Invincible in one touch

Chapter 250 The real looting technique!girl?

Chapter 250 The real looting technique!girl?

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the kiss BUFF of the goddess of luck, all skills have been upgraded to the full level! The duration is 30 minutes!"

The system prompt dropped suddenly, Ye Fusheng was slightly taken aback, and immediately a warm current flowed through his whole body, full of a sense of strength!
Countless terrifying forces escaped, and in an instant, Ka Luozuo's body trembled for a moment, even in the frozen state, he opened his eyes and stared at Ye Fusheng in fear.

At this moment, in its eyes, Ye Fusheng is like a Shura god, full of evil spirits all over his body!

Not only was it strange, but Ye Fusheng was also stunned, with a confused look on his face, his skills had been upgraded to the full level, why did he have such a sense of full strength?

Could it be that while improving his skills, his attributes were also improved?
But, there are only two passive skills that can definitely buff attributes, and they shouldn't have such a big improvement!
Surprised, Ye Fusheng directly opened the attribute panel, and he was shocked when he saw it!
His blood value skyrocketed to 100 million, and his attack power and defense power both exceeded [-], which was even more terrifying than Carlozo!
"Hahaha, with this BUFF, even if I don't trigger the instant kill, I can take the damage and kill this boss alive!"

After being astonished, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed. Since it was a buff given to him by the game, it was not cheating, and it was not for nothing!
Ever since, Ye Fusheng, who was laughing wildly, kept attacking unabated, swung his two swords, and slashed at Carlozo one after another.

It seems that the looting technique has also been upgraded to the full level, the trigger rate is higher than that, two attacks, both triggers!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the mythical looting technique, successfully robbing 1000 blood points, which is permanently valid! Also, Carlozo loses 1000 blood points, which is permanently valid!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the mythical-level plundering technique, successfully snatching the fairy-level skill Dazihuafa, and automatically upgrading to level 5, which is permanently valid! And, Carlozo will permanently lose the Dazihuafa skill!"


After two reminders came down in succession, Ye Fusheng was completely shocked.

It's fine with a high probability, what the hell, just snatch a fairy-level skill?
Well, these are all okay, after all, Ye Fusheng has experienced it before.

Fairy-level skills are not very powerful, he has several of them himself, and one more is nothing.

What really surprised Ye Fusheng was that the skill of looting finally changed!
In the past, the looting technique allowed Ye Fusheng to rob other monsters, NPC skills or attributes, but after robbing, others still have them!
Moreover, the skill level has to be practiced again, which is not like snatching, but more like stealing, and it is not even counted as copying.

But this time, it really has a predatory demeanor!
Not only can the skill level and everything be plundered, but the target can also permanently lose their skills and attributes. This is the real plunder!
"It seems that only by upgrading to the full level and the plundering technique to the full level, can you truly display the strength of this profession?"

"The chances of permanent growth of various attributes are even higher. Then after I reach the full level, wouldn't I be able to brush up tens of thousands of attributes in minutes? Get a bunch of full-level skills?"

"If you give me another fusion skill and the ability to improve the effect, it will definitely be invincible in the world!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng became so excited that he no longer attacked Carlozo.

After three seconds.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and after Ka Luozuo was able to control his body, he quickly backed away, distanced himself from Ye Fusheng, and stared at Ye Fusheng in fear.

He could feel that at the moment Ye Fusheng attacked him, something was missing in his body, it seemed that even his memory was lost.

However, no matter how hard it racked its brains, it couldn't figure out what was missing!
If Ye Fusheng knew this, he would definitely be even more excited. It turned out that the looting technique can not only snatch other people's skills, but also erase everything about that skill from other people's memory!

In this way, the possibility of the target being able to learn the skill again is avoided!
It can be said that this is a real robbery, leaving no chance of a comeback for the other party!

"Damn it, you dare to come to my Teng Snake Clan's place to be presumptuous, I must teach you a lesson today!"

Shaking his head violently, Carlozo didn't know what he had lost, so he had to aim at Ye Fusheng again.

After all, it is also the king of the party, even if it knows that Ye Fusheng is powerful, when there is an enemy in his family, it is impossible to back down, grinning, staring at Ye Fusheng, and roaring angrily.

This roar awakened Ye Fusheng immediately, he grinned and didn't answer, relying on his own attributes to reach a very high level under the increase of various passive skills, without any fear, he released the charge instantly, the whole person was like a thunderbolt, suddenly He rushed to Carlozo and stunned him in place again.


The next moment, the two swords shone coldly and fell continuously, slashing on Carlozo's body, causing terrifying damage to him!

With an attack power of nearly 10, even if Carlozo is a legendary boss, he was dealt more than 70 damage!

This is still a normal attack. If the skill is released, the attribute will be enhanced, coupled with the extremely high damage coefficient increase, perhaps, it can hit hundreds or tens of millions of output at one time!
Even if Carlozo has hundreds of millions of blood, he cannot take it lightly in the face of that kind of injury!
Fortunately, the improvement of the skill only strengthened the damage of the charge, and did not increase the stun time. As soon as the state was over, Ka Luozuo burst out with surging magic energy, which turned into a halo, and immediately sent Ye Fusheng flying.

However, Carlozo's face was ferocious, his body was in severe pain, and he could no longer withstand Ye Fusheng's attack power!

Turning his eyeballs, Carroso actually turned his gaze to Xing Xing who was stunned by it before and sat on the ground!

After all, at this time, Ye Fusheng's momentum and the damage he caused to it were extremely terrifying, making it feel fear.

Not only people, even monsters have a bullying side, so why would they continue to be tough with Ye Fu?

It can see that Xing Xing and Ye Fusheng have a lot to do with each other, if they can catch Xing Xing, maybe Ye Fusheng will catch him without a fight!No matter how bad it is, it can escape from birth!

Well, it is a monster after all, I don’t know it’s a game, so I can’t tell that Xing Xing is Ye Fusheng’s pet. In its thinking, everyone has only one life, and Ye Fusheng will not give up such a beautiful creature just to kill it. A girl!
If Ye Fusheng knew what Carlozo was thinking, he would definitely be stunned!
A high-level boss really knows how to deal with the world!
It's a pity that the star is just a pet, it can be resurrected no matter how many times it dies, it's useless to target the star...


Roaring, Carlozo, who didn't know about those, raised his head and spewed out a purple-black flame, which turned into a pentagram array, spinning, and flew towards Ye Fusheng at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, Carlozo flapped his wings, and his surging body was like a hill, crashing straight into the stars.

It has a ferocious face and shortness of breath, but its mood is excited. It seems to have seen the scene where it caught the star and threatened Ye Fusheng to leave!

Not far away, Ye Fusheng released his skill sword swing for nine days, thundering sword energy bloomed, smashing the real offensive of the purple-black pentagram, at the same time, he casually glanced at it, and couldn't help laughing.

After all, Xing Xing is also a holy boss, and coupled with the strengthening of the female God of War, she is in that state now, and there must be an accident.

It's fine if he doesn't want to leave her, and he takes the initiative to attack, so is Carlozo sure he's not courting death?

Or, after its skills were robbed, it lost its memory, and even its brain?

Just as Ye Fusheng was complaining in his heart, Carlozo had already approached the star.

However, before Carlozo stretched out his sharp claws and grabbed the face of Xing Xing, a loud dragon roar suddenly sounded.


The next moment, the silver-white starlight flickered, and the power of countless stars frantically gathered, turning into a sword energy, soaring into the sky, and instantly piercing through Carlozo's body!


The screams sounded suddenly, Carlozo trembled and froze in place.

Looking down, I saw the stars who were originally confused, their eyes were shining with starlight, and their eyes were piercing, where was the color of confusion?

Not only that, Xing Xing let out a soft drink, jumped up suddenly, waved his hands casually, as if his whole body became a sword blade, a blade exuding the power of moonlight and stars, and passed by Carlo in an instant. Zuo's arm.


A crisp sound sounded, and when the star passed by Carlozo's arm, there was only a flash of white light, and Carlozo's huge arm had been cut off and fell towards the ground.


The purple blood gushes out, like spring water, so intense that it can't be stopped.

At this time, the pain was like a tide, constantly hitting Carlozo's mind, even if he was shocked, a heart-piercing scream came out of his mouth.

The strong sound wave is like a dragon, constantly exploding, even the space around the space is shattered, and the white mist in the sky is constantly exploding.

It can be seen that Carroso's injury is serious and the pain is deep!

"Damn you bastards, one day, I will kill you!"

Amidst the roar, Carozo glared fiercely at Ye Fusheng, and Xing Xing, whose figure turned into a sword blade, didn't even dare to pick up the broken arm. The colorful wings behind him waved and ran away quickly.


It seemed that he really felt the crisis of his life. Carlozo fled extremely fast. Before Ye Fusheng had time to react, he shot him and left him behind. There was no trace of him.

"Fuck...that's it?"

"This is the legendary boss? It runs faster than a rabbit!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng was stunned, and felt even more regretful in his heart.

That is a legendary boss. Once you can kill it, you will definitely get many rewards.

However, this is its lair, so there is no rush to kill it now!

Kill the rest of the Winged Teng Snake first, and then kill it, maybe, before killing it, you can get some quests!
When the time comes to kill Carlozo, not only will there be system rewards, but also task rewards, and by the way, the favorability of the person who sent the task. Why not do this kind of thing?

Well, to maximize the benefits!

Based on this idea, Ye Fusheng didn't care that Carlozo ran away, what he was really curious about at this moment was the change of the stars!
After slashing that sword again, Xing Xing froze in place, his eyes closed tightly, and there seemed to be a strange force circulating in his body!
Slowly approaching the stars, she could vaguely feel surging sword energy continuously blooming from her body, besides this, there was also a holy sword intent!


"System prompt: Since the player's pet [Chaos Dancer·Star] is stimulated and perfectly integrated with the heart of God of War, it will be advanced again! The time of this advanced step is unknown. After success, more skills can be activated, and the attributes will be increased more !"

"Tsk, it's advanced again!"

"This is good luck. I doubt who is the protagonist!"

"If this is a real person, then it's a proper heroine script..."

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing when he saw the system prompt.

Whether it is advanced, after the advanced is over, not only the attribute can be increased, but also more skills can be opened, this is Ye Fusheng's strength improvement!
Perhaps, in the future, Ye Fusheng doesn't need to do anything himself, and can directly let Xing Xing take action to solve many bosses!
Well, there is something to be done by Xing Xing, it’s okay... Everyone understands, you can’t say it, it won’t work if you say it!
While smiling, Ye Fusheng directly put away the stars, anyway, now he has various passive skill bonuses and powerful attributes, so he is not afraid of those flying winged snakes at all.

As for hiding them?

Is it funny?

With the Eye of Truth upgraded to full level, Ye Fusheng can see through everything at a glance, including holy pets like stars, who can see through easily and see everything through equipment, let alone those monsters hidden in the mist?

There is no need for perspective, Ye Fusheng is like a radar, he can easily scan them out!

Coupled with the power of the Bow of Doom and Judgment, Ye Fusheng can easily deal with the flying winged snakes. The only difficulty is that it takes some time to cut off their wings, and it takes up too much space to put them in the backpack It is also quite troublesome.

Thanks to Ye Fusheng's chance and powerful backpack, if he was an ordinary player, he might not be able to continue with a few pairs of wings, let alone complete this task!


Ever since, when Ye Fusheng continued to draw his bow and arrows to shoot and kill the flying winged snakes hidden in the mist, his experience was also increasing, and there were more items in his backpack one after another.

In about ten minutes, more than 700 flying winged snakes died tragically under Ye Fusheng's arrows in a near-insta-kill situation. , the surrounding area is also filled with fog, and it is difficult to see clearly without using the Eye of Truth.

What made Ye Fusheng even more surprised was that there were no longer mountains and clearings around, but instead, many emerald green trees appeared, turning into a forest!
However, Ye Fusheng didn't think too much about it, he continued to kill the flying winged snakes and cleared the quests.


A few minutes later, a girl's exclamation suddenly sounded, reaching Ye Fusheng's ears.


"What's the situation? How can there be a girl here?!"

Suddenly hearing a clear and pleasant female voice, Ye Fusheng was taken aback for a moment, and quickly cast his Eye of Truth to look in the direction where the voice came from.

However, Ye Fusheng forgot that the Eye of Truth at this time has the effect of perspective!
When he glanced over, his body with icy muscles, jade bones, and no sweat immediately came into view!

Nosebleed, spray!
(PS: Today’s update is here!!! The storyline of the mission of ruling a hundred clans has begun, and next, there will be wars between dozens of ethnic groups. Tsk, I dare say, you will definitely not guess what Ye Fusheng will do. What happened!)

(End of this chapter)

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