Invincible in one touch

Chapter 242 Fruit Ben? !

Chapter 242 Fruit Ben? !
Fighting, they will definitely gain a great reputation for them, at least they will not be afraid of floating lives, and they will not be afraid of being number one in the world on the surface!

In that way, many players who are willing to challenge, or players who know that they cannot join the floating world, the first choice is definitely the Pavilion of Gods!
It also means that they can have countless fresh blood!
However, once the war breaks out, they will also pay a heavy price for the Black Blood Valley and his party today.

Originally, the rest of the guilds were almost doomed. Even if someone came to the rescue, as long as they entered the Black Blood Valley, they would die in their hands, and their equipment would be dropped!

If Floating Life Thousands Comes Together, if they destroy their formation and attract most of their firepower, the rest of the guilds will fight together and resist, and it is inevitable that they will rush out.

At that time, they will be attacked from both sides, and if they lose, they will be the ones who will drop their ranks and lose their equipment!

The equipment on them is all high-level equipment. Once they are exposed, their own strength will be lost. Let others pick them up, and they can also improve their strength. The difference in strength will come out!
Even if there are many famous generals in the Pavilion of Divine Generals, and their operations are far stronger than other players, they still can't perform well when there is a gap in equipment.

This point can be seen from the two fights between Baiyi Zilong and Fusheng Wanqian.

For the first time, the attribute of Bai Yizilong was only half of the difference, and he was able to fight back and forth with Fusheng Wanqian, but the second time, when Baiyi Zilong couldn't bear Fusheng Wanqian's attack power, he couldn't even make a single move. Can't bear it!
Then, if there is no fight, their reputation of the God General Pavilion will still be suppressed by the Floating Life and the Floating World Guild!

Once this matter gets out, everyone will think that Shenjiang Pavilion is afraid of the Floating World Guild and No.1 of "Reincarnation of the Heavens"!
All the people present, not the princes, but the top strategists, could understand this, with gloomy expressions, they turned around slowly, and looked at Ye Fusheng, one man and one horse, waving two swords, galloping across the crowd.

"Can't stop it!"

After watching for a long time, seeing Ye Fusheng riding the angry flame horse, rushing hundreds of yards away in an instant, beheading thousands of players, Wang Zuowen made a sound.

"I can't stop it, I can't give up the levels and equipment of so many of our brothers for the sake of fame!"

Wang Zuowen said in a deep voice: "I hope the lord will give you an order to go and reconcile with Fusheng Wanqian. The later it is, the greater our loss will be!"


Wolong Kongming also nodded and said: "I agree with Wen Ruo's words, reputation is useless! Besides, if we send our subordinates to die and lose their equipment, they will feel aggrieved! If we reconcile, we will talk a lot on the forum later." Propaganda can win people's hearts! We can completely say that we chose to reconcile with Floating Life for the sake of our brothers' survival and not dropping their equipment!"

It has to be said that although these people are all top strategists, their focus is still different.

If Wang Zuowen thinks about the overall situation and doesn't care about temporary gains and losses, Wolong Kongming thinks about people's hearts, and Yushan Gongjin pays attention to the spirit and spirit, and doesn't want to back down.

Hearing the words of Wang Zuowenruo, Yushan Gongjin, and Wolong Kongming, Wang Wenmeng and the others looked at each other, with a decision in their hearts.

"According to Wen Ruo's request, let Miaocai take people to stop him appropriately. Afterwards, Yun Chang pressed the formation and protected Wen Ruo to negotiate with Fusheng Wanqian! Look at him, what exactly is he going to do!"

King Wen Mengde's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Of course, if his target is us, then no matter what price he pays, he must not give in!"

"That's natural!"

Wang Zuo Wenruo clasped his fists and said, "Wen Ruo, I will definitely strive for the greatest benefits for my lord!"

"Cough cough..."

On the side, Guo Jia, a ghostly genius, said helplessly: "My lord, Miaocai... has already been given a second by Floating Life!"


"Hiss... How long has it been since Miaocai was instantly killed?!"

Hearing this, everyone was quite surprised.

Qingshan Yunchang's eyes were shining brightly, he knew the strength of Baidi Miaocai, he was not weak, even if he wanted to win, it would take some time.

However, Bai Dimiaocai was instantly crushed in front of Fusheng Wanqian!

That gap is really too big!
"Then don't send people to stop them, pass on the order, but whenever you encounter Floating Life's army formation, retreat and put on a defensive posture, even if the besieged guild resists, don't worry about it. A thousand matches!"

The corner of Wen Wang Mengde's mouth twitched, he yelled out, and waved his hand, causing the geniuses Guo Jia, Hao Zhao and others to step back quickly to deliver the news.

Not only him, Rende Xuande and Qiwei Zhongmou also gave orders.

It has to be said that the mechanism in the Divine General's Pavilion is clear, and the speed of message delivery is extremely fast. Even the army that is fighting fiercely with Ye Fusheng has received the message very quickly.

"Go back!"

"Don't block! Don't attack Floating Life! Watch out for his mount to counterattack!"

The soft shouting sounded continuously, and in an instant, Ye Fusheng was surprised to find that the players standing in front of him retreated one after another, and even the overwhelming skills disappeared.

Thousands of players dispersed, instantly opening a smooth path for Ye Fusheng!
"Huh? Did you know it wasn't my opponent? Did you give up resistance?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng didn't think much about it, anyway, no matter whether those players resist or not, the result will be the same!
At best, it's just a question of how many people died and how late Ye Fusheng found Liuyue!

Without hesitation or slowing down, Ye Fusheng drove the angry flame horse and rushed towards the coordinates sent by Liuyue.

Da da da--

The sound of trampling horseshoes sounded, and without the resistance of those players, Ye Fusheng quickly swept across the space like a dragon.

At the same time, where the Meteor Guild is.

Tens of thousands of players struggled to resist, and around them, countless sharpshooters released their skills together.

"Hurry up and attack!"

"The people in front passed the order, Fusheng Wanqian suddenly killed, I don't know what to do! Get rid of all the people in other guilds as soon as possible!"

"Quick, quick, don't let these girls down just because they are good-looking!"

"Give me a full attack!"

A soldier named Qianli Wenlie had a loud voice, urging many sharpshooters and mages to attack.

Originally, those sharpshooters and mages were still paddling, but they were urged, so they didn't dare to neglect any more. They glanced at the many beautiful ladies and sisters, and had to sigh and release their skills one after another.


Many arrows rained down one after another. This time, the girls of the Meteor Guild were not so lucky. Countless players were pierced by the arrows rain.

"Chairman be careful!"

Some female warriors and Templars gritted their teeth, suddenly picked up their shields, and directly protected Liuyue and other high-level officials.

dang dang-


However, when the rain of arrows fell all over the sky, without any defense, they all turned into white light and dissipated.


With the explosion of equipment, it was all over the place, but the women of Liuyue turned pale, and their hearts were miserable.

This time, if all the players in their guild die and lose all their equipment, they won't be able to catch up without half a month of recuperation!
[Fusheng... Ye Fusheng!Why are you still not here? ! 】

Liu Yue clenched her teeth, but picked up her weapon again and stood in front of her.

She believed that Ye Fusheng would definitely do what he promised!

He will definitely come!

All she has to do is hold on until Ye Fusheng rushes over!

The rain of arrows fell one after another, and each time it fell, it could take the lives of hundreds of players.

The defensive circle of the girls of the Meteor Guild has also been continuously shrinking, from the original hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands.

Moreover, every minute, every second, there are players dying!
For Liu Yue and Liu Guang, their hearts are bleeding!


Another feather arrow pierced through the air, directly piercing a player's chest, and immediately dissipated into white light. The streamer beside him couldn't help but smiled wryly: "It's over, it seems that this time, our Meteor Guild has really fallen!"

"It's not just us, God General Pavilion and the others are too insidious, they actually used the news of heavenly auspiciousness to deceive us and attracted most of the guild players in Sunset City!"

Liu Yue said helplessly: "I think other guilds are worse than us!"

"Heh, if we all die and lose all our equipment, then the Shenjiang Pavilion will really be invincible against Sunset City!"

Liu Guang sighed: "Although the Floating World Guild has thousands of floating lives, but the number of people is too small after all, it may not be the opponent of the God General Pavilion!"

"no, I can not!"

Liu Yue said firmly: "As long as there is Fusheng Wanqian, Shenjiang Pavilion will never be an opponent! He alone can be a thousand troops!"


Hearing this, Liu Guang couldn't help but glanced at Liu Yue curiously, and said in surprise: "Didn't you complain about life in the past every day? Why are you turning towards him again today?"

"Ahem, I'm just telling the truth!"

Liu Yue's cheeks were slightly red, she didn't want to be known about her relationship with Ye Fusheng.

"Forget it, it's useless to discuss these."

Liu Guang smiled wryly: "We're all going to die, so let's do whatever we want."

Saying that, Liu Guang even threw down the sword in his hand.

There are formations that restrict their attributes, and those who besiege them are still condescending, whether it is a marksman or a mage's skills, they can hit 100%.

Unlike them, they can't hit the ground at all!

Even if there are a lot of them and their attributes are not weak, they can't resist!
"No! Nothing will happen to us!"

Liuyue gritted her teeth and said: "Eldest sister, don't give up, maybe there will be a turning point in a while!"


"If there is a turning point, I will run naked in Sunset City tomorrow!"

Liu Guang rolled his eyes.

Hearing this, many female players around laughed.

Originally, they were a little sad and a little scared, but when they heard that Liu Guang was so open-minded, they all thought about it.

"Hahaha, big sister is right!"

"Isn't it just that all the equipment is gone, and it's down to level 5?"

"All the equipment is gone, it's no different from streaking!"

The sound of laughter and laughter eased the atmosphere of the Meteor Guild, even Liu Yue laughed out loud.

However, this will not ease the offensive of the people above.

"Sister, are you not afraid that someone will come to save us?"

Liu Yue asked maliciously.

"Well, if someone really comes to rescue us, I'll keep my word and go to Sunset City tomorrow!"

Liu Guang glanced at Liu Yue, and said in a low voice: "Don't think about so many impossible things! Now that we have even turned on the server horn, no one will come into Black Blood Valley again, and no one will come to rescue us!"

"That's right, let's die!"

"It's not like I haven't died before!"

"Furthermore, if you die once, you won't get pregnant! What are the sisters afraid of?"

"Ho Ho Ho, if you die, you will die. If someone really comes to save us, at worst we will run together!"

The Meteor Guild is almost all women, with Liu Guang taking the lead, and those women also let go, and what they say one by one will definitely make men blush!

Listen, what is this called?

Pregnant?Fruit rush!

Can you take us with you? !


Almost at the moment when the women's voices fell, there was a sudden scream, and then, the offensive of the rain of arrows dissipated, and the girls of the Meteor Guild were surprised to find that no offensive fell!

"what's going on?!"

"Why don't the people above attack?!"

Realizing this, all the girls raised their heads one after another, Liuyue became short of breath and became nervous.

Ye Fusheng, are you here?
Looking up suddenly, what caught the eyes of the girls was a fiery red figure galloping from a distance, like a sharp knife, instantly piercing into the group of players who had been besieging them for a long time.

Chi Chi Chi——

The next moment, the sword energy raged and scattered in all directions, tearing hundreds of sharpshooters into pieces!

"not good!"

"Floating Life is here! Everyone, don't resist, retreat quickly!"

Not far away, Qianli Wenlie saw Ye Fusheng coming, and hurriedly shouted for everyone to retreat.

He dared not disobey the words of King Wen Mengde!

Sure enough, when those players retreated, Ye Fusheng stopped chasing him. Although he was a little surprised, he didn't attack again, and didn't cause too much damage.

Otherwise, those thousands of players might not even be able to hold Ye Fusheng for a minute!


"That person seems to be a floating life!"

"My God, why did Floating Life come here? He didn't come to save us, did he?!"

Seeing suddenly that someone had killed the players who were besieging them, they were still so strong, so handsome, and even more so famous, all the girls were shocked, and looked at Ye Fusheng obsessively.

Even, some girls are fantasizing in their hearts that Ye Fusheng came here to save them this time!
Only Liu Guang opened his mouth slightly, and after a short surprise, his eyes turned and fell on Liu Yue.

Just now Liuyue was saying that someone will come to save them!
Could it be that the floating life was called by Liuyue?
However, it seems that there is no connection between them other than contact in Xinshou Village!

There are thousands of floating lives, why did you come to save Liuyue?

Just when Liu Guang was surprised, Ye Fusheng was riding the Raging Flame Demon Horse, and jumped into the pit.


"Confused! If you jump down, how can you kill it?!"

Seeing this, Liu Guang couldn't help but change his face slightly, and cursed in a low voice.

Not only her, but also the Meteor Guild was surprised. Ye Fusheng also got a system prompt.


"System prompt: Due to the player falling into the formation, the blood value is reduced by 3000, the attack power is reduced by 500, and the defense power is reduced by 500!"

"System prompt: Due to the player's high resistance to abnormal states, the effect of this formation is weakened by 50%!"


"There is still a formation? From the looks of it, that guy Wolong Kongming should have made it!"

Seeing the prompt, Ye Fusheng was startled, and immediately realized, no wonder so many guild members couldn't get out after being divided.

It turns out that there is a formation!

Even though the reduced attributes of the formation are nothing to him, but for other players, the blood value is only 3000 to [-], and the crispy profession is only a few thousand. Once the [-] blood value drops, almost nothing blood!
Not to mention that the defense has been lowered, and it can't be held at all!
"Wolong Kongming is not only strategic, but also a formation master. Tsk tsk, it would be nice to be able to bring him here! It's a pity that, like Zilong in white, he is quite loyal to the big-eared thieves. To subdue them, you need more than just means. , still have a chance!"

"I hope that opportunity will come sooner!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Ye Fusheng fell into the pit, and went straight to disperse the angry flame demon horse. Wearing a sky burial suit, shining bright brilliance, in the eyes of the girls twinkling stars, he slowly walked towards Liuyue!


For a moment, Liuyue's heart beat faster!
However, when Ye Fusheng walked in front of Liu Yue, when the girls thought that the two of them had a story, Ye Fusheng's words made them spurt blood instantly!

(PS: Another big chapter of nearly 5000 words!!! These two days are approaching the start of school, and I need to get proof, household registration, and make sure I am healthy! Well, after I am done with work, the update will be accelerated!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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