Invincible in one touch

Chapter 235 Auspiciousness descends from the sky!

Chapter 235 Auspiciousness descends from the sky!

Due to the version update, Ye Fusheng had to go offline as soon as possible, and it only took a few minutes to finish.

"Sanggong... don't you love me anymore? How long has it been?"

Xingling puffed out his mouth in grievance, and lay in Ye Fusheng's arms.

"Ahem, I have something to go out, and I will surprise you when I come back!"

Ye Fusheng was quite ashamed, so he had to put on his clothes, and spent a few minutes warming with the star spirit, then rushed out of the courtyard and chose to go offline.

Well, Protoss is an NPC in the game after all, so stay away from her when you are offline, so as not to let her notice something abnormal.

After logging off, Ye Fu let out a sigh of relief, but saw Qian Shanxue and Xiaoxin staring at him with wide eyes.

"What's wrong? Looking at me like this?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng asked.

"Just now your body... seems to be..."

Speaking of this, Qian Shanxue blushed slightly.

How could Ye Fusheng not understand the meaning of Qian Shanxue's words, he was extremely surprised, he didn't expect that if he did that thing in the game, his body would have a corresponding movement in reality.

Shouldn't that kind of game be a fully realistic mind manipulation?

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng gave Qian Shanxue a hard look, quickly hugged Xiaoxin, and said: "What are you talking about, let's go out for a stroll!"

"Okay, be careful, I want to eat ice cream, I want to eat cream cake!"

Hearing this, Careful couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

After coming to the real world, she has been completely captured by delicious food.

"Okay, let's eat now!"

Ye Fusheng pampered her so much, um, such a cute little loli, who still calls her father all the time, why not pamper her?

What's more, the girl who can give birth to such a little girl is definitely not too bad. Maybe this little loli can fool a beautiful wife for herself.

Why not do it?

Cough cough, actually, the game has been updated a lot, maintenance is required, unable to log in to the game, Ye Fusheng is too lazy to take care of the company's affairs, why not take little loli out to play.

Qian Shanxue also changed into a different set of clothes, and went out with the two of them.

When I came to the bustling city, I felt like a lark out of the cage. I was very happy and kept looking for new and interesting things.

Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue accompanied her, but they also had a good time.

As the night approached, Ye Fusheng suddenly remembered that the previously agreed offline meeting hadn't been decided yet.

Rolling his eyes, Ye Fusheng called Qingqing Rushui, asked her to come out, and discussed the hotel where to meet.

Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue are both descendants of wealthy families, and they have different classes and choices from Qingqing Rushui. If they follow their choices, the rest of the players will inevitably be timid and unable to let go.

In comparison, it would be better to let Qingqing Rushui decide.

Although her family background is not as good as that of Qian Shanxue and Ye Fusheng, she is also the daughter of a rich man and has good vision, so she is not bad!

After receiving Ye Fusheng's call, Qingqing Rushui was overjoyed, and within an hour, he drove to the front of Ye Fusheng, Qian Shanxue, and Xiaoxin.

Then, the group of four began to choose a hotel, and after more than three hours of struggle, everything was finally settled.

The time is five days later, which happens to be a month since the game was launched, which is also a kind of commemorative significance.

In another month and five days, the competition section of the domestic server will officially open, and so will the hegemony competition.

Thinking of the hegemony competition, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being happy. At first, he chose to enter the game by himself, just wanting to indulge himself. He had already thought about it. If he couldn't rely on himself to get No.1, he would pay for No.1 medicine.

Who knew that after entering the game, he actually got a hidden job, and plundered all the way, relying on those girls, ah bah, relying on the skill of plundering, he became the number one in the world!

If there is no accident, the No.1 in the hegemony competition must be Ye Fusheng!

Even in the World Championships, no one can compete with him!

His equipment, level, and skills have surpassed others too much!
After everything was confirmed, the group of four had another supper and drank some wine.

Fortunately, Qian Shanxue is also following, otherwise, Qing Qingru Shui will take advantage of the strength of the wine and have a relationship with Ye Fusheng that goes beyond friendship.

Well, let's talk, hold hands, drink a little wine, sleep for 69...

Ye Fusheng asked Qian Shanxue to go back with caution until early in the morning, and he called a substitute driver to take Qing Qing Rushui home in person.

Last time, when Qing Qing Ru Shui was assassinated, Ye Fusheng was worried about her, and he sent her not far from the door of his house before stopping the car.


Qingqing Rushui blushed, leaned on Ye Fusheng's shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Brother Fusheng, did I behave well this time?"

"Okay, very good! Without you, we would be entangled in choosing the address and choosing the dishes!"

Ye Fusheng thought Qing Qing Rushui drank too much, so he straightened her body.


But, who knew, just as Ye Fusheng stretched out his hands to support his clear body, she had already thrown herself into Ye Fusheng's arms, with red lips printed on her cheeks.

"Then, Brother Fusheng, can you give me some rewards?"

Before Ye Fusheng could react, Qingqing Rushui laughed and asked for a reward.

Seeing this scene, the corner of the driver's brother in the front row twitched violently, and countless muddy horses galloped past in his heart.

Your uncle, how about showing affection in the car?
I'm just a substitute driver, how about killing a dog like this?
Tucao is back to Tucao, but the surrogate driver is very envious. Qingqingrushui needs a figure and a face, which is dozens of times more beautiful than many goddesses he has seen, but now he is taking the initiative to make out with a man. How could he? Not envious?
"Then what reward do you want?"

Ye Fusheng straightened his body, which was as clear as water, and said seriously: "Stop messing around, get home right away, if you can't wake up from the wine, be careful of being scolded!"

"Just scold me, I'm already tired of it..."

Qingqing Rushui's expression suddenly fell down: "This house is not my home at all! Only some so-called relatives are here to accompany me for money. My father will not come back once a year! I think about it, there is A real home! There are husbands, elders, and children..."


Feeling Qing Qing Ru Shui's loneliness and sadness, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, so he hugged Qing Qing Ru Shui and patted her on the shoulder.

With Ye Fusheng's warm embrace, Qing Qingru Shui soon calmed down, at this time, the car had already driven in front of the villa.

The surrogate driver parked the car, handed the keys to Ye Fusheng, and left in a hurry.

Who can bear to be sprinkled with dog food in the middle of the night?

Well, it just so happened that this order made a lot of money... How about finding a place to relax?
With this thought in mind, the surrogate driver became even faster and rushed towards the mysterious direction. (PS: I don’t know where it is, please don’t ask me, I’m very simple!)

After taking the key, Ye Fusheng stuffed it into Qingqing Rushui's arms, and asked in a low voice: "Can you move around? At night, I will try not to let your elders see it, so as not to blame you!"

"Well, don't worry, Brother Fusheng, I can do it alone!"

Qingqing Rushui smiled brightly, and suddenly whispered: "Can you hug me for a while... When you hug me, it seems to be like a father!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng looked weird, how does his father feel?

Are you sure you didn't cry until you called daddy?
However, seeing Qing Qing Ru Shui's pear blossoms with rain, Ye Fusheng didn't say anything inappropriate, and gave Qing Qing Ru Shui a hug.

After hugging Qing Qingru Shui for several minutes, after confirming that Qing Qing Ru Shui was conscious and capable of acting on his own, Ye Fusheng, urged by his mobile phone, let go of Qing Qing Ru Shui and left the high-end villa complex.

Watching Ye Fusheng leave all the time, his figure disappeared in his eyes, sighed as clear as water, turned around and walked towards the villa, how could he still be drunk?

Well, as the daughter of a rich man, how can she not drink?
He was drunk before, but Ye Fusheng was there.

Oh... woman!
When Ye Fusheng came home, it was past one o'clock in the morning, Xiaoxin and Qian Shanxue had already fallen asleep.

With a roll of his eyes, Ye Fusheng came to Qingning's room again.

The battle with the protoss in the game was too short, I just felt it, and I haven't vented it completely yet.

If you hold back any longer, I'm afraid something will happen!
Suddenly, a fierce battle broke out in the room!

The next day, when Ye Fusheng woke up, the sun was already high, and there were bread and cheese prepared by the bed, and a small piece of paper with a smile on it.

"This girl... I don't know how to stay with me for a while before I know how to go to work!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng didn't understand where Qingning had gone, and said, "Turn her all night last night, she couldn't sleep well at all, and she didn't rest much. Forget it, call Lao Liu later , if you see her tired, let her rest!"

After getting along for a month, Ye Fusheng fell in love with Qingning more and more.

That kind of unpretentious, silently giving, and beautiful girl is rare!

After getting up and washing up, Qian Shanxue appeared in front of him before he had time to eat.

"Hey, look at your red face, I don't know how many little girls you ate last night!"

Qian Shanxue sneered.

"Leave me alone?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Ye Fusheng didn't care.

Anyway, the two are just pretending to be relatives!
"Tch, who cares about you!"

Qian Shanxue rolled her eyes and asked, "I'm just curious about the new version. The game will be released soon. Don't you tell me? After the demons have retreated, what is there to explore on the new map?"

"It's nothing, that area has been transformed by the demons long ago, and the human race can't survive in it for too long, but there should be many monsters left, so you can go to level up!"

"Also, some legions of the Demon Race were originally stationed there, so there must be a lot of resources! Scan more pictures, and you will definitely get a lot of benefits!"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Fusheng's heart moved: "It just so happens that our territory is not too far from the Watchtower, and then you can take Qingqing Rushui and the others there to practice leveling! If you are blocked by the guards guarding the Watchtower, you can Say my name!"

"Why are you reporting your name? Why are you being beaten?"

Qian Shanxue snorted.

"I am also a member of the city lord. Those soldiers will let you go if they hear it!"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders, not doubting what he said at all.

Well, even the guards guarding outside the city lord's mansion know how to pay money to make friends. Now that the demons are retreating, the watch tower will not be as heavily guarded as before. For his sake, it's okay to let some people go there!
"Okay, you, you are so good at mixing with NPCs!"

Qian Shanxue patted Ye Fusheng on the shoulder.

"That's right, don't even look at who I am!"

After eating, Ye Fusheng looked at the time, it was 12 o'clock, and there was no ink marks, and played carefully for a while to promote the relationship between father and daughter, then went back to the room and went online.

As soon as it goes online, it is not like before, directly entering the game.

A picture scroll emerged and stretched slowly, as if you were in the scene, and your whole heart was substituted into it.

Countless vast and majestic pictures flashed by, including the demons, the wolf land, the sun and moon plateau, the flying elves, and the roaring orcs. Every picture seemed to contain a story.

In the ear, a pleasant voice whispered.

"Queen Crimson Moon, the commander of the Burning Legion of the Demon Race, fell into the formation under the scheme of the human warrior [Floating Life], and was killed by Dawn Xingyun of Sunset City. So far, the Demon Race has no leader, and the major legions Shrinking, at that time, many ethnic groups such as the orcs, elves, and flying feathers formed an alliance to rise up and resist, causing great damage to the shrinking demon army!"

"After several melee battles, the demons retreated. The vast plains and thousands of miles of fertile fields returned to the hands of many ethnic groups and joined the human race! So far, the Magic Moon Continent has entered an era where hundreds of races are fighting for each other! However, the demons are still hidden in the dark. In, grinding, their dark sharp fangs!"

With the end of the voice, all the scrolls also dissipated, and Ye Fusheng reappeared in Sunset City.

At this time, all the players in the city were stunned in place, their expressions were astonished. Obviously, they all heard that speech.

That was the introduction of the version, but Ye Fusheng showed a big face!

In this way, everyone knows that the death of Empress Crimson Moon, the commander of the Burning Legion of the Demon Race, is related to Ye Fusheng!

"Hiss... What a cowhide!"

"Floating life is a god, forever a god! Originally, he was only at level 50, and he was able to trick a demon emperor of that level. It's too strong!"

"It turned out that he didn't kill him. He just provided a plan. Let me just say, how many levels does he have, how can he kill that final boss?"

"Tch, don't be sour upstairs, even if he didn't kill it with his own hands, but the super boss can be tricked by Floating Life, can you?"

"I've decided, from now on I'll be a little fan of floating lives!"

In the forum, all doubts about Ye Fusheng disappeared.

Instead, worship!
Ye Fusheng didn't open the forum, and didn't know that he was worshiped by others, so he just turned around silently and returned to the courtyard.

Well, before I went offline yesterday, I didn't make Protoss happy, and I finally went online today, so I have to make up for it no matter what!

However, after being so excited one after another, it's time to buy some goji berries to nourish the kidneys!


However, just as Ye Fusheng was supporting his waist, a system bell sounded suddenly!


"World Server Announcement: Due to the version update, auspiciousness from heaven will descend on a unicorn clone in each sub-main city area! If you can kill the unicorn clone, you can get auspicious rewards from heaven! If the team kills it, the team will have A 24-hour BUFF, and everyone will be rewarded with a godsend gift box!"

"World server announcement: ..."


"Auspiciousness from heaven?! Another fetish?!"

As soon as his eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng's breathing suddenly became rapid!
(PS: [-]-word chapter, this is yesterday’s update, well, I’m going to bed, I’ll continue writing during the day!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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