Invincible in one touch

Chapter 230 How to Eat

Chapter 230 How to Eat

"Ho ho ho..."

"Little guy, you're not thinking about how to kill me, are you?"

The cold laughter fell, however, it caused Ye Fusheng's face to change drastically.

Damn it, Queen Scarlet Moon can't see through his mind, can she?

In that case, wouldn't it mean that she would also see through the situation arranged by Xing Yun?

"Looking at your seems to be true!"

"What a cruel person!"

Empress Feiyue pointed her index finger at Ye Fusheng's chin, her voice became colder and colder: "However, sister, I am a magnanimous person after all! I still like you very much. I invite you to join my dark army again. Are you willing?"


"System prompt: Scarlet Moon Empress Qingyue invited you to join the Burning Legion and get a special job change opportunity, do you agree?"


Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being taken aback, he killed so many of her subordinates, and was thinking of planning to kill her, how could he be invited?
Could it be that Empress Scarlet Moon couldn't see through his thoughts and was just deceiving him?
As for inviting Ye Fusheng to join the Burning Legion, the reason is simpler.

First, Ye Fusheng was able to steal one of the cores of her power without alarming Empress Scarlet Moon when her strength was low!If the strength catches up, wouldn't it be more powerful?

Second, Ye Fusheng was able to defeat the strong with the weak, and defeated her lieutenant. He was brave and resourceful. Empress Feiyue didn't want to miss this kind of talent.

Of course, if Ye Fusheng rejects her again, Empress Feiyue will not show mercy, and will definitely treat Ye Fusheng cruelly.

However, Ye Fusheng couldn't agree!

Once he agrees, he will join the dark camp. According to the game settings, once the camp is changed, his own merit points and other systems will be cleared.

[Hey, senior sister, why hasn't she come yet?This Empress Crimson Moon is a bit fierce, I really can't afford to offend her! 】

Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, that, should we talk about other things first? For example, salary, how many days do you go to your bedside every week? Then I will be motivated!"


"Little guy, you only have three breaths! Otherwise, my sister will have to eat you!"

Empress Scarlet Moon smiled sweetly, unable to hear the emotion in her words at all.

"Well, how do you eat it?"

"Wash and clean before eating?"

Ye Fusheng blinked his eyes, if it was that way of eating, he would be willing!

"Of course, I took your skin off and ate your flesh and blood!"

Empress Feiyue kept slicing Ye Fusheng's face with her ten fingers, like knives, cold and sharp, but her tone of voice was still unhurried: "Little guy, you have to think carefully, there are only three breaths. time to think about it!"


Hearing the countdown, Ye Fusheng's heart trembled, he understood the crisis, and he didn't dare to make a few more waves. He aimed at Empress Scarlet Moon, swung his fist, and released the shocking skill of one punch, hitting Empress Scarlet Moon's proud muscles. past.


The tactile sensation of the Q bomb exploded, and the huge force rebounded, Ye Fusheng was actually thrown out directly.

Empress Feiyue's expression gradually turned cold, but she got up slowly and stared at Ye Fusheng indifferently.


"You... how can you still move?"

Seeing Empress Feiyue standing up, Ye Fusheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was stunned.

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng quickly opened the battle information, his eyes swept away, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.


"Combat reminder: Due to the special skills of Scarlet Moon Empress Qingyue, she is immune to all control effect skills, and this special skill can be resolved!"

"Grass... after a high level, those bosses really have the special ability of being immune to control skills!"

With a wry smile, Ye Fusheng could only pin his hopes on his senior sister.

After all, Empress Scarlet Moon is a peak-level powerhouse in the entire game, and with his current strength, she is not an opponent at all.

To be able to participate in it, and get an assist in killing Empress Crimson Moon, is already very strong.

"Ho ho ho..."

"Little guy, since you're looking for death, don't blame my sister for being rude!"

Empress Crimson Moon's expression was cold, she didn't want to waste any more time, she raised her right index finger, and in an instant, the crimson light gathered and turned into a crimson moon, which contained strong energy and blood.


The next moment, the crimson moon rushed out like a blade, attacking Ye Fusheng.

The strong wind howled, feeling the terrifying power, Ye Fusheng frowned, just about to release his skills, a burst of electricity suddenly flowed through his body.


"System prompt: Because the player was hit by the scarlet moon queen Qingyue's red moon electric light skill, he fell into a paralyzed state and was unable to move for 10 seconds!"

"Hiss... release two skills at the same time?"

"This boss is a bit fierce!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng quickly distracted, let the stars switch forms, and increase BUFF for himself!

Although Empress Crimson Moon is very strong, even if Ye Fusheng's state is full, there is a very high chance of being instantly killed by that round of Hongyue's attack, but Ye Fusheng is not willing to stand still.

Even death is worth it!

Ye Fusheng believes that Senior Sister Xingyun will avenge him!


Hongyue turned like a sharp blade, breaking through the space, spinning and attacking Ye Fusheng.

Not far away, Empress Scarlet Moon looked cold and her eyes were gloomy. After being teased a few times, she was also full of hatred for Ye Fusheng.

However, just as the red moon was about to pass by Ye Fusheng, there was a burst of silver light, and the space was rippling.

The space in front of Ye Fusheng distorted instantly, like a huge mouth, swallowing the red moon.

"Empress Scarlet Moon, those who want to kill me, you can't do it yet!"

The cold voice fell, and the silver-white brilliance bloomed. In the sky, a figure slowly descended like a fairy.

"It's you?!"

"Dawn of Sunset City Star Rhyme!"

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Empress Feiyue couldn't help but her complexion changed slightly, her eyeballs rolled, she glanced at Ye Fusheng suddenly, then looked up at Xing Yun, and said with a sneer: "No wonder! I said why this kid is so brave, dare to do this challenge me like that!"

"It turns out that you have always supported him behind the back! Xing Yun, you protect this kid so much, he can't be your male favourite, right?"

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that Xingyun, who is called the hope of mankind, is also an ordinary woman, and she keeps a pretty face!"

A loud laugh fell, and Empress Scarlet Moon taunted.

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and froze in place.

Brother die, although you said what I want to do, don't you want to be so straightforward?
What is a male pet?What is a little boy?

Our pure emotional exchange!
Furthermore, even if it is a nurturing, it is me who is nurturing Senior Sister Xingyun!
Paid a lot of gold coins to cut?

"For the sake of your imminent death, I will not argue with you!"

Xing Yun glanced at Ye Fusheng, then looked at Empress Feiyue, lightly waved her right hand, and a long sword that released silver-white and red-colored brilliance suddenly emerged from the void and fell into her hand.


In an instant, the space froze, and Empress Scarlet Moon also froze.

Xing Yun even summoned her own divine sword. Obviously, this time, Xing Yun will not let her go easily.

This made Empress Scarlet Moon quite flustered, even if she had extraordinary strength, she was not considered weak in the eyes of the entire demon clan, but compared with Xing Yun, she was still not good enough.

Eyeballs rolled, Empress Scarlet Moon already had the intention of retreating, if it was impossible, even if her body died, she would use her soul will to escape!
Just as Queen Feiyue was thinking about how to escape, everyone in Bai Ye finally realized that something was wrong.

"No, there's something wrong with your lord!"

"Oh my god, the city lords are here!"

"what's going on?"

Everyone in Bai Ye exclaimed, but they were soldiers after all. When Bai Ye called out in formation, everyone quickly lined up and formed an army formation, blocking Empress Scarlet Moon's retreat.

Although, compared with Queen Feiyue, Bai Ye's strength was frighteningly low, but they still rushed up without fear of death.

Of course, Empress Scarlet Moon would not act hastily.

If Xing Yun was not there, it would only take a few breaths of time for Queen Scarlet Moon to kill them, and she could send them to hell with any skill.

However, in front of Xing Yun, if she dared to attack and showed her flaws, it would take Xing Yun to kill her in a few breaths.

"Queen Crimson Moon, for 500 years, you have launched attacks many times and slaughtered people. Today, I will make you pay with blood!"

Xing Yun gave a soft drink, and suddenly threw out a circle of light with her right hand.


The spread of the light circle actually enveloped Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun and Empress Crimson Moon in an instant.


Ye Fusheng only felt dizzy, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already in a silver-white space.

This space is endless, and there is no limit at all. The only thing that keeps him stable is that not far away, both Xing Yun and Empress Scarlet Moon appear.

【It seems that Senior Sister Xingyun made this up to protect other people! 】

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng already understood, he couldn't help looking at Xing Yun, he was also very curious about how strong this senior sister is!

I don't know if Queen Scarlet Moon can force out her full strength!

"Little guy, don't think so much, watch carefully, this battle will help you!"

Just when Ye Fusheng was curious, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, which made his eyes widen and he was stunned.

Xing Yun, can actually send a message directly to his heart?

What kind of power is this?

"Xing Yun, it seems that you are full of confidence! However, it is not that simple to keep me!"

Empress Crimson Moon was not surprised when she came to this space suddenly, she sneered, and made seals with her hands. The next moment, a blood-colored giant sword emerged and fell into her hands.

As Queen Crimson Moon stretched out her hand, two thin swords separated from that huge sword, shining with a strange blood-red light, and they were held in her hands respectively.

"Xing Yun, today, I want to let you see how powerful my Blood Rose and Blood Rose are!"

"Shuangyue Blood Kill!"

After the cold shout fell, Empress Scarlet Moon jumped up, crossed her swords, and burst into a terrifying blood-colored radiance, which covered the silver-white light for a while, and quickly attacked Xingyun!
(PS: Today's first update!!! Continue to write in the afternoon, and return all the chapters owed a few days ago!!! Ask for a recommendation ticket!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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