Chapter 206
"It seems..."

"You all want to die!"

The cold voice fell, Ye Fusheng hugged Ye Xin, with an indifferent expression, stepped out with one step, and protected the Qianshanxue girls behind him.

Blood Armor Feng first followed Ye Fusheng out, half a body behind, but he broke out with a strong fighting spirit and glared at everyone.

It seems that the shock from the last canyon battle has not dissipated. Seeing Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian appear together, even though Eternal Son, Slaughter Tianxia, ​​and Duan Yuhan are all high-level guild leaders, they have seen countless big scenes , couldn't help but staggered and took a step back.


Taking a deep breath, the Son of Eternity said in a deep voice: "Floating Life, You are very strong, but you are too few! You can't get this territory! Sell it to us! You are a friend of Guangming, I really don't want to hit you guys."

After the words fell, Bright Feather looked at Ye Fusheng with eyes full of hope.

"Interesting, if you really treat me as a friend, get out of here!"

Ye Fusheng said disdainfully: "I'll give you one last piece of advice, either leave here or die here! No matter how much nonsense you talk, don't blame me...You're welcome!"

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of Eternal Son, Slaughtering the World, and Duan Yuhan twitched unceasingly, and there was already anger in their hearts.

I think they are also the presidents of the top ten guilds, and they are respected by other players. How have they ever suffered from such uselessness?

Hundreds of thousands of troops are pressing down on the border, and you let them leave so arrogantly, how can you bear it?


Duan Yuhan laughed and said: "I was polite to you just now because of your reputation! Yes, you are amazing, but in such a small space, the perfect combination of various professions, I don't believe it, you can turn the world upside down!"

After all, Son of Eternity, Slaughtering the World, and Years Past looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and nodded slightly.

Although they didn't want to turn against Ye Fusheng, they couldn't resist the temptation of the fifth-order territory!

"Huh...then...wait and see!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and before Duan Yuhan and the others could make a move, Ye Fusheng patted Ye Xin, signaling her to release her skills.


The next moment, bright colorful brilliance bloomed, gathered in Ye Xin's body, and immediately swept out and spread out.

A terrifying force erupted, and before the Eternal Son and Duan Yuhan could make a move, they were already sent flying by that violent force.

Just for a moment, when Ye Fusheng and the others came back to their senses, there were only more than 30 of them left in the entire Black Demon Palace!

"Wow... Be careful, this skill is too buggy, right?"

"That crowds them all out?"

It was the first time that the girls of Qingqing Rushui and Xiaoxiang Yeyu saw the effect of Ye Xin's skills, and they were all stunned.

Only Qian Shanxue often took Ye Xin to practice leveling, knowing her strength, she was not surprised.

"Tsk tsk, very strong!"

Rubbing Ye Xin's little head, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Be careful, block the gates of the three halls and only leave the entrance of the East Hall. Today I will kill them to the point of fear!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Ye Fusheng put Ye Xin down and handed it to Qian Shanxue, and immediately took the blood armor and walked towards the entrance of the East Hall.

A big battle is about to be triggered!

At the same time, outside the Black Devil Palace, when many players were sent hundreds of yards away, everyone was stunned.

Looking at the empty space around, countless players, including those high-ranking players like Son of Eternity and Duan Yuhan, all looked bewildered.

who am I? where am I?
How the hell did I come out of the Black Demon Palace? !
"Hiss... what kind of skill is that?"

"How could it be possible to shake out hundreds of thousands of players at once?"

Countless high-level players were terrified, and couldn't help but feel depressed. If the cooldown time of this skill is very short, wouldn't they have no way to snatch the token of the will of the undead, and would it be a waste of time?
"This skill is similar to the mage's resistance halo! It's just that the effect and range are much larger!"

"Yes, that's right, I said why is it so familiar, it turns out to be the halo of resistance!"

"It's a skill! It must be a skill, check the attributes!"

Bright Feather is a senior mage after all, so he hastily shouted.

In this way, someone immediately turned to the skill prompt and shouted: "It's the skill from Ye Xin, it's called God's ban!"

"What a perverted skill! The cooling time will definitely not be short!"

The Son of Eternity waved his hand: "Go up, go up again, anyway, this skill can't hurt us! I don't believe it, she can't release it forever!"

This mirror-like scene appeared between the four major guilds at the same time.

The next moment, they all chose to rush forward again.

However, except for the entrance of the East Hall, in the other three directions, when they rushed to the entrance, they suddenly found that a seven-colored light shield blocked the entrance.

Frowning slightly, when many players attacked and attacked the colorful light shield under Gaowan's command, thunder burst out, and dozens of thunderbolts fell, instantly blasting all the players within 10 yards of the colorful light shield into fly ash.

Hundreds of players die instantly!
There is only one place of equipment left...


"They must have used some props to seal the palace gate!"

"Go, go to the next palace gate!"

Many high-level people are not stupid, it is impossible to let their brothers die in vain, so they quickly changed directions.

East Hall, entrance.

When many players from the Devil's Gate came, they saw Ye Fusheng standing at the entrance with a stern look on his face.

Not far behind Ye Fusheng, there are Xuejia Fengxian and Lingfeng.

This made many players stop abruptly, looking at Ye Fusheng in blank dismay, not daring to step forward.

"The Templars and the Guardians stepped forward, all with sacrificial BUFFs! The sharpshooters and mages cover the blows in the rear!"

Duan Yuhan's face was grim: "I don't believe it, they can still withstand the damage of tens of thousands of players!"

"Lengfeng, you lead someone to rush up!"

Following an order, a well-equipped player raised his long sword, waved his arms, and rushed forward with thousands of templars and guardians.

Behind them, countless priests dropped skills one by one, applying BUFF to them.

boom boom-

Led by Leng Feng, the army of templar knights surged forward like a torrent of steel, rushing towards Ye Fusheng.

Not only that, countless sharpshooters and mages filled their positions, and their long-range skills were released like death.

call out!call out!call out!
The rain of arrows mixed with various elemental spells crashed down, bombarding Ye Fusheng's body, bringing countless pitiful white damage figures.

Almost no player can cause more than 100 damage to Ye Fusheng!
However, if there are too many ants, it can also kill an elephant.

Tens of thousands of players attacked, and Ye Fusheng's blood bar still dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng didn't give those players the slightest chance, not even a hope!

The silver-white radiance sprinkled, the source of life skill was released, and Ye Fusheng's blood bar recovered straight away.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fusheng activated special skills such as unyielding will and firm as a rock. When many arrow rains and magic attacks fell on him again, they could only bring out no more than double-digit damage.

"I rely on..."

"What kind of skill is that? Why is it completely harmless to hit him?!"

"Hiss... more than 10% of his blood has returned at one time, how can he fight?"

Seeing that Ye Fusheng's blood bar was full, the mages and sharpshooters who were still releasing their skills in the rear were stunned.

However, without Duan Yuhan's order, they didn't dare to retreat, so they had to continuously release their skills, causing scratching damage to Ye Fusheng.

In the Black Demon Palace, the girls were still a little worried. After all, this time, what Ye Fusheng was going to face was the siege of several big guilds. Now seeing this scene, he felt much more relaxed, so he just chatted in the back, what? Aunts, underwear, etc. are not shy, and the few male players in the guild blushed.


At the same time, outside the East Hall, the cold wind finally charged up with thousands of templar knights and guardians, their expressions turned fierce, staring at Floating Life Thousand Thousands.

"Brothers, even if he dies, we will force him back!"

"As long as we can kill Fusheng Qianqian and occupy the Black Demon Palace, our Demon Sect can rise and create greater glory!"


With a roar of Leng Feng, he actually gave up all his skills, and just slashed at Ye Fusheng with a sword without fancy, his eyes were full of death.

In fact, Leng Feng knew that with this wave of their offensive alone, he would never be able to force Ye Fusheng back, so he gave up everything and planned to use his own death in exchange for the fierce fighting spirit of many players in the Demon Sect.

Once the fighting spirit is glowing, tens of thousands of players attack together, why not kill a player?
In the final analysis, the temptation of the fifth-order territory is too great!


With a soft sound, when the cold wind rushed forward, Ye Fusheng, who had not yet disappeared the effect of the killing feast, hit the cold wind with a blow of up to 17 damage, instantly killing the cold wind.


"For the Demon Gate!"

"For the magic door, go!"

But, as Leng Feng expected, even if he died, his fighting spirit would have been stimulated.

The following Templars and guardians charged up again without any hesitation, released their shield wall skills, and even put away their weapons, leaving only their shields behind, wanting to hold Ye Fusheng back.

As long as Ye Fusheng's offensive stops for a while and most of the players get close to him, then his attack will be hindered, and the rest of the players will hopefully occupy the Black Demon Palace.

After that, kill the other players and besiege Ye Fusheng.

Not only them, in the distance, Duan Yuhan was already commanding the second and third waves to attack.

The ground trembled, and in other directions, players from the three major guilds of God's Domain, Time Like Water, and Hidden Killing League arrived. With a glance, they saw Ye Fusheng standing alone in front of the hall, stopping thousands of templar knights.


Riding the angry flame horse, Ye Fusheng brandished his two swords, bringing out the icy sword energy, and beheaded all the templar knights.

Under the high-volume attack of the killing feast, no player can block his sword, and no matter how many players rush forward at the same time, they cannot get within 10 yards of him.

What's more, when some players approached him within 15 yards, the Raging Flame Demon Horse already spewed out a burst of flames, melting them suddenly!

With one man, one horse and two swords, Ye Fusheng blocked tens of thousands of players like a god in the world!
(PS: Today's first update, there will be updates in the future!

In addition, deep condolences to the martyrs and deceased compatriots who died in the fight against the epidemic!I also wish all readers good health! )

(End of this chapter)

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