Invincible in one touch

Chapter 211 Swing decision, army change

Chapter 211 Ten swings and ten decisive decisions


"Huaxia theater server announcement: Congratulations to the player [Baiyi Zilong] for obtaining the fourth-tier territory of Hanshuiting, rewarding experience points of 800 million points, reputation points of 10 points, and merit points of 20 points! Mighty like a dragon X1!"


The notification sound fell, and in an instant, all Chinese players were shocked.


"Shenjiang Pavilion actually got a fourth-tier territory?"

"Oh my god, didn't they trigger the previous Black Demon Palace? After being snatched away by Fusheng Wanqian, they actually triggered another territory?"

"Hiss... what kind of luck is that for them!"

"It's too strong, Tier [-] territory, if I'm a casual player, I'll apply to join them!"

Countless players were amazed. In their hearts, the Divine General Pavilion is already the most powerful guild other than the Ukiyo guild!

The so-called top ten guilds are not even worthy of carrying their shoes!

Even Ye Fusheng touched his nose.

Sure enough, as he guessed, only a part of people were sent here by the Shenjiang Pavilion, there must be a conspiracy.

It's just that Ye Fusheng didn't expect that they would open two territories at the same time, and use one of the high-level territories as a bait to cover up the trigger message of the fourth-level territory, attracting the rest of the players.

Afterwards, they conquered another territory with peace of mind.

"Worthy of being a famous general of the Three Kingdoms, this wisdom... this strategy is absolutely amazing!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Ye Fusheng laughed again, so what if he had that strategy?
This is a game after all, as long as the attribute is strong enough to be able to fight against ten thousand, no matter how many people are on the opposite side and no matter how strong the strategy is, he will not be his opponent!
Just like before, Ye Fusheng stood alone in front of the Black Demon Palace, but blocked thousands of troops!
No matter how many mages and sharpshooters inflicted uninterrupted and indiscriminate damage on him, they couldn't make him take half a step back!
As long as the fist is big enough, everything else is empty!


The voice sounded, and there was a communication message from Lingfeng: "I found it, there is another territory near Silver Moon City, and Bai Yizilong and the others have already obtained it!"

"Well, I've seen it."

Ye Fusheng replied: "Okay, you should practice hard first, and then I will recruit more Shadow Thorn masters!"

"Do you want me to investigate Hanshui Court again? By the way, assassinate some players in Shenjiang Pavilion?"

Lingfeng said suddenly: "They are all busy now, I should be able to assassinate a few high-level officials, and show them some color."

"There's no need to..."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look weird, why is this girl so violent?

Most importantly, killing them is useless!

They already have their territory, so what's the use of killing them once?
What's more, there are many masters in the God General's Pavilion, but if Lingfeng goes in alone, he may be educated in minutes.

"Hey... I found something!"

Lingfeng said abruptly: "It seems that the interior of Shenjiang Pavilion is not in harmony. I saw three people arguing fiercely, as if they were fighting for territory! The people under them are also divided into three lines! In addition, Bai Yizilong doesn't seem to be the boss, he Actually following a man named Rende Xuande!"


Glancing at his mouth, Ye Fusheng sighed: "I already know these things, you go to level up first, don't do it rashly! You are still no match for Bai Yizilong and the others!"


Lingfeng said helplessly: "Okay, I'll withdraw first. The combat power of that fellow Bai Yizilong is indeed much better than mine. If he is here, it will be very difficult for me to leave... See you, President!"

After hanging up the communication, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to care about Lingfeng, opened the backpack again, and checked the treasure he got earlier - Qianjun Piyi!
Qianjun Piyi (Fairy-level title)

Blood value: increase by 30%
Attack Power: Increased by 10%
Qianjun Piyi: When attacking ordinary monsters or ordinary NPC soldiers, the damage is increased by 300%, and there is a certain chance to trigger a dragon soul attack, causing 30% damage to targets within 30X500 yards

Ten swings and ten decisive battles: Every time you charge into battle and are besieged by tens of thousands of hostile targets, increase your own attributes by 7%

"Hiss... blood value increased by 30%, attack power increased by 10%..."

"That's not enough, the two stunts of thousands of troops and ten battles are even more against the sky!"

"With this title, you don't have to worry about spawning monsters anymore!"

Licking his lips, Ye Fusheng changed his title excitedly. In an instant, his blood value broke to 20, and his attack power soared to 1.7W!

This kind of improvement can be described as terrifying!
Even a level 80 spirit-level boss has both attack and defense powers surpassed by Ye Fusheng!

After closing the panel, I turned my head to see that all the girls were also screaming, including Qian Shanxue, all showing off the rewards they got after the war.

"Brother Fusheng, thank you for this help! Next, I will go to rectify the territory and the guild!"

Fengyun Tianxia was at the side, cupping his fists at Ye Fusheng, then turned and left.

He didn't dare to stay here and disturb Ye Fusheng's flirting with his sister.

Well, the Floating World Guild has accepted so many girls, others thought that Ye Fusheng had other ideas, how could the world dare to be troublesome?

"Okay, this is already the territory of Fengyun Pavilion, let's go back separately!"

"I'm going to continue with the task! Everyone, work hard to level up. I'll be ready in a few days, and I'll hold a party for everyone to meet!"

Waving his hand, Ye Fusheng signaled the girls, Xue Jia Fengxian and others to leave first, then he crushed a scroll by himself and returned to Sunset City.

As soon as Ye Fusheng left, the crowd didn't want to stay in the Black Demon Palace any longer, they crushed the scrolls of returning to the city one after another.

Back in Sunset City, Ye Fusheng was just about to go to the Star Watching Tower, when another system bell rang.

A system prompt that made him happy!


"World Server Announcement: The virtual currency exchange system is officially launched. Players can bind bank accounts and use Huaxia coins to buy gold coins from other players in trading houses, auctions, and consignment houses!"

"World server announcement: ..."


"World Server Announcement: The virtual currency exchange system is officially launched. Players can bind bank accounts and use Huaxia coins to buy gold coins from other players in trading houses, auctions, and consignment houses!"

"Hiss... Damn, the currency exchange system is finally activated!"

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ye Fusheng hurried to the auction, and bound the bank card account with the game account by the way.

"The Scroll of the Chosen One will cost [-] million Huaxia coins to open!"

"Senior Sister wants to maintain the construction of Sunset City, but also needs a lot of gold coins! If that's the case, then charge him [-] million!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng had already arrived at the auction after confirming the money he wanted to recharge.

At this time, the auction was crowded with people. Countless wealthy people in real life had long been waiting to buy gold, and there were even many studios that make a living from gold mining to exchange for Huaxia coins. Everyone had smiles on their faces.

After getting off his horse, Ye Fusheng went directly to the deepest room of the auction, and opened the NPC purchase interface.

As soon as he opened the panel, Ye Fusheng was stunned.

It has only been 10 minutes since the system announcement was released, and there are more than 300 pages in the gold coin consignment interface!
In other words, thousands of people have already started consignment, and many people have already started to buy it. It is estimated that there are definitely tens of thousands of players who consign gold coins!

What's even more frightening is that the number of gold coins on consignment is still growing at an alarming rate!

"Is this game really so popular? So many people are playing it?"

"Then in future guild wars and national wars, wouldn't it involve millions of troops? Just like the wars in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Ye Fusheng didn't feel fear, but was extremely excited.

A man, a real man, is born with a heart to gallop on the battlefield!
Of course, Ye Fusheng didn't forget the business he had to do, and began to frantically sweep up gold coins.

The system will automatically adjust the ratio according to the state of the gold coin market. Now that 1 Huaxia coin is equal to 10 gold, the price difference will be reduced by 5% if the player increases it at most. price.

Therefore, Ye Fusheng didn't look at the price at all, he swept all the way and bought all the gold coins he saw!



Only the crisp sound of gold coins could be heard continuously, and the number of gold coins in Ye Fusheng's backpack rose wildly.

1000... 2000...

5000... 6000...


10 billion!
10 billion!
When the gold coins exceeded the one billion mark and there were 4000 million more gold coins, when Ye Fusheng's hands were a little sore, a long-lost system bell rang suddenly!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for recharging 1 million in the game! You have met the requirements to open the Scroll of the Chosen Son, do you want to open it?!"


Hearing the system bell, Ye Fuchang let out a sigh of relief, stopped buying gold coins at once, and kept shaking his arms.

For the first time, he discovered that charging money is so tiring!
"Damn, can't this game be purchased at one time? I have to buy it one after another, and I'm exhausted!"

"This is not a PC game, and I can't let others buy it on behalf of the account. I'm so tired!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng was extremely depressed.

If other players hear Ye Fusheng's words, they will definitely be so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas Nirvana, and even vomit blood!

Damn, are you rich?


Being rich is really amazing!

"Open the Scroll of the Chosen One! I want to see, what kind of rewards does this broken scroll have, it's so troublesome!"

He viciously opened the Scroll of the Chosen Son, and the next moment, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt a special power flowing in his body.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully using the Scroll of the Chosen Son, breaking through his own limit, permanently increasing all attributes by 10%, compatible with 6 professions at the same time, unlimited equipment, and reducing the level requirements for all equipment and items by 20! Skill column The restrictions are lifted, and players can have countless skills!"

"Hiss... reduce the use level of items and equipment by 20, cancel the level limit of the skill bar, increase all attributes by 10%, and be able to have 6 occupations at the same time!"

"This Scroll of the Chosen One is worth it! 1 million Huaxia coins, it's worth the money!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng almost didn't laugh out loud.

The attributes of this scroll are definitely sky-defying attributes!
Even if he could only get one kind, Ye Fusheng would be happy, and now that he got so many benefits at once, Ye Fusheng even wanted to sing a song!

"By the way, the high-level gemstones can reduce the level by 30, and this can reduce the level by 20. Doesn't that mean that I can already equip level 100 equipment?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but get excited. In this way, he will be able to equip a level 100 extraordinary spiritual weapon, Silver Moon Demon Brilliance!

The attribute of that weapon is far stronger than that of the Bright Light Sword!
Perhaps, after being equipped with various bonuses, Ye Fusheng's attack power can directly exceed 2!
The most important thing is that Yinyue Mohui's equipment skills complement each other, which can continuously reduce the cooldown, and double his monster spawning efficiency!
Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Fusheng took out Yinyue Mohui from his backpack and chose equipment!


As Ye Fusheng speculated, the Scroll of the Chosen One and the Skills of Handy Skill can be superimposed. The Silver Moon Magic Radiance, which could only be equipped at level 100, immediately replaced the Bright Light Sword.

Powerful power is continuously flowing in Ye Fusheng's body.

Opening the attribute panel, the rest of the attributes have not changed much, and the attack power has directly increased to 2.1, which really surprised Ye Fusheng!
"Now there are two hidden professions, two swords, only a good bow and arrow weapon, and four scrolls for changing professions of hidden professions!"

"By the way, when it comes to the scroll of hidden professions, it seems that there was a scroll of Mowu Warrior before!"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng rummaged through his backpack for a while, and finally found the scroll of Mowu Warrior in the corner!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully using the Mowu Warrior job transfer scroll, and the job is successful!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who has successfully transferred to a magic and martial arts warrior, and has comprehended the passive skill of both magic and martial arts! Intellectual qualifications have increased by 10%, strength qualifications have increased by 20%, physical strength qualifications have increased by 10%, hit rate has permanently increased by 10%, and crit rate has increased by 10%. Permanently increase by 30%, release speed permanently increased by 300%! Note: Since this is the third hidden occupation for the player to change jobs, the experience required for the player to upgrade is increased by [-]%!"

Dual cultivation of magic and martial arts (faerie-level passive skill-LV1): The player's magic attack power and physical attack power are common, and will be permanently increased by 5%. The specific attack attributes will change with the weapon switching
"Hiss... this hidden job is a bit tricky!"

"I just don't know who the mentor is, and what kind of powerful skills I can learn in the future!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng became excited.

Various aptitudes have been improved, attributes have been permanently improved, and powerful skills can also be obtained. These improvements are too great!

Although, the experience he needs to upgrade has increased again, and if he wants to upgrade in the future, he can only leapfrog and kill high-level bosses, and do the main task beyond the limit.

"By the way, you can ask the senior sister! The senior sister is powerful, and you may know where to find a master with the power of magic and martial arts!"

"There is also the profession of Lone Star Shooter. You must find a corresponding mentor, otherwise, you will not be able to learn subsequent skills!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng went straight out of the auction and rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Now, his wife Xing Ling is refining the soul-leaving liquid, and the senior sister Xing Yun has nothing important to do, and Ye Fusheng is not worried about disturbing her.

Everyone in the City Lord's Mansion has long been familiar with Ye Fusheng, and they will not stop him at all, allowing him to easily rush to the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, Xing Yun was basking in the sun leisurely, seeing Ye Fusheng coming, she quickly straightened her expression and straightened her body.

"Junior Brother, why didn't you go to the Star Tower?"

Xing Yun stared at Ye Fusheng with big watery eyes.

"Ahem, Senior Sister, I have some good news for you!"

Ye Fusheng grinned, walked up to Xing Yun, and directly took out [-] million gold coins.


Only a crisp sound could be heard falling, and a whole [-] million gold coins were piled up in the back garden like a hill, shining brightly!
"Where... where did so many gold coins come from?!"

Seeing those gold coins suddenly, Xing Yun, who had always looked calm, turned red with excitement, and her heart was filled with excitement.

She needs to raise a dozen legions, and the entire city needs to consume a lot of gold coins, so she will naturally be excited when she sees so many gold coins!

"Brother, did you give this to me?"

Pursing her lips, Xing Yun looked at Ye Fusheng, suddenly smiled and said: "Little guy, what do you want Senior Sister to reward you for?"

"Hey, Senior Sister, do you know who is a master of both magic and martial arts? Or who has archery with the power of stars?"

What Ye Fusheng wanted was Xing Yun's words, and he quickly said: "I changed jobs between those two jobs, and I want to find a mentor to guide me to improve and learn skills!"

"Oh? You can work in so many jobs at the same time? Learn so many martial arts?"

"It's a genius!"

Slightly nodding, Xing Yun suddenly smiled and said: "You want to find someone to guide you, why bother? Don't forget, there is someone right in front of you."

Saying that, Xing Yun looked at Ye Fusheng with a smile, which made Ye Fusheng's heart move.

What does Xingyun mean?
Could it be that Xing Yun also has so many professions and can be his mentor? !
(PS: The two-in-one chapter is updated!!! Some people have been saying before that the protagonist has money, why not spend it, well, now that the currency exchange system has been opened, it can be spent!!! The follow-up will soon be the story of the queen, ah, Beautiful queen, here I come!)

(End of this chapter)

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