Invincible in one touch

Chapter 239 Extraordinary skills, heaven and earth live together!

Chapter 239 Extraordinary skills, heaven and earth live together!

After getting permanent BUFF, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, and he completely forgot the anger about the triggering of the instant death effect just now.

I have to say that the benefits brought by high luck value are really too strong!
Permanent buffs can increase strength infinitely, which means that even if Ye Fusheng doesn't level up from today, his attributes can completely abuse other players.

What's more, Ye Fusheng also has the pet special skill of automatically earning experience, and then casually earning some equipment, combined with that BUFF, can definitely crush everyone!

Even surpassing the boss is possible!
The basic value of 2 points is increased in a day, and that is 60 points in a month. With the addition of various treasures and the characteristics of percentage increase, it is not a dream to reach [-] million, [-] million units!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the auspicious unicorn and getting the gift of luck. All attributes of the player will be permanently increased by 1%! The lucky value will be permanently increased by 100 points! Extraordinary achievement value +3!"

The reward for killing the auspicious unicorn was issued, and all attributes increased by 1% again. Looking at the values, but, after real calculation, Ye Fusheng's own blood value can also increase by more than 700, and his attack power will increase by more than 200. If it is successful, it will definitely break through a thousand.

It is still a permanent increase, which still makes Ye Fusheng very satisfied.

As for the luck value, Ye Fusheng has been completely numb. Anyway, after reaching 9999, no matter how much it is increased, it will always show 9999 points, and it is not known whether the effect will change.

Extraordinary achievement points are an unexpected joy. When you can get a job transfer certificate from a mage-like hidden profession, and use the holy magic wand to cast the forbidden spell, the extraordinary achievement points will be able to exert their effects.

Ye Fusheng is looking forward to the day when the forbidden spell will be released!
It is estimated that just killing all the monsters in a super large range, the experience value of the boss can make him level up!
"Huh... this time the reward is good, I should also see what the holy beast unicorn, which contains auspicious aura, can show me!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng closed the attribute panel, glanced over, and suddenly found that the huge unicorn figures around him had disappeared, leaving only a huge box shining with golden light.

Obviously, inside the golden light box is the reward for killing the auspicious unicorn!
"It actually opened the box? Didn't it just pop out?"

"Tsk tsk, this looks like a page game! Could it be that this is really a page game?"

"The kind that can be conquered by charging money?!"

"In that case, I have to charge another billion!!!"

While laughing, Ye Fusheng opened the golden light box.


Bright and eye-catching rays of light bloomed, and a bunch of gems flew out of the golden light box, floating in the air.

"Gems again?!"

"It's a little tricky, I just bought gems!"

Cursing his lips, Ye Fusheng stretched out his hand and flicked, and the attributes of many gems suddenly emerged.

Lucky Gem (Fairy Grade Advanced Gem): Embedded in the equipment, it can increase the trigger rate of the equipment's additional special effects by 5%, or the triggering probability of character skills, special effects, and characteristics, which can be superimposed!

Immunity Gem (Fairy-level Advanced Gem): Embedded in equipment, 3% chance to be immune to any abnormal status effects, can be superimposed (up to 10 superimposed)!

"Hiss...increased skill, special ability, characteristic trigger rate, an immunity to abnormal status!"

"These two kinds of gemstones are against the sky! If you get more lucky gemstones, wouldn't it mean that the chance of instant death stunt triggering can be increased several times?"

"One is a 5% chance!"

"30.00% chance to increase!"

His eyes sparkled, Ye Fusheng wished he could directly embed six lucky gems on his equipment.

However, just as the gem fortress entered, Ye Fusheng stopped his movements.

"Made, these two weapons are about to be eliminated, and they cannot be inlaid on them! Wait until they are upgraded to level 5, and they can be equipped with new weapons before changing!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng finally remembered that the two spirit weapons of Tianzhan Lieyan and Yinyue Mohui were about to be eliminated, and it was a waste to inlay gems on them!

"Immunity gems can be inlaid on the suit of the sky burial, and add some immune resistance to me!"

"Anyway, the celestial burial suit has an instant death effect. I guess it can last me a long time!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng did not hesitate to inlay the nine immunity gems into the sky burial suit.

It happened that nine pieces of equipment, matched with nine gemstones, were all triggered. Ye Fusheng's basic immune resistance also reached 27%. With his high luck value, I am afraid that he can be immune to most of the attacks without having to use the rock-solid special skills. human skills.

Whether it is spawning monsters or facing the siege of players, the safety has been greatly increased!
Putting away the lucky gems, Ye Fusheng looked at the golden box again, inside there was a ball of golden energy and blood, and a purple-gold skill book.

"Huh? Another skill book?!"

Ye Fusheng picked up the skill book directly without checking the attributes of Qi and blood.

The purple-gold skill book, I don't know what level of skills it will be!
With a swipe of his hand, the skill book turned into radiant data and appeared.

Heaven and Earth Same Life Skill Learning Book (Extraordinary Item): Ascend Kunlun and eat Yuying, live the same life as the world, and live the same light as the sun and the moon.I don't know how to mourn the Nanyi, but I will help Jiangxiang.After using it, you can learn extraordinary passive skills, live the same life as the world, and live forever!Requirements: Consume 100000 reputation points, 100000 merit points, and 10 extraordinary achievement points!
"Hiss... live the same life as heaven and earth, immortal! What a domineering introduction!"

His eyes lit up, and after seeing the description, Ye Fusheng's whole heart jumped with excitement.

He has a hunch that this skill is definitely a magical skill, and it will allow him to use it for a lifetime!
It's just that if you want to learn this skill, it will consume a lot of money.

100000 reputation points, 100000 merit points, plus 10 extraordinary achievement points!
The first two are okay, if you kill a few more bosses, you can make up for it.

However, it is difficult to use extraordinary achievement points, and it only consumes a little bit with a forbidden spell. The loss of 10 points makes Ye Fusheng feel a pain in the flesh.

But when he thought of the skill description, Ye Fusheng chose to learn the skill book without any hesitation!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully comprehending extraordinary skills, the world lives together!"

Heaven and Earth Same Life (Extraordinary Passive Skill——LV1): Live the same life as Heaven and Earth, immortal, immune to any abnormal state effects such as level 1 instant kill, instant death, and soul leaving, and recover 1500 points of blood per second, this recovery The effect is immune to any level 1 forbidden treatment, or sealed skill equipment, characteristics, special effects!


"What the hell, is it a skill that people can get?!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng almost threw away all the spiritual weapons in his hand.

The effect of this skill is too terrifying!

Not to mention recovering 1500 points of qi and blood per second, just being immune to forbidden healing effects, or suppressing the recovery effects of various equipment and special skills, is already considered a magical skill, allowing Ye Fusheng to always have the recovery effect. Fight to raise war!

The most frightening thing is that it is immune to any level 1 instant kills, instant death, leaving the soul and other abnormal states!
"Sure enough, as I guessed, even death is not the strongest stunt! I can even get the ability to be immune to instant death stunts, and I am afraid that high-level bosses can also be immune to instant death stunts!"

"However, what does the previous level 1... mean? Could it be that there are still levels for those abnormal states?!"

"It should be, level 1 instant kill, instant death... Can be resisted by the level 1 immunity effect, there will definitely be a second level instant kill, instant death, can ignore the level 2 immunity effect! Keep going up!"

"No wonder, I said why such a perverted stunt was performed before the artifact was released!"

Ye Fusheng's thoughts turned sharply, and he had already deduced the idea of ​​the game plan.

Well, after all, having experienced the baptism of countless games, this kind of thinking can definitely be guessed!

If you guess wrong, it means that the game planner is too smart!

"That's not right, the effects of instant death and instant kill are different? Don't they all directly cause the opponent to die?"

"Why are these two special effects separate? What is the effect of the soul-departing special ability?"

After being surprised by the horror of the skill, Ye Fusheng finally noticed something was wrong.

Instant kill and instant death are two different stunts!

"Forget it, if you can get the instant kill stunt in the future, just look at the effect, tsk tsk, if it's really different from instant death, then the person who planned it is really a fucking genius!"

Shaking his head, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to think too much, and turned his gaze to the last ball of golden blood.

Blood of the Kirin (mythical item): The blood of the Kirin contains a strong holy aura. Although it is not the main body, it is also very powerful. It can suppress evil spirits. The specific effect is unknown

"Unknown effect. According to the description, it can suppress evil spirits. It should have great suppression on demons, undead, and undead!"

"You can save it and use it later!"

Nodding his head slightly, Ye Fusheng put away the Qilin's blood and put it deep in his backpack.

Although this kind of thing is useless for the time being, it should not be taken lightly, it will definitely be of great use in the future!

After all, it is a mythical item!

"This upgrade is very good, full attribute increase, brand new skills, high-level gems, and a mythical item with unknown effect!"

"Unfortunately, I couldn't upgrade!"

"Hey, it's so dangerous! It's harder to upgrade than to go to the blue sky!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng packed up everything, and drove the angry flame horse, ready to return to Sunset City.

Heaven's Auspiciousness has been resolved, and next, he should also find a way to complete the task of opening the sky.

Once the wing equipment bar is opened, Ye Fusheng will be able to fly into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun!
Ahem, with the ability to glide, after a short period of air defense, it will be much more convenient to spawn monsters with the bow and arrow profession.


"Sunset City server loudspeaker (Son of Eternity): All players in God's Domain stay away from Black Blood Valley and are not allowed to enter again!"

"Sunset City server loudspeaker (Xiong Ba Tianxia): Shenjiang Pavilion, Wo R, your uncle! If you have the courage to use heavenly auspicious auspiciousness to attract us to Black Blood Valley, then use hard steel on the front, use formations, and rely on the terrain. A hero!"


Ye Fusheng's expression suddenly became weird after several server speakers yelled.

Sure enough, most of the guilds were misled by Wolong Kongming's previous call, leading the players to the Black Blood Valley and falling into the trap of the God General's Pavilion!
Perhaps it was due to the disparity in strength, whether it was the Sons of Eternity, Slaughter the World, or Time to Achieve a Monument, they all honked their horns to tell their players not to go to the Black Blood Valley again, because they had already admitted their cowardice.

"Speak directly through the loudspeaker. From the looks of it, the map is quite special, and it cannot be transmitted!"

"Tsk tsk, Shenjiang Pavilion must have spent a lot of money. This time, those guilds must have lost a lot!"

Smiling and shaking his head, Ye Fusheng was too lazy to meddle in his own business, and was just about to go back to the city when the address book rang.

Taking a random glance, Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, curious.

It's not the address book in the game, but the call application outside the game!

"Who? Will you call me at this time?!"

(PS: If you don’t understand the transfer of this skill mechanism, immunity, etc., you can ignore it, anyway, the protagonist’s cowhide is it!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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