Invincible in one touch

Chapter 234 Extraordinary epic, ancient costume!

Chapter 234 Extraordinary epic, ancient costume!
"Sure enough, after killing Empress Scarlet Moon, the demons have no leader. They retreated and triggered a version update!"

"The rule of a hundred clans, it seems that the demon clan's attack will be weakened, and it may even trigger the resistance of the rest of the clan! Tsk tsk, if there are so many clans, if they attack together, if the demon clan doesn't respond properly, they will perish directly!"

After reading the system announcement, Ye Fusheng was also stunned, and immediately felt elated. This time, besides showing off and pushing his reputation to the peak, he also got many benefits.

Among other things, the level alone is like flying!Fly straight to level 65!Far beyond the 20th level of others!
Others, if there is no way to kill a strong man of the Demon Emperor level, there is no hope of catching up with him at all!

The only pity is that Empress Scarlet Moon died of a plot kill, and 100% of her blood was killed by Xing Yun, so no equipment could be revealed.

Ye Fusheng's extremely greedy bloody swords dissipated with the wind.

"The demons are retreating, and the rest of the races are rising. I don't know what kind of strategy the human race will have!"

"Forget it, I can brush monsters and level up at ease, it's useless to think about that!"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng opened his backpack and began to search for this reward.

Opening Edge (Legendary Item): After use, you can accept the task of opening the special equipment bar

Skill Blessing Upgrade Roll (Extraordinary Item): After use, a skill will be randomly selected and upgraded to the highest level that can be reached at the current level

"Well, the second Sky Opening Edge appeared, and it happened to be able to open the equipment bar of the earrings. The skill blessing upgrade coupon is also good. There are ten of them, and most of the skills can be upgraded to the highest level!"

"However, I can only upgrade to the highest level of the current level. When my level rises, I will use these blessings to upgrade the scroll, and the effect will be stronger!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng kept the Skill Blessing upgrade scroll, directly used the Sky Opening Edge, and chose to open the earring equipment bar.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully accepting the task of [Smart World], task goal: kill 100 sky-level bosses, 10 spirit-level bosses, and 1 ghost-level boss! Task rewards: rich experience rewards and the opening of the earring equipment bar !"

The task was accepted successfully, and before Ye Fusheng was surprised by the troublesome task requirements, another bell rang suddenly.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the kiss of the goddess of luck, [Smart World] task is automatically completed!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the task of [Smart World], getting a reward of 8000 million experience points, and opening the earring equipment bar!"


"This! This opens the earring equipment bar?!"

"Goddess of Luck can still complete the task directly?! One day, just trigger the BUFF, let me upgrade to the full level, and I can pretend to be a god!"

Ye Fusheng was amazed, this time, even he felt the horror of the goddess of luck's kiss!
The task of [Smart World] is by no means easy, and ghost-level bosses are especially rare, let alone killing 100 sky-level bosses and 10 spirit-level bosses, it will take less than a week or two to complete it!

Even if you have that strength, where can you find so many bosses to kill?
But, as soon as Lady Luck's kiss came, he took a sip, and the task was directly completed!
"Tsk tsk, sure enough, he is handsome, so good luck will come!"

Satisfied, Ye Fusheng directly equipped the Xuetu earrings, and various attributes skyrocketed.

The attack power directly flew to 2.7, and then change the weapon, 3 attack power is just around the corner!

Moreover, the mana value has also skyrocketed. If you change to a mage-like hidden profession in the future, you don't have to worry about releasing skills anymore.

"Sure enough, the rewards for such an extraordinary boss are good!"

"It's a pity that she couldn't reveal her weapon. The twin swords that can be split can also be turned into a giant sword. The attributes will definitely not be weak!"

Satisfied with closing his attribute panel, Ye Fusheng opened his backpack again, and continued to search for the last reward in the inventory, Pioneering Front!
However, after searching for a long time, Ye Fusheng couldn't find it, so he couldn't help frowning slightly. Could it be that someone swallowed the system reward?
"It shouldn't be, it's in my backpack, I can't escape!"

"Maybe, it's not an item?"

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng quickly adjusted to the weapon interface, and he saw a thick and simple giant sword without the slightest flash of light lying in his backpack.

"Hiss...a weapon was actually rewarded!"

"Just when I was about to change weapons, a reward came! This luck, isn't it better?"

"I'm a little skeptical that Lady Luck has fallen in love with me!"

With a grin, Ye Fusheng stretched out his hand and brushed the thick and simple giant sword. The next moment, the data flew away and appeared in front of Ye Fusheng neatly arranged.

Pioneering Edge (Extraordinary Epic★★★★★★★)
Attack Power: 36271-44590
Power: 8000
Stamina: 10000
Dexterity: -1000
Invincible: When attacking, there is a 10% chance to break the attacked object, equipment, or building
Epee Wufeng: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to release piercing sword energy, crushing all targets within 30X30 yards, causing high damage and triggering the knockback effect
Daqiao Ruogong: Every time you attack, increase your own attack speed by 5%, last for 30 seconds, and can be superimposed 10 times

Transcendence · Stunt · Fearless Opening: After the stunt is activated, each time the self receives an attack, the attack power will increase by 10%, the total blood value will increase by 10%, and the blood will return to full value. The duration is 10 minutes and the cooldown time is 24 minutes. [-] hours
Epic seven-star special effect: when attacking, an extra damage of 300% of the attack power will be added
Features: Can be integrated, can be upgraded

The number of gems that can be embedded: 99
Description: According to legend, the human race was born 6000 million years ago, and lived hard in the Magic Moon Continent, fighting against the sky, gods, and demons!A warrior, holding a huge sword, comprehended the cultivation method, from weak to strong, led the human race to stand on the top of the mountain, and killed all the heavens and all races with fear, daring not to resist.The Pioneering Front is the giant sword that the warrior used when he realized the kung fu.After tens of millions of years of deep sleep, it contains endless power!

Rating: 120
"Extraordinary level epic equipment, or seven stars..."

"This reward seems to directly make up for Queen Scarlet Moon's inability to explode equipment!"

"Even if Empress Crimson Moon reveals extraordinary equipment, it may not be for me to use! This reward is just right!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, not only because he just happened to be able to use Pioneering Front, but also because of Pioneering Front's strength!

Invincible can destroy equipment and buildings, whether it is spawning monsters or dealing with players, it can exert a strong effect.

The epee Wufeng is a powerful tool for spawning monsters, plus a great skill, which can superimpose 10 times of attack speed. Who can stop the offensive like a storm?
Coupled with the fearless stunt of opening the sky, tsk tsk, needless to say, I will directly become a god!
Every time he receives an attack, he can increase his attack power and the upper limit of the total blood value by 10%, and restore his blood to full, which means that as long as he doesn't kill him in seconds, he will be immortal within 10 minutes!

"The legendary equipment used by the strongest human beings!"

"And this description, why do I feel like Dugu Qiubai's epee?"

"Forget it, I don't think so much, anyway, the attribute is good, and it is strong enough!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to care about it, he inlaid the last skill gem with ease, and sighed again.

"These gems are used too fast! No, I have to find a way to get him a shot!"

"Besides, only the gemstones with ease, the number of inlays for those equipped with dozens of gemstones is also at a loss... I don't know how many levels of gemstones with other functions can be opened!"

"This system is too bad, the equipment is so porous, it doesn't give gems!"

Putting away the pioneering edge, Ye Fusheng couldn't help complaining about the system.

But the system is even more aggrieved. According to the official setting, high-level equipment is level 80, and can only be obtained after level 100. It just so happens that level 80 opens the way to obtain gems.

Who knew you were so strong, able to kill bosses by leapfrogging all kinds of levels, and exploded so many equipment beyond the version, so blame me for not having gems?
After everything was put away, Xing Yun at the side finished the formation, walked to Ye Fusheng's side, and said with a smile: "Everything is settled, um, little guy, you plan to take advantage of the demons to investigate, and continue to practice yourself before retreating." , or go back to the city?"

"Go back to the city, I should also supply, tidy up."

After pondering, Ye Fusheng chose to go back to the city. His level was already high enough, and it would be useless to farm ordinary monsters. It would be better to find news about other groups and various winged monsters.

If you don't complete that task, you can't open the wing equipment bar, and Ye Fusheng will lose one means.

"Okay, then let's go back together!"

Xing Yun smiled lightly, waved her right hand lightly, the space was shattered in an instant, and when Ye Fusheng realized it again, he was already in the City of Sunset.

"Junior brother, Xingling has just finished using the soul-eliminating liquid, which has caused serious damage to her body. You'd better go and accompany her for a while..."

Xing Yun stared at Ye Fusheng, waved her hands, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister, let's get busy with business first!"

"Ah, did it hurt her a lot?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but tremble in his heart, for some reason, he also cared a lot about Xingling, and didn't notice Xingyun's departure, Ye Fusheng hurried back to his mansion.

After returning to the mansion, he returned the salute to the many guards, and ran directly to the innermost room.

At this time, Protoss was lying on the bed, counting his fingers.

As if aware of Ye Fusheng's arrival, Xingling's eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his smile was as bright as a child's: "Master, are you back so soon?"

"With you here, why don't I come back?"

Seeing that the protoss is in good condition, Ye Fusheng also felt relieved, stepped forward, and grabbed the slender hand of the protoss.

For a moment, the clouds in the sky were covered, and a shy voice came from inside the house.

(PS: Today's first update, due to child care, the second update will be later, but there will definitely be!!!

In addition, brothers, if you vote, try to give the new book as much as possible. Some people say that the new book is not dirty. ! ! ! )

(End of this chapter)

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