Invincible in one touch

Chapter 248 Execution effect, terror exists!

Chapter 248 Execution effect, terror exists!
"Who is arrogant?!"

The roar of anger was like a thunderclap, it exploded, and the sound waves swept across, and the surrounding fog was scattered a little.

This surprised Ye Fusheng, he raised his head and looked in the direction where the stars were rushing, and suddenly found that a huge monster emerged from the white mist!

The monster was several feet in size, hidden in the mist, its shape could not be seen clearly, only a pair of huge wings and a body several feet long could be vaguely seen.

"Flying winged snake!"

"Grass... almost forgot, they have wings and can fly! They must be hidden in the air!"

"In this case, the bow of doom and judgment must be used!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng decisively switched weapons, and the skill bar changed accordingly, shining brightly.

At the same time, the star has rushed to the air 30 yards above the ground, and the long sword in his hand is shining with starlight, as if breaking through the space, piercing through the fog, revealing the flying winged snake hidden in it!
The next moment, the long sword shone with starlight, and suddenly pierced into the body of the flying winged snake!


There was a roar, and the flying winged snake seemed to be hurt in extreme pain. Its wings vibrated, and a gust of wind burst out, blowing the stars back.

However, the fog had been broken, and the flying winged snake could no longer hide. With the blooming of Ye Fusheng's Eye of Truth skill, a row of data was clearly listed in front of him.

Winged Teng Snake (Elite Monster·Excellence)
Rating: 140
Blood value: 180000
Attack: 14000
Defense: 10000
Swallow Clouds: Can devour clouds, recover 10% of your own HP, and cast a BUFF for yourself that lasts for 60 seconds, immune to 60% of physical damage

Breathing mist: You can breathe out mist, hide your own breath, and add 300% damage to the next attack, with a knockback effect
Skill: Wing Shock Kill (flap the wings, sweep the wind, and cause strong damage to the front)
Hate the Thunder (summons a thunder that contains magic, causing 500% damage to surrounding targets)
Death Coil (Use your own strong body to entangle the enemy, causing high damage to the target, and causing it to fall into a fractured state, unable to move, and lose 1000 blood points per second)
Terror Shock (???)
? ? ? (???)
Description: A brand-new group derived from the Teng Snake has the body of the Teng Snake. Although it is not as strong and powerful, it has a pair of wings and can fly more freely in the sky.
Weakness: seven inches


"Sure enough, it's a snake! The weak point is seven inches!"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng didn't care about the attributes of the flying winged snake.

It seems that the attributes are quite strong, and there are many skills, but except for the two special skills of swallowing clouds and fog, to Ye Fusheng, they are all useless.

First of all, the flying winged snake is far away from him, those skills can hardly touch him, if the flying winged snake falls down on its own initiative, then I'm sorry, Ye Fusheng has a set of backhand skills, the QWER combo explodes, and explodes instantly!
For Ye Fusheng, except for some bosses whose qi and blood value exceeded [-] million, the rest of the monsters, no matter their level, could no longer pose any threat to him.

Unless, there is really a different skill mechanism that can make up for the gap in attributes!
"It's just a fake snake, how dare you act presumptuously here!"

Just when Ye Fusheng was about to make a move, he saw the star beside him fell to the ground, his legs bent, and immediately, like a spring, his whole body leaped up again, rushing out at a faster speed, turning into a divine sword, shining brightly, It pierced through the body of the flying winged snake in an instant.



The sound like thunder kept ringing, and the divine sword shone with brilliance, piercing through the body of the flying winged snake, and directly opened a big hole.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red damage number flew up, directly startling Ye Fusheng, his mouth opened wide, as if he could directly stuff an egg into it! -


"Nearly 22 damage?"

"What's the situation? The attributes of the stars haven't improved much, why is the damage so high?"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help swallowing his saliva, it seems that the Goddess of War didn't lie, she strengthened Xing Xing again, although she didn't realize where the enhancement was.


"Combat reminder: Because the player's pet [Chaos Dancer·Star] casts a skill, the Oath of Meteor, triggers the execution effect, causing 218294 points of damage to the flying winged snake!"

"Huh? Execution effect?"

The system prompt sounded suddenly, Ye Fusheng glanced over, and immediately understood.

It turned out that it wasn't that the attributes of the stars had been improved, it was mainly the horror of the new skills, and then, the execution effect!

"Second kill, instant death... Now there is another execution, the effect is the same, it is equivalent to killing the opponent directly!"

"But, what the hell is this game doing? It's clearly the same effect, why is it so detailed? Could it be that many props will be released in the future, which can be used for different effects?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng had a vague premonition that the development of this game would not make one person easily invincible.

At least, it is impossible to be invincible with one or two pieces of equipment, it must be comprehensive!

Otherwise, no matter how strong the attribute is, if there is an instant death effect on the opposite side, it will be GG!
Maybe you can't even resist, and die directly!

But you can be immune to the instant death effect, but you may not be immune to the instant kill, and now there is another execution, which is really interesting!

Could it be that in the future, I must ensure that every piece of equipment on my body has a special effect in order to be invincible?

While thinking, Ye Fusheng opened the star's skill panel, looking for the skill of the Meteor Oath.

Oath of Meteor (Holy Level Skill——LV1): Incarnate as a meteor, causing 1000% damage to the target, and when the attack hits a weak point, there is a 1% chance to trigger the execution effect, clearing all the target's HP!Cooldown 10 minutes

"1000% damage, and the execution effect of clearing the blood bar, it is really strong!"

"This is the boost that the Goddess of War brings to the stars?"

"There should be other improvements, but it's a pity that you can't see it from the panel, and you can only slowly discover her difference!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng closed the property panel and didn't look at it again. It happened that at this time, the stars were floating in the sky, and they had already landed with the body of the flying winged snake.

"Master, there are many monsters around, do you need me to kill them all?!"

Xing Xing suddenly threw the huge body of the Winged Teng Snake to the ground, making a roaring sound, then stared at Ye Fusheng, and volunteered to kill all the Winged Teng Snakes hiding around.


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help rolling his eyes. After the star was promoted, he felt that his personality had changed a little.

Originally, she was a cute and soft lolita, but looking at it now, she looks like a war madwoman!
However, this is also good, at least it can kill more monsters for Ye Fusheng.

"Okay, but you don't have skills now, it's too difficult to kill them all!"

"Try to attract them all, I will use my skills to get rid of them all at once!"

Nodding slightly, Ye Fusheng agreed.

Well, he doesn't rely on the girl, but he can't refuse the girl's offer, can he?

Ye Fusheng can refuse everything, the only thing he can't refuse is the girl's request!

Of course, as long as it's not asking him to pay something, if the girl pays for him, she will definitely not refuse!

"Yes, master, I will attract all those monsters hiding in the dark!"

With a cold expression, Xing Xing stomped his feet again, and his figure flew into the air, rushing straight into the white mist that filled the sky.


The next moment, there were continuous roaring sounds and strong power fluctuations in the air.

Obviously, Xing Xing was not lazy, and really went to attract those flying winged snakes!
"Tsk tsk, with the attributes of a star, even if the new skill is still on cooldown, it can safely attract those flying winged snakes!"

"Take advantage of this time, let me see how to take off the wings of these monsters!"

After rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng walked up to the corpse of the flying winged snake and began to look it over carefully.

The mission goal of soaring into the sky is not only to kill monsters with wings, but also to put away those wings!

If you want to complete the task, the conditions are indispensable!

However, after walking around the corpse several times, Ye Fusheng couldn't find any special activation method.

"Could it be possible to use the sword directly to separate these wings from the flying winged snake?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth fiercely after thinking about this, and switched weapons instantly, the Sky Zhan Lie Yan released a blazing flame, and the sharp blade swept across the pair of wings of the Flying Winged Snake.


Sure enough, after the pair of wings were scratched by the blade, they immediately fell down, shining with brilliance.

At this time, using the Eye of Truth to check the wings, the attributes also emerged.

Flying Wings and Snake Wings (Fairy-level material): Wings that contain the power of flying, you may be able to find the secret of flying from them
"Very well, it should be right!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Ye Fusheng put the winged snake wings into his backpack, and then opened the task panel to see that the column of task requirements had changed to (1/10000).

"There are changes, and there are still 9999 pairs of wings!"

"Take your time, I hope these flying winged snakes can give me a lot of wings, so I won't have to find other monsters with wings!"

Sighing, Ye Fusheng glanced at the other two data in the mission, and also laughed.

The orc winged monster that needs to be killed also has an improvement!

In other words, these flying winged snakes belong to the orc race!

"Kill another 9999 orc winged monsters, 10000 demon winged monsters, and collect 10000 pairs of wings by the way, and you will be able to unlock the wing equipment!"

"I hope that the number of flying winged snakes here can be more! With the stars in front to absorb damage, I use the skills of the archer series to make up the knife, and the efficiency of spawning monsters should not be bad!"

Just as Ye Fusheng was contemplating, the roaring sound in the air became louder and louder, endless!

A thunderous voice fell, and in an instant, the mist dispersed. Ye Fusheng looked up, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Impressively, hundreds of huge flying winged snakes were crowded together, floating in the air, all with blood-red eyes, swinging their bodies, rushing madly.

At the very front, the stars are shining brightly all over their bodies, waving the divine sword in their hands, and every time they swipe, they can bring out bright starlight, repelling the attack of those flying winged snakes!
However, Ye Fusheng could see that Xing Xing's blood value had dropped to half!
Obviously, it is quite a challenge for Xingxing to attract so many flying winged snakes at once.

"Master, I've already brought them here, do I still need to carry them?"

Xing Xing made a seal with his hands, and suddenly formed a starlight barrier in the air, and his whole body landed beside Ye Fusheng with a "shua", breathing quickly, panting, blushing, and asked aloud.

Hearing the panting sound, and looking at Xing Xing's flushed cheeks again, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but feel a little crooked, and coughed a few times in a hurry.

"Master, do you want me to take action?"

Xing Xing was just a system NPC, and didn't know Ye Fusheng's thoughts, so he asked again.

"No, next, it's time for you to see, your master, my strength!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng was noncommittal, and let Xing Xing step aside.

Well, the stars showed so much this time, if Ye Fusheng couldn't do it once, the stars might run away!
Furthermore, Xing Xing finally managed to attract so many monsters at one time. If Ye Fusheng killed them slowly, the hatred would likely be lost. Once those monsters left the battle, it would be difficult to attract them again!

Besides, with so many monsters gathered together, many of Ye Fusheng's skills can exert the strongest effect, so why not do it?

Switch weapons again, start with the bow of doom and judgment, Ye Fusheng draws the bow and nocks the arrow, and releases the starburst flurry of dance skills!


Brilliant starlight continuously gathers and is contained in the bow and arrow. The next moment, after the bowstring is pulled away, the dense and thick starlight that almost becomes a substance suddenly turns into thousands, or even tens of thousands of meteors. , containing terrifying power, whizzed past the defensive formation laid down by the stars, and slammed into those flying winged snakes.

It was as if a mountain torrent exploded, or a landslide, as if the whole world was about to collapse. Horror power kept rippling out, and those flying winged snakes were blasted through by starlight one after another, exploded, and turned into fly ash.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the flying winged snake and getting a reward..."


All of a sudden, various system notifications kept ringing, Ye Fusheng's experience value skyrocketed, the looting technique was triggered one after another, and his own attributes, including special attributes, were all increasing.

However, before Ye Fusheng could be overjoyed, a terrifying force suddenly erupted from the white mist, absorbing all the energy dissipated by the dead flying winged snake and forming a huge monster. Black sphere!


Immediately afterwards, surging coercion fell, like a mountain, pressing on the hearts of Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing.

It seems that there is a terrible power coming!
(PS: Many authors will have a day off tomorrow, you know the specific reasons, everyone said, should I also take a day off???
If you rest, the 6th update will definitely make up! ! !

If you don't take a break, brothers shout out in the comment area, I will update as soon as possible! ! !
Well, you can't be a deserter, but you have to work for everyone's welfare! ! !
I read your comments, and then make a specific update! ! ! )

(End of this chapter)

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