Invincible in one touch

Chapter 236 Extraordinary Artifact, Destiny Jade Seal!

Chapter 236 Extraordinary Artifact, Destiny Jade Seal!

"Sunset City Server Announcement: Auspiciousness descended from the sky, the unicorn avatar will be randomly refreshed to any area in Sunset City within 1 hour! Please search for it by yourself!"


"Refresh within 1 hour, it seems that there is no need to rush! Well, even if it is refreshed in advance, it will be fine. It is a unicorn, and its attributes will definitely not be weak. Even if those people fight for a while, they will not be able to solve it. I will catch up later It's the past!"

After rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng saw the refresh prompt, he was not in a hurry, and continued to rush towards his mansion.

Well, I finally have time, and it just so happens that Protoss should also recover, so if I don't spend time with her, is she still human?
Men, always have to pay more!
Back pain or something, I am willing to bear it!


In half an hour, Ye Fusheng walked out of the mansion refreshed.

[After finishing the task of finishing the wing equipment bar, I still have to find time to take Protoss out for a stroll and make up for her! 】

【Phew, because of me, she no longer lives in seclusion, and she also consumes a lot of energy to create the soul-eliminating liquid, so don't let her feel cold!It's a pity, if she is a girl in reality, it would be nice to marry her directly, and give her money, power, whatever she wants! 】

[Since it's in the game, then spend more time with her!By the way, let's see if a pharmacist of her level can trigger some special plots outside! 】

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng summoned the angry flame horse, and walked out of the city aimlessly, waiting for the refreshment of the auspicious unicorn.

When I opened the forum, all I saw were posts about Heavenly Auspiciousness, but no one had found it yet.

Obviously, Auspicious Kirin has not been refreshed yet.

Bored, Ye Fusheng looked through the items in the backpack, maybe there was something good in the past, hidden for too long, and finally forgot?
After turning around for a long time, a row of oil lamps suddenly appeared.


"Isn't this the oil lamp of Ala Deng Shen Ding?"

"I almost forgot, he can sell a lot of good things! Back then, I couldn't afford to buy things when I didn't have money. Now that I have money, I definitely can't miss it!"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng couldn't help swallowing his saliva after remembering the treasures sold by Ala Deng Shen Ding, feeling very greedy.

Looking at the backpack again, there were [-] million gold coins left, his brows were slightly frowned, Ye Fusheng quickly crushed the scroll back to the city, and ran towards the trading house.

Although the items sold by Ala Deng Shen Ding are good and the quantity is large, the price is more expensive!
Moreover, the items that can be purchased each time Ala Deng Shen Ding is summoned are also different. Once you leave, the items will be refreshed!

You must have enough gold coins to ensure you get what you want!

Rushing to the trading house, Ye Fusheng recharged another 10 billion gold coins in one breath, his hands ached from pressing it, so he gave up.

After the gold coins arrived, Ye Fusheng ran out again, and left Sunset City amidst the exclamation of many players.

Finding a remote area where no one passed by, Ye Fusheng opened his backpack and activated Ala Deng Shen Ding.


A golden light bloomed, and then, a figure wrapped in a sheet and with a round cloth on his head appeared.

"Gold coins! Lots of gold coins!"

"I smell gold coins!"

As soon as that figure appeared, before he had time to say his mantra, his eyes lit up, and then he blinked, staring at Ye Fusheng.

He is very sensitive to money, he can smell it without looking at it, Ye Fusheng has a lot of gold coins on him!
"Ahem, respected warrior! Since you summoned me, I am very happy, and I will give you seven extra chances to trade!"

Aladdeng Shending swallowed his saliva, looking at Ye Fusheng as if looking at a treasure.

"Huh? Seven additional trading opportunities?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, and couldn't help becoming suspicious.

He remembered that last time, Ala Deng Shen Ding clearly only had three trading opportunities, why did he have ten times this time?
In fact, Ala Dengshen Ding smelled that Ye Fusheng owned ten tenths of gold coins. If he only traded three times, he would not be able to earn too many gold coins.

Ever since, he directly increased the number of transactions to 10 times!
Of course, Ye Fusheng doesn't need to care about these, he just needs to take out the gold coins and buy all the good things he needs to buy!
"Warrior, ahem, I didn't bring a lot of things this time. If you have something you are not satisfied with, I can give you an extra Ala Deng Shen Ding. You can call me again and let me go back to replenish the goods!"

Allah Deng Shen Ding patted his chest and said: "You have to know that the things I sell are absolutely rare in the world, and you must not miss them!"

"Okay, then let me see what's on sale now?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng asked directly. As for Ala Deng Shending's attitude towards him this time, it was completely different from last time, so he didn't care.

"Alright, warrior, I'll open the sale for you right now!"

Allah Deng Shending's flattering voice fell, and in an instant, a light curtain emerged, and the neatly arranged data fell in front of Ye Fusheng.

Fairy-level Gem Gift Box (Fairy-level items): After opening, you can get 10 fairy-level gems of various attributes, the price is 10000000 gold coins, and the quantity you can buy is X10!

Fusion gem (epic item): It can fuse epic weapons with other weapons, perfectly absorb all attributes of the two, and increase one attribute, the success rate is 10%, the more gems you invest in forging, the higher the success rate, the price 2000000 gold coins, the quantity you can buy is X10!

Heavenly Wings Design Drawing (Fairy-level Items): After collecting enough materials, you can find a super-level or legendary blacksmith. According to the design, forge them into fairy-level equipment, Tianling Wings!The price is 100000000 gold coins, and the quantity you can buy is X1!

Potential Explosion Potion (Fairy-level item): After taking it, you can randomly increase a basic attribute of yourself by 1-1000 points, or open and enhance a special attribute. The price is 100000 gold coins, and the quantity you can buy is X30!

Dragon Treasure Teleportation Scroll (Legendary Item): After use, players can be teleported to the hiding place of the dragon. If you can kill the dragon, you can get countless treasures. The price is 2000000 gold coins, and the quantity you can buy is X1!

The key of the Ice Goddess Ruins (mythical item): the key that can be used to open the Ice Goddess Ruins, the price is 10 billion gold coins, and the quantity you can buy is X1!

The illustrated book of monsters in the heavens (mythical items): special items, through which you can find the location and news of various monsters in the heavens, and after killing monsters, you can absorb special aura and activate the illustrated book. A kind of illustrated book, which can increase specific attributes for users. The more activated illustrated books, the higher the increased attribute. The price is 5 million gold coins, and the quantity can be purchased by X1!

Bloodstains of the gods (mythical items): special items, bloodstains of the gods, with special uses, the price is 8000000, and the quantity you can buy is X10!

Sword of Light and Victory (Legendary Sacred Artifact ★★★★★★★): An epic two-handed sword that contains the power of light and the willpower of victory. Only the true brave can wear the sword (requires level 225) , the price is 10 billion gold coins, and the quantity you can buy is X1!

Destiny Jade Seal (Extraordinary Artifact): The Jade Seal contains the destiny. After wearing it, you can get the favor of God, the luck value will increase by 10000, all attributes will increase by 500%, and many special effects (requires reincarnation level 255), the price is 100 billion gold coins, Can purchase quantity X1!

After reading all ten items, Ye Fusheng changed from initial surprise to shock and disbelief!
The first few things are okay, Ye Fusheng can accept it more or less.

However, Ye Fusheng was completely stunned by those three things, the illustrated book of monsters in the heavens, the sword of light and victory, and the jade seal of destiny!
The illustrated book of monsters in the heavens is okay, Ye Fusheng needs to kill all kinds of monsters and collect their power to open the illustrated book and get additional attributes.

The sword of light and victory, as well as the jade seal of destiny, are divine costumes that can directly make people rise up!

A legendary sacred weapon and a supernatural artifact, although the complete attributes cannot be seen, but based on those descriptions, Ye Fusheng can be sure that their attributes are stronger than the attributes of all the equipment on his body combined!
It's a pity that if you want to buy them, you need a lot of gold coins, one is 10 billion gold coins, the other is 100 billion gold coins!
The required level is even more frighteningly high, one is 225, and the other is reincarnation 255!
"Reincarnation should be similar to those games of Miracle, the attribute is improved, the level is cleared, and new skills and states are learned!"

"Hiss... It seems that the level of this game is not low! Those real god-level bosses are all reincarnation levels!"

"Although Empress Feiyue is strong, her qi and blood values ​​are not lower than her senior sister's, but she died so badly under her senior sister's hands, it should be the gap in reincarnation! If you really count, senior sister is more than 200 levels higher than her, no wonder It can almost kill her instantly!"

Seeing the setting of reincarnation, Ye Fusheng's thoughts changed sharply. Combined with the previous games, he suddenly had a guess, and finally understood why the difference between the blood value and the level is not very big, and Queen Feiyue doesn't have much power to fight back in front of Xingyun up.

"However, Yuxi...isn't Yuxi a thing of the Huaxia Empire?"

"In this game, how strong is it? Doesn't it mean that ancient kingdoms will appear in future maps?"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look forward to it.

If all the emperors of Ancient China appeared, this game would definitely be much more fun.

The characters of the Three Kingdoms have become players and appeared in the game. It would be really interesting if the other heroes and emperors in history could appear as NPCs!

I don't know who will win the war between them!
After seeing the jade seal, Ye Fusheng looked at the ten treasures again, quite entangled.

Ye Fusheng, who was afraid that the money would not be enough, deliberately charged one billion gold coins, but in the end, it was still not enough!
The Destiny Jade Seal directly passes. As for the illustrated book of monsters in the heavens, the key to the relics of the gods, and the sword of light and victory, Ye Fusheng can only choose one!
Otherwise, the rest of the items cannot be bought!
"The level of the monsters in the ruins of the gods is uncertain. If you go in rashly, it is easy to cause accidents, and you have to find enough people! Moreover, it is not a big improvement for me!"

"Although the Sword of Light and Victory is strong, it needs level 225 to equip it. Even if it has special skills and special effects, it needs level 175! It's useless to buy it!"

"It seems that I can only buy the illustrated book of monsters in the sky!"

Frowning tightly, Ye Fusheng made a difficult decision and shed tears of poverty for the first time.

If he had known, he would have exchanged for more gold coins!

As a result, now I can only give up two good things!
Fortunately, Ye Fusheng won't be using those two things in a short time, so it's not that he is reluctant.


Just when Ye Fusheng was tangled and hesitating about what to buy, a system bell sounded suddenly, even Ye Fusheng who was shopping was startled, with a dignified look on his face!

(PS: The late update!!! I am so sorry, I have been struggling with what to set up. The next two plots are almost usable!)

(End of this chapter)

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