Invincible in one touch

Chapter 228 Howl of Blood, Legendary Excalibur!

Chapter 228 Howl of Blood, Legendary Excalibur!

After a month of playing the game, ordinary players have already been numb by Ye Fusheng's announcement.

Even if Ye Fusheng gets more rewards, no matter how many battlefields and large-scale events he creates, they will not be surprised at all.

But this time, when they saw the system announcement, they were still extremely shocked, and blurted out: "I'm stupid!"

"However, I'm not educated, and I'll go to the world! Isn't it too cruel to have a thousand lives?"

"Kill the legendary boss alone?"

"Hiss... the official setting, the legendary BOSS is a powerful BOSS that surpasses the immortal level, and you can't meet it until the end of the game!"

"But, Floating Life not only encountered those bosses within a month of the game's server launch, but also killed them?"

"In the face of this, I can only say one thing, it's terrifying!"

"Legendary-level bosses... Woohoo, when we were still struggling to defeat the Earth-level and Heaven-level bosses, Floating Life actually managed to kill the Legendary-level bosses. Isn't the gap too big?"

"That's right! That's right, the gap between people is actually just a billion!"

In just 1 minute, the forum of "Reincarnation of the Heavens" was once again blown up by Ye Fusheng, and almost every hot post was talking about Ye Fusheng's first kill of the legendary boss!

However, at this time, Ye Fusheng was looking for his own spoils.

"Huh? The guidance of the gods, and what is the edge of the sky! It seems that they are all good things!"

"Thinking about it, this is the first kill of a legendary boss. If you don't give me something good, I'll just complain to customer service!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng suddenly realized that something was wrong, and murmured: "No, now Tianming Group's Huaxia distribution is all my Ye family's company, they dare not give them good things, and directly fire them! And complain about a chicken !"

Smiling lightly, Ye Fusheng opened his backpack to check the guidance of the gods and the effect of the Sky Opening Edge.

Guidance of the Gods (Mythical Item): After using it, the player can get BUFF within 24 hours. The Guidance of the Gods will be triggered when they are close to items containing divine power or near the relics of the gods
Opening Edge (Legendary Item): After use, you can accept the task of opening the special equipment bar

"Huh? The Sky Opening Edge can actually receive the task of opening the special equipment column?"

"Can you open the wing equipment bar?"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng didn't even care about the guidance of the gods, and directly used the Opening Edge.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who has successfully opened the sky-opening edge. You can receive the task of opening the wing equipment column [Flying the Sky], or the task of opening the mask equipment column [Floating in the World], or the task of opening the earring equipment column [Smart World]... ..."

"Hahaha, as expected, I can accept the task of opening the wing equipment bar!"

With a big laugh, Ye Fusheng accepted the task of opening the wing equipment bar without hesitation.

In fact, there are many equipment bars that can be opened, Ye Fusheng glanced at them, and immediately raised his eyebrows.

In other words, in addition to the nine pieces of equipment on his body, there are six kinds of equipment!All together, there are fifteen pieces of equipment!
It's just that, right now, Ye Fusheng can only equip the wings, and the rest of the equipment bar is not equipped, so it's better to save it for later.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully accepting the special mission [Flying the Sky]. Mission objective: kill 10000 orc monsters with wings, 10000 demon monsters with wings, and collect 10000 pairs of wings! Mission rewards: Rich experience rewards, and the wing equipment bar is open!"

"Hiss... Although this task is not difficult, it is a waste of time!"

After reading the description of the mission, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but frown. He has to kill 20000 monsters with wings and collect 10000 pairs of wings. It's too troublesome!

It's not that the monsters are powerful, the main thing is that monsters with wings are too rare.

20000 heads have to be killed, and 10000 pairs of wings have to be collected. In just a few days, this kind of task cannot be completed at all!
"Another time-wasting task!"

"Forget it, let's see what good equipment this legendary boss can show me!"

Thinking of the first explosion of the legendary boss, Ye Fusheng also forgot the difficulty of the mission, showing a bright smile.

This time, Karazhan released a total of three pieces of equipment, all of which shone with crimson light.

Picking up the three pieces of equipment, Ye Fusheng stretched out his hand and brushed them over. In an instant, the attributes of the equipment were neatly arranged and appeared in front of him.

Blood Massacre Earrings (Legend ★★★)

Power: 2000
Stamina: 2000
Agility: 2000
Intelligence: 2000
Attack Power: Increased by 50%
Blood value: increase by 70%
Mana: Increased by 100%
Blood Thunder: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to summon a blood mine, which will cause high damage to the target and cause 3 seconds of paralysis

Blood Massacre: When attacked, there is a 3% chance to trigger the blood massacre effect, which increases the own attack power by 10%, lasts for 60 seconds, can be superimposed 10 times

Blood Sea: When attacked, there is a 1% chance to summon a blood sea, reducing the enemy targets within the range by 30% of all attributes, and increasing one's own attributes by 50%, so that one's own attacks must hit, critical strikes are guaranteed, and immune to any damage reduction Effect
Scarlet: When attacking, 100% ignores the target's defense and shield

The number of gems that can be embedded: 36
Description: Earrings with a strong bloody smell, amazing power

Rating: 120
"Hiss... the four-dimensional is as high as 2000, and there is a 50% attack power bonus!"

"Plus four powerful stunts, is this the horror of legendary equipment?"

"Fortunately, these are earrings, which belong to special equipment, so you don't need to take the seat of my sky burial suit!"

Seeing the attributes of the earrings, Ye Fusheng's breathing became short of breath.

At this time, he suddenly felt a little regretful.

I knew what kind of wing equipment bar to open a long time ago!
Compared with this blood slaughter earrings, the pioneer wings are simply weak!

After finally getting the Xuetu earrings, he couldn't open the earring equipment bar, which meant that Ye Fusheng couldn't equip them in a short time.

In that case, is it any different from not getting the equipment?
I can only watch helplessly, just like a man who has just finished an operation and sees countless beautiful nurses in nurse uniforms dangling in front of him.

too painful!

If you have little self-control, you might die on the spot!
"Forget it, even if it has the effect of the handy gem and the Chosen One, it must be level 70 to equip it!"

"After such a long time, I will definitely be able to get the treasure to open the equipment bar again!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to comfort himself, and immediately put the Xuetu earrings in his backpack for safekeeping.

This blood slaughter earrings are too fierce!

The second piece of equipment is a belt, shining red light.

Blood Spirit Belt (Legendary Device)
Power: 1500
Stamina: 3000
Defense: Increased by 50%
Blood value: increase by 200%
Blood Spirit Protection: When the player encounters a life-threatening attack, a barrier will be opened to absorb 90% of the damage for the player, and the cooling time is 60 seconds

Blood Spirit Technique: Each time you attack, you can absorb 3% of the qi and blood that caused the damage and convert it into a blood sword. When the blood sword condenses and explodes, it can cause a burst that ignores defense and armor and is guaranteed to hit the target. attack

Charm of the Blood Spirit: When the player is attacked, there is a 2% chance to charm the enemy and attack friendly targets. The duration is 10 seconds, and the cooling time is 60 seconds.

Description: A belt that contains strong blood, if it is equipped by a person with a weak will, he will fall into endless darkness
Rating: 110
"This equipment is also good, with strong basic attributes and special skills. Unfortunately, it is not a set, and it has no instant death effect!"

Shaking his head slightly, although the attributes and special skills of the Blood Spirit Belt are very explosive, it still cannot meet the requirements of being able to replace the sky burial suit.

Equipped with the Blood Spirit Belt, the panel data may look better, but when facing a difficult boss, it is not as smooth as the sky burial suit.

"Sell money, sell money!"

"Or to Lu Bu!"

"Well, Blood Armor Fengxian, it just so happens that this is the Blood Spirit Belt, the name matches it well! But, does Blood Armor Fengxian have money for me?"

"Tsk tsk, that's all, if you don't have any money, you can ask his daughter to repay the debt!"

With a chuckle, Ye Fusheng threw the Blood Spirit Belt into his backpack, and looked at the last piece of equipment.

That, it was a precious sword, with bloody radiance flowing all over it, as if the flames were burning, giving people an extremely powerful deterrent force.

"It looks like I can change into a new weapon again!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng stretched out his hand to brush the long sword, which was extremely precious, and his movements were gentle, as if he was stroking his wife.

Howl of Blood (Legendary ★★★★★★★)

Attack Power: 18690-21660
Power: 3000
Stamina: 3000
Agility: 5000
Attack Power: Increased by 75%
Blood value: increase by 75%
Bloodstain: When dealing damage to the target, an additional attack of 150% of the damage received will be added, ignoring defense, shield, and level 1 immunity

Blood Fiend: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to forcibly weaken the opponent's blood value by 75%, the effect of elite monsters is reduced by 50%, the effect of leader monsters is reduced by 75%, and the effect of bosses is reduced by 90%
Blood Charm: When attacking, there is a 10% chance to charm the enemy

Howl of Blood:? ? ?

The number of gems that can be embedded: 72
Description: The sword of chilling, full of blood
Rating: 120
(PS: The first update today, there will be more to follow!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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