Invincible in one touch

Chapter 208 Retreat

Chapter 208 Retreat
"Even if the top ten guilds attack together, what fear do I have in my life?!"

The laughter suddenly fell, and in an instant, the faces of the top ten guild leaders all changed, they were all full of anger, and there seemed to be fire in their eyes, staring at Ye Fusheng.

Only Bright Feather smiled wryly, he didn't understand why Ye Fusheng insisted on provoking all the players.

Even if there is a hidden priest behind him to add blood to him, but this time, all the top ten guilds have come. If they cooperate together and gather the most elite mages together, they will not be able to consume him to death!
"Too crazy!"

The son of the dragon was already full of resentment towards Ye Fusheng, and immediately raised his voice: "Everyone, since some people look down on us, then we might as well work together to destroy this crazy guy!"

"it is good!"

"I've heard that Floating Life Wanqian is extremely arrogant, but seeing it today, it's really true!"

"Since you dare to provoke our top ten guilds, let him understand that one person is not an opponent of a guild after all!"

Those guilds that had never been in contact with Ye Fusheng all sneered and agreed to the Dragon Son's request.


"Although I am also very angry, but earlier you all said that God's Domain was ashamed, so you can try it yourself!"

The Son of Eternity rolled his eyes, stepped aside suddenly, and said with a smile: "My God's Domain, I won't make do with you guys!"

"That's right, say we're ashamed, go and try it yourself!"

Duan Yuhan also sneered.

The top ten guilds are not monolithic, all kinds of intrigues, Eternal Son and Duan Yuhan are not good enemies, after being insulted, how can they fight with them?
"Ho ho ho..."

"It's just a player, do you think we need you two useless guilds to take action?"

Son of the Dragon sneered and said, "The rest of the brothers, since God's Domain and Demon Sect voluntarily gave up the guild and the territory, then we won't bring them to play together! By the way, let them see if they are trash!"

"It's just a player, I don't believe it, he can still block the pace of our hundreds of thousands of troops!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of Dragon Son looking at Ye Fusheng were full of anger.

He still remembers the scene where Ye Fusheng killed him, sold his equipment, and made him lose face!

If he hadn't known that Ye Fusheng was not his opponent in a one-on-one match, he probably couldn't help but rushed forward.

"Yes, let's go together!"

"The forum has always said how powerful Floating Life is. Today, if I can kill him once, I can also get a little limelight!"

Hearing this, the top ten guilds have all made up their minds to unite temporarily and destroy Ye Fusheng first!
"Several, you go up and fight, I will guard here, lest the two guilds of God's Domain and Demon's Gate will kick their butts in the back!"

Suddenly, Fengyun turned around and looked at the Son of Eternity and Duan Yuhan.

"What did you say?"


Duan Yuhan said angrily: "My Demon Sect never engages in sneak attacks!"

"'s related to the fifth-order territory, so we must guard against it!"

Tianxia Fengyun's expression was calm. Hearing the words, everyone in Dragon's Son looked at each other, nodded slightly, and agreed.

They were also worried that God's Domain would team up with Demon Gate and suddenly attack from behind when they attacked the Black Demon Palace.

They can despise Ye Fusheng verbally, but they understand that if they dare not pay attention to Ye Fusheng in a real battle, they will definitely lose in a mess!
Can you always occupy the first place in the world rankings, will you have no strength?

Therefore, this attack on the Black Demon Palace must ensure the safety of the rear!

In case this is a play jointly performed by Ye Fusheng, Shenyu, and Momen, just to trick them, it will be much safer if someone guards them.

At this point in thought, everyone couldn't help sighing, the world thinks too much.

They didn't know that the purpose of Fengyun Tianxia was not to prevent the sneak attack of God's Domain and Demon Sect, but to protect Ye Fusheng.

Once Ye Fusheng was in danger, he would immediately send people to attack and kick those guilds' butts, so as to give Ye Fusheng a chance to fight back.

If Ye Fusheng is strong enough to defeat those guilds, then he can also end it, or sell them a favor.

In fact, if Ye Fusheng hadn't asked him to conceal his identity, and wanted to mix with other people, and inquire about the news in the future, he would have turned against Long Zhizi and others directly.


Duan Yuhan's face was gloomy, and he was about to speak, but was stopped by the Son of Eternity, and said in a deep voice: "Since Brother Tianxia wants to guard here, then guard it!"

"I'm afraid that the other seven great guilds will join forces, and they won't be able to deal with a floating life!"

Saying that, the Eternal Son and the others sneered, which made the Dragon Sons all the more angry.

"A mere Floating Life, our seven guilds are enough to destroy him!"

"Mackerel, you command!"

The Son of Dragon waved his hand, letting the mackerel beside him command the battlefield.

"Hey, I said, are you still fighting?"

Suddenly, Ye Fusheng's voice came out again: "It's been an hour, if you don't fight, this territory will be mine!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, the expressions of the members of the seven major guilds changed drastically. They stopped moaning, and mackerel didn't bother to complain about the son of the dragon. The sharpshooter struck from a long distance, covering Ye Fusheng's surroundings, making it impossible for him to dodge.

Of course, Ye Fusheng would not dodge either.

Afterwards, Mackerel ordered the Shadow Assassin player to find the entrances of the other three palace gates.

Realizing this, Son of Eternity, Duan Yuhan, and Bright Feather all smiled strangely, but they didn't say much.

The other three palace gates have forbidden news, so they will not take the initiative to break out, otherwise, how can we see the seven great guilds being deflated?

The deafening shouts of killing sounded, and tens of thousands of elite fighters and Templars rushed forward. The leaders almost all reached level 35, and the shields in their hands shone with golden light!

That's all gold equipment!

"Shield Wall!"

With an order, every Templar knight summoned the shield wall skill, condensing the brilliance, protecting them and the fighters beside them, like a moat, blocking between Ye Fusheng and those players.

At the same time, under the defense of the shield wall, the templar knights and soldiers accelerated, but within a minute, they rushed within 1 yards of Ye Fusheng!
"This guy, why hasn't he made a move yet?"

"Could it be that you were scared stupid?"

In the distance, those high-level guild leaders who had never dealt with Ye Fusheng could not help laughing mockingly when they saw Ye Fusheng remained motionless.

But, almost at the moment when his laughter fell, Ye Fu came alive!
Swinging the two-handed sword, in an instant, fiery red and silver white sword energy burst out one after another, continuously slashing out.


Only the sound of sharp piercing through the air could be heard continuously, and even though those players had shield walls to resist, there were still nearly 20 damage figures floating above their heads.

The blood-red number stunned the Dragon Son, Mackerel, Legend of the Paladin and others.

"My grass!"

"20 damage???! How did this guy do it?"


"A week ago, his damage was only a few thousand points, ten thousand points! How could he improve so much?"

The expressions of the Dragon Sons and the others changed drastically, and they quickly turned to look at the Eternal Sons and Duan Yuhan.

After seeing their calm expressions, I realized that it wasn't their blind eyes!
"Hiss...more than 20 damage, what's the point? Only long-range strikes!"

It has to be said that Mackerel is indeed smarter than the Sons of Eternity.

The moment he saw the high damage, Mackerel hurriedly directed many melee players to retreat, so as not to cause meaningless casualties.


call out!call out!call out!
At this time, the attacks from mages and sharpshooters had already arrived.

Fiery flames mixed with sharp feathered arrows continuously bombarded Ye Fusheng's body, causing considerable damage to him.

However, Ye Fusheng has the proud milk volume that is as clear as water, as well as the source of life and the special ability to reduce damage. He is not afraid at all, he yawned, and even closed his eyes, as if he fell asleep sitting on the angry flame demon horse.

This scene made countless players furious. They all gritted their teeth and felt the anger of being despised!
Is there any mistake, we have hundreds of thousands of mages and shooters attacking you together, it's fine if you don't resist, how dare you sleep?
Really think we can't kill you? !

Under the extreme anger, more than [-] mages and sharpshooters were desperate to die. As soon as the skill cooling was over, they frantically threw their skills and attacked Ye Fusheng.

They were originally elite players with good damage output, and they could also cause a little damage to Ye Fusheng. In addition, tens of thousands of attacks fell at the same time.

However, Qingqing Rushui had too much milk, combined with the source of life, it actually stabilized Ye Fusheng's qi and blood at around 50%!

It's a good thing that the mackerel fish didn't let the melee players rush forward, otherwise, Ye Fu's blood value could be maintained above 90%!


Overwhelming attacks continued one after another, but as time went by, even though many players were tired of throwing skills, Ye Fusheng's blood value remained stable at around 50%!

For a time, many players could not help but despair.

The son of the dragon and the legend of the paladin were even more gloomy and ugly.

They had taunted God's Domain and Demon Sect for a long time just now, but they didn't expect that after all the elite mages and sharpshooters gathered in their seven guilds, they still couldn't pose a threat to Ye Fusheng, and couldn't pass him by!

In other words, what their seven major guilds can do is the same as the guilds of God's Domain, Demon Gate, and Homecoming!
Spread the word, it's too embarrassing!

"Mackerel, how did you command?"

After a long time, Dragon Son gritted his teeth and glared at the mackerel, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you let the melee players also charge up? Attack him together, I don't believe that he can withstand so much damage!"


Mackerel shook his head and said: "Don't forget, Floating Life has a blood-sucking effect. Once the melee players are brought forward, it's not a big deal for him to massacre the players. I'm afraid the blood value will be full soon! There is no way to grind him to death !"

"Now relying only on mages and sharpshooters to attack, it still consumes his energy and blood! As long as the mana of the priests who have been adding blood to him in the Black Demon Palace is exhausted, then Floating Life will not be able to maintain his energy and blood!"

As he said that, the mackerel fish stared at the gate of the palace with blazing eyes, trying to see how many priests there were in the Black Demon Palace.

"Phew, I have already sent Shadow Thorn to find the entrances of the other three temple gates. If they can hide in, they will assassinate all the priests! There is still more than an hour, and they will definitely grind to death!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Mackerel clenched his fists.

Ever since Ye Fusheng killed the Son of Dragon in front of her last time and was able to leave safely, it aroused the arrogance in her heart.

It was the first time that someone could ignore her command, and it was like entering a no-man's land in the battle formation!
This time, if Ye Fusheng could not be besieged and killed, it would be a blow to her even more.

Are you kidding, there are already seven major guilds, tens of thousands of people have besieged one of him, if they can't kill him, in the future, if they meet Ye Fusheng again, they will definitely not do it again.

Otherwise, it will only be them who suffer!
"Beep beep-"

The sudden sound of the communication woke the mackerel up, and he quickly connected the communication, but the sound made her stunned in place.

"Commander, there are lightning barriers at the other three entrances. We just approached, and everyone was killed and returned to the city! There is no way to enter again!"


The corner of his mouth twitched, Mackerel closed the address book, with a solemn expression, he couldn't help but look up at Ye Fusheng.

But it can be seen that Ye Fusheng's expression is calm, he has endured countless attacks, and still maintains a healthy blood.


Laughing violently, the mackerel looked weird.

Hearing laughter suddenly, the Dragon Sons and the others couldn't help looking at the mackerel curiously, and asked eagerly, "How is it? Is there a turning point?"

"Yes, there is a turning point!"

Mackerel showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and said in a low voice: "As long as the priests of the Floating World Guild have enough mana points, we will not be able to kill the Floating Life Thousands! Judging by his expression, it seems that before the end of the three hours, We can't do that!"

"What's the meaning?!"

Frowning tightly, Dragon Son breathed heavily, staring at the mackerel.

"I mean, we lost, the best choice is to abandon the Black Demon Palace as soon as possible, go back to each other, level up, and improve your strength!"

Mackerel's voice was calm: "If you spend any more time here, it's just a waste of time, and it will even make everyone down!"

"You mean, you have to retreat?"

Hearing Mackerel's words, the complexions of Tiangong, Tingyuxuan, Jiange and other guild leaders changed slightly, and they already had the intention of shrinking back.

They themselves have no hatred with Fusheng Wanqian, since they have no chance of victory, they might as well leave cleanly.

The only thing that shocked them was the strength of Floating Life!
They never expected that Floating Life is so strong that they can bear the damage of hundreds of thousands of players, and they can also keep their blood and vitality healthy!
If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that someone could do it!

"Our seven great guilds fight together. If we retreat undefeated, what will others think of me?"

However, the son of the dragon's eyes were red: "Today, even if all the players are dead, it will consume that bastard Floating Life!"

"Impossible... Melee players will give Floating Life a chance to recover!"

Mackerel shook his head slightly: "Unless we can get more of the special scrolls we got before, force blood loss, or reduce his defense, it is possible to kill him! Now, we have nothing, no matter how many people we have, Under the suppression of combat strength and equipment, there is no way to kill him!"

Hearing Mackerel's words, the senior leaders of the other six major guilds nodded slightly, approving in their hearts.

How stupid can you be to lead a guild?
They naturally know how to choose, and understand that losing face and weakening the strength of the guild are nothing compared to each other.

Ever since, everyone turned their attention to the son of the dragon.

Being watched by dozens of people, Dragon Son also felt the pressure, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The rest of the people are not weak in status, and he alone cannot represent everything.

Taking a deep breath, the son of the dragon snorted coldly under pressure: "Forget it, since you said to retreat, then retreat! But, what kind of reason should we find? I just laughed at God's Domain and Demon Gate, don't let They laughed back!"

"If you are laughed at, you will be laughed at. Anyway, there is nothing to lose!"

Mackerel didn't care, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Besides, why are you retreating?"

"Not retreating?!"

"Then what did you mean just now..."

In an instant, the Legend of the Son of the Dragon and the Paladin were extremely surprised and looked at the mackerel in amazement.

They are very curious, mackerel, what is the plan? !

(PS: Two-in-one big chapter, ah, I drank too much yesterday, and I haven’t recovered from it today. Until now, my hands are still floating... Keke, 4 people, drank 7 bottles of liquor, it’s too strong! Make it up tomorrow!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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