Invincible in one touch

Chapter 198 Don't Regret Gao Shun!

Chapter 198 Don't Regret Gao Shun!

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Sensing Ye Fusheng's eyes, Lingfeng frowned slightly, and asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, I just feel that in your profession, your skills seem to be similar to those of a mage..."

Ye Fusheng smiled and shook his head.

"Skills do not distinguish occupations!"

Lingfeng said in a deep voice: "Even if you have stealth skills, or my skills, I'm afraid your tactics are still head-on killing!"

"That's right."

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Next, I'm going to rescue other people. In your case, how long will the invisibility cool down? How long will it last?"

"Soon, you can hide once in 30 seconds!"

Lingfeng replied: "As for the duration, as long as I don't make a move, it will last forever!"

"You can hide once in 30 won't show up if you don't make a move. This skill is a bit domineering!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng touched his nose, and said softly: "If that's the case, then I'll go save people, you sneak into the Black Demon Palace first, and watch for me the movements of Zilong in white clothes! Once they have any movement, send a message at any time Give me!"

"Okay, then I'll go in!"

Lingfeng nodded, and with a flash of fire in his right hand, his whole body suddenly became illusory, and he rushed forward.

After rushing 30 yards away, her figure also disappeared from Ye Fusheng's sight.

"Hiss... This hidden job is not bad, and she is also very skilled in operating it. This time, Qian Shanxue has really brought in a master!"

"The strength is definitely not much worse than that of Andu Ziming and the others!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Ye Fusheng stared at the background of Lingfeng's departure, very satisfied, and what made him even more gratified was that although this Lingfeng was strong, he was very obedient, so he didn't need to worry too much.

"Huh... don't think so much, go save people first!"

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ye Fusheng steered the angry flame horse and quickly caught up. This time, without the hindrance of those shadow thorns, he rushed into the Black Demon Palace with just a dozen breaths.

Open the map, find the green light spot representing the friendly army, and quickly rush over.

At this time, Qian Shanxue and Xin Xin were being hunted down, and a group of people ran out in a panic.

Blood Armor Fengxian, ZhanzhiGuardian, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, Little Bell and other warrior professions are stuck in the rear, using their lives to break the back for Qian Shanxue and others.

In particular, Fengxian in the blood armor, riding a war horse and sweeping with the Overlord Spear, scattered hundreds of people with his own power, unable to pose a threat to them.

However, the people of Wolong Kongming also knew the bravery of Xuejia Fengxian, and they sent a lot of people. Not far away, Bai Dimiaocai led a group of sharpshooters to shoot arrows one after another, eating away at Xuejia Fengxian's bloodline.

There are also some mages, under the command of Gangzheng Gongtai, who continue to release their skills.

The spells of various attributes fell, dividing the battlefield, trying to isolate Xuejia Fengxian from Xiaoxiang Yeyu and Qianshanxue.

That way, they can kill the rest first, and then besiege the blood armor Fengxian.

However, although Xuejia Fengxian has a low EQ, he has a very keen sense of smell in combat. He immediately sensed Gongtai's intentions, and unexpectedly took the damage from his skills, and returned to Xiaoxiang Yeyu and Zhanzhiguard. They formed a battle line and jointly sniped and chased the players from the Divine General Pavilion.


"The blood armor Fengxian is a character, Miaocai, where is the person Yuan Hao arranged?"

Gangzheng Gongtai frowned, but still controlled many players to keep coming forward, suppressing the blood value of Xuejia Fengxian and others, and forced them to keep retreating.

The blood armor is strong first, facing the offensive of so many famous generals and elite players, the terrain is not dominant, so they have to keep retreating.


However, just as the blood armor was cut off and the girls retreated to cover Qianshanxue, there was another shout of killing.

It could be seen that hundreds of shield soldiers, led by a general in red and black battle armor, rushed out from the side, blocking the retreat of Qianshanxue girls.

"No, there are still people blocking behind!"

"What are the heads of that group of people thinking, even this can be guessed?!"

Seeing the hundreds of shield guards rushing towards them like a torrent of steel, the faces of the girls Qianshanxue and Qingqingrushui who were fleeing suddenly became serious.

"I can't run anymore, array up, fight for them!"

"The priest is ready to control the skills, the shooter is ready to shoot with me, and finally the mage makes up the knife!"

Rolling his eyes, seeing that he couldn't escape, Qian Shanxue had no choice but to grit his teeth, draw out his longbow, and aim at the rushing players from afar.

Qian Shanxue had a high prestige in the guild, and as soon as she finished speaking, all the girls hurriedly performed their duties, and the rest of the shooters quickly stepped forward. As the sacrificial buff fell, they released their skills one after another.


The next moment, multiple arrows, bursting arrows and other skills were continuously released, with the sound of howling wind, shooting towards many players.

"All shield walls!"

However, before the offensive fell, the leader, the general named Buhui Gaoshun, gave an order, and countless players immediately stopped their forward momentum and raised their shields.

call out!call out!call out!
Immediately afterwards, the rain of arrows pierced through the air and shot at many shield guard players one after another. The damage they caused was pitifully low, all 200+, not even one-tenth of the total blood value!

"Advance in a staggered manner, keep the person with the shield wall CD in front at all times, and kill them on both sides to prevent them from escaping!"

Bugui Gao Shun's expression remained unchanged, he gave a loud shout, and immediately directed the steel torrent to divide into several teams, like a net, forming a pincer attack with Baidi Miaocai, Gangzheng Gongtai and others who had previously chased Qianshan Snow Maiden.

Realizing this, Qian Shanxue's expression darkened.

She never expected that Gao Shun, who was not regretful in front of her, was so rigorous in tactics that he wouldn't give her the slightest chance to rush out.

If Ye Fusheng was here, he would definitely not underestimate Gao Shun, he is a terrifying existence who led the camp and defeated famous generals by relying on battle formations many times!

In terms of force alone, Gao Shun couldn't even make it into the top [-] in the entire star-studded Three Kingdoms period.

However, if it is about leading troops to fight, there must be him in those legends!
"One more round of shooting, mage ready!"

Gritting his teeth, Qian Shanxue had no choice but to direct the crowd to attack again. He even raised his bow and arrow, stretched the bow and pulled the string, and the elemental feather arrows burst out quickly, spinning and shooting out.


The elemental feather arrow containing terrifying power collided with a shield guard. However, with the skill effect of the shield wall, even she could only cause 500+ damage, and couldn't kill those players at all.

What made her even more desperate was that under the command of Buhui Gaoshun, some people had residual blood, some people's shield wall skills were consumed, and they were replaced immediately. The players who kept the front line at all times had skills and healthy bloodlines.



In this way, even though countless feathered arrows and magic attacks fell one after another, Buhui Gao Shun still led hundreds of shield guards and slowly pressed forward.

In addition, Baidi Miaocai and Gangzheng Gongtai stepped up their attack after seeing Gao Shun coming. For a while, Qian Shanxue and Xuejia Fengxian gathered together, but they were flanked. No, it's not even retreat, you can only be surrounded in the middle.

"Hiss... Where are there so many masters in the Shenjiang Pavilion?"

"It's too ruthless! It seems that this time, we can't rush out!"

Qian Shanxue sighed, and immediately said to Xuejia Fengxian: "Fengxian, you are powerful, don't worry about us, rush out with Ding Dingdang! Find the president and let him avenge us!"

Xuejia Fengxian has a mount, and with his strength, if he doesn't care about other people, he can completely charge out with one person.

That's why Qian Shanxue said that.

"Vice President, what do you think of me?"

However, to Qian Shanxue's surprise, Xue Jia Fengxian grinned and said: "The president trusts me, how can I live up to his trust in me? Today, as long as I have Xue Jia Fengxian here, unless this group of people The guy stepped over my corpse, otherwise, you will never suffer any harm!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuejia Fengxian looked dignified, and immediately stepped forward, holding the Overlord Spear, guarding in front of the girls.


"It's the first time I discovered that the uncle can be so domineering!"

The girls were quite surprised when they heard Xuejia Fengxian's words, and they all looked at Xuejia Fengxian in surprise.


Qian Shanxue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said helplessly, "I just want to reduce unnecessary losses! Anyway, you still have a spear on your body, if it is exposed, it will be troublesome."

"Hahaha, it's just a piece of equipment!"

Xue Jia Fengxian didn't care about it: "I believe that the president will choose the same way! How could he abandon his brothers just for an earthenware?"

"Well, since you don't want to leave, let's die here together!"

With a sigh, Qian Shanxue had no choice but to agree, but she also admired Ye Fusheng's vision more and more in her heart.

This casually drawn blood armor Fengxian not only has outstanding strength, but also has her approval for his character.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Just as Qian Shanxue and Xue Jia Fengxian were talking, the piercing sound of killing kept ringing out.

Not regretting Gao Shun, he had already surrounded him with hundreds of shield guards.

Behind him, Baidi Miaocai and Gangzheng Gongtai rushed forward with their people, and for a moment, Qianshanxue's people were surrounded by groups!

"Go ahead and kill them!"

Buhui Gao Shun looked cold, waved his big hand, and in an instant, hundreds of shield guards moved forward again, brandishing their blades and shields, and killed the blood armor Feng first.


"Brothers who want to kill me, girls who want to kill me in the Floating World Guild, have you... asked me about it?!"

Just at this moment, a loud laugh suddenly sounded, and the next moment, the sound of galloping horses trampling the ground sounded.



Suddenly hearing the shout, Buhui Gao Shun and the others changed their expressions slightly, and turned around quickly, only to see a flame-like figure galloping from a distance, approaching constantly, and even the voice became clearer.

"No, Floating Life is here!"

"Everyone turn around, combine the shield and wall, completely block his offensive!"

His pupils contracted suddenly, not regretting that Gao Shun had abandoned Xue Jia Fengxian and the others, and quickly directed many players to turn around, toward the direction Ye Fusheng was rushing towards, and held up his shield to meet Ye Fusheng.

boom boom-

The next moment, the galloping flame horse, carrying Ye Fusheng on its back, collided with the shield walls of dozens of shield guards like a ball of flames!
(PS: Today’s first update!!! In the setting, Lu Bu only remembers Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and Lu Bu don’t know each other, and they are no longer his subordinates, so they will attack Xue Jiafeng first, um, I used to watch the Three Kingdoms, always I feel wronged by Gao Shun's death, so I changed him to a boss this time... There will be updates in the future!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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