Invincible in one touch

Chapter 237 Fairy-level gems, the conspiracy of the God General's Pavilion!

Chapter 237 Fairy-level gems, the conspiracy of the God General's Pavilion!


"Sunset City server loudspeaker (Wolong Kongming): The Black Blood Valley has been reserved by the Shenjiang Pavilion Guild, please do not come to other players, thank you for your cooperation! Anyone who trespasses in the Black Blood Valley will be killed without mercy!"

The server's horn rang three times in a row, not too many words, but very tough.

Even Ye Fusheng, who was looking at those treasures, was startled by the loudspeaker.

"This Crouching Dragon Kongming, why did this happen all of a sudden?"

"Ordinary guild bookings are all silent packages. They will never be so arrogant as to blow the server's horn. This is pulling them to the opposite of the entire casual player, and those guilds will also attack them!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng rubbed his chin, wondering and uncertain.

If he didn't know who Wolong Kongming was, he wouldn't feel weird, but, he knew Wolong Kongming's identity, he was a politician and military strategist who could leave a strong and colorful stroke in thousands of years of history!
How could such a superman do such a thing?


"Could it be that there are special treasures in the Black Blood Valley?! The heavenly auspiciousness has been refreshed in the Black Blood Valley?!"

Thinking of this suddenly, Ye Fusheng's expression changed, he was about to run over, but he calmed down again.

"No, strategists like them, if they encounter Heavenly Auspiciousness respawning in the Black Blood Valley, they will definitely be the same as last time. They will first attract other people's attention to other directions, wasting other people's time, and by the way Buy them time for themselves!"

"In other words, the Black Blood Valley is just a cover! Whoever goes to the Black Blood Valley will waste time, and will not be able to find the real refreshment place of the auspicious unicorn!"

"However, if there is no auspiciousness from heaven refreshed in Black Blood Valley, they won't be able to drag people there for too long!"

With his eyeballs rolling, Ye Fusheng pondered for a long time, thoughts surging in his mind.

Ye Fusheng was meditating there, but it was hard for Allah Deng Shending. He saw Ye Fusheng contemplating and thought that Ye Fusheng was thinking about what to buy. He was not in a hurry at first, but after waiting for a long time, Ye Fusheng didn't even say anything. It really made him panic.

He didn't want to see so many gold coins go away from him!
After a long time, Ala Deng Shen Ding stepped forward cautiously, patted Ye Fusheng's sleeve, and said with a flattering smile: "This respected brave man, could it be that the things I sell can't catch your eyes? Or, I'll go back and have a look." Come on, help you buy some better goods?!"


After being slapped by Ala Deng Shen Ding, Ye Fusheng woke up suddenly, and when he heard his words again, he looked very strange, and stared at A La Deng Shen Ding closely.

What Ala Deng Shen Ding said gave Ye Fusheng another critical blow!
He originally thought that the goods that Ala Deng Shen Ding brought out this time were of the best quality, but who knew that, according to what A La Deng Shen Ding said, there were even better treasures than these things!

However, although Ye Fusheng wanted better treasures, but he didn't have enough gold coins to buy them!

His family is rich, but it will take time to flush the money into the game!

Besides, even if you buy many good treasures and good things, Ye Fusheng's level is not enough. If you buy them in advance, the level will be raised later, so what if you encounter better ones?
Having money doesn't mean it can be wasted!
Ever since, Ye Fusheng rejected Ala Deng Shending's words, suppressed his speculation about the Guild of the God General's Pavilion, and started buying equipment.

Except for the illustrated book of monsters from the heavens, Ye Fusheng directly chose PASS for the rest of the items whose unit price exceeded [-] million.

The level limit is too high, Ye Fusheng is only level 65 now, and it will take several months to rise to level 175, before that, even if you buy equipment, you can't use it, you can only watch, what's the use?

It's better to invest the limited gold coins in other items.

After passing those items, Ye Fusheng waved his hand and bought the gift box of fairy-level gems, spirit-melting gems, design drawing of heavenly wings, potion of explosive potential and teleportation scroll of giant dragon treasure!
The total price of 10 boxes of fairy-level gems is 1 million gold coins, the total price of 10 fused spirit gems is 2000 million gold coins, the design of Tianling Wings is 1 million gold coins, the total price of Potential Explosion Potion is 300 million gold coins, and the scroll of giant dragon treasure transfer is 200 million gold coins. Including the illustrated book of monsters from the heavens, the total price is only 12 billion gold coins!

If other people know Ye Fusheng's words, they will definitely grab the ground with their heads and be filled with grief and indignation.

Good one!

12 billion, converted into RMB, that's more than 2500 million Huaxia coins!

In just a few minutes, Ye Fusheng directly spent more than 1 million Huaxia coins in the game. This kind of spending speed is unimaginable for ordinary people!
There are many people who will spend a lot of money in the game, hundreds of millions, billions, but it is accumulated over a long period of time.

Right now, the game has just opened the currency exchange system for a few days, and Ye Fusheng directly recharged more than 4 million Huaxia coins, which is definitely far more than other players!
It's a pity that there is no recharge list in the game, otherwise, it would shock other players for a while.

"Congratulations boss, I wish you a lot of money!"

After accepting 12 billion gold coins, Ala Deng Shen Ding was extremely satisfied, as if he had just been hit by something, he waved his hand happily and disappeared into the space.

"Huh... Wolong Kongming and the others definitely have a conspiracy!"

After shopping, without Ala Deng Shen Ding's interruption, Ye Fusheng pondered again, he wanted to judge whether the auspiciousness from heaven was really refreshed in the Black Blood Valley!

If it is true, he must fight for it.

If it is fake, he will inevitably waste time if he runs over!
"With the strategies of their top strategists, they would never have made such a simple strategy! The Black Blood Valley is definitely a bait, perhaps it is their plan to use the auspiciousness from heaven to lure other people there, and set up an array to attack and kill!"

"Last time, they fought for the territory and were besieged by so many guilds. There must be resentment! Maybe they don't know where the heavenly auspiciousness has gone, but they just took this opportunity to take revenge on the guilds that besieged them before?"

With his eyes brightened, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought of this possibility.

"Beep beep-"

The address book rang suddenly, Ye Fusheng looked down, it was from Qianshanxue.

"My dear, the God General Pavilion and the others have reserved the Black Blood Valley. Could it be that the auspiciousness from heaven has refreshed there? Shall we go and have a look?"

Qian Shanxue cut to the chase, and she really thought of that.

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, and his heart became more and more sure of his guess just now.

After seeing the server speaker, there will definitely be many people who think about Qian Shanxue. In this way, many people will definitely enter the Black Blood Valley. Wolong Kongming and the others have no reason not to figure this out!
Well, there is only one possibility!
Wolong Kongming deliberately lured everyone to go there, and it has definitely become a hell full of dangers!

After thinking about this, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Auspiciousness from the sky is not in the Black Blood Valley. This is the scheme of the Shenjiang Pavilion. Since they want to stir up chaos in the entire Sunset City, let them go!"

"We develop with peace of mind, that is the kingly way!"

Ye Fusheng directly rejected Qian Shanxue's request. If Qian Shanxue and the others hadn't participated in the battle, they were not bad, but they were still far from being the opponents of the entire God General Pavilion.

Even if it is the blood armor Fengxian, in the case of being besieged by many generals in the Shenjiang Pavilion, he will be defeated!
"Is this a conspiracy?"

"Okay, then I will continue to send people to find the refresh point of Tianxiangxiangrui, and I will call you when I find it!"

Qian Shanxue was quite surprised, but she was not stupid, she reacted quickly and hung up the communication.

"Shenjiang Pavilion, is it really necessary to break up all other guilds?"

"That's fine, let them make trouble first! When they convince the rest of the guilds, I'll take action to suppress them!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Ye Fusheng decided to ignore them.

In the past, Ye Fusheng was still a little worried, worried that those divine generals would be too strong, but now that Ye Fusheng was dressed in divine attire, he was not afraid of them at all.

No matter how good their operations are, they are nothing but floating clouds in the face of absolute attribute suppression!

"The most urgent thing is to digest all the things I bought this time and become my own strength!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng no longer thought about the plan of the Shenjiang Pavilion. While letting the flame horse walk freely in the forest, he opened his backpack and began to use the things he bought earlier.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully opening the fairy-level gem gift box and getting X10 flame gems!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully opening the fairy-level gem gift box and getting X10 divine power gems!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully opening the fairy-level gem gift box and getting X10 physical gems!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully opening the fairy-level gem gift box and getting X10 serious injury gems!"

After opening the ten gift boxes, a total of [-] gemstones were obtained, without exception, they were all fairy-level high-end gemstones, and those attributes were so powerful that Ye Fusheng swallowed his saliva.

Flame Gem (Fairy-level advanced gem): inlaid on the weapon, it can increase the attribute strength of the fire element by 30 points, and when attacking, there is a 10% chance to trigger a fire explosion, causing 200% of its own physical attack damage to the target

Divine Power Gem (Fairy-level advanced gem): inlaid on armor and equipment, it can increase power by 200 points

Physical Strength Gem (Fairy-level high-level gemstone): inlaid on armor, belt, and legging equipment, it can increase physical strength by 500 points

Serious Injury Gem (Fairy-level Gem): Inlaid on the weapon, when attacking, 100% will cause triple damage to the target, and make it fall into a state of serious injury, reducing the healing effect by 70% (this effect can be immune to special effects, characteristics and BUFF solution)

"They are all good things. Thirty flame gems, ten divine power gems, thirty health gems, twenty serious injury gems, and ten easy-to-use gems. This time the luck is pretty good!"

"Unfortunately, gems with more attributes were not able to explode!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng inlaid the gems on the roar of blood and the sky burial suit respectively.

The Howl of Blood cannot be equipped for the time being, but after the sky burial suit is inlaid with those gems, Ye Fuqi's blood value has skyrocketed by more than 3, and his attack power has also increased by more than 2000 points, which is not a small improvement.

The [-] million gold coins are worth it!

After opening the gems, the Potential Explosion Potions can be used directly.

Ye Fusheng didn't even look at it, he drank thirty bottles of potions one after another.


Only the rolling sound of the throat could be heard, and the system bell continued to fall, improving Ye Fusheng's attributes.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully taking the Potential Explosion Potion, the blood value has increased by 18 points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully taking the Potential Explosion Potion, the attack power has increased by 7 points!"

"system hint:……"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully taking the Potential Explosion Potion, and get the special attribute Anti-Injury Toughness +100!"

After drinking 280 bottles of Potential Explosion Potion, except for some special attribute bonuses that cannot be calculated, a total of more than 100 blood points and more than [-] attack power have been added.

Although these bonus numbers are small, they are permanent bonuses!
Unlike equipment, once it is replaced, it will be gone!
"Well, I have used up all that can be used. Take a look at the illustrated book of monsters in the heavens. What's so strange about it? It actually took a billion gold coins from me!"

"too dark!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was just about to turn out the album of monsters in the sky, when he suddenly felt a rush of breathing, followed by a warm current hitting his body.


As if covering the sky and the sun, the dark clouds fell, and the surrounding area became dark in an instant.

This surprised Ye Fusheng, when he looked up, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he froze in place!
A giant black beast with a height of seven feet suddenly appeared in front of Ye Fusheng!

(PS: Today's second update, almost 8000 words, ah, get up during the day and continue writing!!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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