Invincible in one touch

Chapter 243 Am I Here To Date You? !

Chapter 243 Am I Here To Date You? !

"Little girl, remember to transfer the money to me when you go back!"

"You can transfer as much as you want, but I believe that you are not the kind of person who will not repay you. Just transfer a few hundred million or several billion gold coins!"

Ye Fusheng grinned, and the words made all the girls almost vomit blood.

They thought that Liuyue had something to do with Floating Life!

It now appears that there is a hammer relationship!

Ah no, there is really a relationship, but it is a transaction relationship, as for the specific transaction, only Ye Fusheng and Liu Yue know.

"How many billions, billions?"

Liu Yue rolled her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Why don't you just transfer Huaxia Coins to you?"

"Really? If you can give me hundreds of millions of Huaxia coins, I don't mind!"

Ye Fusheng was smiling all over his face, his expression was calm, he didn't even observe the surrounding environment.

"Go to hell, I don't have that much money!"

"There is only one gold coin, do you want it?"

Liuyue showed two sharp little canine teeth, which made Ye Fusheng feel cold, gasped, and laughed quickly: "Yes, a gold coin is also money, why not! As long as you give me money, you will be my half-brother! "

Ye Fusheng resolutely confessed, um, if his younger brother is bitten one day, he will be the one who will hurt!

Seeing this scene, the girls vaguely understood that even if Liu Yue and Fu Sheng Wan Qian were not in a relationship, they must be more than ordinary friends.

Otherwise, I would never make such a joke.

This made them unavoidably excited. If there are thousands of floating lives, can this crisis be resolved?

Looking up again, the girls were even more pleasantly surprised to find that many players who had besieged them had retreated.

"Floating life, even though I don't know the relationship between you and our little Yueyue, I am still very grateful to you today!"

Liu Guang interrupted the conversation between Ye Fusheng and Liu Yue, with a smile on his face, he reminded: "However, there are hundreds of thousands of players here in the Shenjiang Pavilion, and there are formations, which will weaken your attributes. We'd better leave this place as soon as possible." , if they all rush over, it’s not easy to rush out!”

"Don't worry, the God General's Pavilion can't threaten me yet!"

Ye Fusheng looked calm, and said proudly: "Seeing me coming, it's okay if they retreat wisely, if not, I will let them waste all their previous efforts!"


"How overbearing!"

"As expected of No.1 in the world, so handsome!"

Hearing this, all the girls looked at Ye Fusheng standing proudly, with stars twinkling in their eyes, adored endlessly.

Regardless of men or women, whether in games or in reality, people will always worship the strong!

Rao Liuyue was moved in his heart, but he said with distaste: "Don't talk so much, save us first! Hmph, if there are still some sacrifices for our sisters after you come, next time I will Let you take a good pain!"

Saying that, Liu Yue blinked at Ye Fusheng, grinding her sharp canine teeth.


In an instant, Ye Fusheng felt himself in pain, took a breath, and said quickly: "Okay, then I will cover you first, and put away all the equipment that was dropped earlier! In this way, the loss will be much smaller, only at level 5. Let them level up and catch up soon!"

"it is good!"

"Thank you so much!"

Hearing this, Liu Guang's eyes lit up, and then he realized, yes, although many people died before, but the players of the God General Pavilion did not dare to come down, the dropped equipment is still in this area, as long as they pick up all the equipment Up, that loss is completely acceptable.

Equipment is far more important than level!
"Hurry up and pick up the equipment!"

"Sisters, go pick up equipment! Whoever picks up the most will be rewarded at night!"

Cheers continued to ring out, Liu Guang and other high-level officials urged many members to pick up equipment, and for a while, only Liu Yue was left by Ye Fusheng's side.

"Huh? Why don't you go?"

Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, and glanced at Liu Yue in surprise.

"What? You don't want to see me so much?"

Liu Yue rolled her eyes, taking advantage of the absence of the people beside her, she whispered: "I still don't want to see me when there are many people?"

"Ahem, what's the matter!"

Ye Fusheng sneered and said, "Aren't you with the guild?"

"You came to save us, how can you be here alone?"

Liu Yue said with a smile: "In other words, your speed is quite fast! I am very satisfied!"

"Huh? Then?"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and his voice lowered: "Then next time, let's play something else?"

"What do you want to play?"

"It's too perverted!"

Liu Yue blushed slightly: "I want face too!"

"Hey... that's not what you told me before!"

Ye Fusheng laughed loudly, and immediately attracted the attention of all the girls in the Meteor Guild, constantly looking at Liu Yue and Ye Fusheng.

"Da da da--"

At this moment, footsteps sounded, and hundreds of players rushed up above the formation. Qianli Wenlie stared at Ye Fusheng with blazing eyes.

Although the order passed down was not to conflict with Ye Fusheng and to avoid it as much as possible, but right now, seeing Ye Fusheng actively jumping into the formation, they have the advantages of numbers, terrain and formation, which gave him ambition!
If he could kill thousands of people at such a time, wouldn't he be famous all over the world?
In the future, his status in the Pavilion of Gods will increase even more!

Being stared at with fiery eyes, it was still a man, Ye Fusheng's heart trembled, he sensed the abnormality, looked up, and suddenly met the eyes of Qianli Wenlie.

"This kid, I want to do it!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't see the fighting spirit in Qianli Wenlie's eyes. He immediately took a step forward, stood in front of Liuyue, and said in a low voice: "Liuyue, you step back first, the people in the Shenjiang Pavilion may want to attack !"

"Do it, then be careful!"

Hearing this, Liu Yue didn't hesitate, knowing that standing with Ye Fusheng was a burden, she immediately backed away, but she still stared at Ye Fusheng closely, her eyes were full of worry.

If we say that the previous transactions with Ye Fusheng were all for the benefit of the family.

However, this time, when she was in danger, she took the initiative to ask Ye Fusheng for help, and without paying any price, Ye Fusheng still rushed to help her. The feeling in her heart towards Ye Fusheng has changed!

Sure enough, within a few seconds of Liuyue retreating, Qianli Wenlie also made up his mind, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Brothers, all aim at Fusheng Qianqian, and smash down all kinds of skills!"

"He is immune to control effects. The mages all use ground fire to reduce his defense and resistance. The sharpshooters use all the armor-piercing arrows to knock down his armor!"

"The rest, all release the strongest skills against Floating Life Thousand Thousands!"

"Don't hold back. If we can kill Fu Sheng Wan Qian today, then we will create a miracle in this game. Fame and status will be at your fingertips! At that time, if you want to sleep with a girl, you can sleep with a girl, and if you want to get money, you can get money!"

"Kill me!"

After shouting loudly, in an instant, thousands of players in the God General Pavilion around swallowed their saliva, their hearts were surging, and without any hesitation, they instantly locked the attack target on Ye Fusheng.

Yes, in the current version, Ye Fusheng is a god, a well-deserved immortal!
Finally came across an opportunity, Ye Fusheng was restrained by the formation, and they still occupy the ground, why can't they fight?
If you die, you will lose level 5 at worst, but if you succeed, the benefits will be far greater than level 5!

If it were in reality, they would never dare to fight, after all, if they die, they will really die, but in the game, they can afford the price of level 5!
"Brothers, the boss is right!"

"Listen to Qianli Wenlie, let's do it together! Kill Floating Life Thousands, and we will be legends!"

Ever since, many players who had been brainwashed by Qianli Wenlie released their skills screamingly. In an instant, colorful magic attacks fell from the sky, mixed with rain of arrows, pattering like raindrops. Although subtle, they fell firmly towards Ye Fusheng. .

This made Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, but he was not afraid of those offensives, even his blood couldn't be knocked out much.

But, that is AOE damage after all, if it can't be blocked, if it falls on the girls behind Liuyue and kills them again, it will be fun!

He is a myth in the game. If he kills the person he wants to protect in front of him, will it have any face to spread the word?


"It seems that I still lack a protective skill! After this incident is over, go to the senior sister, or Xing Xing, and see if I can learn a protective skill!"

Having made up his mind, Ye Fusheng rolled his eyeballs, and suddenly summoned the Raging Flame Demon Horse and the Protoss, and made the Protoss transform into a phantom cherry blossom form.


The phantom cherry blossoms bloomed, and the protoss turned into a big cherry blossom tree, stretching its branches and leaves, blocking all attacks.

However, the blood bar of the Protoss keeps dropping.

As for the scattered skills, they were blocked by the sizable Raging Flame Demon Horse.

This blinded the angry flame demon horse, bearing the pain, not moving, as if it stopped in place and thought about life.

Why, I am the one who blocks skills every time?
After the first wave of offensive fell, the Protoss still had as much as 70% of its vitality.

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng's eyes turned cold, and he no longer held back his hands. He switched weapons instantly, and the Bow of Doom and Judgment emerged.

"Star Judgment!"

As the low shout fell, the bowstring burst into brilliant starlight, shot out into the sky, and immediately exploded in the air, bursting out arrows of arrows, falling towards the players in the Shenjiang Pavilion.

"No, the Templars stepped forward and blocked those arrows!"

"Sharpshooters and mages retreat!"

Qianli Wenlie is worthy of being a famous general. He reacted instantly when he saw the arrows, and he did not retreat. He took the lead and led a group of templar knights and soldiers forward. They raised their shields one after another, or used their bodies to block the arrows. Don't let the arrows penetrate and cause damage to crispy occupations.

Furthermore, in this case, the main output is the sharpshooter and mage, it doesn't matter if they die, the output cannot die!


Many priests are also elite players. Before the arrows fell, they quickly cast one after another BUFF, which landed on those Templar knights and soldiers, shining with light.

The next moment, countless arrows fell, piercing through the bodies of Wen Lie thousands of miles away, and two wounds, one red and one black, floated out of their heads one after another.


All damage numbers are around 3000!

It can be said that almost none of the Templars and soldiers died, and Qianli Wenlie's blood value was kept above 60%!

Seeing this scene, countless players were stunned!

what's the situation? !

Floating Life is the No. 1 game, the equipment is extremely terrifying, how can the damage caused by it be so low? !

"God bless me too!"

"Brothers, the attribute of Floating Life has been weakened by the formation!"

"Military Master Kong Ming's formation has taken effect, Fusheng Wanqian is just a paper tiger, brothers don't need to be cowardly, let's go together and shoot him to death!"

Qianli Wenlie was the first to react, ecstatically, waved his hand quickly, and asked someone to pass the news to Wen Wang Mengde and others. Immediately, he himself took the lead, leading thousands of sharpshooters and many mages to the edge of the formation. The target is Ye Fusheng, ready to release the next round of attack.

However, they didn't notice that Ye Fusheng held the bow of doom and judgment in his hand, with a sneer on his face.

Funny, they really thought that breaking the formation could weaken their attributes?
Gradually he opened his bow and set his arrows, and when thousands of players gathered around, before they could release their skills, Ye Fusheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he had already released the next skill!
Star Spirit Arrow Rain!


The brilliance as bright as a star rose into the sky, and it was as gorgeous as fireworks, which continued to explode and turned into star dots all over the sky, which were scattered and scattered one after another.

"Don't be afraid, brothers, continue to attack!"

Qianli Wenlie grinned and waved his hand, but just as he was about to release his skills, a starlight arrow pierced through his head with a buzzing sound.


His body trembled violently, Qianli Wenlie suddenly felt powerless, the blood strip on his head was instantly emptied, and his body turned into starlight and drifted away.

"what happened?!"

"I...why can't I control my body?!"

Qianli Wenlie was surprised. Seeing his body dissipate, he realized that he was dead!

The two blood-red damages of nearly 20 came late. Seeing those two numbers, Qianli Wenlie was taken aback, and then smiled wryly.

He finally understood what kind of stupid thing he had done!

Almost at the moment of Qianli Wenlie's death, starlight feather arrows fell one after another. After piercing through one player, the offensive continued unabated, and even killed the second, third, and even the tenth player!
Even, after penetrating the player, the damage caused is not reduced!
The total output of nearly 20 made all the players terrified and terrified!
Of course, they have no chance of regretting it!
In just three breaths, thousands of players died and turned into a little bit of starlight, illuminating the area within hundreds of yards around them, looking like stars, especially beautiful and gorgeous.

However, no one would have thought that under such a gorgeous beauty, there is infinite murderous intent!
"Wow... so beautiful!"

"What kind of skill is this? The first time I saw it, it was as beautiful as the starry sky!"

"Yeah, it's like being in the starry sky!"

All the girls in the Meteor Guild felt strange, and turned their heads to look, all of them were moved by the beautiful scene, and they were all obsessed with it.

In themselves, the name of their guild is Meteor, and they are quite fond of stars. Seeing this kind of scene, how can they not be tempted?
Especially Liu Yue, staring at the stars, and Ye Fusheng standing proudly holding a bow and arrow.

This star was created by him!

"too weak!"

Ye Fusheng didn't know what the girls were thinking, seeing thousands of players die instantly, he couldn't help grinning.

This is the first time that the Lone Star Shooter has shown its power in front of players, which makes Ye Fusheng very satisfied.

too strong!
Not only the attack range is against the sky, but the output ability is too strong!
Protoss Judgment can apply a status buff to targets within hundreds of yards. It seems that the damage is low, but with that buff, Ye Fusheng's next attack will definitely hit, and it can also cause double damage, which is really terrifying!
Without that BUFF, Ye Fusheng might be able to kill some players in seconds with the star spirit arrow rain, but it is still difficult to kill thousands of players at once!

No, to be precise, not all players were killed, and a messenger ran away!

Fortunately, the person who delivered the letter left the offensive range and met Wang Zuowenruo and Qingshan Yunchang head-on.

"Legion Commander, it's not good!"

"Qianli Wenlie is going to attack Fusheng Wanqian!"

Seeing the blue-clothed cloud, the player hastily yelled out.

In the guild, several legion leaders are generals. Although Wang Zuowenruo and Wolong Kongming are strong in strategy, they have no official positions on the surface. Therefore, ordinary players do not know their strength.


"Wen Lie, can't he find death?"

Hearing this, Wang Zuowenruo's expression changed slightly, and Yun Chang's expression in green shirt was even more solemn, even if he wanted to fight Ye Fusheng once, but he took the words of benevolence and Xuande in his heart, and would not disobey!

At this moment, not far away, there are bright stars blooming all over the sky, especially beautiful, and also contain a strong murderous intent!
"not good!"

"What a powerful skill!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Zuowen's face turned ashen, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that Wen Lie is already in danger! Floating Life is too powerful, he is not an opponent at all!"

"This kid, what a bastard!"

"Lead the way quickly, let's rush over together!"

Qingshan Yunchang cursed in a low voice, reprimanded the messenger player and asked him to lead the way, then looked at Wang Zuowenruo, and asked respectfully: "Mr. Wenruo, I will trouble you to talk to Fusheng Wanqian later!"

Although Qingshan Yunchang is arrogant, he treats those truly talented people with respect.

"Well, Yun Chang, you don't have to be polite! This is a matter of duty!"

If Wang Zuowen nodded slightly, he didn't care, and quickly followed.

The map itself isn't too big, but in just one minute, Qingshan Yunchang and Wang Zuowenruo, led by that player, arrived in front of the formation binding the Meteor Guild.

"Da da da--"

The sound of footsteps kept ringing, below, Ye Fusheng frowned, once again raising the bow of doom and judgment, ready to shoot!
"There are so many things in life, don't be impulsive, I'm here to negotiate terms with you!"

After the calm voice fell, Ye Fusheng was slightly surprised, and also frowned.

What's the situation, Shenjiang Pavilion had to do something just now, why are you here to negotiate terms again?

However, why does this kind of scene, this kind of words sound so awkward?

"Dormammu, am I here to date you?!"

"Fuck off! I don't want to fall in love with men!!!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ye Fusheng clenched the bow of misfortune and judgment. If Wang Zuowen fell in love with him, ah bah, if Wang Zuowen's terms of negotiation were not good, he promised that he would kill Wang Zuowen!
(PS: A chapter of [-] words, one chapter is better than two chapters, I am too lazy to develop it!!! Ask for a recommendation ticket. In addition, thank Brother Wu Nian for the reward, and I will add more tomorrow!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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