Invincible in one touch

Chapter 210 Divine Clothes, Heaven-Defying Attributes!

Chapter 210 Divine Clothes, Heaven-Defying Attributes!
"The price of 66 billion..."


"Is this the world of the rich? 66 billion, I can't make that much money in a few lifetimes, and they threw it out for a territory?!"

Watching hundreds of thousands of players, they all froze in place, filled with horror.

In the Black Demon Palace, except for Qian Shanxue, all the girls were extremely excited, their faces flushed with excitement, and those who didn't know thought they were doing something unhealthy just now.

Ye Fusheng was very indifferent, after all he knew that this was just a play he played with the world.

Tianxia Fengyun is his subordinate, and he only used this method to obtain the territory to hide his identity. He can't really ask for money, right?

Transfer the money to yourself?

The handling fee will be cheated a lot!
"Okay, you come up alone!"

Ye Fusheng's voice was calm: "Transfer the money to me, and I will give you the token of the will of the undead, and then protect you and stay in the Black Demon Palace for three hours!"

"it is good!"

Fengyun Tianxia waved his hand, asked many players behind him to guard him, and went forward alone, walking towards Ye Fusheng.

The faces of the rest of the guild members changed slightly, just as they were about to make a move, Ye Fusheng's eyes fell on him, full of murderous intent.

Trembling all over, recalling Ye Fusheng's terrifying strength before, those players swallowed their saliva one after another, trying to get rid of their thoughts.

If Ye Fusheng is upset, and they get into trouble with them again, and Fengyun Pavilion is waiting behind them, there will really be a big problem!

[This damn world is going on!No wonder he didn't do anything at first, and withdrew his hands behind us. He must have wanted to buy this territory a long time ago! 】

[This bastard, he must pay the price next time! 】

Although he gave up his thoughts, seeing the situation in the world gradually approaching Ye Fusheng, everyone in the Dragon's Son was filled with resentment.

Mackerel frowned slightly, for some reason, she always felt that this incident was too weird, and there were even many coincidences.

But, I can't see any flaws.

Seeing Ye Fusheng chatting with Fengyun Tianxia for a few words, then a system bell suddenly came down!


"China Theater Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Under Heaven] for grabbing the Undead Will Token and successfully activating it. After three hours, if the Undead Will Token is still in the hands of [Under Heaven], the Black Demon Palace will become its territory! Currently【 The coordinates of Fengyun in the World] are (1851, 0071)!"


"Grass, Fusheng Wanqian actually fulfilled his promise!"

"I thought he would kill Tianxia Fengyun and hack the 66 billion Huaxia coins!"

"Hey... After all, he has a territory. This territory is not important to him. It is not a loss to get 66 billion!"

"The world is really rich..."

Seeing the system prompt, many guild executives were amazed. As for the ordinary players, they were already overwhelmed by the shock and didn't care about it at all.

After getting the token of the will of the undead, Tianxia Fengyun didn't say a word, and went directly to the Black Demon Palace, and stayed alone, waiting for three hours to pass.

Ye Fusheng raised his two swords, rode on the angry flame horse, stared at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, if you don't want to die in vain, you'd better leave quickly!"

Hearing this, many guild executives couldn't help but fell silent.

Ye Fusheng was right, they were wasting time staying here now.

In the beginning, there was only one Ye Fusheng, and they couldn't attack, not to mention the tens of thousands of players in Fengyun Pavilion were still watching from behind.

Once they make a move, they are afraid that they will die miserably!
"Forget it... Now that the matter is settled, let's go too!"

"It's gone, everyone is gone, let's go back to the city and do tasks to level up!"

After a moment of hesitation, the senior management of the Jiange immediately led many players to tear open the scrolls to return to the city, and left the Black Demon Palace.

The person with the Jiange left, and the rest of the guilds left without hesitation. For a while, countless white lights bloomed, but the figures disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

But within 10 minutes, only tens of thousands of players remained in the area that was originally crowded with people.

It is the players such as Eternal Son, Bright Feather, Killing the World, Duan Yuhan and so on.

"No wonder he refused to sell it. It turned out that he wanted to wait for everyone to come before selling it at a high price!"

Bright Feather was very depressed: "Damn it, I wish I had money!"

Bright Feather didn't know that Tianxia Fengyun was entrusted by Ye Fusheng, no matter how rich they were, they still couldn't get the Black Demon Palace.

"Forget it, we should go too, this territory is not ours in the first place!"

"I hope... there will be territory and guild building orders in the future!"

Sighing, everyone took another look at Ye Fusheng, who was immediately slashing his sword, and turned to leave.

Fusheng Wanqian is too strong, only one person, but is worth thousands of troops, so they have no chance!

Following the departure of several major guilds in God's Domain, the vicinity of the Black Demon Palace suddenly became deserted.

Only the players of Fengyun Pavilion were left standing silently in place.

Ye Fusheng activated the Eye of Truth skill, scanned the surroundings, and after making sure that there were no shadow thorn players left by the other guilds, he got off his horse, turned around and entered the Black Demon Palace.

"Brother President!"

"This time I made 66 billion in one fell swoop. After a few days of gatherings, you can draw some blood!"

The girls were laughing and joking, they didn't look at Ye Fusheng as a billionaire at all.

"Don't worry, when you come to Jianghai, you will definitely receive the highest standard!"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders, dismissed the girls immediately, and walked straight to Lingfeng.

"What happened?"

Lingfeng asked in confusion.

"Do something for me!"

Ye Fusheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Out of the West Hall, head west all the way, find me a seat in the Shenjiang Pavilion, and I'd better find out what the hell they are doing!"

After all, the Pavilion of Divine Generals has gathered countless famous generals and top strategists, and there is still a secret plan at this time, how could Ye Fusheng let them develop?

Even if you can't stop them, you have to find out what tricks they are doing.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles!
"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Nodding slightly, Lingfeng didn't complain at all, as soon as she sprinkled the fluorescent powder, her whole body disappeared and disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this time, the girls could also see that the matter was not over yet, and they didn't bother Ye Fusheng anymore, only Qian Shanxue stepped forward and carefully discussed the countermeasures with Ye Fusheng.

In this battle, the Floating World Guild has benefited a lot, especially Ye Fusheng, who reckoned that he could get the top scorer and the MVP double reward in the war, and even defeated the other guilds, delaying their development speed.

The fifth-tier territory of the Shenjiang Pavilion is also unobtainable, so they will not rise too quickly.

After deciding on the follow-up countermeasures for the remaining guilds, Ye Fusheng closed his eyes slightly, sat cross-legged on the ground, and waited for the passage of time.

tick tick...

Three hours, quickly passed!

"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Underworld] for successfully holding the Undead Will Token for three hours and obtaining the fifth-level territory of the Black Demon Palace! Received rewards of 1000 million experience points, 10000 reputation points, 10000 merit points, and brilliant light stones X5! Five-fifty scroll X1!"

"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Fusheng Qianqian] for ranking first in the battle points list, getting reward level +2, Qianjun Piyi X1!"

"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Qingshan Yunchang] for ranking second in the battle scoreboard, getting reward level +1, and shooting like a dragon X1!"

"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the players..."

A series of server announcements came down, from the rewards from the territory of the Black Devil Temple, to the top ten rewards in the standings, all fell down.

Under the level reward, Ye Fusheng rushed to level 50 directly, and also got an item called Qianjun Biyi, which made him quite excited.

But, his rewards are more than that!


"Huaxia Server Announcement: Since the player [Floating Life] has far more points than other players, he was rated as the MVP player in this battle and was rewarded with the Sky Burial Necklace!"

"My shit?!"

"The Necklace of the Sky Burial?!! The last piece of equipment!"

Seeing the reward suddenly, Ye Fusheng's breath became short of excitement.

Originally, he thought that it would take a while to find the final equipment.

Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, the sky burial suit is complete!
The level is even rushed to level 50, which can be directly replaced!

That is a spirit weapon set, the set effect is amazing, and it also has an instant death effect. With that set, he can even single out the fairy level, and even more powerful bosses!

As long as he can trigger the chance of instant death before a boss of that level kills him, he will make a lot of money!

If you die, you will be resurrected and hardened again!
Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng didn't even have time to see the effect of Qianjun Yiyi, he directly opened the backpack and looked at the ring that shone brightly.

Sky Burial Ring (spiritual artifact · excellence)

Power: 800
Stamina: 800
Intelligence: 800
Agility: 800
Attack Power: Increased by 30%
Defense: Increased by 30%
Blood value: increase by 30%
Sky Burial Unyielding: When the own blood value is lower than 10%, the own attack power increases by 500%
Excellence: When attacked, there is a 7% chance to summon a shield, giving priority to resisting incoming attacks

Set attributes:
Sky Burial (2/9): When facing undead, ghosts, and ghost race monsters, the damage to them is increased by 100%
Sky Burial (4/9): All stats increase by 30%
Sky Burial (6/9): When attacked, there is a 10% chance to trigger the effect of destroying spirits, reducing the enemy's HP by 5%


Sky Burial (9/9): When attacking, there is a 1% chance to trigger an instant death effect, causing the enemy target to die instantly, regardless of level, rank, and any invincible effects
Description: Contains a breath of soul requiem, possessing extremely powerful power
Rating: 50
Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Fusheng switched equipment instantly.


The next moment, Ye Fusheng's body shone with brilliance, his body was filled with a sense of strength, and he felt refreshed.

Looking at the attributes again, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned.

Floating Life (The Hand That Seizes the Sky)
Rating: 50
Blood value: 270827
Attack Power: 14562-18824
Defense: 6920
Magic Defense: 5570
Mana: 9500
Luck Point: 9999
Charisma: 9999

Reputation value: 887820
Merit value: 1290782
With the increase of multiple equipment percentage attributes and the increase of basic attributes, Ye Fusheng's attributes have reached an astonishing level.

The blood value is as high as 27, the attack power is nearly 2, and the combat power is as high as 52. It really leaves other players who don't know where to go.

Zilong in white who had been able to chase him in the past, now has a huge gap with him!

"Splendid... With the Sky Burial suit, even if I single out Empress Crimson Moon, I will be sure to kill her!"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng was just about to look at the attributes of other rewards when a system bell sounded again, attracting his attention.

(PS: [-] words have been updated, ah...a new day, please recommend tickets!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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