Invincible in one touch

Chapter 207 What Are You Afraid Of My Floating Life?

Chapter 207 What do I have to fear?

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the passive skill Killing Feast, the attack power is increased by 1%!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the passive skill Killing Feast, the attack power is increased by 1%!"


As time went by, the special effect ended, and the rain of arrows and magic attack caused damage to Ye Fusheng again, and the blood value immediately dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"Before hitting him, he didn't take any damage because of the skill effect, but now his skills are gone, attack like crazy!"

Duan Yuhan's eyes lit up, and he roared, countless players became excited. After playing for so long, they finally see hope!
However, before they released their skills again, Ye Fusheng was already brandishing his two swords, bursting out several sword qi, killing some templar knights in seconds, and at the same time, emerald green rays of light continuously jumped out of his body.



The blood-sucking effect was triggered, and Ye Fusheng's blood bar returned to full value again.

For a time, many players could not help but despair.

After finally losing the skill damage reduction, how the hell can you still suck blood?

Is this still a joke?

"No! You can't fight with him, his blood-sucking effect is too strong!"

"The most important thing is, why can he have such a high attack power? How can he deal more than 20 damage with a single sword?"

The corner of Duan Yuhan's mouth twitched, feeling rather shocked.

He couldn't believe the damage of more than [-] yuan and [-] yuan at every turn.

However, the official has already given an explanation that Floating Life's skills and equipment sources are all normal, and there are no bugs at all. They can't believe it, but they have to believe it!

"Mad...all the Templars back off, don't give him a chance to suck blood!"

"The sharpshooter and mage are in place, attacking non-stop, I don't believe it, he can really resist the attacks of tens of thousands of long-range players!"

Gritting his teeth sharply, Duan Yuhan quickly ordered all the Templars to retreat, only relying on mages and sharpshooters to continuously release their skills to cause damage to Ye Fusheng.

Sure enough, without blood-sucking, even if Ye Fusheng had the source of life skill, his qi and blood value was slowly decreasing.

Seeing this scene, those mages and shooters couldn't help but burst into tears with excitement. It was not easy, and finally they were able to cause damage to Floating Life.

"Have the opportunity!"

"Hiss... don't save me the potion money, everyone will attack with all their strength! This battle is over, and everyone will be rewarded with [-] gold potion money!"

Duan Yuhan also waved his arms excitedly, adding fire to the other players again.

Not far away, Son of Eternity, Slaughtering the World, and Years Past nodded slightly: "It seems that Floating Life, no matter how strong he is, is just a player after all. He can't handle so many mages and sharpshooters attacking together!"

"We must get rid of him as soon as possible. Since the doors of the other three halls are closed, let's fight together and kill him! Once the three hours have passed, the battlefield will automatically end, and the Black Demon Hall will be his!"

Looking at each other, the three forces made a decision and immediately rushed forward with their hands.

"What are you going to do?"

Duan Yuhan frowned slightly, and hurriedly greeted her.

"Hahaha, Brother Duan, Floating Life is No.1 in the world after all, equipment and skills emerge in endlessly, let's attack together and kill him first, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

"As for the ownership of the final territory, we will compete again at that time!"

After the Son of Eternity's voice fell, Duan Yuhan hesitated for a moment, then retreated immediately.

They all understand that the sooner Ye Fusheng is dealt with, the greater their chances of winning.

Soon, marksmen from all major guilds and mages from various departments were all in place, and they were distributed layer by layer, tightly surrounding the Black Demon Palace.


The rain of flames and stars, the continuous blows of the wind, the arrows of frost feathers, and the explosion of falling rocks, mixed with overwhelming flying arrows, continuously fell on Ye Fusheng's body.

Almost every second, it can cause [-] to [-] damage!
Ye Fusheng's blood bar keeps dropping, but, the four major guilds have a lot of people, so is there no one in the Floating World Guild?

Qingqing Rushui and several other priests stepped forward, continuously releasing healing techniques and various buffs, keeping Ye Fusheng's Qi and blood above 70%.

In addition, the cooldown of the source of life is quite short, and every time it is released, it can return the blood to about 85%!

"Made? How could this happen?!"

"Why do the priests of the Floating World Guild have so much milk?"

The flame of hope that was finally obtained was extinguished in an instant, and Duan Yuhan and the Son of Eternity couldn't help but froze in place.


"There are priests of advanced hidden professions in the Floating World Guild! Only hidden professions can have the percentage blood increase skills!"

Bright Feather smiled bitterly: "How do I feel, if we continue to fight, we have no chance of winning at all!"

"Three hours... Only three hours, it is absolutely impossible to kill him and get the token of the will of the undead!"

"Okay, light!"

The Son of Eternity said in a low voice: "Don't make other people's prestige, destroy our own morale!"

"I'm telling the truth."

Bright Feather pointed at Ye Fusheng, and said in a deep voice: "Look, Fusheng Wanqian's qi and blood value has been kept above 70%, once it drops to about 65%, the priest of the advanced hidden profession will immediately release his skills and recover To about 90%! At other times, the rest of the priests will recover to keep the skills cool down!"

"Don't say three hours, if you keep grinding like this, even 12 hours or 24 hours, you can't kill him! If you want to kill him, there is only one way, instant kill! Otherwise, I'm afraid his various skills and equipment will be effective. Can kill us!"

"But now, in the game, who can instantly kill him? I'm afraid the top ten people in the world rankings combined can't pose much threat to him!"

Hearing Bright Feather's words, many senior officials of the four major guilds couldn't help but fell silent.

"What if we send more shadow thorns to poison him and seriously injure him?"

"Toxic poisoning continues to consume his qi and blood, and his serious injury prevents him from recovering blood! Can you kill him?"

After killing the world, a girl suddenly made a proposal.

"Huh... An Du Ziming even let him instantly kill him. How many shadow thorns do you think can escape his sight? What's more, the gap between us and him in combat power is too big. According to the official setting, when the gap in combat power is full one At the next level, the chance of triggering the skill effect is less than 5%, as long as the effect is not triggered once, he can kill you all!"

"The qi and blood that was lost before will also be replenished through blood sucking! Everything is useless!"

Before Bright Feather could open his mouth, Slaughtering the World sighed: "His equipment surpasses ours too much, the difference in combat power is too great, his attributes are weakened, and his effects are also weakened. There is really no way to kill him!"

"Unless, you can get some treasures that restrict human attributes..."

Hearing the words of Bright Feather and Slaughtering the World, Duan Yuhan and Eternal Son couldn't help but hesitate.

God's Domain and Demon's Gate are outstanding among the top ten guilds, and have never conceded defeat in various activities, even the Holy Dragon Guild dares to be tough.

So, this time, they also don't want to back off without results.

However, they also understood that it would be a waste of time to continue fighting.

Rather than wasting another two hours and giving up so much effort, it is better to give up as soon as possible, spend time on the right path, and make up for some losses.

With the continuous decline of recovery skills, Ye Fusheng sat down cross-legged, despite the decline and recovery of his blood value, he didn't pay attention to the tens of thousands of players who besieged him.

If it wasn't for defending the Black Demon Palace, Ye Fusheng might have ridden the angry flame horse and rushed directly into the crowd to start killing.

boom boom-

Just as Duan Yuhan and the Son of Eternity were hesitating and struggling, another roar sounded, and the ground trembled.


Everyone was amazed, turned around to look, and saw hundreds of thousands of players rushing in from afar.

Obviously, after the previous one or two hours of fierce fighting, the players from the other secondary main cities have also arrived!
This made Duan Yuhan, Son of Eternity, and Slaughtering the World suddenly look serious.

At this time, if they leave again, they will be laughed to death by other guilds!
Could it be that, for the sake of saving face, you really want to fight to the death here?
Da da da--

The sound of footsteps kept ringing, and the guilds from the main cities, led by the president, came to the vicinity of the God's Domain and the Demon Sect.

With a glance, they saw the scene where countless mages and shooters attacked Ye Fusheng, they could not help but raise their brows slightly, quite surprised in their hearts.

Surprised by the powerful strength of Floating Life!

They have never been in contact with Ye Fusheng, although there are videos on the forum, but in their hearts, Ye Fusheng will not be too strong.

However, looking at it now, it seems that they underestimated Ye Fusheng before!
However, the surprise in their hearts was the surprise, and they were even more refreshed to see God's Domain and Demon Gate deflated.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that Tangtang God's Domain and the Demon Sect Guild would join forces to deal with a player?"

A Templar knight with a shield came out, and looked at the Eternal Son and Duan Yuhan with a slight sarcasm.

The Son of the Dragon didn't even try to hide it: "What's even more pitiful is that you two guilds are working together, and people from the other guilds are cooperating, yet you still can't kill him!"

"Since when did you guys become so useless? Is this still the top ten guilds?"

"Hey, you really embarrass our top ten guilds!"

Sneers kept ringing out, and one player after another came out, all players above level 35, well equipped.

For a moment, he backed away a few steps, his eyes kept rolling, and he was looking forward to what would happen when all the presidents of the top ten guilds met together.

That's right, those who arrived first were all members of the top ten guilds!

Today, the top ten guilds of Shenglong, Shenyu, Momen, Fengyun Pavilion, Hidden Killing League, Tiangong, Legend of Paladins, Tingyuxuan, Zhizun Mansion, and Jiange have all arrived.

Except for the guild leaders from Ting Yuxuan, Tiangong, and Jiange who did not come, the rest of the guilds are led by their guild leaders. It can be said that all those gathered here are elite players with less than [-] members on!

The Son of Eternity suddenly smiled and said, "I remember that before, under the protection of the entire guild, a certain person was killed by Fusheng Qianqian, and even his weapon was blown out! That... seems to be more embarrassing than this!"

After the words fell, the son of the dragon's face was gloomy, and the eyes looking at the son of eternity were suddenly filled with murderous intent.

"Chen Zhengdao, if you want to die, I don't mind sending you to hell!"

Dragon Son's voice was cold.

"Interesting, do you still want to involve things in the game in reality?"

The Eternal Son was not afraid at all. He glanced at the Dragon Son and said with a smile, "Are you trying to break the rules?"


The son of the dragon was in a hurry, and was just about to speak harshly, but he was pulled down by the mackerel fish.

It has to be said that the last time Ye Fusheng killed Dragon's Son, he really dug a hole for him.

"As for you saying that we are ashamed..."

Seeing that the son of the dragon stopped talking, the son of eternity did not take advantage of the victory to pursue. Instead, he glanced at the top ten guilds and said with a smile: "If you have confidence, you can go up and try it yourself! My God's Domain can give up the opportunity to attack, if you can Take down the Black Demon Palace, this time the territorial dispute, I will withdraw immediately!"

"I don't know, how dare you?!"


Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly, but before they could reply, a word suddenly came from the entrance of the East Hall!


"Why give up, why come one by one?"

Ye Fusheng laughed loudly: "Even if the top ten guilds attack together, why should I be afraid of Fusheng Qianqian?!"

(PS: The second update today, 7000 words has been updated, people are still outside, now I am busy, I will continue to write when I get home at night!!! Please recommend tickets!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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