Chapter 246
Looking at the address book, a large line of characters was displayed - Destiny Group!

"Why did the official website suddenly call me?"

Seeing the prompt, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned.

Although the Huaxia branch of Tianming Group is his family's property, in most cases, the official website will not contact him, after all, it is necessary to ensure the fairness of the game.

Otherwise, if all the benefits go to Ye Fusheng, how will the rest of the players survive?
What's more, Ye Fusheng is already so strong without Tianming Group benefiting him!
Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng hesitated, and connected the phone.

"Hi, Young Master Ye! I'm a customer service employee, job number 9527!"

When the phone was connected, a slightly obsequious voice sounded, but it made Ye Fusheng frowned slightly.

Job number 9527?

It sounds so familiar!
"Huh? What's the matter?"

Blinking, Ye Fusheng didn't think much, and asked directly.

"That's right, Young Master Ye, we have officially found out that you have triggered another high-level, mysterious map mission!"

The customer service staff with job number 9527 said with a wry smile: "After the task is over, a new mysterious task can be triggered, which involves the development of the subsequent version! Can I ask you not to do that task? If you do it, this The version will be turbulent again soon... maybe, it won't even survive three days!"

The customer service staff is very humble, it's too difficult!

For other games, which version can last half a month or a month?

Wait until the player's level has been improved, and the skills have increased, so that the boss of that version can be solved and a new version can be opened.

For example, as soon as the previous Empress Scarlet Moon died, a new version was opened immediately, the rule of a hundred clans!
Reign of a Hundred Clans, although the name involves hundreds of clans, but as long as you can kill a few powerful clan leaders, or destroy some clans and forces, the version will definitely be updated again!

However, the customer service staff 9527 did not expect that after hearing his words, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and his heart suddenly became active.

Opening a new version again, does it mean more benefits?


Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng hurriedly asked: "Which mission? Which mission can open a new version?"

Ye Fusheng quietly made up his mind, once he knew which task could open the new version, he would definitely do it!
He doesn't care how long a version can be launched, and he doesn't care how long the employees of Tianming Group have to work overtime to launch the new version. Well, they are paid monthly salaries, and they want to be lazy and not work?
It's fine if you don't get fired!

"Well, Young Master Ye, I can't tell you the task, what if you do it?"

Worker number 9527 said humbly: "As long as Young Master Ye doesn't do tasks that are far away from you, we, the official, can compensate you for a special lucky draw chance!"

"it is good!"

With a roll of his eyes, Ye Fusheng resolutely agreed.

If the customer service said the mission and then compensated, Ye Fusheng would be embarrassed to ask for compensation, but now that the customer service doesn't mention it, Ye Fusheng will not be polite!

After getting the compensation, finish all the long-distance tasks decisively!
Well, anyway, you didn't say which task will open the new version, I don't know, so it's not my fault!

"Thank you Young Master Ye for your support, we will distribute the prizes in the lottery soon! I wish you a happy game!"

With Ye Fusheng's consent, the employee number 9527 took a look at the customer service, and hung up the phone quickly.


It has to be said that Tianming Group's work efficiency is extremely high, almost the moment the communication was hung up, the system bell rang quietly in Ye Fusheng's ear.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting a random lottery reward! After using it, one can be randomly selected from any treasure in Magic Moon Continent and get it!"

"Huh? Is there a chance to get any treasure?"

Seeing the reminder, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, he couldn't help getting excited, and licked his lips.

If there is another treasure of mythical level, it will really sweep the world invincible!
How about killing more bosses to add to the fun?
While fantasizing, Ye Fusheng took advantage of the lottery chance.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining the god-level treasure, Shenxing Lingzhu!"

"Shenxing Lingzhu?"

"It looks like it increases the speed of movement? This is a bit weak!"

Cursing his lips, Ye Fusheng opened his backpack, and immediately saw a shining orb, and with a flick of his hand, the attributes of the orb flew out immediately.

Spiritual Bead of Divine Action (God-level treasure): Divine action is ever-changing, and it can fly thousands of miles!As long as the player has the coordinates, he can break through the space and teleport to the coordinates!Consume 1000 points of blood each time (permanent loss)!Or when the player arrives at a certain place, they can leave punctuation points, and can be teleported to the target place from any place!Consume 100 blood points each time (permanent loss)

"This Divine Movement Spirit Orb directly breaks through space and teleports? What the hell is this called Divine Movement?!"

"This should be called the Spacetime Spirit Orb!"

After reading the attributes of the Shenxing Lingzhu, Ye Fusheng was so shocked that he even spit out a certain word.

too strong!
As long as you know the coordinates, you can break through the space and teleport there. How much time can be saved by this!

Moreover, teleportation, even in battle, has an extremely powerful effect.

Although, the consumption of use is also very strong.

Every time it is used, 1000 blood points will be permanently lost, even Ye Fusheng dare not use it too many times.

If you use it back and forth, I am afraid that Ye Fusheng's blood value will drop back to tens of thousands, thousands of blood in a short while.

Fortunately, if you go back to the coordinates you have already been to, you will only consume 100 blood points, and Ye Fusheng has the improvement of the auspicious fire, which is enough to offset it.

But, even so, Ye Fusheng felt a bit at a loss, his own auspicious fire could allow him to increase his attributes infinitely!
If the Shenxing Lingzhu can be used without consuming qi and blood, then it will be easy to handle!
"Treasure, it seems that it doesn't need to occupy the equipment bar, which is good!"

"With this thing, I want to do the task of developing wings and wings, and it will be much easier!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng directly opened the monster album.

Originally, even if he used the monster atlas to find the monster with wings, he would have to spend time rushing there.

Now, as long as he finds those monsters, finds their information, and knows their coordinates, he can use the Divine Movement Orb to teleport them there instantly!
Perhaps, within a few hours, Ye Fusheng will be able to equip the wings!

It's a pity that the wings that were brushed out earlier are only spiritual level equipment, compared with other equipment on Ye Fusheng's body, they are indeed a bit weaker.

It's better than nothing, it's still a bit improved, at least, it can fly!
Flipping through the monster album, Ye Fusheng looked at a few pages, looked away, and finally found a monster with wings!

(PS: I will also finish writing this book, and I will not let everyone waste subscription money!!!

Thank you for your support of this book over the past few months! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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