Invincible in one touch

Chapter 249 Legendary Boss, Instant Kill! ?

Chapter 249 Legendary Boss, Instant Kill! ?
The coercion was surging, like an abyss like a sea, like a big mountain, oppressing Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing.

Even though Xing Xing was just a pet, his face was serious at this moment.

"Hiss... can there be a BOSS here?"

"Isn't it because I killed too many flying winged snakes at once to get out all the bosses?"

Swallowing, Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, released the Eye of Truth skill, and looked at the huge figure floating in the depths of the clouds.

It was a huge Teng Snake, but its wings were filled with several colors, which looked very strange.

Even though it was hidden in the mist, its eyes were shining with blood-red light, making one feel like falling into an ice cellar, with chills all over the body!

Obviously, the strength of that monster is very strong!

At the very least, it is not weaker than the legendary boss that Ye Fusheng met last time!

No way, who told Ye Fusheng to have a skill just now, let alone kill hundreds of flying winged snakes, causing their group to lose too much, and then also attracted the final boss!
However, the monsters in the game are designed for players to kill.

Not only did Ye Fusheng not feel ashamed, but he became excited. If he also kills this flying winged snake, will he get better wing equipment?

Among other things, just the pair of colorful flying wings made Ye Fusheng's eyes very greedy.

If he can equip that kind of wings and wear them out, it must be very cool!
It is estimated that many female players will be attracted to him!
Hmm... Although with his current influence, even if he doesn't have that pair of wings, there are still many girls who are attracted to him...

The Eye of Truth skill was released, and soon, neatly arranged data floated into Ye Fusheng's eyes.

The attributes of the flying winged snake boss appeared!
There is no surprise, the attribute is extremely powerful, even Ye Fusheng has seen the legendary boss before, and he was stunned for a moment.

If it wasn't for the possibility that he could trigger instant death, I'm afraid he would turn around and leave!

Magic Winged Snake Carozo (Legendary Boss)

Rating: 145
Blood value: 370000000
Attack: 33000
Defense: 30000
Swallow Clouds: Can devour clouds, recover 20% of your own HP, and cast a BUFF for yourself that lasts for 100 seconds, immune to 90% of physical damage

Breathing mist: You can breathe out mist, hide your own breath, and add 600% damage to the next attack, with a knockback effect
Ancestor of all poisons: Immune to any poison below LV5

Skill: Wing Shock Kill (flap the wings, sweep the wind, and cause strong damage to the front)
Hate the Thunder (summons a thunder that contains magic, causing 1000% damage to surrounding targets)
Demon Entanglement (Use your own strong body to entangle the enemy, causing high damage to the target, and causing it to fall into a fractured state, unable to move, and lose 3000 blood points per second)
Dazihua method (divide the body into three, and attack the enemy at the same time, each body can cause 500% damage to the target, and add a layer of mark, when the skill ends, detonate the mark, each layer of mark Deals 1000% damage)
? ? ? (???)
? ? ? (???)
Description: The king of the winged snake family has maintained the survival of the group for thousands of years, and will only appear when the group is in crisis

Weakness: seven inches


After reading the attribute, Ye Fusheng couldn't help gasping, this attribute is really stronger.

The two stunts of swallowing clouds and spitting fog have been fully strengthened, not only has 20% recovery of blood value, but also has 90% damage reduction.

That also means that when the Snake King Carroso has a BUFF on him, hitting it will hardly cause any damage. It is better not to do it first, keep the CD, and wait until the state is over before killing it.

After all, such a powerful stunt must have a long cooling time.

Otherwise, Ye Fusheng is really going to report cheating!

The fog-breathing stunt is equivalent to an assassin. When it hides its figure, the first strike when it reveals its figure will cause additional damage.

There is also a new stunt, the ancestor of all poisons, which can be immune to any poison damage below LV5!
This stunt, indirectness, proved a point to Ye Fusheng.

That is, any state, any stunt, has the possibility of being immune.

Now that there is a stunt of immunity to toxins, in the future, there will definitely be bosses with special effects such as immunity to instant death and immunity to instant kills!

"It seems that we should use the sky burial set before the BOSS that is immune to instant death comes out, kill more bosses, and then explode some new equipment, otherwise the BOSS, the sky burial suit, will be outdated !"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng couldn't help sighing, but he wasn't too disappointed, after all, he knew a long time ago that a set of equipment cannot be used for a long time for him, and he can be invincible in the game!

It would be fine if Kaluo Zuo only had these three special skills, the normal skills would be strengthened, and there would be an additional skill called the Great Self-Chemical Technique, which could be cloned and cause multiple damages, and the damage factor was terrifyingly strong. Tens of thousands of coefficients!
Carozo's attack power is high, and Ye Fusheng will definitely not be able to handle the tens of thousands of skill damage coefficients, even if he is full of blood, he will die!
Unless, he also turned on the stunt.

However, there was no real fight, and Ye Fusheng was not sure how to release the skill, and whether he could activate the special ability, he was also not sure, it is better to be careful.

Coupled with the three mysterious hidden characteristics, Ye Fusheng dares to be sure that this boss, even if it is placed among the legendary bosses, is still a strong one, even if a few skills are weak.

But three stunts, plus skills with a high damage coefficient, are enough to make up for everything.


Just as Ye Fusheng was looking at the king of snakes in the air, Kaluozuo, Kaluozuo seemed to have lost his patience, and with a roar, he summoned several purple thunderbolts, blasting through the air, towards Ye Fusheng and the stars. The person's head was smashed down.



The thunder came at an extremely fast speed, even Ye Fusheng didn't react, he was struck by the thunder instantly, and suddenly felt his whole body stiffen.

On the head, a damage figure as high as 13 floated out!

"Grass... With such high damage, it really can't handle its skills!"

Being struck by the thunder suddenly, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt numb all over his body, as if his moving speed was much slower, and there was lightning flashing on his body.

Obviously, Ye Fusheng has already received a special mark on his body, and the next attack that is coming will definitely cause more damage to him!
As for Xing Xing, after being slashed, her blood bar was almost emptied, and she sat down on the ground, but, for some reason, there was a strange light flickering in her eyes.

A red radiance, a silver radiance, and a golden radiance, the three colors add radiance to each other, intertwined, and constantly rotate.

Xing Xing himself sat stiffly on the spot, unable to move, and didn't know what happened.

Ye Fusheng was about to die at this time, he didn't care about the stars at all, let her set the setting of using skills and BUFF after free action, immediately jumped up, summoned the angry flame horse, stretched his bow and set an arrow, and pointed towards the sky in the air. Huge Teng Snake, Carlozo shoots it!

These few arrows were just ordinary attacks, and they didn't bring out any splendid offensive, but their speed was not slow. They rushed into the mist one after another, bursting violently, completely breaking up the mist.

When all the fog cleared, the figure of Carlozo came into everyone's eyes completely!
Although its shape is the same as the previous flying winged snake, it is more than ten times larger. When the wings vibrate, it is overwhelming, and the strong wind that blows out seems to be able to blow people away!

A variety of colors alternately flow on the wings, which looks quite strange and has a sense of beauty.

In the eyes, bloody radiance flickered, staring at Ye Fusheng closely, like a cobra looking at its prey!
"Humans, damn it!"

As if aware of Ye Fusheng's idea, Ka Luozuo opened his mouth slightly and let out a human voice, roaring endlessly: "The poisonous dragon will bury the sky!"


The deafening roar fell, and Ka Luozuo flapped his wings, his huge figure swooped down, and opened his mouth to spit out a giant dragon that was completely condensed with poisonous gas, roaring endlessly, and attacked and killed Ye Fusheng.

Not only that, but its speed was even faster, before the poisonous dragon even reached Ye Fusheng, it had already landed, and the terrifying strong wind blew Ye Fusheng away in an instant.


A loud voice sounded, Ye Fusheng couldn't stop Ka Luozuo's attack at all, he was directly hit to the ground, and a blood red damage number appeared again! -

Ye Fusheng glanced at the battle reminder, his face was suddenly embarrassed, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

Just a normal attack can cause nearly 10 damage to him. If the poisonous dragon falls on him, wouldn't he be sure to die?
With this in mind, Ye Fusheng raised his head and saw that the poisonous dragon was ferocious, bursting out a purple-black mist, like a ferocious giant beast, he didn't dare to keep his hand anymore, and decisively activated his special skill - as firm as a rock!
Not only rock-solid stunts, unyielding will and other stunts are all activated!
Ye Fusheng understands that only by killing Carlozo in a short period of time can he be safe. If he still wants to preserve his strength at this time, he is courting death!

By pretending to be a pig, not only can you eat a tiger, but you can also become a real pig!

The golden light shone, and when Ye Fusheng activated all the special skills and passive skills, all kinds of brilliance bloomed on his body, looking like a fairy coming to the mortal world!
However, the poisonous dragon would not back down, and with astonishing power, it bombarded Ye Fusheng again, and a terrifying wave erupted, blowing Ye Fusheng away again.

At the same time, Ye Fusheng turned green all over, and the blood value of -1-1-1 was continuously adjusted from his head.

Obviously, Dulong Zangtian not only has a high output, but also can make people enter a poisoned state. If he hadn't activated his special skills, he would be immune to most of the damage. I am afraid that the blood deduction effect of poisoning alone would make Ye Fusheng dizzy. big.

"There are a lot of tricks, let's fix you first, and let's talk about it later!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng turned over and jumped up, regardless of being injured, his soul locked on Carlozo, and the star judgment skill was released.


I saw bright stars blooming, as if they were feathers, falling one after another, constantly falling beside Carlozo, and falling down, with a burst of "stabbling" sound.

However, there was no real damage, even Carlozo was stunned, and immediately stopped defending, opened his bloody mouth, and attacked Ye Fusheng.

But, Ye Fusheng was waiting for this time!
Teng snake is also a snake, when the snake is about to attack, it will expose seven inches!

Teng Snake's weakness is also Qicun, once it is hit by a powerful skill, there will definitely be surprises!

Qixing Lianzhu skill activated!

The endless power of the stars gathered, condensed on the bow of doom and judgment, and turned into a huge feathered arrow, which bloomed brightly and dazzled the eye!


The next moment, the bowstring vibrated, and seven feathered arrows that were completely transformed by the power of the stars seemed to break through time and space, and almost did not give the king of snakes, Carlozo, any chance to react. The seven feathered arrows were shot at On the huge body of the Teng Snake King, and penetrate it!
The power of the stars contained a burst of terrifying power, which instantly knocked the body of the king of snakes, Ka Luozuo, back hundreds of feet away!

Seven damage numbers in a row kept popping up, shocking people's hearts!


Every damage was stronger than before, and the burst of power pushed Carlozo back several feet.

Moreover, under the skill mechanism, every time an arrow hits, Carlozo will be fixed in place, unable to resist or dodge, and can only watch the attacks fall on him one after another!
After shooting all seven arrows, Carlozo's blood value plummeted by nearly 300 million, which sounds like a lot, but even his blood bar didn't change much!

It is true that Carroso has a total of more than 3 million blood points, and a loss of 300 million is really nothing!
However, the final control effect of the Seven Stars Lianju made Carlozo freeze in place again.

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, he quickly switched weapons, released his punching and slashing skills, instantly tore apart the space and came to Carlo Zuo's body, swung his two swords, and continuously slashed at Carlozo's body.

While weakening Carlozo's blood value, Ye Fusheng became short of breath. He wanted to fight, once the instant death effect was triggered, then this powerful boss would become his experience and equipment!
On the contrary, if Kaluozo couldn't kill him in a second before releasing the lore, then the one who died would be Ye Fusheng!

Previously, it was only normal attacks and small skills that could knock out about 10 of his blood points. Once the big move was triggered, it would probably kill hundreds of thousands of his blood in seconds!
At that time, once the skill is released, no one can save him!

Jesus has come, and he cannot be left behind!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the toughness +5 attribute!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, and getting attribute flying +3!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining HP +10!"


With the uninterrupted attack of the two swords, I didn't see how much its blood value was weakened. Instead, Ye Fusheng triggered the looting technique one after another, frantically brushing attributes.

However, those attributes are already very weak to Ye Fusheng's attraction, not as good as triggering the instant death effect!

"Heaven, earth, hurry up and die when you trigger it!"

"If it triggers death, I will immediately burn a beautiful woman to all the immortals in the sky!"

Boringly swinging the blade, Ye Fusheng said casually in his heart.


Suddenly, an unusual system prompt sounded suddenly!
(PS: The update is sent today, and the new book will start to be updated tomorrow. If no one reads it, the new book will not be written. Write the old book with peace of mind, and the update speed of the old book will be accelerated!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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