Invincible in one touch

Chapter 201 Suppression at the Tactical Level

Chapter 201 Suppression at the Tactical Level

There was a sudden thunder, and when everyone turned their eyes suspiciously to the direction of the sound, their pupils shrank suddenly.

It could only be seen that the barrier guarding the gate of the Black Demon Palace was broken, revealing the figures of the players inside.


"That person's skills are up, rush up!"

Xiong Batianxia and Glico Fire were overjoyed, and hurriedly greeted many Templars to rush forward again.


However, before they could organize their hands to rush up, a group of templar knights rushed out of the Black Devil Hall, holding their shields high and making violent noises.

"They still dare to come out?!"

"Go, let's rush forward together!"

"As long as they can suppress their Templars, there is hope to kill them!"

Glico Zhihuo and Xiong Batianxia glanced at each other, they both gritted their teeth and rushed forward together.

"Brothers, kill with me!"

"Into the Black Demon Palace, grab the fifth-level territory, and everyone will be rewarded with [-] cash!"

Seeing that the two bosses rushed up in person, and there was still the temptation of cash, the more than 6 players were all excited, and rushed forward with all their strength.

"The priests keep up, the sharpshooters, mages, and shadow stab players are behind, ready to fill their seats at any time!"

With loud shouts, more than 3 priests, templars, and guardians charged towards the Black Demon Palace like a torrent.

Outside the Black Demon Palace, those Templar knights were silent. Led by several players with obviously different equipment, they were like mountains, containing calm strength.

boom boom-

Amidst the thunderous sound, the templar knights from the God General's Pavilion and the three major guilds slammed into each other like the tip of a needle touching a grain of wheat.

Countless players held their shields, and their skills such as shield wall and counterattack were continuously released, as if giants were sticking together, and the sound of "fafafa" came out.

Glico Zhihuo and Xiong Batianxia also brandished their swords and rushed forward, trying to break through the defense line of Shenjiang Pavilion.

However, there are many masters in the Pavilion of Divine Generals. Even among the Templars, there are many famous generals, such as Chen Deng, Hao Zhao, Cao Ren and other generals. , still able to block the front without retreating at all!

Horror forces continued to spread, and more and more templar knights and guardians from the three major guilds rushed forward. However, in doing so, they distanced themselves from the many mages, archers, and even priests behind them.

Only the soldiers could barely keep up.

"Whoa whoa-"

Suddenly, there was a beep, beep, beep in the air, and many players looked up, only to see the sky covered with fire and rain, and their expressions changed drastically.

Fortunately, the rain of fire passed them and did not fall, but just behind them.


"Hahaha! They couldn't be scared stupid, right? They can even misplace their skills?!"

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Xiong Batian laughed unceasingly, and immediately waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Brothers, work harder, as long as we take down the Black Demon Palace, we will be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the future! "

Seeing Xiong Batianxia leading many players to continue to charge forward, Glico Fire frowned slightly, with a strong sense of foreboding in his heart.

Looking back, I saw countless flames falling down. Almost every 30 yards, there were dozens of flame zones, blooming scorching heat, and isolating all mages, priests, and marksman players who had not followed up.

"Hiss... no, let them come over quickly!"

Frowning slightly, Glico's fire was just about to shout, but he heard a rush of horseshoes mixed with footsteps in his ear, turned his head to look, his face turned pale, and he was stunned.

It could be seen that on both sides of the main hall, two teams of people suddenly rushed out, and the two leaders straddled their mounts, and rushed towards the isolated crispy camp like lightning!
"Damn it, there really is a conspiracy!"

"Back back! Back up quickly!"

The pupils contracted suddenly, and Glico Fire suddenly understood everything, and let out a long howl.

However, before his voice could be heard, two other voices sounded like thunder, and immediately suppressed his voice!

"The dragon in white is here, who dares to fight me!"

"The blue-clothed cloud grows here, and Shu Zi suffers death!"

Two howls sounded, and Zilong in white and Yunchang in blue looked like lightning, they escaped from the army behind them, rushed dozens of yards away, and rushed to the middle of the mage camp!


Only clear and clear voices could be heard, but before those players could react, Zilong in white and Yunchang in blue were already brandishing long spears and knives, slaughtering and reaping the lives of many players frantically.

Behind them, countless spear warriors, berserkers, and even Shadow Assassin players followed up one after another. They were so fast that they didn't give the players time to react when the three major guilds were isolated. In the camp, tear them apart!
In itself, professions such as mages, sharpshooters, and priests are all crispy skins even if they have different branches. Being approached by so many high-attack physical professions, without blinking or teleportation skills, they are like A lamb waiting to be slaughtered has no power to resist.


With the sound of screams, tens of thousands of crispy players died at an extremely fast speed.

Zilong in Baiyi and Yunchang in Qingshan were even more murderous. They kept shuttling in the camp, and every time they swung their weapons and released their skills, they could take away a player.

But in a short time, the IDs of the two of them were already blood red!
"Made...too ruthless! Turn back and annihilate them here!"

Glico Fire was furious, gritted his teeth, and hurriedly commanded many fighters and Templar players to rush back. As long as they can block the attacks of those fighters and assassins and let mages and sharpshooters have time to output, then, no matter how high the damage of those fighters is No matter how fleshy they are, they all have to die here.

But what Glico Fire could think of, Wolong Kongming and the others couldn't think of it?

Just when Glico's fire turned around, Hao Zhao, Cao Ren and others' eyes lit up behind them, and they immediately stepped up their offensive and started to counterattack.

Not only them, but in the Black Demon Palace, all the sorcerers retreated, the sharpshooter stepped forward, and released a round of armor-piercing arrows, and immediately there was another sharpshooter to fill his position, releasing multiple arrows, bursting arrows and other skills one after another.


The next moment, the rain of arrows fell all over the sky, covering the sky and the sun, continuously piercing into the bodies of those players who were about to rush back, causing extremely high damage.

Coupled with the burning damage from the flames remaining on the ground, even if they were fighters, they couldn't resist that kind of damage and fell down one after another.


Just like harvesting wheat, with the sound of piercing the air, players fell one after another. The speed of this kind of death is no slower than the killing speed of Zilong in white and Yunchang in Qingshan!

After several rounds of sharpshooter attacks were over, the mages immediately filled their positions, and the sky was rained with fire again.

In this way, how can the many players who have already lost their blood dare to rush forward?Can only go back!

But, in the rear, there is still Hao Zhao, Cao Ren and the others attacking. Although they are Templars by profession, their attack power is relatively low, and their killing speed is quite slow, but they can still grind them down, leaving them no chance of survival!
The sound of killing shook the sky, and the players of the three major guilds were constantly being killed.

In the distance, the high-level leaders of many guilds looked at each other when they saw this scene.

They had thought that Xiong Batian and Glico's Fire would be defeated, but they did not expect that they would be defeated so quickly and so fiercely!

The sound of swallowing saliva kept ringing, and he said in a low voice, "These perverts, have you seen them before? Where did they... come from?"

"It's too strong! I just want to know, who is their commander, who can play tactics to such an extent!"

"If you want to defeat them, you must use your absolute strength and superiority in numbers! In the face of absolute strength, all tactics are useless!"

Bright Feather murmured: "I'm afraid, only one person, Floating Life, can have the strength to compete with the God General's Pavilion!"


Just as many high-ranking players of the guild were shocked, the shouts of killing sounded again, and everyone's expressions changed slightly in shock. Looking quickly, they saw Zilong in white and Yunchang in blue, like two gods, crossing the battlefield, with spears and knives flying , has killed more than 3 crispy players!

What's even more frightening is that after beheading more than 3 squishy players, Zilong Baiyi and Yunchang Qingshan still have more than half of their vitality and blood!
Of the thousands of players they brought, more than 200 people died!

"Kill it back!"

After ensuring that all the crispy occupations were dead, Zilong in white and Yunchang in blue looked at each other, galloped on their horses again, and led their people towards Glico's fire to kill everyone.

Seeing this scene, Glico Fire's face turned pale, his legs softened, and he almost fell to his knees on the ground, whispering: "It's over! This time, it's really over!"

Glico's Fire had thought about many endings, even if he couldn't win, he still wanted to make a name for himself.

However, when the failure really came, he realized how ridiculous his thoughts were.

From the beginning to the end, he has been suppressed and led by the nose at the tactical level, and now he has easily sent more than 6 players to death!

Thinking of this, Glico Fire laughed miserably.

"Made, kill them all!"

"Brothers, follow me and overthrow those vain guys!"

However, Xiong Batianxia was still chattering, and gathered some players, abandoning Hao Zhao and others behind him, and rushed towards Baiyi Zilong, Qingshan Yunchang and others.

Hao Zhao and Chen Deng are not ordinary people. When they sensed such a good time to attack, they didn't need Zhuge Liang and Gongjin to remind them. They waved their hands and stopped attacking the stubborn enemy. go up.

As soon as those players retreated, and so many people rushed forward, the players from the three major guilds who originally wanted to fight back suddenly fell into the crowd of many players in the Pavilion of Gods. They were dumbfounded for a while, and immediately dared not resist.

In an instant, the players from the three major guilds were in chaos on the entire battlefield, just because of Xiong Batian's voice.

The battle formation was in disarray, so naturally they couldn't exert other effects, so what awaited them was a one-sided massacre.

At the Floating World Guild, Ye Fusheng glanced at it, shook his head slightly, and sighed: "That Xiong Ba Tian Tian is really talented, he could have resisted for a while, and gained some fame for their alliance, but such a chaotic defeat is really a shame. Lost all face!"

"Don't pay attention to this alliance in the future."

Ye Fusheng said to Qian Shanxue: "In this case, those who are willing to join them are not for money, or are some rookies who can't play much role."

"Well, I didn't take them seriously."

Slightly nodding his head, Qian Shanxue stared at Zilong in white and Yunchang in blue who were galloping outside the Black Demon Palace, and couldn't help sighing: "Those two are really tiger generals!"

"Hmph, that red-faced man is indeed not weak, but he is not moral, and besieged me with others!"

Xue Jia Fengxian said in a cold voice: "Later, I must challenge him one-on-one to let him understand the gap between me and me! As for the white-clothed dragon, he has never fought against him, so he doesn't know how strong he is. However, He gives me the feeling that he is more stable than the red-faced monster, and it is difficult to defeat him!"

Hearing Xue Jia Fengxian's words, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being slightly surprised, he didn't expect that he could see so much just by looking at it.

That's right, in terms of explosive power, Zilong is not as good as Yunchang, but when it comes to protracted warfare, defense, breakout, survival, Zilong is the best in the world!

Even Fengxian is not as good as him!
In Romance, in the entire history of the Three Kingdoms, only Zilong and Wenyang can have such an outstanding ability to break through!

"Everyone, get ready, it's time, it's time for us to make a move!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng didn't say much, but just reminded everyone to prepare to do it.

Ye Fusheng believes that the defeat of the three major guilds is not the end, and the other guilds will never retreat without a fight even if they are worried about the strength of the God General Pavilion!

At that time, it is also a good opportunity for them to make a move!
Just at this moment, a howling sound like a dragon's chant suddenly sounded, echoing inside and outside the Black Demon Palace!
(PS: The first update today, there will be more to come!!! Soon the protagonist will have the first real confrontation with Shenjiang Pavilion, and I am getting nervous!!!!!

In addition, I would like to report to you all about the situation in April. From the 1st to the 30th, a minimum of 50 words will be updated! ! !Impact 60 words! ! ! ! !
If you can't do it, I will send a 200 yuan red envelope in the group! ! ! ! !

Brothers, for the sake of the little lunatic I work so hard, give me all the recommendation tickets, I love you, okay, I will continue to code words! ! ! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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