Chapter 199
boom boom-

Like a comet hitting the earth, when Ye Fusheng collided with the shield wall on his furious flame horse, a strong sound erupted immediately.

Countless shield guard players, even if they have successfully changed jobs, are either templar knights or guardians. After being hit by Ye Fusheng like this, they also felt a huge force, and kept staggering back.

Especially the first few people who suffered Ye Fusheng's attack head-on, even with the shield wall to reduce the damage, they still suffered 7000+ damage from their heads, and they were all instantly killed.

It didn't even make a scream, it turned into light and dissipated.

"Hiss... what a strong attack power!"

Pupils shrank suddenly, and the corners of Gao Shun's mouth twitched. Seeing Ye Fusheng's strength for the first time, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.


"Good job, president, I'm here too!"

Seeing that many templar knights and guardians were hit and killed by Ye Fusheng, and the rest were repelled, the blood armor Feng Xian's eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward, leaning forward, and the Overlord Spear swept across. Killed those Templars and Guardians.

Guardians were originally an auxiliary profession, and Templars also relied on shield walls and mechanisms to reduce damage. Now they were forced to retreat by Ye Fusheng, and their skills were all broken up, falling into the cooldown period.

Templar knights and guardians who have no skills, and their backs are facing the blood armor, can't show their strength at all.


For a moment, as if they were made of paper, they were immediately pierced by the blood armor Feng Xian, and fell miserably under the Overlord Spear.

"Hahaha, Fengxian is good at strength!"

"Let's kill together!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng was quite relieved, swiping his swords, he also faced the blood armor and killed Feng first, killing all the templars and guardians beside him.

As he was killing, a series of buffs fell, and Ye Fusheng suddenly felt the power surge in his body.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting [clear as water] sacred sharpness BUFF, which will cause an additional 50% damage to the enemy when attacking, lasting for 300 seconds! Cooldown time is 450 seconds!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting [clear as water] immovable as a mountain BUFF, defense power increased by 30%, qi and blood value increased by 50%, lasting for 300 seconds! Cooldown time is 450 seconds!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the sacred bathing buff of [clear as water], which restores 3% of his blood value every second for 60 seconds! Cooldown time is 450 seconds!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting [clear as water] Fearless Charge BUFF. When hit by a skill, there is a 5% chance of being immune to any control effects for 300 seconds! Cooldown time is 450 seconds!"


"Hahaha! Well done!"

With a big laugh, Ye Fusheng had more fun killing, even with Gao Shun's unrepentant command, he couldn't stop him at all, the shield wall skill was directly shattered, and then killed instantly with a single sword!

No Templar knight or guardian can block Ye Fusheng's sword!
For a moment, Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian, like two sharp knives, slammed into the hundreds of players led by Buhui Gaoshun, tearing apart their formation and devouring their lives!
Seeing this scene, the girls Qianshanxue and Qingqingrushui couldn't help but get excited.

Once Ye Fusheng came, they would not be in any danger!

Xiaoxin even waved his small fists, cheering for Ye Fusheng in a childish voice.


"Everyone turn around and block Baidi Miaocai and the others!"

Just watching, Qian Shanxue's complexion changed slightly, and suddenly beckoned the girls to turn around.

Sure enough, when Baidi Miaocai, Gangzheng Gongtai and others saw Ye Fusheng coming, they planned to cross Qianshan Snow Maiden and attack Ye Fusheng together with Bugui Gaoshun.

They are all famous generals after all, knowing that Ye Fusheng is powerful, they will never back down.

But, would Qian Shanxue let them rush forward?

"Let me release multiple arrows and rain of arrows!"

"Mages prepare AOE skills to block their way!"

With a soft drink, Qian Shanxue pulled the bowstring by herself, and the next moment, countless flames fell from the sky and landed in front of Baidi Miaocai and Gangzheng Gongtai, leaving a fiery red trace on the ground, burning with raging flames.

Not only that, arrows rained all over the sky, and AOE spells of various attributes continued to fall, overlapping in front of Baidi Miaocai.

This made their faces extremely ugly, but they didn't dare to rush forward.

More than a dozen skills overlapped together, and the damage was also more than ten times, not to mention that most of their teams were sharpshooters and mages, and they couldn't hold up against low health.

"No! Although this group of girls is small, they all have AOE damage and can hold us back for a long time!"

"Once Gao Shun is killed, Fusheng Wanqian and Xuejia Fengxian will be free, and we will die too!"

Gangzheng Gongtai looked dignified, and said in a deep voice: "Miaocai, we have to go!"

Hearing this, the corners of Bai Di Miaocai's mouth twitched, he was tangled, but when he glanced at the templar knights who were dying tragically at the hands of Ye Fusheng and Xue Jia Fengxian, and the Bugui Gaoshun who staggered back, he also recognized the uprightness Gongtai's words.

He has self-knowledge, even Bai Yizilong is no match for Ye Fusheng, if they have manpower, it is even more impossible!
"Brothers, withdraw!"

Taking a deep breath, Bai Dimiao stared at Bugui Gao Shun for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Retreat to the hall first, and wait for Meng De to avenge us!"

Seeing that Bai Dimiao gave the order, and did not rush forward to seek death because of the so-called brotherhood, Gangzheng Gongtai breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly directed everyone to retreat.

The girls of Qianshanxue are already weak in the first place, and they already have an advantage in their profession by being able to block Baidi Miaocai and upright Gongtai. Seeing them running at this time, they must not be able to stop them, so they will not be stopped, and let them go directly .

Not far away, Buhui Gao Shun also nodded slightly when he saw them leave, and immediately shouted: "Brothers, in order for Paoze to return to the Black Demon Palace safely! For the sake of our Shenjiang Pavilion to obtain the territory, it is an honor to die ! Never regret a hundred deaths!"

"Hold me, even if you die, you must withstand their offensive!"

The high-pitched voice fell, and those templar knights and guardians who were still dodging suddenly turned their expressions into a condensed expression. Instead of dodging, they hugged each other and waited for their skills to cool down. One after another, they faced Ye Fusheng and Xue Jiafeng The offensive rushed up.

They are using their lives to delay Ye Fusheng's time!
However, Ye Fusheng was not worried, and he didn't even think about speeding up.

I want to get the territory, but I have to keep the token for five hours, and I don't care about such a small amount of time.

What's more, Ye Fusheng made up his mind from the very beginning, not to act in the early stage, just to watch the show, and take a closer look at how many famous generals and how many people there are in the God General's Pavilion, who possess the historical strength.

If possible, it would be an even more unexpected joy to use this territorial dispute to weaken the strength of the major guilds!

With that kind of plan, how could Ye Fusheng make a move in the first place?

However, even if Ye Fusheng didn't think about speeding up, under the suppression of his super attribute, a Templar knight couldn't even hold him for two seconds, especially the group with the faster speed and stronger attack power.

However, in just 2 minutes, hundreds of players were all killed, leaving only one Gao Shun who didn't regret it, and stood not far away with a calm expression.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't think about running away, but silently watched Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian slaughter his subordinates, waiting for the moment when he was killed.

He didn't rush forward, because that would only lead to death in vain, he waited there, at least he could delay it for a while.

This is his loyalty to the God General Pavilion!

Da da da--

The sound of horseshoes sounded, Ye Fusheng raised his swords, and slowly approached Bugui Gaoshun.

Xuejia Fengxian and Qianshanxue girls followed quickly, and surrounded Bugui Gaoshun.

"you win!"

No regret Gao Shun's voice was calm: "Kill me!"

"Tsk tsk..."

Ye Fusheng sized up Buhui Gao Shun, and was quite satisfied. He deserved to be a man known for his loyalty in history!
In fact, during that period of history, Ye Fusheng still liked Gao Shun very much, especially his camp, which was powerful and made countless military exploits.

Gao Shun himself, in addition to comparing himself, is also a good man with unparalleled loyalty!

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help turning around to look at Xuejia Fengxian, in his memory, Gao Shun died for Lu Bu, I don't know what Xuejia Fengxian would do to him!

"Huh? Chairman, what do you see me doing?"

Sensing Ye Fusheng's gaze, Xue Jia Fengxian looked confused.

" don't know him?"

Seeing Xue Jia Fengxian's expression, Ye Fusheng finally realized something was wrong, frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice.

"I do not know!"

Xue Jiafeng grinned first and said: "If I want to know him, can he snipe me here?"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng looked at Bugui Gao Shun again, and suddenly found that Gao Shun had nothing unusual about Feng Xian in the blood armor.

This made Ye Fusheng look shocked, and he was shocked in his heart. In the history of the Three Kingdoms, Gao Shun was clearly Lu Bu's loyal subordinate, why didn't he know him at this time?

[It seems... this is different from the real Three Kingdoms! 】

[In the future, if you face them again, you can't trust history too much, you still have to see their abilities and personalities with your own eyes! 】

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng nodded slightly, looked at Bugui Gao Shun again, and said in a deep voice, "Is it worth dying for nothing?"

He wanted to see how Gao Shun, apart from not remembering Lu Bu, was different from history.

"As long as I can contribute to the Lord's hegemony, so what if I die once? Even if I die to level 0, I have no regrets!"

Not regretting, Gao Shun smiled and said: "There are thousands of floating lives, you are very strong, you deserve to be able to occupy the No.1 ranking list all the time! It's worth it to die in your hands!"

"Since that's the case, I will do as you wish!"

After Gao Shun's answer without regret, Ye Fusheng smiled, knowing that he was still the loyal Gao Shun, he didn't say any more, and immediately rode forward, the sword energy burst out, and the flames of Tianzhan instantly emptied his blood bar.

With a muffled snort, Gao Shun immediately turned into data and disappeared without regret.

"Hee hee, Daddy is amazing!"

Seeing that Gao Shun died without regret, he carefully threw himself into Ye Fusheng's arms with a smile on his face.

The daughters of Qianshanxue breathed a sigh of relief and stopped worrying.

With Ye Fusheng here, who else can hurt them?
"You are finally here, what should we do next?!"

Qian Shanxue stepped forward and asked suspiciously.

"Wait first, wait until the rest of the guilds are almost as good as the God General's Pavilion, and after we find out their details, let's make a move!"

"The plan of the Shenjiang Pavilion is very big, and it is purely a fool's dream to want to get the territory from me!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Ye Fusheng smiled.

"it is good!"

Slightly nodding, Qian Shanxue said with a smile: "Since that's the case, everyone can rest and replenish themselves!"

"Well, don't worry, everyone can go back to the territory for supplies first, and come back later! I'll just stay here!"

Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Only after adjusting your state can you display stronger power!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Qian Shanxue waved his hand, and immediately led the girls out of the Black Demon Palace, returning to the territory for supplies.

For a moment, only Xuejia Fengxian and Ye Fusheng were left in the Black Demon Palace.


Just when Ye Fusheng was about to talk to Xue Jia Fengxian, the address book suddenly rang, and the interface popped up!

(PS: 200 chapters soon, a little excited!!! Milestones, please recommend tickets!!)
(End of this chapter)

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