Invincible in one touch

Chapter 216 Extraordinary Immortal Artifact!

Chapter 216 Extraordinary Immortal Artifact!
The red light flickered, and after Ye Fusheng got used to the light, he stared intently and couldn't help gasping.

What appeared in front of him was a pair of wings!

"Hiss... This game actually has wings?!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought of some cheating mobile games in the past.

In those mobile games, wings are an extremely powerful piece of equipment, and likewise, an extremely expensive piece of equipment.

For example, the Three Kingdoms of Youth endorsed by the protagonist of a certain apartment, each wing is several thousand Huaxia coins, and the price is expensive.

Of course, the attribute is also very scary, with or without wings, there will be a gap between heaven and earth!

Unexpectedly, there is such equipment as wings in "Reincarnation of the Heavens".

Fortunately, the current Ye Fusheng is not in his previous life, with a wealth of wealth, and this "Reincarnation of the Heavens" is not a mobile game that cheats money, it cheats the liver at most!
"Tsk tsk, I want to see what effect this wing attribute can have. If this kind of full-realistic game has wings, can it fly?"

"If you can really fly, the wings are combined with the Lone Star Ranger profession, and it's very good to spawn monsters!"

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng's thoughts turned sharply, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he stretched out his hand to flick, the next moment, the attributes of the wings appeared in front of him.

Pioneer Wings (spirit weapon · wings)

Blood value: 80000
Attack: 2000
Defense: 2000
Herald: Experience gain increased by 30%
Hang in the air: After opening the state, you can open the wings and gain the ability to stay in the air. After jumping up, you can stay in the air for 10 minutes, and you can move for a short time, up to 30 yards away from the ground

Description: The wings that only the pioneers of the human race can get, the attribute is not strong, but it contains the blessing of the gods

Rating: 50
Bound Player: Floating Life

Not dropable, not tradable

" really is wings!"

"Directly increase 80000 blood points, 2000 attack power and defense power! It also has the airborne feature, and increases the amount of experience gained! The effect is good, but compared with the wings in the mobile game, this effect is too LOW, right?"

"But fortunately, this kind of wings should be difficult to obtain. Other players want to get it, at least it will take a while. During this period of time, this wing is the equipment that I have more than them out of thin air, and the attributes are almost acceptable. !"

"Later, you should be able to get better wings!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was satisfied, he no longer complained about the weakness of the wings, and chose equipment.

Thoughts moved slightly, but the Pioneer Wings did not move.


"What's the matter?"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng hastily opened the system prompt, only to see a line of small characters.


"System prompt: The player has not opened the wing equipment bar, and cannot equip the pioneer wings! Please also open the equipment bar first!"


Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but feel pain in his ass, damn it, you got good equipment but can't use it, how sad it is!

"Forget it, let's take a look at the equipment that exploded first! It should be very difficult to open the wing equipment bar!"

Shaking his head slightly, and putting the Pioneer Wings away, Ye Fusheng lowered his head and picked up the equipment that Si Ning broke out earlier.

It has to be said that the ghost-level boss was still the first kill, and the explosion rate was quite gratifying. Three pieces of equipment were exploded, and there was also a purple skill book.

Reaching out to brush the equipment, their attributes suddenly turned into white light and flew out.

Magic War Leggings (Immortal Artifact)
Defense: 5800
Power: 1000
Stamina: 1200
Magic War: Defense power increased by 20%, attack power increased by 10%
Set attributes:
(1/3): Spirit of Demon War: When attacked, increase own movement speed, attack speed, and release speed by 30%, increase own attack power and defense power by 15%, and add dark element attributes to weapons, each attack Causes 150% attribute attack

(1/6): Demonic Aura: When attacked, there is a 30% chance of triggering a magical attack, and a 3% chance of triggering a magical attack when attacking, which reduces the target's blood value and its own defense by 60%, 70% Darkness resistance, and restore 3% of its own blood value every second, until the magic energy disappears
(1/7): Demon spirit: Increase its own attributes by 10%, and activate the special skill Summoning, which can revive the target after killing it, allowing it to have 80% of the attributes before it was alive, obey its own orders, and last for a period of time 30 minutes, cooling time 30 minutes (Note: If used on BOSS, the duration is reduced to 20 minutes, and the cooling time is increased to 60 minutes)

Description: Leggings containing strong magic energy, hard texture, especially special

Rating: 80

"It's actually a fairy suit! This should be the first fairy suit in the game!"

After touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was not happy at all.

If he didn't get the sky burial suit, he would be very excited to see this fairy equipment suit.

But, except for the basic attributes of the magic battle suit, which is a bit stronger than the sky burial suit, the rest of the effects are not even suitable for the sky burial suit!
Of course, this is not to say that the magic battle suit is weak, but that the sky burial suit is too strong!

I'm afraid that only real artifacts, holy artifacts, can surpass the sky burial in terms of suit attributes and basic attributes.

"Xiaoxue is an elemental shooter. This suit is useless to her. Huh... There are nine bosses in total. With my lucky value, it shouldn't be difficult to break out this set of equipment!"

"At that time, let's use the blood armor first... Last time he lost so many levels to help me, and now he is focusing on training the cavalry in the territory, so I have to give him some benefits!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng had already made up his mind that the magic battle suit should be given to the blood armor first, so that it can exert a greater effect.

First, it can make Fengxian in the blood armor even more determined. When Zhang Wenyuan appears in the future, relying on Fengxian in the blood armor may be able to pull him into his camp.

Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan, the head of the five good generals of the Cao Wei Group, among many generals, may not be very famous in terms of force alone, but if it is in terms of leading troops to fight, he can definitely be among the top three!

What Ye Fusheng needs is this kind of famous general!
Second, buy a horse bone with a thousand gold, so that other masters can see that his Floating World Guild will never only recruit high school girls to play, as long as the strength is high, he can accept it!
In the game, Ye Fusheng alone may be able to crush the entire field in a certain battle, but in a real national war, after the guild war comes, the battlefield will span several cities, thousands of miles, including With [-] players, Ye Fusheng alone can't do everything.

He had to make more preparations and recruit more experts.

Similar to Lingfeng, Qianshanxue, and Xuejia Fengxian who can stand on their own!

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng turned his attention to the second piece of equipment, which was a staff with a shimmering light.

For some reason, when Ye Fusheng saw the staff, his heart beat faster.

He had a hunch, perhaps, this would be a weapon that could surpass Silver Moon Demon Brilliance and rank first in the equipment list!
The light flickered, and a line of purple characters flew in front of him.

Holy Magic Staff (Fairy Artifact·Extraordinary)

(PS: Two updates today, a new day, please recommend tickets!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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