Invincible in one touch

Chapter 231 Empress Scarlet Moon Is To Die?

Chapter 231 Empress Scarlet Moon Is To Die?

Accompanied by the cold shout, the bloody moon wheel turned extremely fast, as sharp as a blade, and slammed towards Xing Yun's head.


However, before the bloody moon came close to Xingyun, an ice-blue barrier bloomed like an ice wall, bright as crystal, and collided with the bloody moon.

There was a violent explosion, followed by the sound of ice shattering.

However, when the ice wall completely exploded, the ice cubes filled the sky, like sharp arrows, packed with astonishing power, whizzed out at an extremely fast speed, and blasted towards Empress Scarlet Moon.

"Hahaha, small tricks!"

Empress Scarlet Moon was not afraid at all, she raised her hands, and in an instant, the sea of ​​blood roared, and the thick bloody aura, like an ocean or an abyss, emerged out of thin air, blocked in front of Empress Scarlet Moon, and absorbed all the ice cubes.

"With such tricks, you still want to deal with me?"

Empress Scarlet Moon sneered, but she hadn't finished laughing yet.

The sea of ​​blood that was still roaring and emitting a cold breath suddenly spread a layer of frost.

ka ka ka-

Only clear and clear voices could be heard continuously, the sea of ​​blood turned into huge ice cubes, Queen Crimson Moon's face was also pale, and her pupils were full of horror.

"Damn it, you are the ice of law!"

With a low curse, Empress Feiyue completely lost the contempt she had before, and formed seals with both hands at an extremely fast speed, and the seals formed were extremely complicated, which dazzled Ye Fusheng.

"Hiss... This hand speed, these slender fingers, are actually used to make seals, what a waste!"

Ye Fusheng sighed, feeling very sorry.

It was also when he sighed that the sea of ​​blood that had been frozen started to burn, and the blazing flames melted all the ice.

However, the previous freezing was just a wave of Xing Yun's hand!
Before Queen Crimson Moon completely melted away the frost, Xing Yun held a two-color divine sword, her figure flickered, and she instantly moved behind Queen Crimson Moon, and slashed out with a sword, slashing at her head.


The blood sword was raised, and the two swords crossed, forcibly jamming the two-color Excalibur.

However, Xing Yun kicked out her right foot and slammed it into her abdomen, a terrifying power burst out, like thunder, and immediately kicked her out.


The next moment, the two figures accelerated with all their strength, colliding with each other like lightning, making astonishing noises and fiery sparks.

Even if Ye Fusheng used his Eye of Truth, he couldn't catch up with the speed of Xing Yun and Empress Scarlet Moon, and he could see the two figures colliding constantly, and sparks flew everywhere between the interlaced sword blades.

The battle between Xing Yun and Empress Scarlet Moon is not just a collision in this aspect.

In the boundless silver-white space, various attributes and visions were continuously released under the urging of Xing Yun and Empress Crimson Moon.

The sea of ​​blood, lotus, angry dragon, and frost, moonlight, and sunlight bloom together, and the sharp power seems to be able to tear apart space.

"Hiss... is this really a battle in the game?"

"It's so terrifying! Why does it look so fantasy?"

Seeing the fierce battle between Empress Feiyue and Xing Yun, Ye Fusheng couldn't help swallowing, and couldn't believe his eyes.

In his cognition, since it is a game, it should be bloody, swords into flesh!
Every attack can have obvious fluctuations in blood volume, but the battle between Xingyun and Empress Scarlet Moon this time is like a god who is hanging out!
All kinds of teleportation, all kinds of breaking space, all kinds of gorgeous skills!
"That's right... the blood bar!"

His eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng suddenly remembered that he couldn't see their specific movements clearly, but he could see their blood bars!

The Eye of Truth skill was released, this time, Ye Fusheng didn't lock on the target, but just swept towards their heads.

All of a sudden, the blood bars of Xing Yun and Empress Feiyue suddenly appeared.

After seeing the result, the corner of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitched violently.

At this moment, Xing Yun's blood bar hardly changed at all!

On the other hand, Empress Scarlet Moon fell below 30%!

"Damn...are you kidding me?!"

"After so many rounds of battle between the two gods, the senior sister didn't even move her health bar? Empress Scarlet Moon is going to die!"

"Grass, the big boss with 51 billion qi and blood is so weak in front of the senior sister?!"

Ye Fusheng couldn't believe his eyes at all.

How could Xingyun be so strong?

It doesn't matter if it is powerful, but it appeared in the secondary main city area so early, and it can still have a relationship with the player!
"Embracing Senior Sister's thigh, and a wife who is not much worse than Senior Sister and can make many potions!"

"My's even better than cheating!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing happily, it seems that Empress Crimson Moon is not an opponent of Xing Yun at all, and death is only a matter of time.

I don't know how much improvement this mission can bring him!


Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Empress Scarlet Moon wailed all over, and a mass of blood bloomed beside her.


Accompanied by the burst of blood, Empress Crimson Moon's figure flickered, and more than 300 figures were transformed into illusions.

Every figure has the same aura, containing terrifying power.

"Xing Yun, die for me!"

"Sevenfold Blood Sacrifice!"

The gloomy voices intertwined and echoed together, appearing very strange and shrill.

The more than 300 figures made movements in unison, condensing more than 300 blood-colored spheres, like marbles, and shot towards Xingyun crazily.



The icy breath suddenly bloomed, and almost at the moment when more than 300 blood-colored spheres flew out, a loud and clear dragon chant sounded.

The next moment, the frost completely engulfed the surrounding space within 100 yards, and an ice dragon danced wildly, sweeping away many blood-colored spheres, turning them into frost spheres.

In this scene, just like when Xing Yun was about to attack the Protoss before, the world was frozen in an instant, and a powerful ice dragon was summoned!


Amid the deafening dragon chant, the ice dragon swung its tail like a steel whip, hitting the more than 300 figures of Queen Scarlet Moon one after another.

boom! boom! boom!
As the sound of explosions continued to sound, more than 300 Scarlet Moon Queens were all blown up and turned into nothingness.

A soul figure rose into the sky in a panic and left towards the surroundings.

The soul can freely travel through this restricted space.

Empress Scarlet Moon knew that she would not be Xing Yun's opponent, so before she was about to lose, she transformed into more than 300 clones, causing Xing Yun to blow up her body.

After that, more than 300 souls broke up and fled together. She didn't believe that Xing Yun could kill them all!

As long as a soul can escape, Queen Scarlet Moon can be reborn with the help of soul and blood essence!

This is the escape plan formulated by Empress Scarlet Moon!

But Xingyun has been laying out for so long, and he guessed that Queen Scarlet Moon would have such a plan. Seeing more than 300 soul figures flying out, she looked calm and took out a bottle of potion from her arms.

Purple Potion!
Silence, deathly silence!

When the bottle of purple potion was taken out, all the sounds in the air disappeared.

What dragon roars, what cracks, what frost, what voices of the soul, all quieted down!

The souls that were about to flee frantically in the surrounding area dissipated one after another, an ominous premonition emerged in Empress Scarlet Moon's heart, she turned around and was stunned.

In just two breaths, all the soul clones in the sky dissipated, and the core source returned, all fused together to form her soul source!
"This... This is the soul-eliminating liquid! An extraordinary medicine that can confine and separate souls!"

"You... how do you have this magical medicine?!"

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Empress Scarlet Moon looked at Xing Yun, and when she saw the bottle of potion clearly, she couldn't help screaming, with a terrified expression.

Hearing Queen Scarlet Moon's exclamation, Xing Yun glanced at Ye Fusheng, and immediately said in a deep voice: "How did I get this potion, you don't have to worry about it!"

"Empress Scarlet Moon, you just need to understand that today is the day of your death!"

Stepping out slowly, Xing Yun held a two-color divine sword in one hand and a medicine bottle in the other. Stepping into the void, she gradually approached Queen Scarlet Moon, her voice still calm: "For hundreds of years, you have slaughtered the homes of human races many times, causing countless deaths. Sin! This crime deserves to be punished! I, Xing Yun, will definitely kill you and pay homage to the heroic soul of my human race!"

"Do not……"

Feeling the surging killing intent, Empress Feiyue panicked and looked at Xingyun in fear.

"No, you can't kill me!"

In panic, Empress Scarlet Moon suddenly shouted: "I know the real intention of the Burning Legion, as long as you don't kill me, I can tell you everything I know!"

In order to survive, Empress Scarlet Moon, who was full of posture before, begged for mercy.

This made Ye Fusheng's eyes widen. Is that still Empress Crimson Moon?

"Heh... do you want to paralyze me, do you make another move?"

Xing Yun smiled lightly and said: "Don't waste your thoughts in vain. If it wasn't for forcing you to take the initiative to show your soul, I would kill you with just a few sword strikes! Today, you will definitely die! Unless, there will be an abyssal monarch who will do it for you!"

"Lord of the actually have the strength to match the Sovereign of the Abyss?!"

Suddenly hearing those four words, Empress Scarlet Moon's eyes flashed with fear, and she screamed: "No, I don't believe it! How can there be such a strong person among the human race?"



Almost at the moment when Empress Crimson Moon screamed, Xing Yun turned into a silver light that instantly pierced her neck.

"It seems that Empress Scarlet Moon is doomed! It's a pity that I didn't kill the last blow!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help sighing.That is the ultimate blow of the super boss, if you can get it, the rewards will be absolutely rich!

The two-color Excalibur splashed blood, and when Xing Yun reappeared, she had already come to Ye Fusheng's side.

With a smile on her face, Xing Yun was just about to speak, but raised her brows, and turned to look at Empress Scarlet Moon.

Sensing the strangeness, Ye Fusheng also raised his head and saw empress Crimson Moon who was supposed to be dead, the wound on her neck was glowing with purple blood, recovering her.

Her qi and blood value, unfortunately, was stuck at 1 point!
Not only that, but the original blood-red ID turned light green, becoming an unlockable target!
In other words, Empress Scarlet Moon who fell to 1 drop of blood cannot be attacked by them!
This surprised Ye Fusheng, the task was clearly to kill Empress Feiyue, but there was a plot protection, what does this mean? !

What exactly should I do to kill Empress Scarlet Moon? !

(PS: Tsk tsk, can anyone guess how to kill Empress Scarlet Moon? I feel that the foreshadowing is okay, if anyone can guess, add me Q in the screenshot, and give a red envelope reward!!! Well, only the top three guesses! !!)

(End of this chapter)

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