Chapter 232

The plot boss that was supposed to be killed suddenly turned green and couldn't be locked?
How can I kill this bitch? !

For a moment, Ye Fusheng was stunned, and the corner of his mouth twitched. If he couldn't kill Empress Crimson Moon and the mission failed, then his loss would be huge!

"Damn... how could this happen?!"

Xing Yun's face showed shock, and her heart was also extremely surprised.

However, what didn't worry them was that even if the blood bar hadn't been completely emptied, Queen Scarlet Moon seemed to be dead, her breathing was weak, she was floating in the air, her limbs were weak, and she fell down like a corpse.

"You must have a special power to kill Feiyue?"

Frowning slightly, Xing Yun put away the soul liquid, abandoned the long sword, put her hands together, and between her lips moved, a faint spell emerged, lingering around her, bursting out with extremely terrifying power.

Five runes of different colors rotated, and the next moment, like raindrops, they fell one after another, bombarding Empress Crimson Moon.

Boom boom boom!
Like an explosion, almost every rune that falls can cause tens of millions of damage, Ye Fusheng is dumbfounded.

too strong!
One attack is tens of millions, and if there are more times, it will be hundreds of millions!

If he had that kind of skill, then facing legendary and epic bosses, he might be able to kill them without triggering the instant death effect!

A real man has to do it with real knives and guns. What do you do with special effects?
Once the attributes are reached, even if I, Ye Fusheng, are exhausted and my skills are empty, I will never use instant death effects to instantly kill the boss!

boom boom-

The power of the rune is like an explosive bomb, constantly exploding, causing countless damage.

However, Empress Crimson Moon's blood bar did not move at all, even though her body was about to be blown to pieces, she was still alive.

"It's not dead?"


Xing Yun's eyes turned cold, she pointed to the ground with her right hand and the moon with her left, and took a deep breath. In an instant, bright colorful lights bloomed and rose into the sky.


The colorful radiance penetrated the sky and the earth, and then, the earth trembled, the sky roared, and the power of dark blue and brown yellow was continuously injected into Xing Yun's body.

With the infusion of the two forces, Xing Yun's body gradually surged, as if she was a giant!
"Overwhelms the heavens and the earth!"

"Heaven and earth... Wuhua... Dafa!"

The cold shout fell, and colorful lotus flowers bloomed beside Xing Yun, slowly opening.


Every time a lotus flower blooms, there will be a burst of terrifying power, sweeping the world, like a blade, constantly striking out, as if even the world can be shattered!

Explosion sounds continued to be heard, like a nuclear bomb exploding, and the power contained in the lotus raged in this silver-white world, covering the body of Empress Scarlet Moon.

Even Ye Fusheng, who has been releasing the Eye of Truth, can't see everything in it clearly at this moment, and can only vaguely see that there is a mushroom cloud condensed.

"Hiss... what the hell, it can't be a nuclear bomb?!"

"In the game, there is actually an attack of this level! It's too strong!"

"Judging from the name, it seems to be a skill of the Hand of Duotian. I wonder if I can learn this skill after I advance my profession again?!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng was full of hope.


The sound became weaker and weaker, and the terrifying power disappeared.

Ye Fusheng looked up, but was stunned.

Empress Crimson Moon's body was almost rotten into a tomato, but her blood bar still had no movement or change, and was still alive.

"It's not dead, has Empress Scarlet Moon become a spirit?"

"Or is this BOSS charging money, let the game planner give her an immortal body?!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng was shocked.


Not to mention Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun was stunned, looking at Empress Scarlet Moon in surprise.

In order to kill Empress Scarlet Moon, she deliberately set up a plan, and even opened up a formation around here, so that she could instantly outline a space of heaven and earth, pull Empress Scarlet Moon into it, and defeat her.

In order to prevent her from escaping, he even sacrificed the Soul-Living Liquid, and even married his junior brother to a woman who didn't know what her intentions were and what her identity was!

However, at this time, Empress Scarlet Moon was still able to remain immortal, causing Xing Yun a headache.

With their level and strength, no matter how miserable Empress Scarlet Moon is now, as long as she can leave a drop of blood and soul, she can recover quickly.

Therefore, Xing Yun had to kill Empress Feiyue, otherwise, all the hard work would have been wasted!

Just when Xing Yun was having a headache, how to kill Empress Scarlet Moon, an illusory soul figure quietly floated out of Empress Scarlet Moon's body, rippling in the air.

Frowning slightly, Xing Yun was just about to wave away the soul when she heard a voice.

"I'm not reconciled..."

"I don't want to..."

"The demons are still alive, I can't die..."


These three sentences, like thunder, struck Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun's hearts in an instant!

what's the situation? !

Empress Scarlet Moon is clearly a strong demon, except for the position of the top ten abyssal emperors, she is almost the strong of the first echelon.

But why did her soul say those words? !

" could this be?!"

Xing Yun frowned and clenched her fists, not knowing what to do.

Ye Fusheng also looked at that illusory figure in surprise.


"That figure..."

After sweeping his eyes, Ye Fusheng was stunned when he saw the soul figure clearly, as memories seemed to surge in his mind.

"So familiar!"

"By the way... the temple! In that temple, I saw this figure before!"

"It seems to be the female war goddess on the murals in the temple!"

Exclaiming, Ye Fusheng opened his mouth slightly, and the whole person was shocked.

"What Goddess of War?!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words suddenly, Xing Yun made a move with his right hand. In an instant, Ye Fusheng only felt that the space in front of him was illusory, and he came directly to Xing Yun's side.

"Senior Sister, it's like this. Before I came, I encountered a temple altar!"

Shaking his head, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Inside the altar, there are some murals. Among them is a goddess of war, who was once trapped by some demon monsters that looked like chains, and then disappeared!"

"The soul in Queen Crimson Moon's body is exactly the same as the Goddess of War on the mural!"

Saying that, Ye Fusheng glanced at the phantom of the soul floating in the air, repeating those three sentences, and became more and more sure of his guess.

"A chain-like monster? The Goddess of War!"

Xing Yun's complexion changed slightly, and she said with a wry smile: "I understand, so she was originally a human race, but she was swallowed by the soul devourer, and then she became Queen Scarlet Moon, and became a minion of the demon race!"

"No wonder, no wonder I can't kill her no matter what!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng asked suspiciously: "Senior sister, what should I do then?"

"We can only seal her up. Once she is allowed to escape, she will still not be able to break free from the control of the demons after resurrection! After all, her soul has been swallowed up!"

Xing Yun sighed: "It's a pity, a strong man of the human race was killed by the Soul Devourer again!"

"Can it only be sealed?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng always felt that this method of handling was too simple.

"Slowly find a way to kill her!"

Xing Yun shook her head and said: "Even if she is a human being, at this moment, her life cannot be spared! Her soul is completely dead! However, she is powerful, and she has such obsession and remnants, it is difficult to kill her." kill!"


Ye Fusheng rubbed his nose, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he thought of the item he found in the altar of the temple earlier——Mountains and seas are hard to beat!

Mountains and seas are difficult to appease, mythical items, containing infinite willpower!

Perhaps, that thing can dissolve Empress Scarlet Moon's obsession and remnants!

"Senior sister, I think, maybe I have a way to dissolve her obsession!"

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"Oh? What can you do?"

Xing Yun raised her brows, turned to look at Ye Fusheng, her eyes were full of doting, and said with a smile: "Since you are sure, let you try it!"

If other powerhouses saw it, they would definitely be shocked. When would Dawn of Sunset City, the number one goddess of ice and snow in the human race, spoil a man like this?
It is true that Xing Yun loves Ye Fusheng too much!
No matter what it is, she will promise Ye Fusheng, and even give him a good choice!

"Hey, thank you, Senior Sister!"

Ye Fusheng didn't ask any more questions, and took out the mountains and seas from his backpack.


Almost at the moment when Shan Hai Yi Nan Ping took it out, the divine soul that did not have any intelligence at first, but just kept repeating unwillingness, unexpectedly burst into a silver-white brilliance!
In the eyes, the confused eyes suddenly brightened up!
"It really works!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng suddenly lit up.

Xing Yun was also very surprised, she did not expect that Ye Fusheng could do this.

At the same time, Xing Yun waved her right hand lightly, and a divine sword emerged, ready to strike at any time.

After so many years, Xing Yun is not sure that Queen Scarlet Moon's soul is still human!

"You two... Thank you for defeating me and purifying my soul!"

"Over the years, although I have been insane, I can still sense everything that happened, and I feel grief in my heart, but I can't do anything!"

The soul saluted slightly, but the words were full of sorrow: "Now that my obsession has been broken, I can't stay for long. I only hope that you two can kill more demons in the future and avenge my human race! In addition, among the demons , in addition to the ten abyssal monarchs, there are also seven great demon kings, and the seven tribes under them all have the power to control the soul and devour the soul, and must not be underestimated!"

"Little friend, thank you for dispelling my obsession. Today, even though I die, I will repay you!"

"I can sense that there is a force in your body that is still in the growth stage, so let my last soul help her grow and make her stronger!"

After all, the soul figure quietly dissipated, and then, a series of system prompts rang in Ye Fusheng's ears one after another.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully participating in killing the super-level boss, and getting rewarded with 100 billion experience points! Extraordinary achievement value is 10 points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's pet [Chaos Dancer·Star] for gaining special powers. It will be advanced again and become an extraordinary pet. The attributes will be improved and new skills will be opened! After sleeping for 24 hours, it will wake up!"

"system hint:……"

(PS: The first update, there will be more to follow!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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