Invincible in one touch

Chapter 241 Fushengwan is here!

Chapter 241 Floating Life is Here!


The dance of knives was dazzling, and the rain of arrows pierced through the air, falling continuously, slashing and hitting many players.

"Prepare me with all your might!"

"Make sure no one is left alive!"

The cold drink sounded, and the voice was transmitted. In an instant, many players in the Shenjiang Pavilion were fighting more and more to kill the enemy. Even mages and priests stepped forward and swayed their skills.

Not far away, in a canyon, dozens of people stood together, and the three leaders stood side by side. Two of them were Rende Xuande and Qiwei Zhongmou, and the other was a bit shorter than the two, but he His aura is not weak at all, even stronger!
His ID is King Wen Mengde!
If Ye Fusheng saw it, he would definitely understand the meaning of this ID. Meng De's intention was to become King Wen of Zhou!

Behind these three people are Wang Zuowenruo, Wolong Kongming, Yushan Gongjin, ghost talent Guo Jia and other advisers.

As for the generals, apart from Guan Yu in Qingshan, Yide the Tiger Leopard, and Gu Zhixilai who were guarding the surrounding area, they were all dispersed into the army formation, besieging and suppressing many players.

Glancing across many army formations, King Wen Mengde couldn't help laughing: "After this battle, the ranks and equipment of the other guilds have suffered heavy losses. Except for the Floating World Guild, no one can compete with us!"

"Good! Next, we should get more territories! Only one territory is not enough!"

Rende Xuande said with a smile: "Brother Mengde, I have let Zilong concentrate on developing the territory. During this period, I will trouble you to go out and find a new territory! The version is updated, and the new map is listed in the official trailer. A lot of territories are all up to you!"

"Xuande don't worry, Gu has already made arrangements!"

King Wen Mengde stroked his beard gently.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that the members of the Floating World Guild were not fooled, otherwise, the Shenjiang Pavilion would have swept Sunset City!"

Qiwei Zhongmou suddenly said: "You two, if it's better, we send some shadow thorns out to attract people from the Ukishi guild? If there is auspiciousness today, Fusheng Wanqian will definitely search for the trace of the boss alone, and will not follow the guild. The players are together. Without him, the players of the Floating World Guild are like chickens and dogs!"

Speaking of this, Qiwei Zhongmou's expression became ruthless.

After finally encountering such a map with extremely serious losses, he didn't want to miss the opportunity and let the Ukiyo Guild be alone.

No matter how strong Fusheng Wanqian is, he still wants to fight to bring the Floating World Guild down!



Hearing this, King Wen Mengde and Rende Xuande spoke at the same time, looked at each other and laughed.

Ren Dexuande said in a deep voice: "Only with benevolence can other people accept us! These guilds are all guilds that attacked us a few days ago. This is a lesson for them!"

"The Floating World Guild doesn't have a lot of people, and they don't care about the fight for hegemony. Basically, they won't participate in various activities, and we don't need to provoke them!"

If other people heard Rende Xuande's words, they would definitely curse and fart.

Although there are few people in the Floating World Guild, it is true that they rarely occupy the map and compete for resources.

However, once there is such an activity as the territory, Floating Life and his Floating World Guild will not be absent!
What Rende Xuande said was clearly a confession of cowardice, and he did not want to get involved with the Floating World Guild.

King Wen Mengde said: "The enemy of the enemy is a friend! Fusheng Wanqian has a bad relationship with Xiong Batianxia and other guilds. It just so happens that they are very powerful. Right now, we are hostile to those guilds, so we should not be with Fusheng Wanqian again." If you can make friends with each other, maybe the benefits will be even greater!"

It has to be said that the deterrence given to them by Floating Life is too strong!
Whether it's Yiqi Juechen's attributes, combat power, or the terrifying equipment and deeds, the arrogant emperors like King Wen Mengde and Rende Xuande chose to be friends.

In other words, it is to confess cowardly!
Perhaps, only after the Shenjiang Pavilion suppressed the other guilds and their strength improved, would they turn against Ye Fusheng.

Just like, in history, the alliance between them fell apart!
"Okay, Wen Ruo, I'll leave the rest of the matter to you, Feng Xiao, get out of here quickly, and take Miao Cai and the others to explore the new map!"

King Wen Mengde waved his hand, showing a hint of impatience on his face.

It was a bit boring for him to watch those people being killed without any resistance.

"As ordered!"

The ghost talent Guo Jia curled up his lips, clasped his fists in salute, and immediately led Baidi Miaocai and his group down the hillside, rushing towards the only exit on the side.

Countless people gave up their seats, and the troops of thousands of people rushed out.

For a moment, all the players in the Pavilion of Gods held their heads high and proud!

After today, they believe that the name of Shenjiang Pavilion will be remembered by players all over China!
Besides Floating Life, who else could accomplish such a feat? !

"I'm going to explore a new map soon, Mr. Feng Xiao, as for finding a new territory, it's up to you!"

Bai Dimiaocai was riding a tall horse, followed by the other players, all in high spirits.

Just now, he killed a high-ranking guild and revealed a mount, which he grabbed directly to show off.

"Okay, but if you are disobedient, don't blame me for being rude!"

The ghost Feng Xiao rolled his eyes, very upset, is he so proud of being a soldier?

"Hey, why should Mr. Fengxiao be angry?"

"I'll buy you a drink after you're offline, and go to the KTV to find girls!"

Seemingly aware of the ghost's displeasure, Bai Dimiao chuckled and said in a low voice, "A new girl arrived two days ago, it is said that she is still a chick, how about it? I asked the boss to keep it for you!"


"Cough cough!"

The ghost Fengxiao coughed, and said in a deep voice: "What are you talking about? Are you bribing me? Miaocai, you can't talk about drinking and picking up girls during working hours! Let's talk about it when we go offline at night!"


Bai Di Miaocai laughed, and accelerated the speed of the horse again, criss-crossing the entire team, showing off the mount.

This made the ghost Feng Xiao roll his eyes, but when he thought of what Bai Di Miaocai said just now, he couldn't get angry again.

As for the other players, they smiled wryly, isn't it just a mount?

In the future, when the level is higher, we can have it too!

Having said that, everyone's face is full of envy and jealousy.


Suddenly, there was an exclamation, followed by the trampling and neighing of horseshoes.

Many players were shocked. Looking up, they suddenly saw Baidi Miaocai rushing towards the entrance of Black Blood Valley. Suddenly, the whole horse turned over and smashed Baidi Miaocai to the ground abruptly.


"I'm stupid... who is it, dare to come to the Black Blood Valley?!"

Bai Dimiaocai was pressed by the horse, only felt pain all over his body, and could not help but curse out loud.

Hastily dispersed the mount, Baidi Miaocai just sat up, looked up, but saw a steed burning with purple-black flames, stepped into the Black Blood Valley with a "da da da".

"This horse..."

Seeing the burning horse, Bai Di Miaocai opened his mouth slightly, and a chill suddenly rose in his heart, he always felt that he seemed to have seen this horse before!very familiar!
Looking up, a figure straddling the horse came into his eyes.

Especially when his appearance fully emerged, Bai Di Miaocai was completely stunned.

"not good!"

"Floating Life is here!"

An exclamation sounded, and in an instant, countless players looked at the entrance.

Including the ghost talent Feng Xiao and others, in a short while, they saw Ye Fusheng who swung his two swords and easily killed Baidi Miaocai!


The two swords swept across his head, but Bai Dimiaocai couldn't even do it. Two damages of 80000+ floated out of his head one after another, turning into white light and dissipating!

It's a pity that Bai Di Miaocai is clearly a master, and his archery skills are excellent, but it's a pity that every time he meets Ye Fusheng, he dies very aggrieved!
Kong has a whole body of strength, and there is no way to show it!
If there is a list of grievances and depression in this game, Bai Di Miaocai will definitely be the top of the list!

The ancient famous general, he died so aggrieved!


"Did you get recognized so quickly?!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng didn't care who the murderer was. He raised his swords and looked forward. He suddenly saw thousands of people lining up neatly and rushing towards him.

However, when he appeared, the group of people were all stunned in place!
"not good!"

"Quick retreat!"

"Miaocai is dead, the rest of the people retreated quickly, the mage and the sharpshooter released their control skills to delay his attack!"

The ghost Feng Xiao immediately reacted, exclaimed, turned around and ran towards the valley.

Fusheng Wanqian was so famous that he had to pass this news to Wen Wang Mengde and others, otherwise, let Ye Fusheng go all the way in without any preparation, maybe they really couldn't stop it!

Even the rest of the guild players who are about to be killed can counterattack and break out of the siege when they come in with the floating life and chaos!
With an order, many players, although panicked in their hearts, still obeyed the order, and continuously released skills that can stun people or slow down people, such as concussion arrows and magic ice balls.


In an instant, hundreds of skill attacks landed on Ye Fusheng who was galloping forward at the same time.

Except for dizziness and other effects that could not be triggered, the deceleration effects were triggered one after another. Even Ye Fusheng, who was equipped with a suit of equipment and possessed a flaming demon horse, slowed down his movement speed.

This also gave the ghost Feng Xiao time to run back!
"Tsk tsk, you are indeed an elite player. Players in the other guilds have already run away when they saw me!"

Sensing the decay of his movement speed, Ye Fusheng curled his lips, but he didn't care at all, and directly activated the special skill - firm as a rock!


Only golden brilliance bloomed, and all deceleration effects on Ye Fusheng's body were completely removed.

ding ding ding-

clap clap-

Various skills landed on Ye Fusheng one after another, but unfortunately, they had a rock-solid effect. The Raging Flame Demon Horse was no longer affected by the deceleration, and ran like a runaway wild horse.

In just a few breaths, Ye Fusheng has already rushed in front of thousands of players.

The next moment, the double swords were raised high, and the sword energy scattered!


"Grass... how can this guy be so fast?"

"It's not human!"

Exclamations kept ringing out, and as Ye Fusheng approached, those players could no longer bear the panic in their hearts, and retreated quickly.



However, before they retreated and escaped, the silver-white and red-red sword energy bloomed together, like a flaming blade, and like a round of moonlight, slashing across the figures of countless players.


Nearly [-] plus damage flew up one after another. Those players were already weak in attributes, and couldn't even withstand a single sword attack. They turned into white light and dissipated, bursting out full of equipment!
At this moment, Ye Fusheng even felt like he was playing on a private server!

Apart from private servers, what other games can drop equipment all over the floor in an instant?
What's more, there were so many dropped equipment that even the Raging Flame Demon Horse couldn't run fast, and stepped on it, and fell directly into the pile of equipment.


"This map, this kind of punishment effect, is a bit cool!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng slapped the Raging Flame Demon Horse's butt, the next moment, the Raging Flame Demon Horse neighed endlessly, leaped forward, and killed the players again.

Seeing that thousands of players failed to block Ye Fusheng for a few seconds, the players behind panicked and retreated one after another.

If not every army formation was guarded by famous generals, I am afraid that Ye Fusheng's charge and attack would have made them run away in fright!
However, they were afraid, scared, and didn't dare to step forward to stop Ye Fusheng, but it didn't mean that Ye Fusheng would give up fighting!



Only the sound of sword energy piercing through the air could be heard continuously, and countless players were torn apart by Ye Fusheng like pieces of cloth!
In just a few breaths, Ye Fusheng has already rushed into the crowd.

As for the escaped person, he didn't chase after him, but just rushed all the way to the coordinates sent to him by Liuyue.

On the mountain range, King Wen Mengde and Rende Xuande sensed that something was wrong, and watched intently, they couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"What's going on there?"

"Why is the army scattered?! It's so chaotic!"

King Wen Mengde's expression changed slightly: "At this time, the army formation is chaotic, are they looking for death? If the players trapped in the formation are released, it will definitely cause unnecessary damage!"


Rende Xuande frowned, and beckoned to Wolong Kongming: "Kongming, send someone to see what happened there?"

"My lord, it's not good!"

Just at this time, the ghost Feng Xiao finally ran back, his face was pale, and he exclaimed: "Floating Life has come! He has killed General Miaocai, and now he is entering the battle!"


"The Floating Life is here?!"

As soon as the voice fell, the expressions of everyone on the mountain range changed drastically.

Especially Guan Yu in the green shirt, his eyes flickered coldly, his hands clenched his long saber, and his heart was full of fighting spirit.

Ever since Ye Fusheng defeated them last time, Guan Yu in Qingshan has been unconvinced and wanted to find a chance to compete with Ye Fusheng again.

This time, Ye Fusheng didn't show up, and he still felt bored.

What's more, the target they want to target is not Ye Fusheng.

He originally thought that he would not have anything to do with Ye Fusheng in a short time, but unexpectedly, Ye Fusheng rushed in again on his own initiative!
"Hiss... how could this happen?!"

"In a thousand lives, why did he come to Black Blood Valley instead of looking for the auspicious BOSS from heaven?!"

Wang Zuowen frowned, and said in a low voice: "Meng De, Fusheng Wanqian must have something to do with him this time! If possible, you can't compete with him! It's best to send someone to ask him what happened !"


Yushan Gongjin sneered and said: "No matter why Fusheng Wanqian came here, he has rushed into our siege now, if we put down our posture to invite him out and spread the word, wouldn't we fall into the ranks of our god generals?" Prestige?!"

After Lushan Gongjin's words fell, the expressions of King Wen Mengde, Rende Xuande, and Qiwei Zhongmou froze instantly.

They were all tangled up, facing Ye Fusheng this time, should they fight, or...

(PS: Today's update is sent, a chapter of [-] words!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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