Invincible in one touch

Chapter 220 Star Boss, New Class!

Chapter 220 Star Boss, New Class!
The blood-red ID flickered, like the eyes of a ferocious beast, filled with a chilling aura.

Rao Ye Fusheng was stunned for a moment when he saw the blood-red ID suddenly.

Could it be that this BOSS surpassed the ghost level?
With this in mind, Ye Fusheng crossed his swords across his chest, stepped back a few steps, and distanced himself from the tentacle monster, his gaze was like a torch, and he released his Eye of Truth skill.

Devouring Touch (Ghost Level ★★★★★BOSS)

Rating: 105
Blood value: 18280000
Attack: 5000
Defense: 5000
Rebirth of Broken Limbs: When the qi and blood drop by 10%, you can choose to break a tentacle to restore the qi and blood to full. If the rest of the tentacles are not broken within 30 seconds, the previously broken tentacles will be revived
Lost in the Illusion (Using the dark breath to construct a magic barrier, making the opponent fall into the illusion world)
Illusion outline (can create a variety of monsters in the illusion, and make them have 20% of their own attributes, except for blood value)
Fantasy Reality (When a monster attacks the target in the enchantment, each attack is counted as its own attack, which can trigger special effects)

Illusion Devour (when the target loses 10% of the blood in the enchantment, the power of the target's soul can be absorbed, if 100% of the target's soul is absorbed, the target's soul can be forcibly imprisoned, making it a puppet that obeys orders)
Description: An extremely secretive existence among the dark demons, possessing the power to devour human souls, and the magic enchantment created by it has caused countless human warriors to fall into the abyss forever
Weakness: bright

"Hiss... ghost level ★★★★★? It seems that there are five stars in the immortal level. Let me just say that above the immortal level are the holy artifacts and divine artifacts. How could they appear so soon!"

"It turns out that after the immortal level, there are still subtle classifications!"

Nodding his head slightly, Ye Fusheng was not surprised, the only thing that surprised him was the horror of the boss!
It is indeed a five-star ghost-level boss, with a blood value of more than 1800 million. Several skills are interlocking, and they can be perfectly combined into a mechanism.

Previously, even Ye Fusheng was restrained by skills, so it can be seen that the horror of the Devouring Touch!
Once Ye Fusheng fails to notice that his blood is exhausted by many death ghosts and bloodthirsty zombies, his soul will probably be extracted.

Although Ye Fusheng is a player, the extraction of his soul will also have a great impact.

"Construct barriers, create monsters, siege targets, attacks can trigger their own special effects, and can also extract souls... If these skills can be given to me, it will be easier to fight the boss!"

"Eating hot pot and singing, you can use the virtual monster's attack to trigger instant death effects, killing the boss in seconds!"

"Fight it! Try it out, can you trigger the looting technique a few more times, and give me the skills of this boss!"

Swallowing his saliva, knowing that the boss didn't have any more attacking skills, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, even switched to the dual sword weapon, waved his fist, and jumped towards the Soul Devouring Touch.

After so long of spawning monsters, Ye Fusheng discovered early on that the probability of triggering the looting technique is higher with fist attacks than with weapons.


Seeing Ye Fusheng leap towards him, the Soul Devouring Touch let out a hiss, and waved its tentacles all over his body, slapping Ye Fusheng.

clap clap-

Ten tentacles, like wings, slapped Ye Fusheng's body one after another, causing several -3982-3372 light yellow damage.

Although Soul Devouring Touch is a ghost-level five-star boss, its strength lies in its skill mechanism and special passive.

However, Ye Fusheng has already broken its barrier, its attack power and defense power are far superior to the Soul Devouring Touch, it has no way to resist Ye Fusheng's attack at all!

Even, Ye Fusheng didn't retreat, even though the Soul-devouring Touch kept whipping him with normal attacks, he grabbed the Tentacle of the Soul-devouring Touch with one hand to prevent it from escaping, and punched with the other hand, and the normal attacks burst out one after another .


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the plundering technique and gaining attribute power +3!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, and getting attribute health +7!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting special attribute recovery +3!"

Under the uninterrupted offensive, the plundering technique was triggered crazily, plundering various basic attributes and special attributes.

After plundering until the tentacles of the Devouring Touch broke and revived more than 30 times, more than an hour passed, Ye Fu's blood value soared by more than 8000, and his strength also increased by more than 800, but he failed to plunder a single skill!
"Grass... 9999 lucky points can't even plunder a skill?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng looked particularly embarrassed when he saw the Devouring Touch whose qi and blood value had been maintained at around 90%.

The attribute of Devouring Touch is very weak, and it can become a five-star boss, all thanks to those few skills!
That is a skill that can form a mechanism and perfectly match the instant death effect of the sky burial suit!

However, after brushing for an hour in a row, it has been a day in the game, and I haven't been able to brush up the skills, so I have to choose to give up.

In case Xing Yun and the others failed in their mission to lure Scarlet Moon Empress because of this guy, then the main mission will have to be GG!
"Forget it, since I can't grab your skills, I'll send you to die!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng switched the two swords, and the heavy slash + rush slash skills fell at the same time, and suddenly stunned the soul-devouring touch.


At this moment, Soul Devouring Touch trembled all over, and all ten tentacles stiffened, and the bright red blood strip on the head instantly emptied, turning purple to black.

Ye Fusheng's ears also rang several system bells one after another.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, you will be rewarded with special attribute recovery +3!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player whose recovery attribute has reached 1000, and has successfully activated the special skill Muscle and Bone Recovery! When the recovery attribute reaches 5000, the special skill can be advanced to life recovery!"

"Muscle and Bone Recovery (Special Skill): After opening, the player can get a 10-minute recovery BUFF. Every time he is attacked, he will recover 3% of his blood value, and the cooling time is 30 minutes."

"Ma Dan... I thought I had snatched a skill! It turned out to be a stunt!"

"However, this special skill of recovering muscles and bones is not bad. In future siege battles, even if I don't have buffs for me like clear water, I can still maintain my qi and blood above 80%!"

Although Ye Fusheng was quite depressed for not being able to plunder the four system skills, but being able to unlock the special skills was also a surprise.

Of course, what Ye Fusheng is looking forward to even more is the reward for the first kill of a ghost-level five-star boss!

That's right, the sword just now not only triggered the looting technique and activated the special skill, but also triggered the instant death effect, directly killing the 1800 million blood value of the Devouring Touch in seconds!
"Human... perish..."

With a low growl, Ye Fusheng saw that the Devouring Touch was still struggling to say something, and Ye Fusheng kicked it away. In an instant, the surrounding barriers were completely shattered, the black aura dissipated, and Ye Fusheng returned to the palace again. .

Not far away, Xing Xing, who had been looking around, sensed Ye Fusheng's aura and hurried over.


The huge body of the Devouring Touch exploded, turning into gold coins and equipment all over the floor, and a ball of meat, constantly beating on the ground.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who kills the star boss for the first time, and gets the reward. The experience value of the current level is fully stored, and the lost respect X1!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading and reaching level 53!"

The golden light shone, and Ye Fusheng, who had just been promoted to level 52 not long ago, was upgraded again, which surprised him.

When he was at level 40, it took him a long time to upgrade. How did he feel that after reaching level 50, it would be easier to upgrade?
"It seems that I still need to do more main quests! Only the rewards from the main quests can allow me to level up quickly!"

Licking his lips, Ye Fusheng made up his mind that he must follow Senior Sister Xingyun's pace and do more main quests, otherwise, the leveling up would be too slow.

Although Ye Fusheng has already surpassed other players by a dozen levels, the gap is huge, but his goal is not just to suppress gamers.

Rubbing his chin, putting away gold coins all over the floor, Ye Fusheng reached out and brushed the equipment, and the attributes of the two pieces of equipment immediately floated in the air.

Spirit Magic Fan (Fairy Artifact)
Magic Attack Power: 7880-9100
Intelligence: 1500
Spirit: 1500
Stamina: -1000
Strategy: +10
Command: +20
Energetic: Increase your mana by 300%

Great Transformation of the Gods: Whenever the own blood value is less than 100%, it will consume 3% mana and convert it into blood value

Magic Wu Tianxia: When releasing skills, it can consume an additional 100% mana and increase skill damage by 50%

Description: A fan that contains spiritual power and magic power at the same time, possesses extremely powerful power

Occupational limitation: wise man

Rating: 100
"Fan? New equipment! The characteristics are all good, and strategy and command have been added..."

"It seems that it should be related to the army! Could it be that the next version will focus on strengthening the war between the armies?"

Rubbing his chin, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing.

If he focuses on strengthening the war between armies, then he will take advantage of it!

Whether it is the army in his own territory or the official army of the game, he is very strong.

The rest of the players will definitely not be able to catch up with him, and they can still ride the dust and maintain their leading progress!

"The occupation is limited to the wise, so what is it? A hidden occupation? Or a public occupation that will be released soon?"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng opened the official website to search for the career of a wise man, but he found nothing, so he had to throw it into his backpack first to see the attributes of the second piece of equipment.

Corruptor Armor (Spiritual Weapon)

Defense: 2800
Power: 500
Stamina: 1000
Corrosion: When attacking, there is a 5% chance to absorb 3% of the target's blood value and convert it into its own blood
Description: A battle armor with a strong corrosive atmosphere, only the bravest warriors dare to equip it

Rating: 100
"The spirit weapon exploded again, today's luck is really not good!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng felt surprised. With his lucky value of 9999, logically speaking, his luck would not be that bad!
If the equipment is not explosive, even the skills cannot be plundered, as if something is reducing his luck value!
"Forget it, there's no need to think so much!"

Putting away the equipment, Ye Fusheng moved his eyes down, his breathing gradually became heavier, and he stared at the constantly beating black ball.

What is that black ball?
Why does it keep beating by itself?
(PS: Post an update first, and then I went on to edit the article, blocked several chapters, I have to edit it slowly!!! During the day, I will definitely send you an update of [-] words!!! If you can’t do it, please add Group, I will give out big red envelopes in the group!!!
Thank you for your support! !I changed the text and wrote an update! ! ! )

(End of this chapter)

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