Invincible in one touch

Chapter 229 Bah, scumbag!

Chapter 229 Bah, scumbag!

"Seven-star legendary device, 1.8 to 2.1 attack power!"

"It also adds 75% of the attack power, the forced blood reduction feature, and the addition of armor-breaking, shield-breaking, and immune to attack pursuit! There is also a charm control effect!"

"And a powerful piece of equipment that I don't know what it's for, this f*cking... artifact!"

After reading the attributes of Howl of Blood, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitched, wishing he could throw away the two spiritual weapons in his hand.

Compared with the Howl of Blood, those two spiritual weapons are simply hot chickens, trash!

Not even worth it!

However, Blood Howl is a level 110 equipment after all, even if it is easy to use and has the effect of the Chosen One, it needs to be equipped at level 60. Ye Fusheng still can't meet the equipment requirements.

If Empress Scarlet Moon arrives later, and he completes the final blow, maybe he can be upgraded to level 60 and replaced with the Blood Howl equipment.

"The effect of Howl of Blood is actually unknown... After the mission is over, ask Senior Sister if you can show the last stunt, otherwise it will be boring!"

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng threw Blood Howl into his backpack, feeling elated.

This mission really paid off!
Next, let's see if Empress Scarlet Moon will be tricked!


"System prompt: Due to the killing of the deputy head of the demon attacking army, the head of the army, Queen Crimson Moon, is coming! Please be fully prepared!"

Just when Ye Fusheng was hesitating, a system bell rang suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, several bells rang again.


"System prompt: Due to the player triggering the system plot, the battle of exterminating demons is coming soon. If Xingyun is defeated, Empress Scarlet Moon will lead an army to attack the Star Watching Tower, starting the first war! If Queen Scarlet Moon is defeated, all crises will be settled Annihilation!"

"System prompt: Due to the player's intervention in the system's plot, the plot task [Zu Mo] is started. The task objective: to help Xing Yun defeat the Scarlet Moon Empress. The task reward: heaven-defying experience rewards and special item rewards!"

"Hey, there's another plot mission! Not bad, the experience value reward is heaven-defying, I don't know how heaven-defying it is, can you let me directly upgrade to level 60?"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng couldn't help fantasizing.

However, he also understood that it was impossible.

His experience points need to raise too many things, and it is difficult to level up quickly.

Now that he has so many burdens, he can still beat other players by more than 10 levels, 20 levels. This shows how terrifying Ye Fusheng's level-up speed is!
"The next step is to sit here and slowly wait for the arrival of Empress Scarlet Moon!"

"Huh, when I met her for the first time, I didn't even have the slightest resistance! I don't know if I can cause harm to her now, or if I still can't resist!"

Recalling the previous situation where he was suppressed by Queen Feiyue and couldn't even fight back, Ye Fusheng's expression also became serious.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

Ye Fusheng felt a little cold behind him, and just wanted to get up, but a warm breath came from his ear, and then, a cat-like voice rang in Ye Fusheng's ear.

"Hehehe... little guy, long time no see, I didn't expect you to grow to such an extent!"

The voice is particularly soft and delicate, and it can be heard that it is the voice of a cute girl.

If it was an ordinary person, I'm afraid that my mouth would be drooling on the spot, and I wanted to turn around and kiss Fangze.

However, Ye Fusheng's whole body seemed to fall into an ice cellar, his throat rolling, and he was very surprised.

He couldn't believe that Queen Scarlet Moon rushed over so quickly, and she could quietly come behind him and speak in his ear!

If Queen Scarlet Moon hadn't spoken, Ye Fusheng would have even suspected that he would never have known that Queen Scarlet Moon was here!

"Well... little guy, you are so cruel!"

"The last time I stole my sister's heart, this time, I will kill my sister again!"

Delicate, white and jade-like slender fingers slowly landed on Ye Fusheng's neck, kneading his shoulders for him, but Ye Fusheng didn't feel refreshed at all, instead it felt like a stick in his throat.

It seems that it will be killed at any time!

"Little guy, how do you plan to compensate your sister?"

After all, Empress Feiyue wrapped her hands around Ye Fusheng's neck, and she actually lay down on her side, lying in Ye Fusheng's arms.

If other people see this scene, they will definitely think that this is a loving and sweet couple showing their affection!

Even though the tens of thousands of troops behind Ye Fusheng saw Queen Feiyue lying in Ye Fusheng's arms, although they were curious about how Queen Feiyue got here, they saw that Ye Fusheng didn't move, and thought that Queen Feiyue was Ye Fusheng's wife , and didn't dare to move around, or even look around.

One by one, look at the nose with the eyes, the mouth with the nose, and the heart with the mouth, and stand quietly in place.

It was also fortunate that they did not step forward and did not act hastily, otherwise, once Queen Crimson Moon was angered, they would all be killed before Xing Yun came.

At this time, only Ye Fusheng was sweating profusely, terrified in his heart, and still had a... strange emotion!

Empress Feiyue was already extremely good-looking, and with that outfit, lying in Ye Fusheng's embrace, her two jade arms gave Ye Fusheng a cool feeling.

Looking down, everything is clearly visible, the smell is tangy, and if there is only one person, I am afraid that I can't help but fight for [-] rounds.

Ye Fusheng can still hold back, it's really not easy.

Rolling his eyeballs, Ye Fusheng knew that he couldn't stay stiff forever, so he immediately smiled and said, "So it's Her Majesty Queen, I finally see you again!"

"Well, your subordinates are too weak, even I can't beat them, it's useless to keep them, it's a waste of food! Kill them, how about I serve as your bodyguard?"

While being perfunctory to Queen Scarlet Moon, Ye Fusheng quietly cast the Eye of Truth skill on Queen Scarlet Moon.


The next moment, a neat column of data appeared in front of Ye Fusheng.

With a glance, the corner of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitched more and more.

Empress Crimson Moon Qingyue (Extraordinary Boss)

grade:? ? ?
Blood value: 510000000
Attack Power: ? ? ?

Defense: ? ? ?

? ? ? :? ? ?

? ? ? :? ? ?

? ? ? :? ? ?


Although there are a lot of data, except for the blood value, there are all question marks from the beginning to the end!

In other words, even if you have evolved the Eye of Truth, you will not be able to see through the attributes of Queen Scarlet Moon!
It also means that even if Empress Scarlet Moon is not as good as Xing Yun, she is still at the same level as Xing Yun.

No wonder, if Xing Yun wants to make a move, he has to set up a net to be sure!
"The blood value of 51 billion... Apart from Xingyun and Xingling, it seems that it is already the strongest existence I have encountered!"

"Extraordinary level... what is it?"

"What should we do in this battle?!"

After reading the attributes, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but frown. Xingyun is here, and there is great hope for killing Queen Feiyue, but if he wants to get the final reward, what should he do? good?
If other people knew what Ye Fusheng was thinking at this time, they would definitely be furious and call him a bastard.

Damn, such a beautiful girl is lying in your arms, how do you actually think about killing her?
Bah, scumbag!

(PS: The second update today!!!! I will continue to write and see if I can have another chapter!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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