Invincible in one touch

Chapter 214 Flying to the sky, sacrificing one's life for righteousness

Chapter 214 Flying to the sky, sacrificing one's life for righteousness

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the Goddess of Luck's kiss BUFF. The plundering technique has a 100% chance of triggering and lasts for 30 minutes. Moreover, the previously plundered skill Leaping Slash has been strengthened and advanced to Flying Slash!"

Flying Slash (Fairy-level skill——LV1): Lock on the target within 50 yards, travel through the space, and slash on the target, causing high damage to it, and at the same time rippling a soaring sword energy, sweeping and spreading, for 10 yards All monsters inside cause 300% sword energy damage. If the skill kills the target, the cooling time will be cleared and the mana consumption will be returned. The cooling time is 80 seconds

After getting the sharpness attribute, the surprise is not over yet, the goddess of luck's kiss BUFF manifests again, which directly increases the trigger rate of the looting technique to full value, and also strengthens the skill of Leaping Slash.

After strengthening, Leaping Slash is advanced to a fairy-level skill, Flying Slash!
The range is farther, the damage is higher, and it can also cause AOE group damage, with a damage coefficient of 300%. It is estimated that monsters below level 100 cannot stop it at all.

No way, who made Ye Fusheng's attack power fly out of the sky!
The enhancement is not limited to these. Originally, beheading the target could only clear the cooldown time, but now, it can also refund the mana consumption.

In other words, as long as you can keep killing the target, releasing this skill will not consume mana!
It can save Ye Fusheng a lot of medicine money!

Although the girl who sells medicine has become Ye Fusheng's wife, but to make medicine, it also needs to consume medicinal materials and physical strength, Ye Fusheng will feel distressed!
"Tsk tsk... I want to see how much this high damage and the diffuse damage of sword energy can achieve!"

After reading the attributes, the corner of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, facing the nearest monster in front of him, locking and releasing his skills!

Due to the very close distance, Po Kong didn't show it, but Ye Fusheng still felt a special power lingering around him, and the next moment, the two swords swung forward and slashed at the magic-weave mantis one after another.

The sound of explosion sounded, and the magic pattern mantis was directly torn into pieces by the sword energy, and the horrifying blood-red number 40294 floated out of its head!

One must know that at this time Ye Fusheng did not have the effect of superimposing the killing feast, and his attack power was not high, and he was facing monsters around level 80, so it was really shocking that he could cause such damage.

Not only that, when the magic-weave mantis was torn apart by the sword qi, a resonant sword chant burst out. Immediately afterwards, the sword qi surged up like a dragon, swept out, and filled the 10x10 yard space in an instant.

The sword qi danced wildly, but it penetrated the monsters densely piled up like a hill within 10 yards. Countless blood-red numbers flew up, almost every one of them reached a high of 30000. Once the critical strike effect was triggered, it even exceeded The previous skill damage of Flying Slash!

Under the raging dragon sword energy, Ye Fusheng's blood bar rose wildly, and with just one breath, hundreds of monsters within 10 yards all died.

It can be said that within this second, Ye Fusheng generated an output of up to 500 million!

"Hiss... kill hundreds of monsters in one second, clear the cooldown time of the skill, and return the mana consumption... This skill is a proper magic skill!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed.

At such an opportunity, he actually plundered such a divine skill, would he miss it?


Just when Ye Fusheng was excited, thousands of monsters rushed up bravely and continued to besiege Ye Fusheng.

Their AI is too low, they don't know how to retreat at all, let alone know that their partner was beheaded by Ye Fusheng before, they only know how to attack!

Ever since, under the continuous rain of arrows thrown by tens of thousands of soldiers, and under the impact of Ye Fusheng's flying slashes again and again, tens of thousands of monsters did not even survive for a minute, and they turned into dead souls under Ye Fusheng's sword. Made experience and full of gold coins and equipment.

With that kind of rich experience reward, Xing Xing, Bai Ye and other NPCs have been promoted two or three levels, and Ye Fusheng's experience has skyrocketed to 90%, and he can reach level 51 at any time!
After all, there are too many monsters here!
After cleaning up the first wave of monsters, Ye Fusheng asked Bai Ye and the others to stay behind, while he rode the Raging Flame Demon Horse forward to attract the attention of the monsters.

Knowing his terrifying output ability, Ye Fusheng was not stingy, he directly pulled [-] monsters, led them back and kept away from the group of monsters attacking the Star Tower.

Immediately afterwards, when they entered the attacking range of Bai Ye's people, the Flying Slash skill was released again!

The golden light rained down, and Ye Fusheng finally rose to level 51 under the generous reward of experience points.

Experience is still beating crazily, rising!
The plundering technique is constantly triggered, brushing various special attributes and basic attributes for Ye Fusheng.

It's a pity that luck is relatively bad, and I can no longer plunder the skills of other monsters, let alone strengthen skills!

"System system: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the robber demon wolf, and get a reward of 80000 experience points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting jump attribute +5!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting sharp math +3!"


The system bell kept ringing, and Ye Fusheng's attribute and experience value soared together. That feeling was better than opening a map to kill and level up!
If other people see Ye Fusheng leveling like this, they will definitely be shocked, and even spit out their mouths.

What the hell, this is a large-scale online game, you kill monsters like this, don't take the GM seriously!
You are almost playing "Reincarnation of the Heavens" as a private server!
It's a pity that this kind of high-level map is currently impossible for other players to enter!
Not to mention seeing Ye Fusheng's terrifying spawning speed!

They could only see that Ye Fusheng's level on the ranking list started to rise again!
Six minutes later, all the 6 monsters attracted were slaughtered, and Ye Fusheng's backpack was full of equipment, gold, earth, and silver.

Putting it on consignment in a small shop selling girls is another considerable income.

The experience value has also risen to about 51% of level 30.

Looking around, there is still an army of monsters that can't be seen in the distance, which makes Ye Fusheng more excited.

If he could take the time to kill all these monsters, maybe he could directly rise to level 60, or even level 70!
After all, there are too many of these monsters, perhaps hundreds of millions!

"Hiss... continue to attract monsters, but the senior sister said that I should make some big news and attract some powerful people. I don't know if just killing ordinary monsters will be effective!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng stepped forward, and when he was about to hook up with those ordinary monsters again, he suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that there was a tall palace in the southeast direction!

The palace exudes a rich purple-black aura around it, giving people a particularly penetrating feeling.

"There is a problem! There may be a BOSS there!"

With a move in his heart, Ye Fusheng suddenly understood that he must do some big things if he wants to complete the task.

For example, destroy the palace and kill all the monsters in the palace!
"Forget it, there are still about 20 minutes of Lady Luck's Kiss BUFF, which can loot attributes infinitely, at least turn on the sharp effect first!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng still suppressed his restless heart, and then activated the monsters to start a pleasant journey of spawning monsters and brushing attributes.

Time passed bit by bit, and with the tragic death of those monsters, Ye Fusheng's various attributes and experience points increased rapidly.

I don't know how long it took, the experience value rose to 78%, Xing Xing and Bai Ye all rose to more than 70 levels, Ye Fusheng finally heard the long-lost notification sound!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who has reached 3000 points of sharpness, and has successfully activated the invincible stunt. When the sharpness reaches 10000, the special skill will be advanced to Destroy the front!"

Invincible (special skill): After opening, the self-attack will increase by 30%, and when attacking, the enemy will fall into a state of tearing and bleeding, and lose 1.5% of its own blood value every second. The duration is 30 seconds and the cooling time is 10 minutes.
"Hiss... the attack power is increased by 30%, and it can also lose 1.5% of the blood value every second. If there is another poison effect, even if there is no instant death stunt to kill the boss, I can't last for 1 minute under my hands."

Ye Fusheng was very satisfied after seeing the special skills that were activated after reaching the sharpness attribute.

This stunt is no worse than the skills obtained before.

It's a god-killing weapon!
Of course, now that Ye Fusheng is equipped with the sky burial suit, this stunt is not available for the time being.

After the sky burial suit is eliminated, this stunt will become very strong.

Steadily cut down 45% of the BOSS's blood value, no matter how much the total blood value is, even if there are billions, under Ye Fusheng's hands, they can't hold it for 2 minutes!

After activating the invincible stunt, Ye Fusheng no longer held back his hands, and accelerated the release speed of Flying Slash, causing instant kills to demon monsters wave after wave.

Another 3 minutes passed, and this time tens of thousands of monsters were attracted, all of them died.

The experience value has skyrocketed to 87%. It is reckoned that if you randomly farm some monsters and kill a high-level boss, you can rise to level 52.

After cleaning up the battlefield and picking up the equipment and gold coins, Ye Fusheng asked Xing Xing to give him a buff, and immediately led Bai Ye and other soldiers towards the palace.

On the way to the palace, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised that he didn't encounter monsters.

As they got closer, a group of cavalry emerged, wearing black armor, full of demonic energy, and their arms holding spears were exposed, full of skeletons!


"Enemy attack!"

The group of skeleton cavalry was quite fast, and they also noticed the arrival of Ye Fusheng's people. They exclaimed, and in an instant, the earth trembled, and thousands of cavalry charged around the palace, as if they wanted to surround and kill Ye Fusheng's people.

If those monsters were sane, they would definitely call themselves idiots. Thousands of people dared to besiege and kill tens of thousands of people. It was just hitting a stone with an egg!
However, they have no sanity, and they still charge from all directions.

Bai Ye quickly led his men, beheading the cavalry on both sides and rear, while Ye Fusheng was alone, and met the group of hundreds of cavalry.

The Eye of Truth skill was released, scanning the attributes and data of the cavalry.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles!
Well, in fact, Ye Fusheng wanted to see if these monsters had attributes and special abilities worth plundering.

If not, just kill it directly.

Armored Cavalry (Elite Monster)
Rating: 85
Blood value: 43000
Attack: 1800
Defense: 1600
Armored Chain: When the number of armored cavalry around reaches 1000, the defense power increases by 50%, and the attack power increases by 30%.
Skills: charge, heavy slash, sacrifice for righteousness (triggered when the own HP is lower than 10%, you can fall into an invincible state for 10 seconds, and increase the attack power by 100%, and increase the damage to the enemy by 20%)

Description: A terrifying knight wearing magic armor and tainted with strong magic energy

Weaknesses: Light, Fire


"The skill of giving up one's life for righteousness is really a bit perverted! In the invincible state for 10 seconds, it can also double the attack power and increase the damage by 20%... If this skill is given to me, it will be against the sky!"

Swallowing his saliva, in an instant, Ye Fusheng looked at those armored knights again, as if he was looking at a peerless beauty!
If this skill is given to Ye Fusheng, it will really be invincible!

Sacrificing one's life for righteousness combined with the characteristic of instant death, even if there is a god in front of him, Ye Fusheng dares to kill you!
However, after the excitement, Ye Fusheng realized that these armored knights had the ability to sacrifice their lives for righteousness, which meant that if he wanted to kill them, he could only kill them instantly!

Or the damage is strong enough to not give them a chance to activate their skills.

Otherwise, once too many armored knights activate the sacrifice of life skills, he can still hold on, and Bai Ye and the others will definitely suffer heavy casualties!

"Everyone listens to the order, the attack targets overlap, strive to achieve a one-hit kill, and don't give them a chance to fight back!"

With a long howl, Ye Fusheng even called out Xing Xing, making her into a human form, flying in the air, watching Bai Ye and others all the time.

Once a magic armor knight activates the skill of sacrifice for righteousness, let the stars release the skill, instantly kill the surrounding monsters, snipe and kill them with a single point, and do not give them the slightest chance to attack everyone in the Ninth Legion.

Are you kidding me, the Ninth Army Corps is Ye Fusheng's most valuable asset, how could he let them die in this kind of mission?
With the stars watching over them, and Bai Ye and the others not weak, they actually blocked the magic armored knight for a while, without much change in their health bars.

Ye Fusheng even went up to kill the knights in magic armor who were all over the sky.

Punching Slash and Flying Slash are constantly triggered with their excellent characteristics, almost every sword can cause [-] plus damage, and only two attacks are needed to send them to hell and reincarnation!
Moreover, it will never reach the blood value below 10%, so naturally the skills cannot be activated.

It's a pity that the effect of Lady Luck's kiss buff has expired, and the chance of triggering the looting technique is very low.

Under the continuous explosion of Feitian Zhan and the attack of sword energy like a dragon, hundreds of armored cavalry quickly fell at Ye Fusheng's feet.

At this time, Ye Fusheng looked up, and suddenly found that there was a dwarf wearing a hat at the rear of the armored cavalry.

"Damn it - the heroic demon warrior was killed!"

When the demon armored cavalry was almost killed, the dwarf screamed, turned around quickly, and ran towards the palace.

Just as Ye Fusheng wanted to switch weapons to kill the dwarf, he suddenly saw tens of thousands of knights in magic armor standing in front of the palace.

At the forefront of the battle line, there are actually several knights riding on flaming bone horses, with extraordinary momentum, obviously they are BOSS or commander-level existences!
"Hiss...there are still nine arrays in front of the palace, a total of about nine bosses, and the number of magic armor knights is estimated to be more than [-]!"

"This palace is definitely a very important place!"

With his eyes fixed, Ye Fusheng couldn't help breathing quickly.

Killing these magic armor knights, killing all these bosses, and then destroying the palace, should be able to complete the task and lead out the Scarlet Moon Queen, right?

However, Ye Fusheng did not act rashly.

If hundreds of thousands of monsters with invincible skills rushed up to fight, his Ninth Legion might die!

If you want to kill them, you must lead them out one by one!
Divide and divide, and then slowly eat away!

There is no rush for this kind of thing!
After all, these are monsters and bosses above level 90!

"My lord general, some outsiders have killed the patrolling master knight, please take action and kill them all!"

The dwarf ran to a phalanx and yelled at the boss. In an instant, the boss seemed to have activated the system, roared, and immediately ordered the dwarf to rush out with thousands of magic armored cavalry, and attacked again. Xiang Ye Fusheng's team.


Seeing that scene, Ye Fusheng was taken aback for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

It seems that the dwarf can attract the armored cavalry team for him!
Moreover, only a few thousand monsters were attracted at one time, which completely allowed Bai Ye and the others to kill them without damage.

I can still brush my face more to see if I can learn the skills of sacrificing one's life for righteousness from these demon armored cavalry!
"Flying Slash!"


After the magic armored cavalry approached, Ye Fusheng started a pleasant journey of killing monsters again. Cooperating with the long-range strikes of Bai Ye's people, these thousands of magic armored knights died tragically under the fluctuation of sword energy in less than 3 minutes.

Well, after all, the Flying Slash can only cause damage to one monster, and the real weapon for killing monsters is the sweeping sword energy after the slash.

One sword qi can kill 60% of the magic armor knight's blood, and two sword qi can kill hundreds of magic armor knights. Kill them all without cooling down, that is, it takes one to two minutes thing.

"Oh... damn it, cavalry masters, you are so weak! You must have wasted too much energy on those coquettish bastards with only pelvic bones left!"

The armored cavalryman died, and the dwarf cursed in a low voice, and ran back again.

Ye Fusheng stared intently, and as expected, it began to trick the boss into sending troops to continue the attack.

The number of people was still two or three thousand, and they were easily eliminated.

After six times in a row, there were only a few hundred armored cavalry left behind the boss, which was extremely pitiful.

When the dwarf went back again, the BOSS was furious. He raised his gun, rode the flaming bone horse, and led hundreds of demon armored cavalry to attack Ye Fusheng.

The terrifying aura suddenly bloomed, even Ye Fusheng felt a little surprised.

It seems that the rank of the boss is not low!

Could it be that it is a boss above the spiritual level?

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was suspicious, released the Eye of Truth, only to see the purple light flashing, the attributes of the boss appeared in front of him, causing Ye Fusheng's pupils to shrink suddenly!

(PS: Two-in-one big chapter!!! My mentality is blown. It’s been five days since the book was released, and I haven’t even been reviewed by me!!! The new book is very interesting and beautiful, hey... despair!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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