to meet the many assassins.

Holding the two swords tightly in his hands, Ye Fusheng slowly locked his target on Deng Ai.

Although Andu Ziming's skills are peculiar, especially Baiyi Dujiang, which can change the effect according to the situation, but he has the eye of truth, and can instantly distinguish Andu Ziming's body and clone, so don't worry.

Deng Ai is different. As a famous general, he must have other extraordinary skills. If he is hit rashly, it may be a waste of time.

The daughters of Qianshan Xue are still in the Black Demon Palace, if they are killed because of this wasted time, it would be a tragedy.

Da da da--

The sound of footsteps kept ringing, more than 50 Shadow Assassin masters, led by An Du Ziming and Liu Di Shi Zai, rushed towards Ye Fusheng at top speed.

50 yards... 40 yards...

Almost at the moment when the distance was shortened to 30 yards, Ye Fusheng's eyes froze, he locked on to the enemy, and released his punching ability!

As if lightning had pierced the sky, Ye Fusheng, man and horse, with the power of wind and thunder, rushed in front of the enemy Shi Zai, his swords flashing with sword energy, raised high.

"Not good! Fusheng Wanqian can see through our invisibility!"

"Go back!"

"Everyone release poisonous powder!"

Andu Ziming's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted loudly.

It is expected that Di Shizai's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to retreat, but Ye Fusheng's speed was too fast!
As a result, Enemy Shizai couldn't make any reaction, he could only stare at Ye Fusheng and those two swords with his eyes wide open!

Under the horrified eyes of the enemy, the bright light sword and the sky-slashing flames fell instantly, and the heavy chop + sword swing broke out in an instant!


Mixed with sword energy, the thunder light suddenly tore apart the body of Li Shizai, causing several 9000+ damages!

It is expected that the enemy fighter is originally a shadow assassin profession, and he is anti-low blood, how can he withstand tens of thousands of injuries?

With a muffled snort, it immediately turned into white light, and was sent back to Happy Home by Ye Fusheng's twin swords!


"Andu Ziming! Now it's your turn!"

With a loud laugh, Ye Fusheng turned around abruptly, staring at Andu Ziming with his eyes like torches.

This made Andu Ziming terrified, and became more and more sure that Ye Fusheng could see through their invisibility effect, so he couldn't help being terrified.

The reason why the shadow thorn is strong, besides the high amount of attack, is the invisibility technique!
It is the existence of the invisibility technique that gives them the chicness and strength to kill a person in ten steps and never stay behind for thousands of miles.

However, Ye Fusheng can see through the invisible state, so how dare he come up to deal with it?
"Scatter quickly! Set up a net formation, even if you can't kill him, you have to trap him for a while!"

With a roll of his eyes, Andu Ziming suddenly remembered his mission, gritted his teeth and backed away, and called many Shadowstab players to form a formation.

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help raising his brows, it seems that these players must have comprehended the combination attack formation, and also got some kind of item, which allows them to carry out the so-called battle formation!

Ye Fusheng had so many adventures, so he naturally wouldn't question the source of other people's abilities. He immediately looked up and planned to test the formations of those Shadowstab players.



Suddenly, there was another crisp phoenix cry, which was melodious and melodious, echoing around the Black Demon Palace, rippling in the ears of Ye Fusheng and Andu Ziming.

"Huh? What's that sound?"

"Phoenix? Is there a boss?"

Even Ye Fusheng was very surprised when he heard the sound of Fengming suddenly, not to mention secretly saving Ziming, everyone froze in place.

"good chance!"

With a glance, Ye Fusheng instantly realized that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

As long as he catches up with Andu Ziming and keeps him within 50 yards of him, he won't be able to run away!

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng let out a soft drink, and controlled the angry flame horse to gallop towards Andu Ziming.


Almost at the moment when Ye Fusheng rushed out, not far away, a fiery red figure rushed out like a gust of wind. In just two breaths, he rushed from a distance to the outside of the Black Demon Palace. Immediately, the fiery red light flickered out of thin air, It actually crossed a distance of 50 yards, and instantly came among many Shadowstab players!

"This is... teleportation?!"

The pupils contracted suddenly, even Ye Fusheng was taken aback.

When the players are generally only over 30 levels, someone actually used the teleportation skill? !

"Fire Phoenix Hunt!"


Another crisp phoenix cry erupted, and then, the fiery red light spun extremely fast, bringing up a bitter wind, and suddenly swept and exploded among the Shadow Thorn players!

"Run! Run!"

The screams were mixed with wailing, and the damage of 4000+ flew up one by one, completely tearing apart many Shadowstab players!
"Grass... unexpectedly came again!"

Andu Ziming's face was gloomy, and he couldn't help cursing in a low voice, but before he finished cursing, the sound of horseshoes sounded in his ears, and when he looked up, he saw a sharp blade with fiery red sword energy, across his head!

[What the hell... I actually forgot about the myriad of floating lives! 】

The pupils shrank suddenly, Andu Ziming only remembered at this time, Floating Life is still on the sidelines!
Unfortunately, when he thought about it, Ye Fusheng's sword had already brushed against his neck, emptying all his blood bars.


With a crisp sound, in addition to dropping a lot of gold coins, a dagger unexpectedly burst out.

"Yo, An Du Ziming's equipment was actually exposed! It seems that he won't be able to come out and be arrogant in a short time!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing.

After all, this is a game. Even if the people in Shenjiang Pavilion have the strength and personality of famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, it is difficult to display their strength without equipment.

Just like the blood armor Fengxian who was suppressed in the previous level, he was supposed to draw with the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang, but it turned into a fiasco!
If Ye Fusheng hadn't appeared, I'm afraid Xuejia Fengxian would have died in the hands of the three brothers!

Picking up the dagger, Ye Fusheng glanced at the fiery red phoenix that was constantly harvesting and jumping. The Eye of Truth was released, and his expression suddenly became weird.

Where is that Phoenix?
It's just a girl in leather armor with a hot figure!



As the last scream fell, the fiery red figure paused, revealed its figure, turned around slightly, and looked at Ye Fusheng with a smile.

"Not bad, not bad, very strong!"

Sensing the girl's gaze, Ye Fusheng clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It's a pity that you came a step late, otherwise, there are two masters here, maybe you can have fun playing!"


"In the Pavilion of Divine Generals, apart from Zilong in white, Yunchang in blue, and Gongjin in Feather Shank, there are actually shadow assassin masters?"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, the girl showed shock, immediately laughed, and walked towards Ye Fusheng: "Since that's the case, I can compete with them next time!"

"There will be a chance, by the way, why are you here?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng asked in doubt.

"The server announcements have been sent out, I don't think you should miss this opportunity! But, what about the rest of the guild?"

The girl looked around, but she didn't see the girls of Qianshanxue, her face was full of suspicion, her eyes rolled, and she said again: "Also, President, why don't you drag me into the guild?"

"Hahaha, okay, I'll pull you in now!"

Smiling lightly, Ye Fusheng hastily sent a guild invitation to the girl.

That's right, the girl who suddenly appeared, a girl as powerful as a fire phoenix, was exactly the Lingfeng she had seen the night before!

"The others have entered the Black Demon Palace and are being hunted down by the people from the God General's Pavilion. I plan to rescue them, how about you?"

While inviting Lingfeng, Ye Fusheng asked aloud and checked Lingfeng's attributes by the way.

He was also a little curious as to what kind of hidden job this girl with such cool skills got!
Lingfeng (Phoenix Whisperer - Level 34)
The level is not high, but for the Shadow Assassin profession, this level is really not low.

Phoenix Whisperer, the name is very charming, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Shadowthorn, more like a mage.

Thinking back again, those skills of teleportation and space movement are clearly the life-saving skills of mages!
For a moment, the way Ye Fusheng looked at Lingfeng suddenly became weird.

Could it be that this is a woman who treats the mage profession as a shadow thorn? !
(PS: A mage who doesn't want to be an assassin is not a good priest! Well, what is her profession... It's a new week, please recommend tickets, please ask for monthly tickets!!! The next month will be April, I promise, April The overall update volume will still exceed 4!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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