Invincible in one touch

Chapter 222 Nightmare possession, 7-star boss!

Chapter 222 Nightmare Possession, Seven Star Boss!

"call out--"

The feather arrow pierced through the sky, piercing through the bright moon hanging high in the sky in an instant.

A crisp sound came out, and the bright moon shattered, and even the space around it exploded.

However, when the space exploded, the real scene appeared.

There is no moonlight, the top floor is full of steel-like rocks, and there is indeed an altar floating in the air, but, around the altar, there are dozens of harpies flying around!
Those harpies flapped their wings, making piercing sounds continuously, and the sound waves spread, swept, and intertwined, protecting the altar.

"Is this... a ceremony?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng took a careful look at those harpies, but sighed in disappointment.

He thought that these harpies were the same as the ones he encountered in the mysterious cave last time, but looking at them now, the gap was too great!
It's not a gap between strength and appearance, it's really a matter of size!
These harpies are too peaceful, if not for the covered wings, Ye Fusheng would think that these harpies are all male!

"It's too small, and there's no urge to make people masturbate at all!"

"Forget it, just kill them!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng's eyes sparkled, and the Eye of Truth was released, and many harpy attribute panels appeared in front of him.

Harpies (elite monsters)
Rating: 106
Blood value: 50000
Attack: 6000
Defense: 3000
Refreshing: When releasing a skill, there is a 5% chance to recover 10% of your own HP

Skills: Magic Thunder Surge, Spiritual Shock, Demon Qi Sacrifice

Description: One of the few groups of demons who are good at spirits, they are not good at fighting, but they have the power to affect the spirit

Weaknesses: Light, Flame
"Hmm... the skills are actually different from the Harpy Queen's, recovering one's own blood, offering sacrifices, and mental impact!"

"It seems that these belong to different occupations of the same ethnic group! No wonder that thing is so small, it doesn't even have a pair of A! It must be due to not exercising often and not developing well!"

Touching his nose, but without switching weapons, Ye Fusheng drew his bow and set his arrows, releasing the protoss rain of arrows skill.


In the void, the power of the stars gathered and condensed in the bow and arrow.


The next moment, the sky was filled with starlight, which turned into hundreds of feathered arrows containing the power of the stars, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, bombarding the harpies one after another.

Countless injuries flew out, and dozens of harpies were immediately alarmed, flapping their wings, and screaming piercingly.

There is no way, the bow and arrow equipment is too poor, even with other equipment and many skill upgrades, it is impossible to reach tens of thousands of damage, let alone kill them instantly.

However, Ye Fusheng didn't want to kill them in seconds, but just wanted to use bows and arrows to lure them down.

In the real battlefield, we still have to stay on the ground!

Sure enough, many harpies were furious after being attacked, they all stared at Ye Fusheng angrily, flapping their wings, their bodies looked like thunder, and rushed towards Ye Fusheng violently.

call out--

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and dozens of harpies rushed down together, but Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, his eyes were like torches.

After those harpies were only 25 yards away from Ye Fusheng, their eyes froze, and they switched their swords instantly, releasing their Flying Slash skill!
Locking on the target and releasing the skill, Ye Fusheng soared into the air like a bird, and slashed at a harpy with his two swords.


The sound of the sword's edge passing through flesh and blood was heard, and the blood bar of the harpy was instantly emptied, and it died tragically in the air.

The next moment, the sword energy burst out, like dozens of flying dragons, swept out, and killed the surrounding harpies!
boom!boom!boom! -

After switching between Sky Zhan Lie Yan and Yin Yue Mo Hui, the damage was directly multiplied by more than seven or eight times. Even the impact of sword energy would beat those elite-level harpies into residual blood.


However, after being beaten into residual blood, more than a dozen harpies screamed, quickly flapped their wings, and flew into the air.


"Forget that high-level monsters will run away with residual blood!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ye Fusheng remembered the damn setting, but those harpies flew too fast, and in a blink of an eye they opened a distance of more than 40 yards, floating in the air, and no skill could hit them !
Bow and arrow skills can hit them, but the cooldown of the skills is not over yet, and the damage of bow and arrow is too low to kill them at all.

Once they release their skills a few times and recover their qi and blood, it will be as difficult as heaven to kill them!
"Damn it, it would be great if I could equip the wings now!"

"Killing them is just a matter of a few swords!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng finally understood the importance of wing equipment.

However, no matter how Ye Fusheng complained, the harpies are flying up right now, and the Pioneer Wings cannot be equipped. They can only be lured down again after they are full of vitality.

"Next time, you can't use the Flying Slash skill anymore. Although the damage is high, the AOE damage of the sword energy is not enough for a second, and it will startle them instead. It would be a waste of time to do it again!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng didn't attack, and let those harpies release their skills to recover their qi and blood.

However, when those harpies released their skills a few times and their qi and blood returned to 30%, they no longer released their skills, but held hands and chanted together.

"Time and time again—"

The singing sound was harsh, but there was a black demonic energy gushing out from their bodies, and they were quickly connected together, interweaving into a giant net.

The demonic energy was surging, and dozens of tentacles evolved, which suddenly pierced into the bodies of many harpies, sucking their blood.

The harpies did not resist, on the contrary, their singing became louder and louder.

"Hiss... what the hell is this?"

"The legendary sacrifice?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but feel hairy watching those harpy sacrifices.

He suddenly remembered, it seemed that there was such a scene in the murals on the first floor.

The only difference is that the number of these harpy monsters is much smaller than the murals, and their strength is also weaker.

Ten seconds later, when Ye Fusheng was amazed by this sacrificial skill, the vitality and blood of many harpy monsters were all emptied, and immediately burned up and disappeared into the air.

The experience value jumped, and Ye Fusheng also got a reminder in the battle news.


"System prompt: The harpies died because they absorbed too much energy and blood from the Devourer of the Undead, and received a reward of 80000 experience points!"


"The Devourer of Undead?!"

"They really summoned new monsters!"

His pupils contracted suddenly, Ye Fusheng looked up, and suddenly saw a black shadow appearing above the altar, slowly solidifying.

When the black shadow completely emerged, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his pupils shrank suddenly!

The summoned black shadow was exactly the same as the chain mist in the previous mural!
"This...isn't this the chain that binds the Goddess of War?"

"That is actually a monster? The Devourer of Undead?!"

His throat rolled, Ye Fusheng couldn't help swallowing, he suddenly had a premonition.

It seemed that this monster called the Devourer of Undead would bring him a lot of trouble.

However, Ye Fusheng didn't see that after the figure of the devourer of undead appeared, there were still countless black silk threads floating in the air.

One of the silk threads happened to be connected to Ye Fusheng's body.

At this time, Ye Fusheng, taking advantage of the appearance of the Devourer of the Undead, released the Eye of Truth skill to check the attributes.

Devourer of Undead (Ghost Level★★★★★★★BOSS)

Rating: 111
Blood value: 41000000
Attack: 18000
Defense: 12000
Devouring Spirit: Link the target with itself, absorbing 1% of the target's full attributes every minute

Calamity of Doom (link the target with itself, reducing the player's luck value by 10 points per minute)
Calamity Judgment (link the target with itself, trigger the natural disaster trial, randomly cause an effect on the target, including but not limited to instant death, disability, strong attack, eagle eye and other skills, no matter whether it is increased or weakened)

Nightmare Possession (possesses on the target, continuously absorbs the opponent's soul (1 point per second), and attenuates 10% of attack speed, movement speed, and release speed. When the target's soul is less than 30%, it will be imprisoned, unable to move)

Demon Swallows the World (summons raging demon energy, causing high damage to the enemy)

Hellfire (summon the flames from hell, turn the area within 30X30 yards into a dark purgatory, cause continuous burning damage to the target, and have a 10% chance to put it into various abnormal states)
Description: A terrifying group of demons possessing the power of calamity. They have hunted and killed countless gods, making the Devouring Spirits a forbidden place among the gods.

Weakness: bright


"The skill combination of this boss is also perfect!"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up when he saw the attributes of the Devourer of Undead.

When Ye Fusheng first got the celestial burial suit, he even felt a little boring. After all, with the special effect of instant death, even if it is a legendary boss or a mythical boss, Ye Fusheng has the possibility of hunting.

There is no thrill of challenge!

However, when he came to the palace this time, after encountering a ghost-level boss, Ye Fusheng was aroused again.

The skills of these ghost-level bosses are not too strong individually, but when they are combined, they are comparable to divine skills.

Not to mention the previous Soul Devouring Touch, this Dark Devourer is even more terrifying.

Just talking about the two skills of Disaster of Doom and Judgment of Natural Disasters can make countless players despair.

The disaster of bad luck will absorb the luck value, and the judgment of natural disaster will be judged again.

Although the effect of the natural disaster trial is to randomly trigger the buff or debilitating effect, but if the luck value is low, the debilitating effect will definitely be triggered.

In case of death or something, he doesn't even have the ability to resist.

Even if the Calamity Judgment fails to kill you, once the Nightmare Possession comes out, combined with the previous two skills, there is no problem in haunting people to death!
"I finally understand why the Goddess of War in the previous mural looked so strong, but they all lost in the end!"

"This thing is locked on her body. If the effect can be superimposed, it will directly reduce the attack speed, movement speed, and casting speed by 100%. What is the difference between this and being imprisoned?"

"Once you imprison her, just slowly absorb her soul!"

"When the number of these monsters reaches a certain level, it's really too shameless! Unless you can kill them instantly, otherwise, they will all be recruited!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng was not afraid, on the contrary, he became excited.

Now he is wearing a luxurious suit, the boss is not strong and he is boring, how can he feel afraid?
"Seven-star ghost-level boss...hehe, I want to see how powerful you are!"

Licking his lips, Ye Fusheng looked into the eyes of the Devourer of Undead, full of fighting spirit!
(PS: There will be another update at night!!! It should be 7000 words, which is equivalent to three more!!! There are still three chapters that have not been released. After the blocking is over, it will explode again!)

(End of this chapter)

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