Invincible in one touch

Chapter 205 No. 1 in the standings, the horror of god-level skills!

Chapter 205 Number one in the standings, terrifying god-level skills!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the white-clothed dragon and looting 50% of its battle points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the Undead Will Token, battlefield points +50!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who has topped the battlefield points list. Do you want to display the name?"


Three consecutive system ringtones made Ye Fusheng's eyes light up.

Unexpectedly, getting the Undead Will Token can add 50 battlefield points!
In the beginning, people from other guilds were fighting, and the points were quite high. It would take some time for Ye Fusheng to catch up. However, a token of the will of the undead, plus the plundering points for killing the white-clothed dragon, directly allowed Ye Fusheng to climb up. top!

Opening the battlefield points ranking, the four big characters at the top of the list shone with golden light, and looking down, almost all of them were familiar names.

1. Floating Life——818279 Points
2. Green shirt and long cloud——352728 points
3. Lushan Gongjin——338277 points
4. Wolong Kongming——288904 points
5. Zilong in white——269921 points
6. Boyan of Compassion and Forbearance——167884 points
7. Lingfeng - 149998 points
8. Eternal Son - 119829 points
9. Clear as water——109666 points
10. Feng Ling Xue Wu - 98241 points
It has to be said that Bai Yizilong is extremely powerful, even if he is killed by Ye Fusheng once and half of his points are robbed, he can still be ranked No.5.

Presumably, even if Zilong in white doesn't come back to fight again, he can maintain his top ten ranking after the battle is over!
At this time, it is also possible to see the excellence of the mage in the battlefield.

Except for Ye Fusheng, Qingshan Yunchang, Baiyi Zilong, Fenglingxuewu, the rest of the people on the list are all sorcerers.

As for Qingqing Rushui, relying on the BUFF applied to Ye Fusheng, he scored nearly 11 points, which made him into the top ten.

"Wow, big brother, you've rushed to No.1 now?"

"so amazing!"

Qian Shanxue and Xiaoxiang Yeyu saw the system notification, and rushed to Ye Fusheng's side in surprise, excited.

"Are we going to take a second territory?"

"But... doesn't it mean that a guild cannot get two territories?"

While Xiaoxiang Yeyu was excited, he asked again.

"Well, we can't get the second territory, but we can use this second territory in exchange for benefits!"

Ye Fusheng closed the ranking interface, grinned and said: "The only thing to worry about now is that the Black Demon Palace is too vast. If those guilds rush forward forcefully, it will be difficult for us alone to stop it."

That's right, Ye Fusheng does have the ability to slaughter tens of thousands of players by himself, or even a hundred thousand players, but if he is in an open place, he can't block the footsteps of tens of thousands of players by himself.

Manpower is sometimes poor, he can only kill one by one, there are always players who can rush through his defense line.

Unless, the cooldown of Dazzling Sword Dance skill is reset to zero!

"If it's just defense, I think you should take a look at your daughter's skills!"

Qian Shanxue raised her eyebrows slightly, signaling Ye Fusheng to look at Ye Xin.


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng was slightly surprised, stretched out his arms to hug Ye Xin, and said softly: "Be careful and show your skills to Daddy!"


Ye Xin was particularly well-behaved, and directly shared her skill panel, which appeared in front of Ye Fusheng.

With a glance, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth after seeing the descriptions of those skills clearly, he was so shocked that he froze in place.

God Seal (God-Level Skill——LV2): Burst out the power of God, bounce all the hostile targets within 500X500 yards, and freely seal the space in the area, the duration is 20 minutes, and the cooling time is 30 minutes
God Envoy Summoning (God-Level Skill——LV2): Open the door of space, use the blood of God, make a contract with a random beast, make it teleport to the side, and serve the player for 60 minutes, cooldown time 120 minutes
God's Mercy (God-Level Skill——LV2): Summons the Goddess of Life, applies BUFF to friendly targets within 300 yards, and continuously restores its own blood value by 5% every second!Goddess of Life lasts for 60 seconds, cooldown time is 10 minutes
God's Blessing (God Level Passive Skill - LV2): When releasing a skill, there is a 30% chance to increase the skill effect by 100%, a 20% chance to reduce the cooldown time of all your skills by 50%, and a 10% chance to trigger the God's Sky Burial skill, against 100 yards Inflicts a devastating blow on the hostile target within, with a 5% chance of triggering the effect of God's Embrace, restoring one's HP and mana to 100%, and a 1% chance of triggering the Holy Spirit effect, the specific effect is unknown

There are only four skills, but the attributes are very powerful. Even Ye Fusheng, who has experienced countless storms, was surprised when he saw the attributes.

"Hiss... so terrifying!"

"Summon, control + protection, healing + buff, and a passive skill to fight!"

"Isn't this profession a bit too ruthless?!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng murmured: "It's so terrifying! It's so terrifying!"

If it wasn't for the long cooling time of the skill, I'm afraid this class would really be invincible.


Qian Shanxue said in a deep voice: "Be careful, the skill is very strong, but the mana cost is high, and the cooldown is also high. However, if you are lucky, you can completely block the players from the other guilds outside the Black Demon Palace!"

"No, that's too much luck!"

Ye Fusheng shook his head and said: "The cooldown time is 10 minutes longer than the duration time. Once the passive is not triggered, if the cooldown is reduced or the effect is increased, the other guilds will still rush in!"

"Then what should be done?"

The daughters of Qianshanxue frowned.

"Block the three palace gates, leaving only one, and let me block it!"

Ye Fusheng's expression gradually became dignified: "Two or ten minutes is enough to attract everyone else. In this way, even if the careful skill fails, there is only one door, and I can block it!"

"Fengxian and Lingfeng are in the second echelon. If someone breaks through, they will make up for it!"

Ye Fusheng turned to look at the girls, and said in a deep voice: "If even they can't stop it, it's your turn to make a move!"

"Don't worry, unless I die, I won't let anyone go there!"

Xue Jiafeng patted his chest first, his face full of pride.

Although Lingfeng didn't speak, the dagger in her hand was shining brightly.

"Actually, wouldn't it be better to just sell the territory?"

Qian Shanxue said suddenly: "Three of the top ten guilds are here, and they will definitely be willing to pay a very high price for this second territory!"

"Sell it at this time, can they pay a high price?"

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "You underestimate them! Only by waking them up and letting them understand that I can't get the territory by myself, can I offer a high price!"

"Not bad!"

The non-sweet toffee said suddenly: "Brother president, if we sell the territory this time, what benefits will we gain?"


Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng suddenly smiled and said: "Everyone is from Jianghai and Yanjing City. If I sell the territory this time, how about I invite you to have a meal together? I just happened to meet in real life. If you are in a group, everyone will get along better."


"The president's little brother wants to treat us to dinner?"

"Great, I can finally see the president's little brother in real life!"

"I don't know if my little brother is so handsome in real life!"

Hearing this, all the girls screamed immediately, all of them were very excited, looking forward to meeting in reality.

Qing Qingru Shui even showed a smile, and finally had another chance to see Ye Fusheng.

After successfully changing the subject, Ye Fusheng didn't say much, opened his backpack, and checked the harvest this time.

He took out the token of the will of the undead and glanced at it, but a prompt popped up.


"System prompt: Do you want to activate the token of the will of the dead? Note: Once the token of the will of the dead is activated, the war will continue. If the player can save the token of the will of the dead for three hours, they can get the Black Demon Temple and become the territory of the player guild! "

"Damn, I still need to activate it!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng quickly chose to activate.

In an instant, the system bell resounded throughout the Huaxia Theater!

"China Theater Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Floating Life] for grabbing the Undead Will Token and successfully activating it. After three hours, if the Undead Will Token is still in [Floating Life], the Black Demon Palace will become its territory! The current [Floating Life] coordinates (1884, 0077)!"


The server announcements kept falling, and in an instant, the players in the entire Huaxia Theater were shocked.

"I'm stupid! Is it true or not?"

"There are only dozens of players in the Floating World Guild, and they actually killed tens of thousands of players in the Pavilion of Gods? And snatched the token of the will of the undead from the hands of Zilong in white?"

"Hiss... This master really has the demeanor of a certain toddler, so terrifying!"

"It's too strong! It is said that the God's Realm Guild, Demon Gate and other guilds are also in the Black Demon Palace. It is really admirable that he can get the token of the will of the undead before the others!"

For a while, the forum was full of posts about Ye Fusheng and the major guilds.

After a while, a player who joined the Pavilion of Gods suddenly uploaded a video, which was instantly enhanced and pinned to the top. When I opened it, it was a scene of Ye Fusheng leading all the girls to kill in the Black Demon Palace.

Including the duel between Zilong in white and Fengxian in blood armor!

Of course, there is no video of Ye Fusheng killing Bai Yizilong in seconds. At that time, the other players either died or ran away with Qing Shi Yunchang and the others. Where can they be recorded?

It can be regarded as saving a little face for Bai Yizilong.

As soon as the video came out, thousands of people knelt down!

The players who were still doubting Ye Fusheng expressed their admiration.

Previously, Zilong in Baiyi and Yunchang in Qingshan led 1000 people and slaughtered tens of thousands of players, which already shocked them, but what Ye Fusheng did now shocked them even more.

In the game, Ye Fusheng's address book kept ringing.

After seeing the system prompt, Bright Feather was the first to call, wanting to buy the territory.

Years Like Water, Killing the World, and Duan Yuhan hurriedly followed!

This is the second territory in the game, it's still a fifth-tier territory, it can save a lot of time, and it's a strategic existence that allows a guild to rise directly!
Even if they know that Ye Fusheng is not interested in money, they still have to try it!
Bright Feather is even more generous, knowing that there will be other people competing, and asking for a sky-high price!
"Brother Fusheng, as long as you are willing to sell the territory to me, I am willing to pay [-] million! Transfer the money to you on the spot!"

Bright Feather hurriedly said: "If you think the price is too low, you can still turn it up! If you have other requests, please mention them as soon as possible!"

It has to be said that Bright Feather was indeed ruthless, and Ye Fusheng was shocked by the price.

Although [-] million is nothing to him, Bright Feather's willingness to pay such a price for a territory is enough to show his determination.

If Ye Fusheng didn't have Fengyun Pavilion Guild under his command, maybe he would be really moved by him and sell the Black Demon Palace to him.

"No, I want this territory to be useful!"

Ye Fusheng's voice was calm, he directly rejected Bright Feather, and said calmly: "I advise you to give up this territory, it is not something you can get! At least, you can't afford the price!"


"Three hundred million Huaxia coins, won't you be tempted?"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's answer, Bright Feather's voice seemed lost.

[-] million Huaxia coins, Ye Fusheng still refused so decisively, let him understand that he really can't afford the price that can impress Ye Fusheng.

Even if his family is very rich and is a well-known domestic group, it is already a bit difficult to spend [-] million or [-] billion at a time.

He couldn't afford to raise the price any further.

"Huh...Brother Fusheng, God's Domain Guild is not owned by me after all, if you don't want to sell it, I'm afraid the president will order an attack!"


Speaking of this, Bright Feather paused again, in his heart he didn't want to turn against Ye Fusheng, but he had to listen to the Son of Eternity.

"For the sake of what you said, let me give you a piece of advice!"

Ye Fusheng was quite surprised by Bright Feather's attitude, and said in a deep voice, "If you don't want most players to be downgraded, then hurry up and leave!"

"The president is here, I have no right to call the shots...Brother Fusheng, I'm sorry!"

Bright Feather hung up the communication bitterly.

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help shaking his head slightly, if God's Realm really besieged them, then he would not show mercy.

This is the way the world is, where the weak prey on the strong!
After hanging up the communication of Bright Feather, the communication of other people came one after another.

Ye Fusheng did not refuse the communication, but clearly informed the other party that the territory would not be sold, and told them to retreat.

Under this kind of reminder, those who are still stubborn and want to besiege him will never be soft when they kill him!


As time passed, there was already a sound of hurried footsteps outside the Black Demon Palace.

All of a sudden, in the Black Devil Palace, the girls of Xiaoxiang Yeyu couldn't help but panic, and they leaned towards Ye Fusheng one after another, wishing they could hang directly on him.

Especially when it was as clear as water, she knew that Qian Shanxue was not Ye Fusheng's girlfriend, so she didn't have any scruples, she almost snatched Ye Fusheng's embrace from Xiaoxin!

Even so, Ye Xin's mouth puffed up, and her watery eyes stared as clear as water.

Only Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian were licking their lips, their hearts were full of fighting spirit and excited.

As the footsteps became louder, countless players rushed in through the four gates of the Black Demon Palace.

Hundreds of thousands of players surrounded Ye Fusheng and other [-] people in an orderly manner. Immediately afterwards, the leaders of the major guilds walked out together, looking at Ye Fusheng who looked calm and frowned slightly, feeling quite surprised in his heart.

They didn't understand why Ye Fusheng was so calm in the face of the siege of hundreds of thousands of players?

No matter how powerful Ye Fusheng's equipment is, it's impossible to kill all of them, tens of thousands of players, right?
"It are looking for death!"

Amidst the sigh, Ye Fusheng shook his head slightly, his expression gradually turned cold!

In an instant, the terrifying aura quietly descended!

(PS: The two-in-one chapter, because of the epidemic situation and Qingming Festival tomorrow, I have to go back, I am busy going out during the day, and I will go back to my hometown tomorrow during the day, and I will update it when I come back at night!!! The update may be late, but every day There will be updates, please recommend tickets!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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