Chapter 244
"Floating lives, I'm here to negotiate terms with you! Don't be impulsive!"

Wang Zuowenruo's voice came out, and then, a group of people appeared, lined up together, and came into Ye Fusheng's eyes together.

In addition to Wang Zuowenruo and Qingshan Yunchang, there were several Templars standing beside Wang Zuowenruo with serious expressions.

There is no way, if Wang Zuowen is a mage after all, with low health protection, he can't even withstand Ye Fusheng's attack, even if he comes to negotiate, even if Wang Zuowen doesn't want too many people to protect him, lest Ye Fusheng think too much, Shan Yunchang didn't dare to let him go forward alone.

If Wang Zuowen's position in the God General's Pavilion is outstanding, Qing Shi Yunchang will be responsible for his safety.

"The blue-clothed cloud leader...he seems to be the army commander of the God General's Pavilion!"

"Hiss! Even the head of the legion has come here in person. Floating Life's face is really great!"

"After all, he is the number one player in the world, and Shenjiang Pavilion dare not slack off. I am just curious, who is the player who makes Qingshan Yunchang cautious?"

"What is it called Wang Zuowenruo? It doesn't look very powerful!"

The girls of Meteor Guild raised their heads and looked at Wang Zuowenruo and Qingshan Yunchang with surprised expressions on their faces.

They were besieged before, and those who came forward were controlled by some elite players, and none of the high-level leaders showed up.

Unexpectedly, just after Floating Life Wanqian came, players at the level of legion commander came!

That's a position limited to the president!
Right now, Zilong in Bai Yi didn't know where he was going. To have a legion commander, plus a player who was treated like this by Qing Shi Yunchang, it can be seen that Shenjiang Pavilion attaches great importance to Floating Life!

Of course, no matter what the girls of the Meteor Guild think, Ye Fusheng has put down the bow of doom and judgment, and asked with a grin: "Talk about conditions? Are there any conditions to negotiate?"

"Of course there is!"

Wang Zuowen said in a deep voice: "This time, the Pavilion of the Divine General is not targeting you. Although we don't know why you rushed in, we don't want to be your enemy either!"

As he said that, Wang Zuowen couldn't help but glanced at the girls of the Meteor Guild, and immediately fell on Liu Yue who was the closest to Ye Fusheng.

After he saw Liuyue's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but feel a sudden thump in his heart. This girl has a good appearance, and there is a worried expression in the corner of her eyes and eyebrows. Could it be that she and Fusheng Wanqian are a couple?
Then, didn't they provoke the guild of Floating Thousands of Girlfriends?
"Coincidentally, I am a peace-loving person, and I don't want to fight. I just want to upgrade and develop with peace of mind!"

Ye Fusheng smiled brightly: "However, the specific ending depends on your choices!"

Hearing this, tens of thousands of people in the field immediately turned their gazes to Ye Fusheng, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they couldn't stop complaining in their hearts.

Damn you, I don't know how many players you have killed, and many guilds are afraid of you, but now you say that you love peace and want to develop?

The development in your mouth means that only if you are alive, can you be qualified to develop? !
Wang Zuowenruo took a deep breath, resisted the desire to rant, and said in a low voice: "I don't know, brother, what do you want? As long as you make things clear, I will never take action against you!"

"What do I want?"

Cursing his lips, Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "Actually, I'm too lazy to participate in your strategies and traps against other guilds. It's just that the person you want to kill today is my friend!"

In deep thought, Ye Fusheng secretly decided to agree to Wang Zuowenruo. At this time, if he fights with the Shenjiang Pavilion, he will definitely let the trapped players of other guilds rush out to avoid this catastrophe.

As for the many players in the Pavilion of Gods, they will lose their level and equipment miserably!
In that way, the strength of the other guild players will not be consumed much, but the Shenjiang Pavilion will be consumed a lot of strength. At that time, it will be difficult to say whether they can deal with other guilds at the same time.

Ye Fusheng still needs the Divine General Pavilion to deal with the other guilds, otherwise, those people like Xiong Batian will inevitably continue to look for him.

Although he is not afraid, he can even kill them, but now he has to do the task of opening equipment, he may have to travel to many places, and he may not be able to stay in Sunset City for a long time.

What if those guilds attack other players in the floating world?
Just relying on Qianshanxue and Lingfeng may not be able to deal with it!

As for the blood armor, let him fight, let him manage a guild?
Come on, die faster than anyone else!

Therefore, to be able to make peace with Shenjiang Pavilion, Ye Fusheng would also choose peace.

What's more, Ye Fusheng didn't suffer any losses this time, but Shenjiang Pavilion paid a lot of money and killed many players.

At this time, Ye Fusheng has no objection if he chooses to reconcile, and it can save him a lot of time, so why not do it?

"Since the Meteor Guild is Brother Fusheng's friend, I would like to apologize to everyone in the Shenjiang Pavilion!"

Wang Zuowen raised his hand slightly, clasped his fists, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Brother Fusheng, the Meteor Guild can leave here, and the equipment dropped earlier can be taken away at will, how about it?"

"As for the previously dropped levels, please forgive us for being helpless! After all, we also lost many players in the previous battles, and all of them were dropped!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but frowned slightly, it's a bit strange that the God General Pavilion is so flattering to him!

Ye Fusheng originally thought that if Wang Zuowen would get some benefits for them, the God General Pavilion would be willing to let the Meteor Guild go for nothing!

Rolling his eyes, Ye Fusheng was too lazy to take care of it, and said: "Don't ask me about this, ask them players from the Meteor Guild!"

Pouting his lips, Ye Fusheng turned to look at Liu Yue.

As long as Liuyue has no objections, then it's fine.

Frowning, seeing Ye Fusheng's reaction, Wang Zuowen became more and more sure of his guess, immediately looked at Liuyue, and said with a smile: "Miss Liuyue, it was all a misunderstanding before, if possible, maybe we can form an alliance in the future! What happened, I hope the girl Haihan!"

"it is good!"

Liu Yue and Liu Guang looked at each other, they were all very excited, they didn't expect to get other benefits, they were able to retrieve all the dropped equipment, and the rest of them didn't have to die, it was already a surprise!
If they really continue to fight, even if Ye Fusheng protects them and fights all the way out, there will definitely be injuries and sacrifices, and they will definitely not be able to take out all the equipment.

It is the best ending for them not to do anything!

After nodding, they didn't even care about Ye Fusheng and Wang Zuowenruo, and immediately greeted many sisters, frantically picking up equipment.

This time, no one attacked again, and they picked up equipment faster and faster.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng rubbed his nose involuntarily, after making sure that there would be no fight, he put away the Raging Flame Demon Horse and Xing Xing.

"Brother Fusheng, the matter about the Meteor Guild has been resolved, what else do you want next?"

If Wang Zuowen spoke again, he lowered his body.

"It's nothing, um, it feels good to be able to come to this magical ground for a while!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Ye Fusheng didn't care.

"Oh, actually, Brother Fusheng, we might be able to form an alliance!"

Wang Zuowenruo's eyes lit up, and he said suddenly: "With your strength, our Shenjiang Pavilion's staff will definitely be able to unify Sunset City, and even the entire Huaxia War Zone! Include all other guilds in our ranks! "


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his pupils constrict suddenly, as expected, the group of people in Shenjiang Pavilion are really ambitious!

Their goal was to integrate the guilds in the entire Huaxia War Zone into one!
However, it is extremely difficult to achieve this goal!
Even if they are all famous generals in history, it is difficult to do this!
There are too many Chinese people, billions of players, everyone has their own ideas, how could they all be willing to belong to a guild?
Unless, all guilds are broken up, leaving only one guild!
But even so, people's hearts may not necessarily be unified.

"Forget it..."

Raising his eyelids, Ye Fusheng said calmly: "Sorry, I'm not interested in forming alliances, nor in unifying the guilds in the Huaxia theater. As long as you don't mess with me, I won't bother you!"

"Hey, that's really a pity!"

Wang Zuowenruo sighed: "With your strength, if you can join us, you will definitely become a legend!"

"If I don't join you, I will be a legend!"

Ye Fusheng looked proud, and directly interrupted Wang Zuowenruo's words, which made him slightly stagnant, and then he smiled wryly.

That's right, even if he doesn't form an alliance with the Shenjiang Pavilion, the deeds of Floating Life and Thousand Thousands will still be legends if they are spread out!
"Since Brother Fusheng doesn't like forming an alliance, then let's not talk about it!"

If Wang Zuowen is worthy of being Wang Zuo, he quickly adjusted his mind and said with a light smile: "In the future, I hope to get along with Brother Fusheng and the Floating World Guild. If there is any misunderstanding, then resolve it as soon as possible! For example, today's matter, I would have known earlier There are your friends in the Meteor Guild, we will never take action against the Meteor Guild!"

"With you alone, can you be the master?"

Ye Fusheng suddenly asked: "You think it's worth making friends with other guilds for me, but others will agree with you? Maybe Meng Dehui, Zhongmou, and Xuande, how can you influence them?" ?”


After the words fell, Wang Zuowenruo and Qingshan Yunchang couldn't help but their expressions changed dramatically, they all stared at Ye Fusheng in horror.

The Shenjiang Pavilion has always regarded Bai Yizilong as the leader to the outside world, and even the position of president is assumed by him.

Those who know Wen Wang Mengde, Qiwei Zhongmou, and Rende Xuande are all high-level players of the Shenjiang Pavilion, and the number is no more than a hundred!
Those people, everyone is loyal and will never tell this kind of confidential matter, but how did Ye Fusheng know the existence of those three people?
Rolling his eyes, Wang Zuowen suddenly remembered that Ye Fusheng vaguely mentioned the existence of Meng De the last time we met!

[Hiss... Fusheng Wanqian is indeed No. 1 in the world, but he can even figure out these things clearly!It seems that we should be more careful in our actions in the future! 】

If Wang Zuowen made up his mind, Qing Shi Yunchang said from the side: "There are thousands of floating lives, don't you want to provoke our relationship! Mr. Wen Ruo is a great talent, we naturally believe in his decision!"

"Hahaha, provoke a relationship?"

Ye Fusheng said disdainfully: "I'm sorry, I don't need to do this yet, even if you three forces join together, what are you afraid of? Well, Qingshan Yunchang, doesn't your elder brother often lead you to besiege other people? I think that's the kind of thing he loves to do!"


Qingshan Yunchang's cheeks were reddish, he thought he was well equipped and skilled, never relied on helpers against other players, and only fought with others when he faced the blood armor Fengxian twice.

Of course, he didn't want to use more to fight less, but Rende Xuande had already spoken, and he couldn't help it!
"What big brother wants to do must have his reason!"

After saying something sullenly, Qingshan Yunchang took a step back, feeling ashamed and afraid to say any more.

That's right, what Ye Fusheng said was right, he had indeed besieged others, and with his pride, he was not allowed to make excuses, but he would not bear that kind of humiliation either.

"Ho ho ho..."

Sensing the emotions of Qing Shi Yun Chang, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it seems that Qing Shi Yun Chang Ren De Xuan De trusts too much, in this case, if he wants to gain his trust, he will give up Ren De Xuan Germany, the difficulty is not low!
However, difficulty is called fun!

Ye Fusheng, what he fears the most is challenges!
"By the way, Brother Wen Ruo..."

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng decided to add fire to Wang Zuowenruo, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not that I don't want to form an alliance. After all, your God General Pavilion is not weak, but right now you have too many people who can make decisions. I’m afraid that you will have disagreements when encountering major events! Mistakes are inevitable! When the Shenjiang Pavilion has only one voice, I will naturally consider forming an alliance with you!”


Following Ye Fusheng's words, both Wang Zuowenruo and Qingshan Yunchang's eyes lit up, and their minds became active.

If their forces can completely control the Shenjiang Pavilion, and then build a relationship with Ye Fusheng, form an alliance and cooperate, then the day of unifying the Huaxia War Zone will not be far away!

Just as Wang Zuowenruo and Qingshan Yunchang were thinking about each other, the girls of the Meteor Guild had already picked up all the equipment that had been dropped earlier.

"Fu Sheng, we've finished picking up all our equipment, when are we leaving?"

As if she was in a very happy mood, Liu Yue happily ran to Ye Fusheng's side, and directly called out his real name.

Fortunately, Ye Fusheng's ID in the game also has the word Fusheng, which didn't make other people care, but they can still see that the relationship between Liuyue and Ye Fusheng is unusual!

"What are you doing here after all the equipment is collected?"

"Go straight!"

Ye Fusheng blinked, then looked at Wang Zuowenruo again.

If Wang Zuowen finally realized it, he smiled wryly and waved his hands lightly. The next moment, the surrounding formations collapsed, the area changed, and the sunken land gradually rose and became a flat land.

Ye Fusheng and his party even appeared directly beside Wang Zuowenruo.


"System prompt: Due to the dissipation of the formation, congratulations to the player for returning to normal!"

"Wow, the formation is gone, and my attributes are finally back to normal!"

"Hahaha, great!"

Not only Ye Fusheng, but other players also saw the prompt, and they were very excited.

Obviously, Shenjiangge didn't want to do other things, and really wanted to let them go!

"Brother Fusheng, I wanted to keep you for a while, but you guys are in a hurry to leave. I have to entertain players from other guilds here, so I won't stay any longer!"

Wang Zuowen smiled warmly, but it made all the girls shudder.

To entertain players from other guilds?
That is to kill them!

"It just so happens that I'm fine, so I might as well accompany you for a walk and take you out by the way. If I'm here, no one else will dare to be presumptuous!"

Wang Zuowen opened his mouth if he took the initiative.

"Mr. Wen Ruo, the lord has already said, let me protect you, how can I be missing?"

Seeing that Wang Zuowen asked Ye Fusheng to take the initiative to accompany Ye Fusheng, Qingshan Yunchang's heart tightened, and he quickly opened his mouth, wanting to follow along.

He was worried that if Wang Zuowen wanted to secretly discuss some cooperation with Ye Fusheng!
"Haha, that's natural, I will definitely not abandon Yunchang!"

If Wang Zuowen didn't care about the words of Qing Shanyun Chang, this made him suspicious again. Could it be that he really judges the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?

Naturally, Ye Fusheng would not refuse, he immediately asked Wang Zuowenruo and Qingshan Yunchang to lead the way, and he led Liuyue and Liuguang girls towards the exit.

Along the way, the rest of the guild players who were trapped in the formation were stunned when they saw this scene, and let out the sound of "fucking shit" one after another.


What happened, how did someone get released?
Listening to what Shenjiangge said, isn't it going to kill all the players in the Black Blood Valley?

"Look quickly! That's Floating Life!"

"Grass, Floating Life has come in!"

"So ruthless, not only did he come in, but he was also greeted with courtesy by the players in the Pavilion of Divine Generals, and even sent him out!"

"Hiss... I remember someone said on the forum before that Liuyue seems to have something to do with Fusheng Wanqian, and now Fusheng Wanqian has really rescued the Meteor Guild!"

"Damn it, it's cool to have strength, come to save people, and let others take the initiative to send them out, I'm so envious..."

After those players saw Ye Fusheng, they immediately figured out all this, and they were all envious, wishing to cry and faint in the toilet.

But, no matter what they said, the formation was still binding them around, making them unable to move!

The only benefit brought to them was that when Ye Fusheng came, those players who had besieged them retreated one after another and stopped fighting, which gave them a little chance to breathe!
"Brother Fusheng!"

Just as Ye Fusheng led the girls of the Meteor Guild and was about to walk into the entrance of the Black Blood Valley, a voice of exclamation suddenly came from the formation!
(PS: It’s another [-]-word chapter. I’m too busy with the start of school, so I’m too lazy to divide chapters. It should be more than two chapters!!)

(End of this chapter)

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