Invincible in one touch

Chapter 240 When Will It Come?

Chapter 240 When Will It Come?

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng hesitated for a moment, and chose to connect.

Few people can get his real phone number. If there is something serious, it will be troublesome!

"Quick retreat!"

"The Templar Knights stand in front, half of the sacrifices will increase blood, half will increase attributes, and all will be given to the knights! Be sure to block it!"

"Damn it, sharpshooter, mage release skills, suppress firepower, don't seek to kill, we must not let them rush forward!"

As soon as the phone was connected, a clear and clear female voice rang out, and Ye Fusheng's expression was quite strange in an instant.

He was very familiar with that voice, it was Liuyue, Xu Bingqing, Miss Xu who had served him several times!

Only then did Ye Fusheng remember that he was underwhelmed by the service a few days ago, and the phone number was also taken away by that girl.

Hearing these words, it seems that Xu Bingqing also led people into the Black Blood Valley, and fell into the trap of Shenjiang Pavilion!
This is a call for help!

After thinking for a while, Ye Fusheng didn't hang up the phone. Well, although he doesn't mind if the Divine General Pavilion weakens the strength of other guilds, he even likes to hear it. It will be easier to deal with those guilds in the future.

However, his sisters have come to ask for help, and he still hasn't made a move. If the word spreads, won't it make others think that he is afraid of the God General's Pavilion?

Breathing quickly, just as Ye Fusheng was contemplating, Liuyue on the other side finally realized that the phone had been connected, and hurriedly whispered: "Woo, come and save me! The map of Black Blood Valley is too buggy, once you die, you will lose 5 points immediately." level, burst out all the equipment! I don't want to die!"

"What's even more frightening is that people in the Black Blood Valley can't contact the outside world, they can only use the loudspeaker and make phone calls! If you want to call people in, it's very difficult to target them! Little heartless, hurry up and save me!"

It seemed that there were other players beside her. When she said the last sentence, Liu Yue's voice dropped.


"Black Blood Valley map, there is such a restriction?!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help showing shock, with such a cruel death penalty, it seems that Shenjiang Pavilion is going to deal with it cruelly!

If the Pavilion of Divine Generals is really successful, the main players of the major guilds will all lose level 5, and all equipment will be lost. This loss can be called terrifying!
For those guild players, it is a nightmare!
Back to before the liberation of World War I, the level is not bad, but the equipment cannot keep up in a short time!

[Okay, go slowly, let the major guilds lose more, and then I will kill more people from the God General Pavilion, so that they will also suffer losses! 】

[In this way, the strength of the other guilds will be weakened, only my Ukiyo guild has not changed, but the biggest improvement! 】

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng raised the corners of his mouth and asked directly: "Give me the coordinates, and I'll go there right away! Until then, you obediently hide!"

"it is good!"

"At least you still have a conscience!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's answer, Liuyue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, after all, she has no apparent relationship with Ye Fusheng, so she was really afraid of being rejected.

As if fearing that Ye Fusheng would go back on his word, Liu Yue told the coordinates of the Black Blood Valley.

With a move in his heart, Ye Fusheng immediately controlled the angry flame horse and rushed over.

At the same time, the Sunset City server loudspeaker kept shouting that some guilds trapped in the Black Blood Valley chose to accept their fate and let the rest of the players stay away from the Black Blood Valley, at least to ensure the safety and strength of those players who did not enter the Black Blood Valley.

However, there are also some people who are not convinced, knowing that the death penalty in Black Blood Valley is extremely severe, they still direct other players to enter Black Blood Valley.

For a moment, Black Blood Valley was completely reduced to a battlefield, a bloody hell!
"Beep beep-"

Just as Ye Fusheng was on his way, Qian Shanxue also sent a message.

"Tsk tsk, your guess is very accurate, it really is a trick created by the Pavilion of Gods! It seems that the Sons of Eternity and the Slaughtering World have all been recruited!"

Qian Shanxue was amazed: "Unexpectedly, they can use the power of one guild to defeat the power of the two top ten guilds, and there are other guilds!"

"I've said it before, don't underestimate the Pavilion of Divine Generals!"

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Don't forget, a few days ago, they deliberately used the fifth-tier territory to attract the attention of all of us. Although they failed to hold it, they took another territory easily! This strategy is enough to illustrate They're terrible!"

"Yes, it's a pity, it would be great if they could form an alliance with us!"

Qian Shanxue laughed and said, "Why don't I go and talk to them? You are so strong, I believe they don't want to be your enemy!"

"Need not!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "If they want to fight, let's fight! It's not enough to ask for peace! Besides, do you really think they can unite? Oh, I'm afraid it won't be long before they will part ways. Let's go our separate ways. Watch slowly, and catch them all in the future!"

In my memory, the Eastern Wu and Shu Han alliance lasted very short time in history. Which one of Meng De and Xuan De is the master who is willing to live under others?It was fine if there was no guild at the beginning, but now that the guild is established, only Bai Yizilong can be the president, which is enough to prove that the three of them are not convinced by each other.

Rather than having a stalemate over who should be the chairman, it is better to push out someone first.

However, this can't last for too long, as long as there is a chance, if the conflict between the three parties breaks out, the God General's Pavilion Guild will fall apart in an instant!
If they didn't have much memory, Ye Fusheng doubted whether Xuande and Mengde would continue to cooperate.

However, they have no memory, their personalities have not changed, and some even have a natural aversion to people they should hate. All this proves that the power of the Shenjiang Pavilion cannot last long!
This is also the reason why Ye Fusheng never cared about the development of Shenjiang Pavilion.

Now if he takes the initiative to attack and suppress the Shenjiang Pavilion, maybe they will feel the crisis, and they will unite and cooperate instead.

Even if Ye Fusheng is not afraid of them being together, it is always a little troublesome. Moreover, there are people he doesn't like and people he likes in the God General's Pavilion. Only when they are separated can he win over the person he likes, and even break the wall!

Loyalty or something?

Well, as long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner that cannot be dug! (Who can guess which group most of the people I want to dig belong to. I can satisfy everyone's desired benefits,'s so willful!)

"It seems that you already have your own plan, um, then listen to you!"

Qian Shanxue smiled, and didn't question Ye Fusheng, nor asked about his specific thoughts, but just asked: "Then what should we do about this accident? Do we need to help Bright Feather? After all, he is also your little fan!"

"That depends on whether he asks for help, and what price they can pay in God's Domain!"

Ye Fusheng frowned, not caring at all.

In the past, when the Son of Eternity didn't come, Bright Feather could control God's Domain and help him all the time, but he was able to take the initiative to save him.

However, once the Son of Eternity came, the God Realm would no longer be close to him, and only Bright Feather was useless. He could save Bright Feather at most, and the rest would never be saved!

Ye Fusheng is not a bad person, but he is not a good person either!
If you don't treat me like a brother or a friend, I will save you? !dream! ! !
"What about us? Continue leveling, don't care about anything?"

Qian Shanxue changed the topic: "Blood Armor Bongxian, I seem to want to take a look..."

"Let him level up as soon as possible, and he will have a chance to take revenge in the future!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng let out a low drink.

If Xue Jiafeng came first, then the battle would definitely be triggered, Ye Fusheng didn't want to start the battle so early, and put too much pressure on the God General Pavilion.

"Okay! I'll tell him, then go ahead!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's harsh voice, Qian Shanxue immediately guessed that Ye Fusheng was going to the Black Blood Valley!
Although she didn't know what Ye Fusheng was going to do, she hung up the phone and didn't bother Ye Fusheng anymore.

Ye Fusheng was so happy, with a dignified expression, he steered the angry flame horse and galloped towards the Black Blood Valley.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of players filled the Black Blood Valley, but most of the players were blocked in different deep pits, surrounded by neatly arranged military formations.

They are all players of the God General Pavilion guild!

Those army formations are particularly neat, like an army with strict military discipline. Whenever the players trapped in the deep pit organize a team and prepare to charge upward, they seem to be alone, commanding by their arms, and attacking as one, pushing the impact again. went back.

This made the major guilds desperate, so they had to shrink into the deep pit again, and were carried by the Templars and Guardians, hoping to survive until the rescue of the rest.

Although, they also know that in most cases, they cannot wait for rescue!
However, even if they resisted with all their strength, they couldn't stop them at all. There are hundreds of experienced generals and dozens of ancient famous generals in the Pavilion of Divine Generals. Even if they are scattered, it is not something ordinary players can compete with!
As a result, when they shrank, everyone in the God General Pavilion took advantage of the terrain and began to scatter arrow rain, passing directly below the templar knights blocking the front, and the arrow rain fell behind the priests, shadow thorns, and mage areas.


The screams kept ringing out, how could the crispy profession stop the sharp arrow rain's attack?

The qi and blood value fell like a cliff. After the blood bar was emptied, it immediately turned into white light and dissipated, leaving behind equipment all over the floor.


"All Templar knights raise their shields high! Soldiers stand in front of the crispy professions, priests increase blood!"

"Also, if the person beside you dies, pick up all the equipment for me!"

Seeing the players continue to die, the eyes of those high-level players were bloodshot, and their hearts were almost broken.

"People can die, but levels can be lost! This equipment cannot be lost!"

The same words sounded almost simultaneously in thousands of potholes where war broke out.

However, when they responded, the Templars raised their shields, and they lost defense in front of them.


The armor-piercing arrow pierced through the air and pierced their bodies instantly.

Even if they have high defense and thick blood, if they are hit by dozens of skills at the same time without skills to avoid damage, their vitality will drop rapidly.

For a while, many players became desperate.

How to fight this? !

The terrain was already bad, and the formation divided them, splitting hundreds of thousands of players into thousands of camps, and it was impossible to unite together, let alone organize an effective attack.

Especially the Meteor Guild of Liuyue, and the Guild of Hidden Killing League, which kills the world, are almost all squishy occupations. In this case, they die much faster than other guilds!

However, it seems that the Meteor Guild has too many girls, and the players besieging them are not as aggressive as other battlefields.

As a result, the loss of Liu Yue and the others was not too great, and more than 300 players died. Compared with other guilds, the loss was not even one-twentieth!

However, this did not make Liuyue and the others feel relaxed, but instead became more anxious.

Once the rest of the battlefields are all gathered, they will all die!
At that time, if there are too many enemies, I am afraid that Ye Fusheng will not be able to rescue them!

The sound of piercing the sky kept ringing, and seeing the rain of arrows falling all over the sky, Liu Yue couldn't help feeling worried.

Ye Fusheng, when can I come? !

(End of this chapter)

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