Invincible in one touch

Chapter 233 is open, the version is updated!

Chapter 233 is open, the version is updated!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully purifying an extraordinary-level soul. You will be rewarded with 10 billion experience points, 5 extraordinary achievement points, and 50000 merit points!"


After the soul of Queen Crimson Moon disappeared, a series of system prompts came down, which made Ye Fusheng's ears hurt.

The golden light shone under his feet, and Ye Fusheng's level had risen to level 60 all of a sudden!
It can be seen from this that the experience value of killing a super-level boss is very rich!

You know, from the beginning to the end, Ye Fusheng has never exported Empress Feiyue, at best, it is difficult to get rid of the mountains and seas in the end.

But, even so, Ye Fusheng has been promoted several levels!
"Hiss... once you hand in the task, maybe I can get another level up!"

"The harvest this time is really not small. After killing Empress Feiyue, I have completed a very important task, and the follow-up rewards are indispensable! I have made a lot of money!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng looked at Xing Yun happily.

At this time, Xing Yun was also stunned, feeling unrealistic.

Empress Scarlet Moon, whom she couldn't kill before, died so easily?
For a long time, Xing Yun lowered her head and stared at Ye Fusheng for a moment, until Ye Fusheng blushed.

"Huh, Junior Brother, this time, you have made a great contribution!"

"I didn't expect that Empress Scarlet Moon was a human being before, and before she died, she revealed such a secret! In the future, I will definitely avenge her!"

"It's a pity... If she hadn't been devoured for her soul, she would definitely become the backbone of the human race!"

Xing Yun sighed unceasingly, she could tell that Empress Scarlet Moon was not weak, and she could rank among the top ten in the entire human race.

In the end, he was victimized by a strange group of demons, devoured his soul, and became a sharp weapon of the demons!

"Okay, little guy, we should go too!"

"Once Empress Scarlet Moon dies, the entire Demon Race will be thrown into chaos! Perhaps, you will be needed to fight on the front line!"

Xing Yun came back to her senses, patted Ye Fusheng's shoulder with a smile, lightly waved her right hand, and immediately dissipated the silver-white space.


The light flickered, and when Ye Fusheng came back to his senses again, he was already in front of the dilapidated temple.

"General, Lord City Lord!"

Not far away, Bai Ye saw only Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun emerging, his face was happy, and he hurried forward to greet him.

"Okay, Bai Ye, you take the people back from the original road, and return to Sunset City as soon as possible!"

"I...we still have things to do!"

Xing Yun waved her hand, signaling Bai Ye and everyone to leave.

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, looked at Ye Fusheng, then at Xing Yun, and suddenly laughed and said, "This subordinate takes orders!"

After laughing, Bai Ye quickly turned around, calling many people to leave.

Sensing Bai Ye's smile, Xing Yun frowned, and laughed softly: "These guys, it seems, have forgotten my punishment for them!"


Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng looked at Xing Yun.

In an instant, Xing Yun blushed slightly, and hurriedly said: "Junior brother, give me some more gold coins!"

"Huh? I gave you so many gold coins, have you used them up?"

"so fast?!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng was very surprised, what a joke, he gave Xing Yun several billion gold coins before, so it's gone?


Xing Yun waved her hand and said with a smile: "I left those gold coins in the City Lord's Mansion. They are all used for the operation of Sunset City and cannot be used easily."

"Is that so, is that [-] million gold coins enough?"

Ye Fusheng didn't ask any more questions, and directly opened the backpack.

Well, as long as you can hug Senior Sister Xingyun's thigh, no matter how many gold coins you give, it's worth it!
It would be best to use gold coins to marry Senior Sister Xingyun directly!
Tsk tsk, don't talk about Xing Yun's peerless appearance and graceful figure, just talk about Xing Yun's strength, if he can marry Xing Yun, Ye Fusheng can walk sideways in the game.

As long as you don't offend the powerhouses of the abyssal monarch level, the rest of the bosses are a dish in front of Xing Yun!


Xing Yun smiled and said: "Junior brother, you are not curious why I let you stay?"

"Senior Sister Bingxue is smart, since you are doing this, there must be your reasons, I don't need to ask."

Ye Fusheng grinned: "Anyway, I know, Senior Sister will definitely not harm me!"


"You little guy!"

Taking the gold coin, Xing Yun smiled and knocked Ye Fusheng on the head: "You are not afraid, I sold you?"

"If it's Senior Sister, I am willing!"

Ye Fusheng laughed loudly and said: "I am willing to be an ox or a horse for my senior sister, of course, the premise is to give grass!"

"For grass?"

Blinking her eyes, Xing Yun was extremely surprised: "Junior brother, why are you eating grass? don't give me all your food money, do you? No, you have to ensure your own nutrition!"

Saying that, Xing Yun hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth, reluctantly took out more than half of the previous [-] million gold coins, and returned them to Ye Fusheng.

"Junior Brother, you take good care of this money! If it's not enough to eat, just tell me, the money you gave me can be used at any time!"

Xing Yun looked upright, but Ye Fusheng was stunned.

He suddenly realized that this was a game after all, no matter how clever Xing Yun was, she couldn't understand that kind of joke, so naturally she didn't understand what grass meant.

"Ahem... Don't worry, senior sister, I still have a lot of money on me!"

"Okay, senior sister, why do you want this gold coin?"

With a roll of his eyes, Ye Fusheng changed the subject calmly.

"I want these gold coins to set up a killing array!"

"Gold coins contain strong popularity, which can cause extremely high damage to demons!"

Sure enough, as soon as the business was mentioned, Xing Yun's expression became serious, and she immediately forgot about other things, and said in a deep voice: "Once Empress Scarlet Moon dies, her subordinates will definitely come here to investigate! In that way, I will be able to demonize them." The higher-ups of the family are also attacking! In a short time, they will definitely not be able to attack the Star Watching Tower again!"

"However, when they calm down, they may be annoyed, no longer prepare, and directly attack the Star Watching Tower, and a real war will break out! That's good, and it will increase the number of people who kill the demons!"

"So this is ah!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng nodded slightly, and couldn't help but marvel.

The setting of Xingyun is really perfect.

He is good-looking, has a good personality, is powerful, and has such a strategy!

She is simply a perfect goddess!

【If such a perfect goddess exists in reality, how wonderful it would be!Or, she will be a real person...]

Staring at Xing Yun, looking at her bright rose-like smile, Ye Fusheng's heart beat faster, and he couldn't help but blush.

"By the way, senior sister, I did a good job in the previous mission. I successfully attracted Feiyue and killed her!"

"What reward should you give me?!"

Seeing that Xing Yun sensed his gaze, Ye Fusheng asked without waiting for Xing Yun to speak.

Hearing this, Xing Yun couldn't help but patted Ye Fusheng on the head, and said with a smile: "You little guy, are you so eager to ask for benefits?!"

"Well... that's all, since you have made a lot of contributions this time, then... let me give you a little more benefit!"

Smiling lightly, Xing Yun made a tactic with her right hand, and in an instant, a ray of light emerged and fell into Ye Fusheng's body.

Immediately afterwards, the system bell rang in his mind, shocking Ye Fusheng.

Xing Yun continued to arrange the formation and got busy.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the main mission of the plot, and getting a reward of 100 billion experience points! The merit value is 200000 points! Skill blessing upgrade volume X10!"


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the players in the Huaxia War Zone [Floating Life] for completing the plot mission, successfully repelling the demons, and keeping the demon army away from the human race for three thousand miles! You will be rewarded with 100 billion experience points and 1 million merit points. Heaven's Edge X1!"

"World server announcement: ..."

"World server announcement: As the commander of the Burning Legion of the Demon Race, Queen Crimson Moon, Qingyue was killed by Xing Yun, the group of demons had no leader, and the expedition failed. Become a neutral area, open up by all players! Territories can be obtained from it, or brand-new ethnic groups! And various tasks can be triggered!"

"World server announcement: ..."

"World Server Announcement: Due to the failure of the Expedition of the Demonic Burning Legion, the version update will be suspended for maintenance in 10 minutes, and will last until 12:[-] noon tomorrow! The new version is called Reign of Hundred Clans! Welcome players to explore the secrets of the new version! "

"World server announcement: ..."

"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the players in the Huaxia War Zone [Floating Life] for opening a new version, getting reward level +3, reputation value increased by 1000 million points, merit value 1000 million points! Pioneering Front X1!"

To Ye Fu's surprise, when he completed the task, there were 36 server bulletins bombarding him in turn.

Not only Ye Fusheng, but players all over the world were shocked!

The announcements this time are all world server announcements!
Moreover, the impact is too great!

The demons retreat and a neutral area appears, which can be used to develop the player's power and strength.

The version is updated, the rule of a hundred clans, it is estimated that it will no longer be a battle between humans and demons, and other ethnic groups will also appear. I don’t know what the situation of the human race will be.

The other two server announcements are rewards for Ye Fusheng.

"Hastily... Isn't Floating Life too ruthless?"

"He's only around level 60, so... unexpectedly, he came up with the main task and repelled the attack of the entire demon clan?"

"Just now, in a few seconds, he went directly from level 57 to level 65. What happened?"

"What level of task is that, the reward is so rich!"

"Made, Floating Life is more violent than cheating! Even if it's a novel, you dare not write like this?!"

"Hiss... so terrifying! There are thousands of floating lives, I would like to call you the strongest!"

Not only the Huaxia forum, but this time, forums around the world including the United States, the island country, a certain high country, etc., have completely boiled over.

Everyone is discussing everything about Ye Fusheng.

They were very curious, how did Ye Fusheng do this!
Of course, what they were more curious about was, what effect did Ye Fusheng get with so many rewards? !

(PS: Damn, I didn't open the cheat!!! Well, I never open cheats for the protagonist!

In addition, the new book has been released, and it is also a very cool novel. There will be many fairies and your favorite characters appearing. The title of the book is Invincible From Summoning Fairies. You can vote more!I love you guys! ! ! )

(End of this chapter)

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