Invincible in one touch

Chapter 223 Calamity Judgment

Chapter 223 Calamity Judgment

There was no roaring sound, and the Devourer of Undead didn't even have a body, let alone eyes, facial features and the like.

However, it just floated down like that, released hundreds of black silk threads, interweaved into a net, and suddenly fell towards Ye Fusheng.

True black silk temptation!
"The sword swings for nine days!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng let out an exclamation, released his skills, and dozens of thunder burst out, smashing all the black silk threads around him.

He has seen the attributes of the devourer of undead, but he doesn't know that those silk threads have the power to reduce his luck and devour his soul!

Once his luck value is lowered, or his soul is absorbed, he is afraid that he will overturn directly.


The thunder exploded, but it could only burst part of the magic energy threads, and there were still several black silk nets falling from the air.

Turning his eyeballs, Ye Fusheng quickly switched equipment, and the feathered arrows containing the power of the holy stars burst out.

The rain of protoss arrows rippled and shot at the black silk screen one after another, annihilating them all.

However, when all the black silk screens were eliminated, the huge black chain, the Devourer of Undead, was already approaching Ye Fusheng.

"Drink, star slash!"

Xing Xing seemed to have sensed that the Devourer of Undead could absorb Ye Fusheng's soul and power, his expression remained unchanged, and he released the skills of Concentrating Star Slash + Shunpo, blocking Ye Fusheng.


The Starlight Sword Qi descended, wrapped in astonishing power, and actually forced the Devourer of Undead back several feet.

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng quickly switched the two swords, released the Flying Slash skill, his whole body was like thunder, and rushed in front of the undead devourer, the next moment, the high-raised two swords suddenly fell down.


chi chi chi——

The moonlight and the flames bloomed at the same time, and nearly [-] damage broke out, but the blood bar of the devourer of the undead hardly changed, and he didn't even retreat, only the sound of "Hula Hula" sounded, and there were hundreds of black silk threads, Going towards Ye Fusheng.

It's like a silkworm baby trying to make Ye Fusheng into a cocoon, and then eat him!
"Give me death!"

With a serious look on his face, Ye Fusheng saw that the Flying Slash could not cause too much damage, Ye Fusheng was also afraid of those black silk threads, and released his punching and slashing skills.

Even if the distance was very short, the skill still judged to be successful. As the damage number flew up, the Devourer of Undead, who was still waving black silk threads like tentacles, suddenly froze in place.

"Good job, as long as you can control it!"

"Made, if this is like tainted milk powder, if high-level bosses can't be grabbed by force, then it will be useless!"

Cursing in a low voice, while the Devourer of Undead was dazed in place, Ye Fusheng quickly brushed over the black silk thread, turned to the side, and output the Devourer of Undead again.

Three seconds later, the Devourer of Undead woke up, but Ye Fusheng unloaded his weapon and punched out a shocking skill.

Just as he was able to control the thread to turn around, the Devourer of Undead was stunned again.

If it had any sense, it would definitely be furious.

Damn you, you actually have two control skills?
However, when the shocking control skill with one punch ended and the cooldown of the punching skill was not over, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to retreat before the Devourer of Undead woke up.

There is no way, the Devourer of Undead's skill is too buggy, not powerful, but too disgusting, once bound, the luck value will decrease, the soul will decrease, and if an effect such as instant death is triggered, Ye Fusheng may directly overturn.

If the car overturns, it will be difficult for Ye Fusheng to complete the main task if he takes the time to run over.

Therefore, Ye Fusheng must be careful!
Don't miss the main story mission!

However, after being controlled by Ye Fusheng one after another, the Devourer of Undead seemed to become angry, and suddenly his body trembled, and a ball of thick black liquid was secreted from his body.

A stench quickly filled the room.

Not far away, Xing Xing smelled that smell, and disappeared immediately, returning to Ye Fusheng's pet space.


"System prompt: [Star] has received a special attack, returned to the pet space, and cannot be summoned within 1 hour!"

"System prompt: Due to the player's special attack, the movement speed, attack speed, and release speed are reduced by 50%, and the skill cooling time is increased by 30%! This effect cannot be superimposed!"

"Grass... and hidden skills?!"

Seeing the system prompt suddenly, Ye Fusheng's body stiffened immediately, it was difficult for him to even run, he could not help but look embarrassed, and cursed in a low voice.

This skill is not mentioned in the attribute panel of the Devourer of Souls, it is definitely a hidden skill!
While being surprised, Ye Fusheng also wrote it down, it seems that with the increase of level and level, the strength of those monsters is also strengthening.

There are even hidden skills, so be careful in the future!


After reducing the movement speed and increasing the cooling time, Ye Fusheng could no longer escape, and was immediately bound by the huge black silk thread of the Devourer of Undead.

Almost at the moment of being bound, Ye Fusheng clearly sensed that there was something in his body that was passing away at a slow speed.

"No, it must be killed as soon as possible! Can't be entangled for too long!"

"Huh...God bless, trigger the instant death effect sooner!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng understood that once he was trapped by the Devourer of Undead's skills, he must trigger the instant death effect in a short period of time to kill it in seconds, otherwise, Ye Fusheng will really overturn this time!

How can he die in the hands of monsters when he is No. 1 in the world's major rankings?

Gritting his teeth, Ye Fusheng instantly summoned the Raging Flame Demon Horse, instead of rushing forward, he just swung his two swords, bursting out sword energy, continuously causing high damage to the Devourer of Undead.


Suddenly, a ray of purple light shot out from the body of the Devourer of Undead, swift as lightning, and fell on Ye Fusheng's body in worried eyes.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the BUFF of strengthening the foundation and cultivating the yuan!"

Consolidate the soul (Fairy level BUFF): Stabilize your own soul, immune to all skills that absorb the power of the soul, and increase your own attack power by 30%
"My shit?!"

"So lucky?!"


Originally, Ye Fusheng was a little worried, worried about whether he would be killed in seconds, but after seeing the prompt, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing.

He suddenly remembered that his luck value was as high as 9999 points, so he didn't have to worry about the natural disaster judgment skill at all.

9999 lucky points, how could it be judged to weaken the BUFF?

If he can be judged like that, what is the use of Ye Fusheng's luck?

He breathed a sigh of relief, without the oppression of the natural disaster trial, Ye Fusheng no longer worried, but just waved his two swords, constantly consuming the blood of the devourer of the undead.

At this time, the Devourer of Undead seemed to have sensed something, and trembled all over. After the purple silk thread was completely scattered, its whole body flew up, and quickly flew to Ye Fusheng. The next moment, its body turned into surging black air With a few clicks of the chain, Ye Fusheng was imprisoned.


"System prompt: Since the player is possessed by the nightmare skill, 10% of his attack speed, movement speed, and release speed will be attenuated! And 1 point of soul value will be lost every second (calculated after the player's own self-improvement buff disappears) Duration ∞ !"

"Grass... a skill with an infinite duration?"

"It's too buggy! If you add a little more Undead Devourer, once Nightmare Possession is activated, the effect will be superimposed to 100%, who can't kill it?!"

"This monster is really too strong!"

Admiring the monster's power, Ye Fusheng swung his sword motionlessly, slashing at the Devourer of Undead, eating away its vitality.

Even if the attack speed is slowed down, relying on Ye Fusheng's powerful attack power, at most four to five minutes, he can eliminate the more than 5 million blood points of the Devourer of Undead.

Unless, Ye Fusheng was forced to kill him in seconds!

Although the Devourer of Undead has an attack power of more than 1, it is not a threat to Ye Fusheng, especially in close combat. Ye Fusheng can suck blood continuously, and his own blood has always been kept above 70%, so he is not afraid at all.

The only thing I'm afraid of is the natural disaster judgment skill!
And, the soul-absorbing effect of the nightmare possessed!
Fortunately, the BUFF time of Guben Peiyuan was not short. Within a few minutes, Ye Fusheng's soul was not stolen at all, and his blood was even more healthy. Instead, he hit the Devourer of the Undead to half of his health.

In a few more minutes, even if the instant death effect is not triggered, the Devourer of Undead will obediently kneel down and sing a word of conquest to Ye Fusheng.


However, just when Ye Fusheng relaxed his vigilance, another purple silk thread flew out and landed on Ye Fusheng's body.


"System prompt: Due to the player's natural disaster judgment skill, he has received a weak buff!"

Weakness (Fairy-level BUFF): Reduces attack power by 99% for 10 minutes

"Reduce 99% attack power?!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng almost didn't curse out loud.

This BUFF is too scary!

The sky-slashing flames and the silver-moon magic brilliance waved, and immediately slashed at the Devourer of Undead, bringing out two pitiful figures.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling desperate.

The effect of weak buff is real!
"Made... Isn't this the end?"

Frowning tightly, Ye Fusheng's heart was full of ominous premonition.

The attack power has been reduced by 99%, which means that he cannot suck blood, nor can he impress the Devourer of Undead.

Under normal circumstances, Ye Fusheng could still use H&R tactics, fly the kite of the Devourer of Undead, and wait until the frail buff ends.

However, Ye Fusheng couldn't even run when he was possessed by a nightmare, so how to use H&R tactics?

" have to fight, you must trigger the instant death effect before you die!"

"The attack power is reduced, and I can't suck blood. With my blood value, I can't withstand its attack for too long!"

Gritting his teeth, Ye Fusheng glanced at the remaining 19W blood value, no matter what, he raised his two swords one after another, continuously slashing at the Devourer of Undead.

At this moment, there is only one possibility to kill the Devourer of Undead!
That is, before his qi and blood value is emptied, the instant death effect is triggered, killing the undead devourer in seconds!
But, can Ye Fusheng, who has absorbed the luck value, really trigger the instant death effect?

(PS: Another [-]-word chapter is here!!! The update is not effective, so I don’t ask for a recommendation ticket, I will continue to change the article!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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