Invincible in one touch

Chapter 221 Pet eggs, weird moonlight!

Chapter 221 Pet eggs, weird moonlight!

The Eye of Truth was released, and a light curtain floated out of the black ball.

Soul Devouring Touch Core (Fairy-level item): The core contains the magic energy. If you can clear the magic energy, you can hatch pure Soul Devouring Touch from it and make it a pet
" this a pet egg?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng looked at the row of attributes with a strange expression on his face.

He never expected that it turned out to be a pet egg!

It seems that it is still a living pet egg!

"Fairy-level pets...the attributes shouldn't be weak!"

"But, I want its skills, not want it to be a pet!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng just wanted to throw away the core of the Devouring Touch, but his heart moved, and he quickly stopped.

I don't know, if you make the Devouring Touch into your pet, can you transfer its skills to yourself?

Xing Yun is so powerful that she could even resurrect the dead before, maybe, she can really do this!
"Huh... Put it away first, and ask the senior sister after the mission is over!"

"There are a lot of things to ask this time, I hope the senior sister will not get bored!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng grabbed the core of the beating Soul-devouring Touch, stuffed it into the backpack space, and let it keep beating.

After collecting all the things, Xing Xing came over and asked in a low voice: "Master... it seems that there is a kind of chaos power here..."

"The power of chaos?"

Hearing Xing Xing's words suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Previously, what he had come into contact with was either holy power or magical power, and this was the first time he had come into contact with this chaotic power!
No... To be precise, except for the fact that the stars have absorbed too many items that contain the power of chaos, he has never touched them.

"Then are you sure to deal with it?"

Ye Fusheng frowned, looking at the stars.

"If it wants to hurt the master, I will definitely go all out!"

Xing Xing clenched her pink fists with a firm expression.

"Hahaha, if that's the case, what are we afraid of?"

Laughing, Ye Fusheng reached out and rubbed Xing Xing's hair, quite satisfied in his heart.

Even if they are still in the growth stage, Xing Xing who doesn't understand the world can be so obedient. After the Xing Xing grows to the peak state, what's the point?
Looking around, after the spirit-devouring touch was resolved, the space on the first floor was completely purified without any trace of magic energy, including those murals, which also returned to normal.

The stairs leading to the second floor shone with a faint light.


With a light drink, Ye Fusheng pulled Xing Xing and quickly walked towards the stairs.

The first floor is the five-star ghost-level boss, perhaps, there are bosses beyond the ghost-level in the palace!

If he can get the first boss kill again, maybe the reward will be a treasure that can purify the magic energy of the Soul Devouring Touch?
The stairs are not too long, spiral upwards, and a stone door soon emerges.

Pushing open the stone door, a passage came into view.

The second floor is a maze!

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng walked into the tunnel with the stars without any fear.

boom -

After stepping into the passage, there was a loud noise, and the stone door closed.

The sound of the BGM changes, and the sadness is miserable, which makes people feel chills all over.

Xing Xing looked dignified and clenched the long sword in his hand. Obviously, the monster had been refreshed inside the maze.

Raising the two swords, Ye Fusheng took the lead and walked in front, cautiously, ready to deal with the sneak attack of monsters and the mechanisms that may appear in the maze.

Even though the demons are not good at arranging mechanisms and formations, Ye Fusheng still decided to be careful in this wonderful palace.

"woo woo woo woo--"

Walking to the corner, Ye Fusheng just turned around, and saw a black-robed monster floating in the air head-on, let out a deep roar, raised his hand and rubbed out a black light ball, frantically absorbing the magic energy in the space.


The next moment, the black ball of light contained demonic energy and exploded towards Ye Fusheng's chest.

Instead of dodging, Ye Fusheng raised his chest to face the attack, letting the ball of light explode in front of him.

With a loud noise, the pitiful number -2672 appeared on Ye Fusheng's head. At the same time, Ye Fusheng's Eye of Truth also fell on the floating black-robed mage.

Black Robe Healer (Elite Monster)

Rating: 101
Blood value: 58000
Magic Attack Power: 4700
Defense: 2500
Dark Talent: When releasing a dark attribute skill, increase the skill damage by 10%

Skills: Dark Roar, Dark Resistance, Black Dragon Wave, Magic Thunder Bombardment

Description: Hidden in a black robe, a spiritualist with powerful magic power has a high attainment in dark magic
Weaknesses: Fire, Thunder, Light

Although it is a high-level elite monster, it is a legal monster after all, and its attributes are quite satisfactory. Even with a 10% increase in damage from the dark talent, it can't beat Ye Fusheng, who is as strong as a bear.

Even before Ye Fusheng could make a move, Xing Xing also used Star Condensation Slash, his body pierced through the air, and the slash hit its chest.

Two blood-red numbers flew up one after another. Under the explosion of skills + basic attack, the black-robed spiritualist didn't even have a chance to use his skills, so he was sent back to his happy hometown.

"The monsters in this palace are really a bit weak!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but sigh.

However, Ye Fusheng didn't think about it. In today's game, even if the other players reach level 150, they probably won't have as strong attributes as he does now. It's normal that the black-robed healer can't cause damage to him.

As for the star, it is a holy pet, and it also contains the power of chaos. The power of the star belongs to the skill of the holy department, and it can naturally cause double damage to the black-robed healer.

Coupled with the set of earth and sky weapons that Ye Fusheng retired and replaced, killing an elite monster in seconds is quite normal.

Picking up the few gold coins that exploded, Ye Fusheng continued to explore the passage with his two swords in hand.

The deeper you go, the more dense the black-robed spiritual masters will appear, almost every ten or so steps. After sensing the arrival of Ye Fusheng and the stars, they quickly release their skills, summon dark magic energy, gather them into balls, and attack towards them. Ye Fusheng.

boom boom-

The dark magic ball kept bombarding his body, even if it couldn't cause any damage, Ye Fusheng still felt a resistance, and the speed of rushing forward was limited.

But, Ye Fusheng is a player!
Seeing that he couldn't rush forward, Ye Fusheng directly locked on a target, and released his rushing and slashing skills.


Like a thunderbolt, Ye Fusheng's whole figure pierced the space, one sword was burning with flames, the other sword was shining with moonlight, and he chopped off the head of the black-robed spiritual master.


The flames ignited, and the black-robed spiritual master was burned into ashes by the flames like a firewood.

Ye Fusheng also used his skills to mix into the group of black-robed spiritualists. Before they could turn around and release their skills on him, Ye Fusheng raised his two swords, and the purple thunder suddenly bloomed.


"The sword swings for nine days!"

In the soft shout, the sword energy mixed with the power of thunder continuously bombarded the group of black-robed spiritual masters, splitting them into burnt ashes and blowing in the wind.

This time, Ye Fusheng learned to be smart. He checked the battle reminder and saw his experience value increase and jump, so he was relieved.

Under the attack of powerful skills, all the black-robed spiritual masters around Ye Fusheng died, but there were countless black-robed spiritual masters inside the passage.

All the way forward, the three major skills of Chong Slash, Sword Swing Nine Heavens, and Flying Slash were released one after another. No black-robed spiritualist could stop Ye Fusheng.

As soon as the CD arrived, Xing Xing took the initiative to attack, and the Five Elements Sword Formation erupted, speeding up Ye Fusheng's cleaning up of monsters.

In less than half an hour, nearly ten thousand black-robed spiritual masters died tragically under Ye Fusheng's sword!

All the way forward, Ye Fusheng finally sensed something was wrong.

Half an hour, it is reasonable to say that it has been a long time, and the palace doesn't look too big from the outside, so why can't I go out?

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng carefully inspected the passageway and the changes on the ground as he advanced, and after killing several floating black-robed spiritual masters, he finally discovered the reason!

It turns out that this passage is a slope, which gradually rises and turns continuously.

In other words, every time Ye Fusheng takes a step forward, the altitude will increase a little.

"It turns out that the maze passage on the second floor is just like the spiral staircase on the first floor, leading to the highest floor!"

"I really don't know what the third layer will be, it's so magical..."

After thinking about it, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and he became more and more curious about the hidden items in the palace.

Ye Fusheng is very interested in the hidden tentacle monsters that can create magic barriers, the design of the staircase that rises in a circle, and those legendary murals.

Especially the ending of the female God of War in the mural made Ye Fusheng very curious.

After walking for another 20 minutes, after killing thousands of black-robed spiritual masters, a stone gate suddenly appeared and landed in front of Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing.

"Huh? There is no boss in this level? Can you go directly to the third floor?"

Blinking his eyes, although Ye Fusheng was curious, he didn't stop moving, and stretched out his hand to push.


The stone door trembled, as if it was an electronic induction, and it opened suddenly.

In an instant, the silver-white moonlight fell, shining on Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing.

Looking up, he suddenly saw a platform behind the stone gate.

They actually reached the top floor of the palace in the process of rising!

Slowly raising his head, he could clearly see that there was a huge altar a foot away from the sky, which was constantly rotating.


"Why does this scene look so much like the place where the Harpies hold sacrifices in the murals?"

"Not even the Goddess of War is here?"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng hesitated for a moment, took Xing Xing's hand, walked out of the stone gate, and stepped onto the platform.


The stone door was closed, but Ye Fusheng was not worried, he looked around.

Except for the suspended altar and the moon hanging high in the sky, there is nothing, no buildings, or even monsters appearing.

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng felt something was wrong in his heart, his eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the moon in the sky.

"Master... the power of the stars here is not right, it seems that there is a special power that is absorbing your luck and mine!"

Xing Xing's big watery eyes flashed suddenly, and he pulled Ye Fusheng's sleeve to remind him.

Although she controls the power of chaos, the skills she has comprehended are deeply related to the stars, so she can naturally detect something wrong with the power of the stars.


Hearing the words of the stars, Ye Fusheng became more and more sure of his guess, the corner of his mouth curled up, he switched the bow and arrow instantly, opened the bow and set the arrow, and shot towards the bright moon in the sky.

"call out--"

Feathered arrows burst out, like shooting stars, piercing through the sky and flying towards the bright moon!
(PS: The blocked chapters have not been released, and they are still being revised... Sorry, I have been revising, and the group has also posted pictures that were reported and blocked by chapters, it is by no means lazy!
Those who reported it are too hateful, as I said earlier, this book is written for brothers who read Shuangwen, but they still reported it!It caused me to block it. If the blocked chapters cannot be released in a short period of time, the entire book will be blocked. Therefore, I can only focus on revising the previous chapters first!
There will be an update tonight, but it is not up to what I said, please subscribe to the group, group number 713879534, I will send red envelopes!It will be posted tomorrow, and it will be time for everyone to join the group!Non-subscribers don't need to join the group, after all, I am to compensate the loss of subscribers!

Okay, let’s not talk about anything else, I will continue to write, there will be an update at night, and then I will continue to modify it during the day tomorrow, and after the modification is completed, I will write an update!
After all the blocked chapters are released, it will explode! )

(End of this chapter)

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