Invincible in one touch

Chapter 247 You Can Eat...

Chapter 247 You Can Eat...

Winged Teng Snake (Elite Monster)

Description: Although the tortoise lives long, it still has its own time.Teng Snake rides the mist and turns into ashes in the end.The offspring of the Teng Snake that split into two wings possesses impressive power.It lives in places filled with water mist all the year round.

Coordinates: Shenyin Fog Valley (7822, 9941)

Risk index: ★★★★★★

"Teng snake?"

"It turned out to be an existence in mythology. However, it looks different from the real Teng Snake. It has evolved wings, but it is not a pure-bred Teng Snake after all, and its strength should not be very strong!"

"The six-star danger index should be able to solve them!"

"Besides, with the coordinates, I can teleport there in an instant. It's too bad not to check it out. Even if it's really not the opponent, I can return it. Don't worry at all!"

After touching his nose, Ye Fusheng grinned, very satisfied.

The monster atlas really recorded all kinds of monsters, not only with descriptions, danger index, but also coordinates!
Cooperating with Shenxing Lingzhu, it means that Ye Fusheng can teleport to any kind of monster at any time.

Originally, the task of soaring into the sky required killing 20000 winged monsters. If there was no magic orb, Ye Fusheng would have to run back and forth across the map, constantly waiting for refreshes.

At least it will take several days to complete the task, but, with the Divine Walking Orb, it is completely possible to complete all this within a day, or even a few hours!
"Shenxing Lingzhu, activate!"

Breathing out lightly, Ye Fusheng recited the coordinates silently in his heart, and activated the Divine Walking Orb.


In an instant, colorful rays of light bloomed, reflecting on Ye Fusheng's side.


With a soft sound, the space shattered, and Ye Fusheng's whole body blended into it like a flying feather.

Several seconds passed, and after Ye Fusheng felt down-to-earth, he opened his eyes again, and what caught his eyes was pale white mist and emerald green valleys!
Looking around, the valley is full of lush greenery. Looking up, the sky is covered with white mist, gathering here, dense like flowers.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for discovering the neutral map Shenyin Fog Valley. You will be rewarded with 100 million experience points and 1 extraordinary achievement point!"

"Neutral map?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being surprised: "It's a neutral map, which means that the monsters here are not demons! Hiss... I don't know if they belong to the orcs. It is not counted in the mission! Only the wings can be collected!"

"Forget it, it's not bad to be able to collect wings, at least it won't waste time!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng looked around, but he didn't notice the monster's aura, he pondered for a moment, and summoned the angry flame demon horse.


However, as soon as the Raging Flame Demon Horse was summoned, it was very restless, and kept making chirping sounds, as if it had been frightened by the powerful creature.

" this a high-level mount? Isn't it useless?"

"It's so cowardly before it encounters a monster! If it encounters a snake, wouldn't it just run away?"

"It seems that not only the equipment, skills, and even the mounts have to be updated. Only relying on the sky burial suit is still a bit weak!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng simply took the Raging Flame Demon Horse back.

If he is so cowardly, if he really encounters a monster, the Raging Flame Demon Horse may be scared away directly, and it will be difficult to deal with Ye Fusheng at that time.

However, the abnormality of the angry flame horse also reminded Ye Fusheng.

Before encountering elite monsters of more than 100 levels, the Raging Flame Demon Horse was not afraid, but the monsters encountered this time will definitely be higher in level!

The strength will also be stronger!
Putting away the angry flame horse, Ye Fusheng simply walked, wandering in the Shenyin foggy valley, feeling the fragrance of birds and flowers, and felt his whole being relieved a lot.

Of course, Ye Fusheng's heart was still tense, he knew that there must be a monster hidden here!

He sent it according to the album, if there were no monsters, then Ye Fusheng would be able to complain to the customer service!
Damn, it was agreed that the monster is at this coordinate, why is there no monster?
That is fraudulent consumer rights!
"By the way, before she died, Empress Scarlet Moon seemed to say that she would help me strengthen the strength of Xing Xing. I don't know what Xing Xing has evolved into now!"

While walking, Ye Fusheng suddenly remembered what Empress Feiyue said before she died. She was the former Goddess of War, and she was considered a strong human race. She said that she wanted to make the stars stronger, so there should be no falsehood.

What's more, the stars did enter the state of evolution at that time.

It's just that after going online, Ye Fusheng encountered so many things one after another, and Ye Fusheng forgot.

At this time, taking advantage of the fact that the flying winged snakes hidden in the dark have not yet appeared, Ye Fusheng opened the pet interface to check the attributes of the stars.

The basic attributes and the like have not changed much, and have been slightly improved. It is only the initial stage, and finally it has become the growth stage!

Not only that, the form that the stars originally obtained by absorbing the magic cherry goddess Shenyuan also disappeared at this time, leaving only one form-human beings!
This made Ye Fusheng's heart tremble, as his form disappeared, wouldn't those skills also disappear?

In the phantom cherry form, there are several skills that are extremely helpful to him!

Quickly clicked in and checked carefully, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed.

Not only did those skills not disappear, but they were even strengthened!
What's more, there is only one form of star left, and those skills can be used at the same time. With various combinations, the effect is more than twice as strong as before!
Especially the divine skills, after strengthening, the effect is terrifying to a mess!
Shenyun (mythical level skill): A contract with the player [Floating Life], whenever the player is within 100 yards of the star, every 30 minutes, increase its own blood value by 100 points, mana value by 100 points, and 10 points Strength, 10 points of intelligence, 10 points of agility!Every 3 hours, randomly increase 1 special attribute!
"Hiss... You can raise all attributes once in 30 minutes. If this goes on every day, wouldn't it be against the sky?"

Although the effect of increasing the experience value was cancelled, the new effect made Ye Fusheng cheer and almost jumped up!

Increasing experience is really nothing to Ye Fusheng, the level is not very useful to him, the improvement is not as good as increasing the attribute, low level, high attribute, when killing a powerful BOSS, because of the difference in level, bursting The chances of getting something good will be higher!

"It seems that Xing Xing can no longer stay in the pet space in the future, and must be carried at all times! Even if other girls are jealous, they must be carried!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng summoned the stars without any hesitation.


With a thought, the stars appeared out of thin air and landed beside Ye Fusheng, but the stars that appeared this time had a huge change from before!

She no longer looks like a little loli, her appearance and temperament are much more mature, and even her figure has become bumpy!

Well, she is already a mature girl who can eat... Ahhhhhhh, she can fight now!


"Who is arrogant?!"

However, as soon as the stars appeared, their eyes flickered with cold light, their figure suddenly jumped up, and the light blue starlight burst into bloom, attacking the sky with a bang!
(End of this chapter)

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