Invincible in one touch

Chapter 219 Magic Barrier, Blood Red Boss!

Chapter 219 Magic Barrier, Blood Red Boss!


"System prompt: A magical barrier has emerged, please kill all monsters in the barrier!"

When the system prompt sounded, Ye Fusheng immediately realized that this was the secret monster's attack!
Looking intently, the originally empty hall was now full of ghosts, and zombies oozing blood all over their bodies made shrill sounds, rushing towards Ye Fusheng.

There are still ghosts floating in the air, carrying a huge sickle, like a god of death.

What's even more surprising is that Ye Fusheng can still see the stars, but the stars are outside the barrier, and it seems that they can't see those monsters at all, and they keep looking around in place with a dignified expression.

"Only one person can enter this enchantment! There is a problem! There must be a problem!"

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng's heart trembled, and he immediately understood that this enchantment would never be as simple as these monsters appearing!

Just as Ye Fusheng was contemplating, those bloody zombies rushed forward waving their sharp claws, and they slapped Ye Fusheng's cheeks with three feet long sharp claws.

chi chi chi!
With a soft sound, before Ye Fusheng could feel the pain, the zombie's claws were actually cracked open!
"You don't hit someone in the face... you're going to die!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng crossed his swords and hit the zombie in a cross shape.

The output of up to 7 broke out, and the zombie's blood bar was instantly emptied, performing a blood bar disappearing magic on the spot, and it exploded.

"What a low defense!"

"The attack power is also very low, even I can't break through the defense. Are you sure this is a high-level monster?"

Seeing that the zombie's health bar was so thin, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but frown slightly, doubtful in his heart.

Outside the palace, those armored cavalry were not weak. Why did these monsters become weaker inside the palace?

It stands to reason that the monsters at the back are stronger!



Roaring and moaning sounded like resentment and admiration, Ye Fusheng looked up, and there were dozens of zombies attacking again, and the ghost flying from the sky at high speed even brandished the death scythe, bursting out with terrifying power.

The Eye of Truth was released, and in an instant, the attribute panels of the two monsters appeared in front of them.

Bloodthirsty Zombie (Elite Monster·Virtual)
Rating: 95
Blood value: 10000
Attack: 1000
Defense: 1000
Ability: Claw Attack
Description: Zombie without sanity, extremely fast
Ghost of Death (Elite Monster · Void)
Rating: 95
Blood value: 10000
Attack: 1000
Defense: 1000
Ability: Death Scythe
Description: A ghost wielding the Death Scythe


"Excellent elite monster, why are its attributes so low?"

Seeing the shabby and pitiful attributes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being surprised, and felt sorry for them.

"However, what level of monsters does the Xu behind represent? Or, is it because their kidneys are too weak that their attributes can't keep up?"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng's expression became more and more weird: "The setting of this game is really weird. I didn't expect that even monsters have kidneys! It seems that I will have more monsters in the future, so that I won't be able to keep up!"

Smiling and shaking his head, Ye Fusheng didn't think too much, before the ghosts in the sky waved the death scythe, and even before those bloodthirsty zombies rushed forward, he raised his two swords, the swords swinging for nine days contained an astonishing power The thunder burst out, splitting many monsters into ashes in an instant.

After killing the first wave of monsters, Ye Fusheng locked on a target in the group of bloodthirsty zombies, and released his Flying Slash skill!

Like a thunderbolt, Ye Fusheng swept over dozens of bloodthirsty zombies in an instant, and slashed at the locked bloodthirsty zombies, causing up to 13 damage.

The next moment, the sword aura was like a dragon, roaring and circling, bursting out the piercing sword aura and sweeping across, suddenly killing all the bloodthirsty zombies around.

Not only that, even some ghosts flying in the air were pierced by the sword energy and exploded directly.


For a moment, countless ghosts of the god of death rushed towards Ye Fusheng again with the scythe of the god of death.

However, after killing the bloodthirsty zombies, the cooldown of the Flying Slash skill was emptied, and even Ye Fusheng didn't give the death ghost time to react, and once again locked on a far away target, his body turned into lightning, and attacked again.

boom boom-

The sword energy fluctuated and once again emptied dozens of bloodthirsty zombies.

Even [-] to [-] blood armored cavalry can't stop Ye Fusheng's Flying Slash skill, let alone them?
As a result, under Ye Fusheng's consecutive Flying Slashes, the ghost of the god of death kept changing direction, as if turning in a circle.

If the ghost of death has AI, it will definitely be dizzy.

Ghost of Death: I may not be human, but you are a real ghost!

Three minutes later, under the Flying Slash, thousands of bloodthirsty zombies exploded, leaving only tens of thousands of death ghosts floating in the air.

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng was just about to attack the death ghost when a strange sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was stunned when he looked in the direction of the sound.

All I could see was that blood gushed out from the surrounding stone walls, and turned into thousands of bloodthirsty zombies in an instant, making a howling sound and rushing towards Ye Fusheng again.

"Can you be resurrected?"

"Then I want to see how many times you can be resurrected!"

With a frozen expression, Ye Fusheng turned his direction, Feitian Zhan changed his target, and released it towards the bloodthirsty zombies.


The sword energy was like a dragon, raging in an instant and bursting out among the bloodthirsty zombies, causing great damage to them.

Right now, they have just transformed, and they are almost all crowded next to the wall. The range is narrow, and the passive sword energy can completely cover them all, causing terrifying damage!

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng frowned, turned around without hesitation, and released Feitian Zhan one after another.

In an instant, sword energy fluttered and filled the entire palace. Tens of thousands of bloodthirsty zombies had just been resurrected, and were beaten into iron fools again, exploding to death.


Taking a long breath, before Ye Fusheng could relax, the sound of blood flowing rang out again.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng turned around to look, and he could clearly see blood seeping from the surrounding stone walls again!
This time, the blood was even stronger than before!
"Hiss... what the hell is going on with this enchantment?"

"Infinite bloodthirsty zombie system?! Could it be that a treasure is needed to destroy them?"

Patting his head, Ye Fusheng was puzzled.


Amidst the roar, tens of thousands of bloodthirsty zombies transformed again, their eyes bloodshot, staring at Ye Fusheng.

There was no other way, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to perform Flying Slash again, bursting out with an astonishing sword energy, once again blasting tens of thousands of bloodthirsty zombies, like fireworks.


But, the sound of blood flowing, lingering, sounded again!

"It's definitely a barrier problem!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng suddenly opened the battle prompt interface, and was shocked to find that he had killed so many bloodthirsty zombies before, but he didn't get any experience!
Recalling the extremely weak attack from the bloodthirsty zombie at the beginning, Ye Fusheng finally understood what was wrong.

"It's been hidden in the dark..."

Turning his eyes, this time, Ye Fusheng didn't move or release his skills, but just stood quietly in place.


A few seconds later, all the bloodthirsty zombies were successfully formed, and the ghosts of the god of death who were constantly circling in the air also rushed to Ye Fusheng's side, each carrying a sickle of death, wishing to burst into tears.

After going around for so long, I finally managed to hit Ye Fusheng!

The sound of piercing the air kept ringing, and one after another bloody sickle passed over Ye Fusheng's body, causing weak damage numbers, not even reaching 100.

However, those death ghosts attacked Ye Fusheng one after another like moths to a flame.

Soon, those bloodthirsty zombies also surrounded him, making a roaring sound, and slapped Ye Fusheng with their sharp claws, just like a kitten scratching his itch.

The damage was still pitifully low, but under the continuous attack of tens of thousands of bloodthirsty zombies and tens of thousands of death ghosts, Ye Fu's blood value slowly decreased.

However, no matter how those monsters attacked, Ye Fusheng remained indifferent and did not fight back. He didn't even add BUFF, and let his blood value drop.




However, after Ye Fu's qi and blood value dropped to 90%, he suddenly sensed that his own qi and blood value turned into a silk thread, which was actually connected to a wall.

"Damn guy, finally found you!"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng didn't hesitate at all, he swung his swords horizontally, and after shaking off the coming attack in front of him, he activated his unyielding will stunt, immune to various attacks and control effects, and rushed forward.

bang bang bang-

Under the huge power gap, those death ghosts and bloodthirsty zombies couldn't stop Ye Fusheng at all, and were knocked out one after another.

Ye Fusheng fixed his eyes on that wall, and when he stayed within 35 yards, his Flying Slash skill was instantly released!
The space seemed to be split, Ye Fusheng rushed to the wall suddenly, and the two divine swords of Tianzhan Lieyan and Yinyue Mohui, flashing flames and moonlight respectively, slammed on the stone wall.

Accompanied by the two swords slashing, the wall exploded, and then, as if the world was turned upside down, the entire barrier trembled and shook violently.


An angry roar sounded, and tens of thousands of bloodthirsty zombies and ghosts of death froze in place within the barrier, and immediately exploded one after another.

click - click -

Around the enchantment, cracks appeared one after another, as if they would collapse at any moment.

"Sure enough, something is playing tricks!"

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng's expression was icy cold, with both hands exerting force, the two swords pierced deeper and deeper into the stone wall.


The next moment, a roar resounded through the palace, the stone wall exploded, and a monster covered with tentacles jumped out of it, wriggling and waving its tentacles, which looked particularly disgusting!

However, its ID is shining with blood!
Ye Fusheng's heart shivered fiercely!
(PS: Today’s update is sent, starting tomorrow, that is, on the 14th, [-] words will be updated every day!!! Only a lot more!!
There may not be too many updates at night, and I am so pissed off at night that I can't write.Hey, as soon as it was recommended, someone reported it. I was puzzled. Chapter 1 said that if you don’t like reading harem and cool articles, you can leave and report again. As a result, my previous chapters were blocked. I still To modify the previous chapters, I hope it can be released!
Please read and cherish this book, sooner or later, it will be reported by the disgusting guy as tasteless!Most of my stories are game plots, occasionally there is a little flavoring, I report it all, and I take it!
Well, if there is no update at night, I will have a bigger explosion tomorrow during the day! ! !A [-]-word update, thank you brothers for your support! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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