Invincible in one touch

Chapter 215 Pioneer Wings, amazing equipment!

Chapter 215 Pioneer Wings, amazing equipment!

Demon Armored General Si Ning (Ghost Level BOSS)

Rating: 98
Blood value: 3290000
Attack Power: 7720-8100
Defense: 3600
Immovable as a mountain: Defense power increases by 10%, and when attacked, reduces damage received by oneself by 20%

Skill: Iron Cavalry Charge (quickly rush to the target within 30 yards, causing high damage to the target and making the target stunned for 3 seconds)
Demon Sword Slash (a slash containing magic energy hits the target, causing damage to it, at the same time, there is a 30% chance to make the enemy fall into the state of magic energy possession, and reduce its own attributes by 10%)
Demonic Assassination (causes high damage to enemy targets)

Dark wither (summons the power of wither, causing a corrosive attack on the target object or area, reducing the blood value by 500 points per second, and reducing the resistance to darkness by 30%)
Description: A leader who commands tens of thousands of armored knights. He is powerful and has the ability to wither people's souls.

Weaknesses: Light, Dark

"Hiss...ghost-level boss? What is that?!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was surprised when he saw Si Ning's attributes.

Didn't it mean that above the spirit level is the fairy level?

Why did a ghost-level boss suddenly appear?

The attribute is very strong, twice as strong as the previous spirit-level boss!
Therefore, Ye Fusheng dared to conclude that this ghost level must be stronger than the spirit level!

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng waved his hand, controlling Bai Ye and everyone to move, let Xing Xing come back to protect him, gain BUFF down, and wait to attack at any time.

After Si Ning stayed away from the armored knight army behind him and got close to Ye Fusheng's people, Ye Fusheng locked on the target, released the Flying Slash, and his whole body rushed in front of Si Ning in an instant. Ning's body caused extremely high damage to it.


Si Ning was furious, and just about to raise the big sword surging with black demonic energy, the charge had already arrived, and he was stunned on the spot.



The next moment, a rain of arrows fell all over the sky, and Bai Ye and other NPCs raised their bows and arrows, and a round of arrow rain broke out, consuming Si Ning's blood.

Xing Xing didn't hold back even more, released the Star Condensation Slash, and struck Si Ning.

Ye Fusheng attacked Si Ning while summoning a system elf.

Well, it doesn't matter what level of boss you are, let's beat you first!

"La la la, dear master, the elf is here to serve you!"

Just as Si Ning was being beaten, the little elf flapped its wings and flew out of the void with a particularly crisp sound.

"What level is the ghost-level boss? Why is there no official news?"

Ye Fusheng looked solemn, and asked quickly.

"Dear master, the ghost level is a special level for a series of dark groups such as demons and ghosts. It is comparable to the fairy level! Although it is a ghost level boss, the equipment and items that can be dropped are fairy level, but the name is different. !Similarly, after reaching the god level, the title of the special group will also change, it is demon god!"

The elf explained Ye Fusheng's doubts.

"So that's how it turns out...the ghost level is the fairy level of other ethnic groups!"

"Hiss... What kind of terrifying mission is this special mother, that a fairy-level existence appeared so early!"

"However, in this game, the immortal level is actually lower than the legendary and epic level. It's a bit confusing. It stands to reason that the immortal level is only slightly weaker than the god level!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng put away the elf, even if he had doubts in his heart, he didn't ask much.

After all, this is a game setting, if it is too serious, it will become iron and stupid.

Everyone has their own understanding, besides, immortals are not strong in the first place.

It can only be said that he is a person who has attained the Tao. There are reasons for the existence of some legends and epics, which are not weaker than gods, and higher than ordinary gods.

After the doubts were answered, Si Ning also woke up, roared, brandished the magic knife, and slashed at Ye Fusheng's shoulder.

Trembling with great force, facing the ghost-level boss with [-] attack power, Ye Fusheng only felt that the power was like a surging wave, and he couldn't help but retreat a few steps with his horse and man, and the damage figure of nearly [-] floated above his head.

However, for his current blood value of 20, such a little damage is not worth mentioning.

Not to mention, he still has blood-sucking effect!

"Star Slash!"

Just when Si Ning was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, Xing Xing stepped forward, waved his jade hand lightly, and his petite body burst out with thunderous power, unexpectedly blocking Si Ning.

The next moment, Ye Fusheng stepped forward again, the offensive of basic attack + heavy slash + general attack fell, and a shocking number suddenly jumped out!




The blood-sucking effect was triggered, and the [-] points of blood that had finally dropped returned to full value again.

Well, Ye Fusheng's basic attack power is over 3600, and the defense power of this boss is only [-], so he can't handle the damage at all.

Even if it's a basic attack, even if its level is super high and has a level suppressing effect, Ye Fusheng can cause [-] to [-] points of damage to it!

In other words, even if there were no stars, no NPCs like Bai Ye, if Ye Fusheng wanted to kill this boss, he would only need 20 swords and a few skills!

Si Ning wailed in pain, swung his sword to block Ye Fusheng's and Xing Xing's attacks, raised his left hand, and chanted spells in his mouth.


In an instant, the purple-black mist was rippling and gathered around it, as if there was a burst of terrifying power.

Suddenly, the purple-black mist exploded, spread in the air, fell on Ye Fusheng, fell on Xing Xing, and even landed on the ground.

Chi la la!
The ear-piercing sound sounded, and the already barren land was corroded, making it look terrifying.

Stars, Ye Fusheng kept jumping up -500-500 damage figures.


"System prompt: Since the player is attacked by the dark wither, the resistance to darkness will be reduced by 30%, and 500 blood points will be lost every second! The movement speed and attack speed will be reduced by 50%!"

"Hey... In addition to reducing the darkness resistance and blood value, it also reduces the speed?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng waved his arm. Sure enough, it looked extremely heavy, and he couldn't attack as fast as before.

This made Ye Fusheng quite depressed, and slowed down his attack speed, which meant that it would take more time to kill Si Ning, a boss who was comparable to a fairy level!
"No, it must be killed as soon as possible!"

"My task is time-limited!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth, stood up and stabbed again, the two swords swept across, and slashed at Si Ning.

After all, Si Ning is a ghost-level boss with a lot of skills, and maybe a high AI. Once he escapes or attracts more monsters, he will be in big trouble!


When the sword cut down, Ye Fusheng's arm suddenly burned, and he felt a special force surge.


Si Ning let out a scream, and the health bar that was originally healthy was suddenly emptied, and immediately the whole person fell from the bones and fell heavily to the ground.


The bone horse neighed, its figure completely dissipated, and disappeared into this space.

"Humble humans, Empress Scarlet Moon will lead the demons and turn you into slaves!"

Amidst the wailing, Si Ning's body exploded, turning into a sky full of gold coins and equipment, leaving only Ye Fusheng with a masked face.

What's going on, Si Ning clearly still has three million blood points, why did he die?
"Huh? Could it be... that the instant death effect of the sky burial suit was triggered?"

"So lucky? It was triggered so easily?!"

Swallowing his saliva, when Ye Fusheng really saw the horror of the instant death effect, he was still extremely excited.

No matter how much he had imagined before, fantasizing about all kinds of bosses being killed in seconds, how could there be any shock from the real scene?
Three million blood points, no amount of skills may be able to solve it, but under the instant death effect, it is an instant death!

What's even more frightening is that the instant death effect can be triggered on any boss. If there is a boss with billions of qi and blood, wouldn't it mean that a single sword can kill billions of qi and blood in seconds?

"... Phew... calm down!"

Taking a long breath, just as Ye Fusheng stabilized his mind and was about to check the properties of the dropped equipment, a long-lost system bell suddenly rang.


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to Huaxia War Zone [Floating Life] for becoming the first player to kill a ghost-level boss. He will be rewarded with 1000 million experience points, 1000 reputation points, and 10 extraordinary achievement points! Pioneer Wings X1!"

"World server announcement: ..."


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to Huaxia War Zone [Floating Life] for becoming the first player to kill a ghost-level boss. He will be rewarded with 1000 million experience points, 1000 reputation points, and 10 extraordinary achievement points! Pioneer Wings X1!"

"Wings of the Pioneer... how do you feel, a piece of equipment has been released, an incredible piece of equipment!"

His body trembled slightly, Ye Fusheng's eyes rolled, and he quickly opened his backpack, but a red light flashed into his eyes!

(PS: Today's first update, there will be another chapter later!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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