Invincible in one touch

Chapter 200 War Mode!

Chapter 200 War Mode!

The address book popped up, and it was news from Bright Feather.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Fusheng still chose to connect.

"Brother Fusheng, are you back now?"

Bright Feather said anxiously: "The guys in the Shenjiang Pavilion will soon occupy the territory. We want to attack him. Can you help us?"


Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "I'm already in the dungeon, outside the Black Demon Palace, this time, I will also attack the Shenjiang Pavilion."

"it is good!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's exact answer, Bright Feather's voice became agitated, and he asked again: "Brother Fusheng, can you help us obtain this territory for God's Domain?"

"Sorry, no!"

Without even thinking about it, Ye Fusheng directly refused.

Are you kidding me, this is the fifth-tier territory, or near Sunset City, where can it be given to other guilds?
When this territory appeared, Ye Fusheng made up his mind to let Fengyun Pavilion take this territory. Firstly, it will stand side by side with the Ukishi Guild territory and strengthen its defense. Second, it can improve the reputation of Fengyun Pavilion Guild and attract more players. Come.

Since the Floating World Guild chooses to take the elite route and cannot recruit too many members, then Fengyun Pavilion has to supplement its grassroots strength!

"Uh, why?"

Bright Feather was taken aback, and quickly said: "Brother Fusheng, as long as you can help us get the territory of God's Domain, no matter what request you have, we will agree!"

"If you want to get the territory, you can get it yourself, I don't care about the rest."

Hanging up the communication indifferently, before Ye Fusheng put away the interface, the communication from Liuyue came again.

[Another person who wants a territory! 】

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng could guess what Liuyue was thinking without even thinking about it.

"Hee hee, little wolf, can you take over this territory for your dear ally?"

Liuyue was grinning, and played the emotional card, even more tempting Ye Fusheng: "When I'm free, I'll go find you again? You can bring whatever you want..."

"Forget it, I have a useful territory this time!"

Facing his sister, Ye Fusheng's attitude eased a lot, and he said softly: "Next time I will give you the territory! I will definitely next time!"


Liu Yue was surprised and said: "Doesn't the Floating World Guild have a territory? I remember that the game is set, a guild can only have one territory! Could it be that, what kind of treasure did you get? Can you get two territories at the same time?"

"That's not true, don't forget, our Ye family also has a guild!"

Ye Fusheng's voice was calm, and he said indifferently: "Don't talk about this matter, otherwise, you won't be able to get out of bed!"

"All right……"

Liuyue curled her lips: "If you really can't get me out of bed, then you can do whatever you want! Well, since you want the territory this time, I won't send anyone to meddle in it! Bye!"

Before he had time to reply, Liu Yue had already hung up the communication, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, this girl, her attitude changed too fast, right?
Without thinking too much, Ye Fusheng rubbed his chin, already made up his mind.

Bright Feather and Liuyue both took the initiative to send him messages, which is enough to prove the allure of this territory.

Perhaps even the guilds in other main cities are on their way!

If you can get a territory, how difficult is it to change the stationed base?

Da da da--

Just as Ye Fusheng was contemplating, a series of footsteps suddenly sounded.

Turning around abruptly, looking up, I saw tens of thousands of players rushing into the dungeon, orderly and fast.

Those people in the lead are still Ye Fusheng's acquaintances - Xiong Ba Tian Xia, Glico's Fire!

Ever since Meteor guild and Time Past guild showed their strength, Xiongba, Griffin, and Tianzhishen guild couldn't hold their heads up after being beaten. In addition, they all provoked Ye Fusheng, and they were beaten on the forum They are all famous, but their reputation is not enough, and they can't attract too many masters, so they have to form an alliance to advance and retreat together.

Otherwise, it would have been broken up long ago!

Ye Fusheng saw Xiong Batian and Glico's Fire, and they also saw Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian.

Xiong Batianxia's expression changed slightly, and he was about to rush forward, but was held back by Glico's fire.

This time, their purpose is to snatch the territory of the Shenjiang Pavilion, and they can't provoke Ye Fusheng at will, otherwise if they are killed again, it will be a waste of energy!

Being pulled by Glico's fire, Xiong Batianxia also calmed down, took a deep breath, and acted as if he didn't see Ye Fusheng, Xuejia Fengxian, and tens of thousands of players rushing towards the Black Demon Palace.

This is only the first batch of players. After them, some casual players, and many players from Homecoming, God's Domain, Demon Gate, and Hidden Killing League have caught up.

Those leaders also saw Ye Fusheng and saluted from afar, Bright Feather's expression changed slightly, and wanted to rush forward to ask Ye Fusheng for help, but a man beside him stopped him.

Obviously, the president of God's Domain is also here!

It was a fighter player, level 36, with a resolute look, and he was not a layman at a glance.

As many players poured into the instance, a system bell sounded.


"System prompt: Due to the influx of too many players from the Dark Demon dungeon, more than two guild players have entered, and there is a territory that can compete for resources, start the war mode! The duration is 12 hours, or the ownership of the territory is settled!"

"System prompt: The war mode is officially opened, and the dungeon will activate the protection mechanism. Players will not lose experience points after death, but they will be kicked out of the dungeon and cannot enter again! Every time you kill a person, or get the will of the undead token, you can get points! After the war is over, the top ten in the standings will get rich rewards! The total MVP of the war will get a special reward!"


The system announcement fell, and in an instant, countless players were shocked.

Unexpectedly, the first war appeared so without warning!
This made countless guilds work hard, hoping to stand out in this war and promote their guilds!
Floating world guild, chat interface.

Feng Lingxuewu: "The battlefield mode is actually activated. Everyone must be fully prepared before entering the battlefield! Otherwise, once you are out, you will not be able to enter again!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Received! I'm so excited, I didn't expect to open the war mode so soon!"

The girls were very excited, Ye Fusheng hurriedly said, telling them to rush over.

Now that the war mode is turned on, the players in the other secondary main cities must be on their way here. If you don't hurry up and settle the matter here, it will be quite difficult to keep the token of the will of the undead when all the guilds in China rush over.

After all, there are not many things in China, but there are many people!
Seeing Ye Fusheng's words, the girls stopped talking, and Ye Fusheng sent a message to Fengyun Tianxia, ​​asking him to lead everyone in Fengyun Pavilion to rush over.

As for what excuse to use to transfer the territory to Tianxia Fengyun after capturing the Black Demon Palace, without letting other players see the relationship between them, that is a matter for later.

Within 10 minutes, Qian Shanxue led the girls to arrive, and Ye Fusheng immediately led them to the Black Demon Palace.


Approaching the Black Demon Temple, the shouts of killing kept ringing out. Looking up, I saw Xiong Ba Tianxia and Glico Fire commanding tens of thousands of Templar knights rushing towards the entrance of the Black Demon Temple. BUFF, bless attributes for them.


The rain of arrows roared, and after the sacrifice, thousands of sharpshooters divided into two groups and shot arrows into the sky, covering the entrance of the Black Demon Palace, forcing the players hiding in the palace to be unable to rush out.

As long as the Templars and Guardians rushed to the gate of the temple and blocked the first wave of offensive, they would be able to swarm up and completely capture the Black Demon Palace.

However, in the Black Demon Palace, countless top counselors gathered, not to mention Wolong Kongming and Yushan Gongjin, but Gongtai and Yuanhao, all sneered, and ordered their mages to release different elemental skills.

boom boom-

Accompanied by flames, ice, and gusts of skills, they fell overwhelmingly, hitting the templar players crazily.

Different skills bloomed together, even with the shield wall to reduce damage, those players couldn't resist, and were knocked out of the battlefield by the skills.

Especially the combination of different elemental skills makes the ground unstable, making many players unable to stand firmly. Once they fall to the ground, it is even more unlucky to be trampled to death by the players rushing up from behind!
"Grass - stop for me!"

"The sharpshooter stepped forward and tried to cause damage to those mages!"

"As long as those mages are killed, or the templar knights are forced to fight us recklessly, there is hope of taking down the Black Devil's Temple!"

Glico Fire's face was gloomy, and he quickly ordered many Templar knights to stop and let thousands of sharpshooters come forward.

However, before those sharpshooters opened their bows and set their arrows, a figure stepped forward and waved his hands lightly. The next moment, a wall of light appeared, blocking the entrance to the temple.

"Hiss... It's actually a defensive skill! Even the sharpshooter can't hurt them!"

Seeing this scene, Xiong Batian and Glico Fire looked gloomy.



However, they froze in place, and many mages in the Black Demon Palace released their skills one after another under the command of Wolong Kongming.

In an instant, countless fireballs burst out, falling rapidly like meteors.

Not only that, a gust of wind blew out violently, carrying countless fireballs, and fell into many templar knights and sharpshooters.

As the flaming fireball slammed down, those sharpshooters had no magic resistance and couldn't stop the damage of so many mages. They were killed one after another, turning into white light and dissipating.

Even those templar knights with the buff bonuses of priests and guardians turned into residual blood, their faces were pale, and they kept retreating.

"Hiss... what kind of skill is that? Can it combine the skills of other people?!"

The corners of the mouths of Xiong Ba Tian Xia and Glico Fire twitched, their faces were full of shock.

Not to mention them, the many high-level guilds who had been watching from behind couldn't help swallowing their saliva.It is also the first time they have seen this kind of skill!
Only Ye Fusheng didn't feel strange, Zhuge Kongming can even borrow the east wind, now he just takes some wind and blows his skills together, is it strange?

"Made, retreat one after another! Wait for the light shield released by that person to disappear, and then attack when the skill cools down!"

Seeing that many templar knights were a little bit overwhelmed, Glico Fire's face was gloomy, so he could only wave his hand to make many players retreat first.

If it goes on, I'm afraid more players will die!
Hearing the order from Glico Fire, those players ran away as if they saw a life-saving straw, but after a dozen breaths, they all ran back.

That kind of speed is staggering!
Fortunately, Xiongbatianxia and Glico Fire are both old players, and they commanded well, and quickly stabilized the remaining 6 players.

However, they were stable, and guilds such as Time Like Water, God's Domain, Demon Gate, Hidden Killing League, etc., slowly pushed forward.

"What are you doing?!"

Aware of this, Glico Fire quickly mobilized some mages and sharpshooters, turned around and stopped many high-level guilds.

Xiong Batian said sadly: "Everyone, we are still attacking at this moment. You are planning to destroy us first? Is this inappropriate?"

"Yes, in recent days, the Shenjiang Pavilion has been suppressing us. At this time, you are still fighting among yourself?!"

Glico's Fire also glared at many players.

To be honest, they don't want to turn against the other guilds right now. Once they fight, it will definitely cause great casualties.

If the Black Demon Palace has already been taken down, even if there are casualties, they can use other methods to stop losses, and even win over and divide them.

But, before the Black Demon Palace is taken down, they will fight first, and consume too much power, can they still take down the Black Demon Palace?

"Ahem... how come?"

Uncle Time Like Water said with a dry smile: "We just want to help you. After all, the Shenjiang Pavilion is not weak and has made many enemies. We also want to teach them a lesson!"

"That's right, last time the Dark Lord Ziming from the Shenjiang Pavilion destroyed our arena and forcibly killed Ye Yin. We, the Yin Killing League, want to take revenge!"

Slaughtering World echoed from the side.

"Oh, it's free!"

Glico Zhihuo said coldly: "The relationship between us is not that good yet! We came here first, so it should be up to us to attack the Black Demon Palace. If we can't, then it's up to you to choose! Now, Please go back!"

Now, the three major guilds of Griffin, Xiongbatianxia, ​​and Tianzhishen have merged. In terms of strength, they are really stronger than the other guilds. Therefore, they have the confidence to say this.

Why did God's Realm and Demon Sect not have all the people recruited, and why did the Hidden Killing League mostly consist of assassins?
There is only one Homecoming, and there is no way to compete with them.

It is precisely because they are the merger of the three major guilds, with a strong foundation, that they have the confidence to be the first to attack the Black Demon Palace in front of so many people!

If not, they wouldn't be so stupid as to be the first birds.

Once they really captured the Black Demon Palace, then, relying on their geographical advantages and numbers, it would be really difficult for the rest of the guilds to rush in!

Seeing that Glico's fire is so domineering, Xiong Batianxia is watching from the sidelines again, Killing Tianxia, ​​Years in Water, and Son of Eternity looked at each other, nodded slightly, and waved away many players before retreating back.

They have already made up their minds, first let Glico Fire and the others attack again, first to judge the strength of the God General's Pavilion, and secondly, to consume the power of the God General Pavilion and the three major guilds!
There is even a vague feeling in their hearts that it seems that the Divine General Pavilion will not be so easy to deal with!

As guilds such as Hidden Killing League, God's Domain, and Demon's Gate retreated, Glico's Fire and Xiong Batian breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately directed many players to rest and adjust their status.

The two of them even discussed in a low voice, what should be done to take down the Black Demon Palace!
"Hey... these two guys are really too arrogant!"

Not far away, Ye Fusheng brought the Qianshanxue girls together, looked at Glico Zhihuo and Xiong Batianxia, ​​shook his head constantly, his face was full of pity.

"What's wrong? Will they lose?"

Hearing this, the girls couldn't help becoming suspicious.


Ye Fusheng nodded and said: "If there are so many guilds swarming up, relying on the absolute superiority of the number, the Shenjiang Pavilion may not be able to resist, but they just spread their strength and want to fight one by one! From this point of view, the Shenjiang Pavilion is completely capable , eat them all!"

"No way? Shenjiang Pavilion is really that strong?!"

The women were horrified.

"That's right, if they split up and attack the Shenjiang Pavilion, they will definitely lose!"

Xue Jia Fengxian also nodded, even if he had no memory, when he was about to face those old enemies, his blood boiled, he was extremely excited, eager to fight.

"Okay, needless to say, watch the show well, when they lose, it's time for us to appear!"

Ye Fusheng laughed lightly.

boom boom-

At this moment, the sound of thunder suddenly fell, the barrier guarding the gate of the Black Demon Palace was broken, and the sound of killing followed!
(PS: The two-in-one chapter is already two chapters, I will try to see if I can write another chapter!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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