Invincible in one touch

Chapter 212 Skill Improvement, Fighting Army Soul!

Chapter 212 Skill Improvement, Hundred Battles Army Soul!

"Senior sister, what do you mean..."

His eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng couldn't help grinning.

If Xing Yun could teach him the skills of other professions, it would save him running back and forth, and he wouldn't have to worry too much.


Xing Yun smiled and said: "Don't forget, I am your senior sister after all, and our master is a ruthless person who can kill gods! We have dabbled in almost all kinds of martial arts. If you want to learn, I can teach you of course!"

"For the sake of the many gold coins you gave me, from now on, as long as you have the ability, I can teach you any skills you want to learn!"

I have to say that no matter in the game or in the real world, as long as you have money, you can do anything easily.

Originally, Xing Yun was very kind to Ye Fusheng. As soon as the [-] million gold coins came out, Xing Yun looked at Ye Fusheng with more gentle eyes, guessing that if anything happened in the future, Xing Yun would let go of all restrictions on Ye Fusheng.

She is still the lord of the city, if some large-scale battlefield mission is triggered, maybe Xing Yun will eccentrically give all the rewards to Ye Fusheng!

Of course, these are all things to say later. Hearing Xing Yun's promise at this time, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, and asked in surprise: "Senior sister, what you said is true? As long as I have the ability, I can learn skills." ?”


Xing Yun smiled and said: "In the future, when your strength reaches the level, I can also advance your career for you!"

"Okay, senior sister, what skills can I learn now?"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng hurriedly asked, quite excited in his heart, this time, [-] million gold coins are worth it!

After finishing the words, Xing Yun flicked her right hand lightly, and the next moment, a skill panel appeared in front of Ye Fusheng, shining with countless brilliance.

At the top, there are a total of three lines of lists, and there are words written on them, which are Seizing Hand, Magic Warrior, and Lone Star Ranger!
Among them, Ye Fusheng has already learned the skills of the Seizing Hand series, so he didn't read much, so he directly clicked on the Magic Warrior series.

With a glance, three skills were listed in succession.

Frozen Ghost Slash (Fairy-level skill——LV1): Condensing the air of ice on the blade, summoning ice ghosts, causing extremely high magic damage to the enemy, and has a 10% chance of causing the enemy to fall into ice Sealed state for 10 seconds, cooldown time 60 seconds

Remnant Eclipse Moon (Fairy Level Passive Skill——LV1): Form an eclipse field within 10X10 yards of the self, reducing the magic defense of surrounding targets by 30%
Mowu's War (God-level passive skill - LV1): When attacking, it can cause physical and magical double damage to the enemy, trigger at the same time, cannot be immune, and permanently increase the hit rate by 10%

"Mixed damage, add magic damage to the basic attack, and not weaken the physical damage attack! The eclipse field reduces the magic defense, and the Frozen Ghost Slash can be controlled for up to ten seconds!"

"This skill is a bit strong! I can't believe it, I got it from Novice Village!"

After reading the skill attributes, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, and his heart moved immediately.

Experts at the level of Protoss are all hidden in Xinshou Village, and they can still get such a powerful hidden occupation scroll. Does it mean that there may be more secrets hidden in Xinshou Village No. 696969!

"After completing this task, I have a chance to go back to Novice Village! By the way, I remember that there is a hidden map in the back mountain. I don't know if I can go there again!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng suppressed his thoughts, learned all three skills, and looked at the skill panel of Lone Star Ranger.

In the next task, he had to face many monsters, and the speed of soldiers spawning monsters was not as good as that of sharpshooters after all.

If he can learn a few AOE skills, Ye Fusheng's monster spawning efficiency can be increased by more than ten times!
This time, instead of three skills, five skills shone brightly, attracting Ye Fusheng's attention.

Starburst Arrow (Fairy-Level Skill——LV1): Feather arrows bursting with the power of stars, causing high damage to the enemy at the same time, 70% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds, cooldown time 60 seconds

Star Spirit Arrow Rain (Fairy Level Skill——LV1): Incorporate the power of the stars into the bow and arrow, shoot upwards, burst out endless star spirits, and turn them into feather arrows, causing high damage to targets within 30X30 yards, cooldown time 10 seconds

Lone Star Arrow Burst (Fairy-level skill——LV1): Concentrate the power of stars in the bow and arrow, release a feathered arrow, causing high damage to targets within 50 yards in front, and has a penetrating effect and a knockback effect. Cooldown 30 seconds

Judgment of the Stars (Fairy-Level Skill——LV1): Gather the power of the stars and the bow and arrow, and burst out a burst of Star Arrow Qi on the targets in the range, causing extremely high damage, and at the same time, making all the targets in the range fall into the Judgment state, receiving 200% additional blood value will be lost when attacking with power, cooldown time is 60 seconds

Starburst Flurry (Fairy-level skill——LV1): Gather the power of the stars in the bow and arrow, and cause 30-10 attacks on targets within 15 yards, causing high damage, cooldown time 10 seconds

"Strong control, three AOE damage, one buff for increasing damage, one knockback effect..."

"This profession is not bad, but compared with Mowu Warrior and Duotian Hand, it is still too weak!"

"The most important thing is that there is no bow and arrow in hand! No matter how good your skills are, you can't do damage!"

The skills are very powerful, and Ye Fusheng has learned them decisively. However, when he thinks that there are no high-level and high-grade bows and arrows, he frowned again.

During this period of time, he fought a lot of bosses, but he didn't even explode a single bow and arrow. His luck was really bad!
Fortunately, the next step is to deal with Empress Scarlet Moon. She has countless demon generals and monsters. It is estimated that they are all heaven-level and spirit-level bosses, and they may be able to burst out bow and arrow weapons.

After learning the skills, Xing Yun looked at Ye Fusheng, and said softly: "Little guy, although martial arts can greatly improve your strength, they are not so expensive! Learning so many martial arts at once, do you have the time to use them all?" Do they all understand?"

"I advise you, it's best to give up some martial arts and specialize in one or two. First cultivate the specialized martial arts to the highest level, and then learn other ones!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng blinked his eyes, feeling quite moved in his heart.

It's amazing that a system NPC actually thinks of him and gives advice proactively!
Could it be that his handsomeness really couldn't spare the system?
However, Ye Fusheng doesn't care about what Xing Yun said, it's just a game for him, and he doesn't need to practice at all. After learning, he just needs to use experience to increase the skill level, and there is no such thing as comprehension or not.

However, since Xing Yun took the initiative to say it, Ye Fusheng couldn't say much else, so he could only smile: "Don't worry, Senior Sister, I will do my best! If I can't comprehend everything, I won't come to learn it either! "

"By the way, Senior Sister, if I go to the Observation Tower this time, what should I do?"

Ye Fusheng quickly changed the subject.

"Well, I wanted to let you familiarize yourself with the environment first!"

As soon as he mentioned the Wangxing Tower, Xing Yun's expression became serious, and his attention was immediately attracted, and he said in a deep voice: "Now, your lady is about to refine the soul-eliminating liquid, and when you arrive at the Wangxing Tower , directly led the Ninth Army to bypass the mountains, enter the Demon Race area, attract the Demon Race troops, and kill them."

"Try to attract as many demon legions as possible, and when they become red-eyed and lose their sanity, you retreat to the southwest until you reach the altar of the dilapidated temple, and then kill all the demon troops you attract!"

"As long as enough demons die at your hands, Empress Scarlet Moon will find you!"

"Once Empress Crimson Moon appears, the time of her death!"

Squinting her eyes slightly, Xing Yun looked proud and full of confidence.

It was as if as long as Empress Scarlet Moon came, she would definitely die by her sword.

"So, I'm the bait!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng was calm on the surface, but he was happy in his heart.

Going deep into the demon clan, you will definitely meet many high-level bosses, and you can also lead tens of thousands of troops to fight monsters together. For him, this is simply an excellent opportunity to gain experience and equipment!

"Rub your head, little guy, don't be angry!"

Xing Yun thought Ye Fusheng was angry, so she stuck out her tongue, which was very cute, and even reached out to touch Ye Fusheng's head.

The head was suddenly touched, even for a fairy of Xing Yun's level, Ye Fusheng felt uncomfortable, just about to slap it off, a soft voice rang in his ears.

"If I go, Empress Scarlet Moon will definitely not show up if she senses my presence."

"As for the others, I don't trust them. After all, they are not as smart and courageous as my little junior brother! This matter is very important, and I can only rest assured if I leave it to you!"

"It's something wrong here, senior sister will give you more compensation!"


Hearing Xing Yun's words suddenly, Ye Fusheng was so happy that he even forgot to slap Xing Yun's hand off.

Well, as long as you give me more rewards, feel free to touch!

Don't touch me, even if you say you want to sleep with me, I won't refuse!

"Cough cough!"

Rolling his eyes, Ye Fusheng said seriously: "Actually, I don't need any compensation at all! Since this is what you are going to do, Senior Sister, then I will definitely do my best! I will go through fire and water, and I will do whatever it takes!"


"Little guy!"

Xing Yun patted Ye Fusheng's head with a smile, and said in a low voice, "How dare you say this in front of your wife?"


The corners of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng's breathing was stagnant, he suddenly forgot that he had already married Xing Ling, if he continued to tease Xing Yun like this, he would be beaten!
However, how did he listen, was there a bit of jealousy in Xing Yun's words?
"Okay, little guy, hurry up and go to the Star Tower! You brought me so many gold coins, I have to clean them up!"

Turning around, looking at the gold coin shining like a hill, the smile on Xing Yun's face grew stronger, but her heart felt a little pain.

Hearing Xing Yun's words, Ye Fusheng knew that there were no other tasks, and there would be no rewards in advance, so he chatted a few more words, turned around and left the city lord's mansion, and drove the angry flame horse towards the star tower.

Before he arrived at the Wangxing Tower, Qian Shanxue and Ye Xin sent messages, urging him to go offline for dinner.

In order to spend more time with his daughter, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to go offline, eat, play with her for an hour or two, and then go back online.

Fortunately, there is still some distance in the game before the star spirit refines the soul liquid, it is not too late, and it will not disturb Xingyun's plan.

The Ninth Legion, under the command of Xing Yun, was stationed near the Star Tower. When Ye Fusheng rushed over, the Legion, under the leadership of Bai Ye, was actually very strict and majestic. There was a big difference from when he first went. don't.

"The general is here!"

'See General! '

Seeing Ye Fusheng's arrival, everyone in the Ninth Legion knelt down and saluted one after another, and Bai Ye rushed out at a very fast speed to welcome Ye Fusheng.

There is a huge gap in the ranks of the army, since Ye Fusheng is the commander of the army, they dare not be rude.

What's more, Ye Fusheng's performance earlier had already won their hearts.

Ye Fusheng didn't think too much about it, glanced around, and suddenly found that Bai Ye had reached level 65, and the rest of the soldiers also had level 55, around level 60, and their attributes had greatly improved compared to before, so he couldn't help being quite satisfied.

"Very good, Bai Ye! It seems that during this period of time, you are very concerned about the legion!"

Nodding slightly, Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "This war is over, I will find you a bride!"

"Thank you General!"

Bai Ye clasped his fists and said: "The demons are still alive, how can I get married? I hope the general will give me more chances to go to the battlefield!"

"Hiss... you bastard, you can do it!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Very well, then I'll go ask the city lord for some benefits!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Fusheng glanced at many soldiers, suddenly raised his arms and shouted, "Brothers, do you know what you are fighting for?"

"Expel the demons, protect my human race!"

The deafening roar sounded, causing the four hooves of the Raging Flame Demon Horse to tremble. This was the cheers of tens of thousands of soldiers, and it contained extremely strong spiritual coercion!
If the rank of the Raging Flame Demon Horse was lower, it would be scared to death!


Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Today, the Lord Xingyun sent us a mission for the Ninth Legion, which is to go out of the Star Tower, go deep into the demons, turn the demons upside down, and kill all the evil demons." Drop! How dare you?"

"This time, go deep into the demons! Everyone will definitely suffer casualties, maybe they will stay in the endless darkness forever, and maybe they will not be able to return to their homes, but as long as we can succeed! More demons will die in the In our hands!"

"There will be many demon generals, even demon kings, who will fall into our trap and be beheaded by City Lord Xingyun!"

"You guys, are you willing to go deep into the demon race with me, and use our lives to kill those dark demons for the human race?!"

In fact, the mission has already been triggered, but it is hidden. The Ninth Legion is still Ye Fusheng's private soldiers. As long as he gives an order, they can go to the Demon Race according to the mission.

However, when Ye Fusheng saw tens of thousands of troops, he couldn't help feeling excited, and wanted to see what a real army is!
In his subconscious mind, these NPCs are not just NPCs, they also have their own lives in the game!

The surging sound waves sounded, and every soldier below was blushing and made their own voices, and no one was timid!

Just when Ye Fusheng was excited, a system prompt that made him even more excited suddenly came down!

(PS: It’s another two-in-one chapter!!! Ah, I’m so pissed off, the review and editing speed is too slow!!! There should be a surprise tomorrow, QAQ!!! In addition, this book will be highly recommended on the 13th and 14th If it is, it will explode, impact the recommended data on the Internet, I hope everyone can support it, thank you, thank you!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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