Invincible in one touch

Chapter 218 The Goddess of War, Ghost Creature!

Chapter 218 The Goddess of War, Ghost Creature!

Throwing the three golden utensils into the backpack, Ye Fusheng confirmed that all the armored cavalry in the surrounding area had been cleared, then waved his hand, signaling Bai Ye to lead the crowd to follow him to the palace.

Riding the angry flame horse, Ye Fusheng's gaze was like a torch, fixedly staring at the palace, constantly sizing it up.

Those armored cavalry are by no means weak, plus nine ghost-level boss guards, it is enough to prove that the presence of guards in the palace is very important.

That being the case, there might be a mysterious and powerful boss in the palace, Ye Fusheng had to be careful.

Gradually approaching the palace, the BGM changed, and a mournful and shrill voice came out, making Ye Fusheng feel chills all over his body, and felt hairy for a while.

Fortunately, no monsters appeared.

Near the entrance of the palace, the heavy iron gate was closed tightly, and the lavender magic energy rippled out from it.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Bai Ye, you lead the army to guard around, if other people come, block them! I will personally enter the palace and destroy it!"

"Yes, General!"

Slightly nodding his head, Bai Ye immediately ordered many soldiers to disperse and surround the palace.

Ye Fusheng took the stars and pushed open the heavy door.


The door trembled and opened slowly, like a demon that had been dusty for many years waking up, the cold air suddenly hit, making Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing shiver all over their bodies.

"Hiss... There must be monsters in this palace!"

Feeling the cold air, Ye Fusheng asked Xing Xing to add buffs to himself, then got off his horse and directed the angry flame horse to slowly enter the palace.

Well, if there is a danger, let the angry flame demon immediately!
Da da da--

The trampling sound of horseshoes became clearer and louder, echoing in the palace.

At the same time, pale white flames ignited out of thin air, illuminating the entire palace, and clearly caught Ye Fusheng's eyes.

Except for the black beams and pillars, the walls full of weird murals, and a staircase, there is nothing else, and no monsters have emerged.

"No monsters?"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng quickly followed in.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully stepping into the demon altar, Void, and get a reward of 100000 experience points!"


"The place of the demon altar?"

"Sure enough, there are secrets hidden in this palace!"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng became more firm in his guess, and instead of directly stepping on the stairs leading to the second floor, he turned around and walked towards the surrounding stone walls.

In this kind of virtual game, high-level hidden tasks must be triggered independently. Ye Fusheng has a hunch that there are definitely good things hidden in this palace, and there may be tasks above SSS level!

However, when Ye Fusheng approached the stone wall, Xing Xing's expression not far away suddenly froze, he raised his long sword, and kept looking around.

A special breath came from all around.


With a loud bang, the originally opened iron door slammed shut and closed tightly together!

Before Ye Fusheng was surprised, a system notification sounded.


"System prompt: The map of the demon altar has been closed. Only when the altar is destroyed can it be opened again!"


"No wonder there were no monsters before. It turns out that the map has not been activated. If it is activated now, monsters should appear, right?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng looked around, but he still didn't find any monsters, so he couldn't help being extremely surprised.

However, when he noticed Xingxing's dignified expression, he suddenly realized that the monster should be hiding in the palace.

Xing Xing is still in the growth stage, and has a cute personality. He only looks like this when he encounters monsters.

"Forget it, since you want to hide in the dark, then hide. When I finish sharpening the knife and inspecting the altar, you will all die!"

After touching his nose, Ye Fusheng didn't care, walked to the stone wall, stretched out his hand, and stroked the mural.

This mural depicts a harpy dancing gracefully bathed in the moonlight, surrounded by dozens of monsters from the demon race, prostrating and worshiping, with blood dripping from the soles of their feet.

The silver-white moonlight, corresponding to the blood-colored light, is particularly weird and creepy.

"The harpies... It seems that they are still the priests of the demon clan! Well, if you encounter them in the future, you can improve some attributes!"

He doesn't care what attributes he can get from the Harpy, Ye Fusheng only remembers the feel of the Q bomb when he brushed the Harpy Queen back then.

As long as the brush is cool enough, it doesn't matter what attributes he can brush!
The only downside is that the harpy has too much hair, why don't you bring a knife next time and shave off all the hair before touching it... Ahhh!Brush attributes again!
With a soft spit, the pure Ye Fusheng turned his gaze to another piece of mural.

In the picture, three mages shrouded in black robes, riding three ancient dragons, besieged a woman in battle armor.

"Another Goddess of War?"

"Why are all the powerful fighters of the human race in this game female?"

Secretly complained, Ye Fusheng knew it without looking, the final outcome was that the Goddess of War hacked the three dark mages to death.

Going forward, in the mural, is the former Goddess of War, with hundreds of chains wrapped around her body, and countless black magic thunders surged, hitting her one after another.

Not far away, there were figures of several human races, who seemed to be rescuing the Goddess of War.

"Huh? The Demon Race actually defeated the Goddess of War?"

Surprised, Ye Fusheng didn't expect that this plan was so daring to play, and dared to let the people lose!
But think about it, if the human race could defeat the demon race in the past, then why do these brave people need to enter the game world?
The Demon Race has long been expelled from the Magic Moon Continent!
Moving on, on the mural, all the human races who went to save the Goddess of War died, were dismembered, and their limbs and arms were piled up in front of the Goddess of War.

The Goddess of War roared to the sky, with a sad face.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng's face was serious, and he stopped complaining.

The next mural suddenly changed the scene. Thousands of harpies danced under the moonlight. The supposedly holy moonlight was extremely strange. At the bottom, the Goddess of War was imprisoned by a ball of black viscous liquid, unable to move. Very stiff, as if he had lost his soul.

This end of the mural on this side, Ye Fusheng rubbed his chin and couldn't help but become curious.

"I don't know... what will happen to the Goddess of War? If she really died so easily, it would be too sad!"

"That's a strong man who can kill three bone dragons and three dark magisters!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng sighed and continued to walk towards the other wall.

But he didn't notice that black shadows flashed across the murals he passed by.

The paintings on the walls on the other three sides are no longer coherent, and each mural represents a belief or ethnic group.

It includes more than 30 kinds of monsters, including the double-sword demon Ye Fusheng encountered before, the magic pattern mantis, and various walking corpses.

Seeing that there were no special murals, Ye Fusheng was no longer impatient and speeded up. However, when he stepped over the last mural, countless black air gushed out from the entire palace instantly, like an ancient beast awakened, opening its huge mouth, Swallowed Ye Fusheng violently!
boom boom-

There was a thunderous sound, and there were many ghosts, and the purple and black silk threads intertwined, outlining a ghostly creature.

Ye Fusheng's whole body was trapped in ghosts!


Just when Ye Fusheng was surprised, the system notification sound followed.

(PS: Let’s guess, who is the Goddess of War in the mural? If you guess right, you will win a prize!
Well, today is free, and I will post the next chapter sooner, so that everyone can see the free chapter!In addition, I will start to update after the free limit is downloaded early this morning!3-5 chapters will be released at zero o'clock, and 10 chapters will be written during the day tomorrow!
That's right, I will update 14 chapters on the 10th, and then from the 15th, I will update the bottom line with 2 words every day!If there is a boss who rewards a leader or rudder, there will be additional changes (students don’t want to reward, I can spend a few cups of milk tea every month, come to QQ to read, genuine subscription support, I am very grateful up)!Ahem, I have a manuscript in my hand, I just want to play around, hahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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