Invincible in one touch

Chapter 213 Sharp attribute, Leap Slash!

Chapter 213 Sharp attribute, Leap Slash!

"System prompt: As the commander of the Ninth Legion, the player has inspired the fighting spirit of the Legion, has a mission in mind, and successfully started the war mission!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully starting the war mission [Eternal Army Soul]. Mission objective: Lead the Seventh Legion, defeat the demons, and complete the mission. Mission rewards: rich experience points and special item rewards!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the players for inspiring the fighting spirit of the legion, rewarding all NPCs of the Ninth Legion with a 10% increase in all attributes, and a 5-level increase in level! The deputy head of the legion, Bai Ye, has strengthened and advanced to a spiritual-level NPC! All NPCs, the loyalty to the player has increased to 90% !"


"War missions, all strengthened, and Bai Ye advanced to become a spiritual NPC?"

"This reward is a bit cool!"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing.

Originally, he just wanted to mobilize the emotions of the Ninth Legion and satisfy his vanity as a general, but Goddess of Luck loved him so much, and triggered another mission for him, and strengthened the attributes of the Legion.

In this way, the speed at which the legion can kill monsters will be accelerated, and all the experience will be counted on him!
Even if he needs a lot of experience points to level up, he can level up quickly with that kind of monster spawning efficiency.

[Perhaps after sweeping the demons this time, I can be promoted to another level or two! 】

The corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng suppressed his excitement, raised his hands, and in an instant, a passionate and generous roar fell, but tens of thousands of soldier NPCs had red eyes, looking at Ye Fusheng's eyes full of Frenzied look.

They are like believers who have dedicated their body and mind, obeying Ye Fusheng's words, even if Ye Fusheng wants them to die, maybe they will jump off the cliff directly.

Even Bai Ye was staring at Ye Fusheng at this moment, feeling emotional in his heart.

"it is good!"

"Since all the brothers are willing to follow me into the demon clan, today we will rush into the demon clan and let them know what will happen if they dare to invade my human race!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng waved his hand: "Bai Ye, lead the brothers and follow me!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Fusheng turned around while steering the angry flame horse. Behind him, tens of thousands of soldiers, led by Bai Ye, stepped on their horses one after another.

Fortunately, these soldiers are all NPCs. Some time ago, Xing Yun got another sum of money to replenish the army of her beloved junior brother with horses and weapons. These people may not have horses, and they can join Ye Fusheng in the charge .

"Bai Ye, you send three people, a team of scouts to open the way, and two teams guarding the sides, in case the enemy attacks us! The remaining team, follow me!"

With a loud shout, Ye Fusheng rode the angry flame horse and rushed towards the canyon marked on the map.

Outside the Star Watch Tower, there is an open plain, full of demonic monsters attacking continuously and frantically, there are about tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

Therefore, Ye Fusheng couldn't rush out of the Star Watching Tower. Once the Star Watching Tower opened, hundreds of millions of demon troops would rush up, and it would be difficult to resist.

He had no choice but to take a detour from the canyon that completely surrounded the plain near the Star Watching Tower. There was a thunderous killing formation covered by star rhymes, which could block the pace of the demons, but would not cause harm to the human race.

At the very beginning, the demons also thought about destroying the killing formation, rushing into the human area from both sides of the canyon, and attacking the star tower from inside and outside. However, Xingyun's strength is too strong. No one can break through the killing array.

Over time, there were no more demons in the area containing the killing array, and it happened that Ye Fusheng led the army to sneak into the area of ​​the demons.

The angry flame horse moved very fast, but, in order to take care of the NPC legion, Ye Fusheng had to slow down and ran for more than half an hour before he brought the legion members to the canyon where the thunder formation was arranged.

Cautiously, leading Bai Ye and the others across the canyon, the air around him suddenly became thicker, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.

Looking around, the trees are quite withered, and the ground is dry and cracked, forming a sharp contrast with the human race area.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who opened up the map of the Demon Race region Gale Plain! Received a reward of 1000 million experience points and a pioneer key X1!"

"Huh? Opening up the map can also give special item rewards?"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng quickly opened the backpack, and with a glance, the attributes of the pioneer key suddenly appeared.

Pioneer key (special item): can open some special items


It's a very mysterious thing, and the effect is not clear. Although it can't be used now, Ye Fusheng is not disappointed, and carefully stores the key.

Maybe in the future, this key can give him a big surprise!

Looking back, only tens of thousands of troops were still crossing the canyon and slowly entering the Demon Race area.

It has to be said that after some days of training and two wars, those soldiers have become elites, even if they entered the Demon Race area, they did not have any timidity.

It's not as undisciplined as before. After entering the area, everyone lined up in line, and no one whispered to each other.

He looks completely different from the one who was still gambling and drinking at the beginning!

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng nodded in satisfaction, and let Bai Ye and others organize the team and take over the team, but he himself summoned the stars.

This is a rare opportunity to spawn monsters. Moreover, Xing Xing's divine skills increase experience points by a percentage. If Ye Fusheng wants to level up quickly, he must summon her frequently.

It's just that the moving speed of the stars is too slow. In the past, Ye Fusheng's angry flame horse was fully fired, and she couldn't keep up at all.

This time, in order to take care of other people, Ye Fusheng slowed down, so that the stars could follow, and by the way, he could brush up his experience points.

However, within 10 minutes, tens of thousands of soldiers from the Ninth Legion lined up neatly, and after gathering, Ye Fusheng waved his arms and took the lead, heading towards the area near the Star Watching Tower.

Countless demons are in front of the Star Watching Tower, constantly attacking the Star Watching Tower. Therefore, in places far away from the Watching Star Tower, even in the enemy's rear, the number of demons is very small.

boom boom-

Amidst the sound of horseshoes, tens of thousands of people galloped, causing the whole earth to tremble. However, Ye Fusheng and his party could almost only encounter one after another gathering monsters, with red lights shining on their heads.


Sensing the tremor of the earth, Ye Fusheng and the others came. Those demon monsters had no AI, didn't know how to judge the situation at all, and they wouldn't run away. Instead, they rushed up fearlessly.

"Fire arrows!"

With Bai Ye's order, arrows rained all over the sky, instantly shooting that small area of ​​demons into a sieve, bursting out countless gold coins and equipment.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's subordinates for killing the Emerald Goblin, and get a reward of 50000 experience points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's subordinates for killing the double-knife demon, and get a reward of 70000 experience points!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's subordinates for killing the walking dead, and get a reward of 65000 experience points!"

The system prompts kept ringing, and Ye Fusheng couldn't help but burst into joy as he watched the experience value increase crazily.

This kind of feeling that the experience value is skyrocketing without doing it yourself is really cool!

With a glance, Ye Fusheng cast his Eye of Truth to check the attributes of a dying monster.

Double Swordsman

Rating: 75
Blood value: 16000
Attack: 1600
Defense: 800
Fengrui: The two blades are sharp, with a 10% chance of causing the enemy to be shredded when attacking, and lose 1% of the blood value per second, lasting for 30 seconds

Skills: Double Knife (When attacking, cause 150% extra attack to the enemy target) Cross Slash (Double Knife staggered, bursting out knife energy, causing 200% damage to the target in front) Leaping Slash (quickly jump to one within 30 yards target, causing 300% attack power to the enemy, if the enemy dies, the cooldown time of the skill will be cleared, and the cooldown time is 60 seconds)
Description: In order to pursue the ultimate attack power, the powerful demons who turned their arms into double knives are especially crazy, and they are the most powerful group of demons


"The attributes of these double-knife demons are very weak, but they are sharp and have good skills!"

"Increase extra attack power, clear skill cooldown after killing, infinite teleportation within 30 yards... Tsk tsk, if you give me the skill Leaping Slash, even a million troops can't stop me alone!"

After reading the attributes of the Demon of Two Swords, even though the weak Ye Fusheng had no desire to attack, he was still quite surprised.

The skill mechanism is quite perfect, if he can plunder the skills, then Ye Fusheng's strength will be even stronger.

There is also a sharp feature, which loses 1% of the blood value every second, which is a sharp weapon to kill the boss.

Although Ye Fusheng can use the instant death effect of the sky burial suit to kill the boss now, but that equipment cannot always accompany Ye Fusheng. It will be a powerful means for him to kill God.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Fusheng raised the silver moon magic brilliance, danced the blade lightly, burst out with sword energy, and slashed at the bloodless double-knife demon, taking away the last trace of its blood.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully beheading the double-knife demon and getting a reward of 70000 experience points!"

The experience points were obtained, but the looting technique was not triggered, and the attributes were not obtained.

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng was not disappointed, he waved his hand and led the tens of thousands of troops to move forward.

At this time, in the area of ​​the demons, the double-knife demons are the backbone group, the number will never be small, and there are still many opportunities to trigger the looting technique!
Sure enough, the closer you get to the Star Watching Tower, the more monsters and monsters there are. In addition to the double-knife monster, there are dozens of monsters, including zombies, skeletons, bats, demonized warriors, deerclops, and floating like sea urchins. Monsters in the air.

There are so many types, so numerous that Ye Fusheng is dazzled.

As for the level, it ranges from 75 to more than 90. There is no rule, and the attributes do not fluctuate too much. They are all ordinary monsters.

This made Ye Fusheng frown slightly, quite surprised, attacking the Star Tower is the most important thing for the demons, why would they only send so few ordinary monsters?
"It seems that the elite monsters should still be in the depths, or hiding in other places, so don't take it lightly!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng didn't dare to be careless, this is the inner area of ​​the demon clan, once it is besieged, most of his subordinates will probably die here!
However, although those monsters are quite high-level, Ye Fusheng is wearing a sky burial suit, plus two spirit weapon long swords, the attack power is extraordinary, and when the two swords are swung, there is sword energy, and they are slaughtering those monsters.

The Ninth Legion even formed a battle formation, besieging and killing scattered monsters. Even if there were differences in attributes, they couldn't hold back their numbers, and several attacks fell together. Those monsters had no room to resist and died one after another.

In addition, the stars don't paddle, constantly sprinkle their skills, recover NPCs with residual blood, and can also cause damage to monsters. For a while, the speed of spawning monsters is extremely fast.

In just half an hour, Ye Fusheng's experience value has increased by 17%!
However, Ye Fusheng also brought the army to the vicinity of the Star Watching Tower, and the next moment, densely packed monsters came into view.


As if aware of the arrival of Ye Fusheng's people, the monsters approaching Ye Fusheng quickly turned around, there were tens of thousands of them, their eyes widened, drooling, glaring at the tens of thousands of soldiers, and let out a deep roar.


"This monster is really a lot of motherfuckers!"

Swallowing his saliva, even Ye Fusheng had seen mythical bosses and legendary bosses before, but he was still shocked when he saw so many monsters grinning their teeth.


"Chi Chi Chi -"


The next moment, countless voices rang out, and those monsters rushed towards Ye Fusheng and tens of thousands of soldiers like moths to a flame.

Especially some monsters with wings, or demonized praying mantises, monsters such as demonized bats, are extremely fast.

Densely packed, overwhelming, terrifyingly powerful.

"Quick, retreat!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng waved his hand, and quickly made everyone in Bai Ye retreat.

Those soldiers can't be reborn, and death is a huge loss. Now facing tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of monsters, Bai Ye and his attributes are low, they can't handle it at all!
Blindly holding on, can only lose more soldiers.

Bai Ye and the others were not stupid. Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, they quickly backed away. For a while, Ye Fusheng was the only one standing there, brandishing two swords in his hands, bursting out with sword energy, beheading many monsters in place.

Soon, everyone in Bai Ye retreated a few feet away and took out their bows and arrows one after another.


It was also at this time that countless monsters rushed in front of Ye Fusheng, attacking frantically.


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and a group of double-knife demons approached Ye Fusheng within 30 yards, and released their leaping and chopping skills one after another, continuously causing damage to Ye Fusheng.

For a while, -100-200-100 damage continuously floated from Ye Fusheng's head.

After equipping the sky burial suit, Ye Fusheng's defense power is astonishing, these ordinary monsters are far from being able to cause damage to Ye Fusheng.

In addition, those monsters don't have AI, and they don't know the so-called strategy at all. They only know how to attack the people who are closest to them. In a short time, tens of thousands of monsters gather together and constantly besiege Ye Fusheng.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye and the rest of the soldiers couldn't help but were moved to tears and extremely excited.

"The commander of the legion is too great! In order to protect us, he is willing to use his own body to attract those monsters!"

"It's too strong. It turns out that the head of the legion is so powerful. He was able to stop tens of thousands of monsters! It seems that what General Bai Ye said last time was right. The head of the legion has been accommodating us!"

The ordinary soldiers were so moved that they wished they could kneel down and sing conquest to Ye Fusheng.

Bai Ye shouted loudly: "Brothers, since the leader of the legion has attracted firepower for us, we must work hard to kill all these monsters as soon as possible! Attack together!"

As soon as the words fell, countless soldiers howled excitedly, and then kept shooting the monsters with their bows and arrows.

Not only them, the stars are also releasing their skills one after another, and Ye Fusheng even wields his sword energy, harvesting the lives of monsters, hoping to trigger the looting technique!

Even if you can't plunder the skills of the Demon of Two Swords, plundering more attributes and other skills is still very good!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the skill Double Knife X1!"

The trigger of the plundering technique is just a useless double sword. If you need to equip two swords to trigger it, this skill will be useless.

Unless, his senior sister, the goddess of star charm, can evolve the skills for him once.

However, once the plundering technique is triggered, the probability of subsequent triggers will also increase, which makes Ye Fusheng full of energy, and then starts to gather wool.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining attribute attack power +5!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, and getting the attribute blood value +8!"


The plundering technique is constantly being triggered, and Ye Fusheng's attributes are beating slightly. Although the base value is small, with the addition of Ye Fusheng's several percentages, these improvements are also very significant!

However, Ye Fusheng gradually became numb and even a little drowsy after seeing the attribute increase all the time.

The group of monsters can barely be cleared for less than five thousand.


Just when Ye Fusheng was about to fall asleep, two system bells rang one after another!
"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the plundering technique and gaining sharpness +5!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the skill Leaping Slash X1!"


(PS: Two-in-one chapter update!!! It’s too bad, the new book has been reviewed for two days, and the review editor has not given it, and even the responsible editor is puzzled. Hey, I have to modify the beginning of the new book! I hope I can pass it tomorrow ! Well, the new book is also very cool!!! Hehe, there should be a surprise for everyone tomorrow! The subject matter is very good!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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