Invincible in one touch

Chapter 251 Your Royal Highness!Serial plot missions!

Chapter 251 Your Royal Highness!Serial plot missions!
Nosebleed sprayed, and after all the icy muscles and bones came into view, Ye Fusheng remembered that he still had the eye of truth skill activated!
Under the perspective effect, the clothes on a girl's body seemed to be transparent, allowing Ye Fusheng to see clearly!
Whether it's jade legs, pink hands, or tall and straight peaks, it's as clear as a Blu-ray 9999P video!
At the same time, a row of panels also floated out from the girl—obviously, the girl was an NPC.

At this moment, there is no one other than NPCs who can appear in this place.

After all, the other players are low-level, and I am afraid they will be sent back to their happy hometown by monsters before they come to Shenyin Fog Valley.

Spirit Moon Liana (Elite NPC)

Rating: 130
Blood value: 36000
Attack: 16000
Defense: 7000
Body of the Spirit Moon: Under the moonlight, all attributes of oneself increase by 70%
Guardian of the Spirit Moon: Under the moonlight, any attack you receive will reduce the attack power by 50%
Storm of the Spirit Moon: Under the moonlight, the critical strike rate of oneself increases by 30%, and the damage caused to the target increases by 50%

Description: A girl of the Moon Elf clan, seems to contain extremely strong power in her body

Weaknesses: Fear of the dark, fear of loneliness

"A girl from the elves, with a total of seven skills, is still an elite NPC, and she doesn't look weak!"

"What's more, she actually has the previous title! Generally speaking, the NPC who can have the title is either the boss or the main character! Could it be that she is still the main character in the Moon Elf Clan?"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng became excited when he saw Lianna's attributes and name.

This girl is definitely an important person in the Moon Elf clan. Once you meet her, it means that you can start a new mission!

That's a new ethnic group, maybe, after the task is completed, not only will he be given a divine costume, but he will also be given many elf girls!

In memory, no matter what games or novels, the beauties of the elves are very beautiful and have a good figure. They are rare treasures!


Ear-piercing exclamations kept ringing out, and just as Ye Fusheng was imagining countless missions sent to him by the Moon Elf Clan, the little elf Clan girl kept backing away.

Not far away, two huge flying winged snakes rushed towards them. They screamed and brought bursts of sound waves. Between the flapping of their wings, there was a sharp sword-like power, and they attacked and killed Lianna fiercely!

"Grass... If this girl dies, the mission will be gone!"

At this moment, Ye Fusheng's eyes turned cold, and he finally came to his senses. He drew his bow and set his arrows, and released his starburst flurry of dance skills.


The next moment, countless arrows raining with the power of the stars burst out, pouring out like a flood, blasting the wings one after another with strong wind and strong sound waves, and then blasted at the two flying wings with lightning speed. Teng snake body!

The terrifying power burst out, even though many attacks were canceled out by the double power, the two flying winged snakes still couldn't block the skill of Starburst Flurry, only -192849 kept floating out of their heads! -281231!The damage comes.

After all, they are not BOSS, and they can't sustain the consumption of that kind of blood value at all. After a few breaths, they "bang" and fell to the ground, turning into Ye Fusheng's experience, as well as gold coins and equipment all over the floor.

Of course, there is also a pair of wings!

It's just that, after Ye Fusheng killed the flying winged snake this time, he didn't go forward to pack up the equipment, nor did he harvest the wings. Instead, his expression changed, and he hurriedly ran to Lianna, showing gentleness and warmth, like a spring breeze smile.

"Little girl, are you alright?"

"Don't worry, the monster has been killed by me!"

Ye Fusheng, who had already predicted that Liana would bring him countless tasks and benefits, could be said to have shown his best side, and his voice was extremely gentle.

If other girls hear it, they will definitely be envious.

Especially the two daughters Qian Shanxue and Liu Yue, what the hell, if my mother talks to this bastard, it would be good if she doesn't get pissed off. Why did you feel his tenderness when you met the little girl for the first time?
Of course, those women wouldn't know this either.

Well, Lianna was also deceived by Ye Fusheng's disguise. She was terrified when she saw another person appearing suddenly. She wanted to run away, but when she heard the voice, she froze.

Looking up, when she saw Ye Fusheng's handsome face, her heart jumped up.


"System prompt: Since the player's charm value is as high as 9999+, the alien girl Liana's favorability towards the player has increased by 30!"

"System prompt: Since Liana's favorability with the player has reached 80, the preconditions for starting the mission have been successfully met! Please talk to the player and start the corresponding mission!"

The system notification sound suddenly fell, Ye Fusheng's expression remained unchanged, but he laughed in his heart. Sure enough, as he expected, Lianna was able to bring him a task.

However, what Ye Fusheng didn't expect was that there are actually several missions, and it depends on his own choice to open the corresponding missions.

This made Ye Fusheng quite depressed.

He is not a child anymore, how can he choose?

As long as it is a task, he wants it all!
"Thank you big brother for helping me..."

Just when Ye Fusheng was feeling helpless and depressed, Liana had already reacted, put her legs away, and acted extremely ladylike, her face was reddish, and she whispered: "Big brother, I sprained my ankle, can you help me collect it?" Some herbs?"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the quest [Looking for the Leaf Clover]. The objective of the task: to find the Leaf Clover and help Lianna recover from her foot injury. The reward for the task: rich experience rewards!"

"System prompt: Please choose whether to accept the mission. If you reject the mission, other missions may be opened! Or, the player can change this mission according to the follow-up actions!"

"Help you gather herbs?"

Ye Fusheng was taken aback for a moment, what the hell, labor and management have worked so hard, you just trigger a mission to find herbs for me?
However, looking at the system prompts later, it seems that this task can be changed!
So, what can be done to change this task?

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng's thoughts turned sharply, and he smiled suddenly: "Little sister, you are injured now, you can't move, and you don't have the strength to resist. What if monsters appear again when I gather herbs for you?"


Hearing this, Lianna was stunned and couldn't help but freeze in place.

"Little sister, you are so cute. I can't bear to see you in other dangers. If you have been eaten by the flying winged snake when I come back, I will be very sad!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng sensed the fear in Liana's heart, and said quickly: "After all, you are so beautiful, there must be many winged snakes trying to eat you!"

The more she talked, Liana's face became paler and paler. After all, she was still a girl, and if converted to a human being, she was only 7 or 8 years old. Now that Ye Fusheng was so frightened, can she not feel afraid?

If other people know what Ye Fusheng did, they will definitely cast aside it!

Bah, it's really shameless to bully a little girl!
"Then... big brother, what should we do next?"

In fear, Lianna couldn't help getting closer to Ye Fusheng, holding his sleeves with both hands, her whole face was pitiful, and with the tear stains on her cheeks, the pear blossoms were covered with rain, which was quite touching.

Even if Ye Fusheng had seen countless beauties and slept with many beautiful girls, when he saw Lianna's expression, he couldn't help being stunned.

【Pooh!Bastard, this little girl looks like she's in her teens, how can you think like that? 】

【No, it's not her body that I'm greedy for!It's not her Nako either!It's a task! 】

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng smiled like a big bad wolf again, and said in a low voice: "I don't know, but I am happy to protect you, little sister!"

"Then big brother, can you escort me back home?"

"My mother knows healing techniques, as long as she returns home, she can heal me!"

Liana asked timidly.

"Okay, then I need my little sister to guide me later!"

Ye Fusheng was ecstatic in his heart, very good, as long as he can reach the home of the Moon Elf clan, will he worry about not being able to get other tasks?

If there is another main storyline mission that can promote the political development among hundreds of clans, it will be even more perfect!


"Lianna's foot hurts, can big brother carry Lianna back?"

Liana raised her head to look at Ye Fusheng, then lowered her head suddenly, a blush immediately spread from her neck to her ears!

Obviously, Ye Fusheng, who is too handsome and so gentle, has already captured her!
This made Ye Fusheng admire in his heart, the charm value of 9999+ is simply too buggy.

It's fine if it's not triggered, but once it's triggered, that girl can't help but fall in love with her!

【Well, it's not about charm, it's just that I'm handsome! 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng smiled brightly and agreed.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully accepting the main story serial mission [Moonlight Wound], and starting the first stage mission [Escort Liana]. Mission objective: Escort Liana back to the Moon Elf clan, and get the Moon Elf The trust of the clan, task rewards: generous experience rewards, and overall task completion! (Note: When the final task is completed, the higher the task completion, the higher the reward!)”

[Shuang, the main plot mission has started again, and it's still a serial mission! 】

[Hehe, the reward this time is definitely not much worse than the reward Bai Yi gave me last time! 】

As soon as he saw the main story series mission, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed. The last time he received the series mission was the touching love story between Master Baiyi and Ouyang Jia.

Moreover, it was still in the early stage, and it gave him many benefits, as well as two fairy-level skills, and a near-god-level passive.

This time, wouldn't it be necessary to give him a few mythical skills for the main series of story missions between levels 140-150?
If not, report it directly!

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng didn't dare to let Lianna know his little thoughts. He was gentle, smiled and hugged his princess. Ye Fusheng summoned the flame horse, and immediately hugged Liana, rode the horse, and galloped out.

Liana was held in Ye Fusheng's arms, felt the surging and powerful heartbeat, felt the warm embrace, and the whole person was intoxicated.

If Ye Fusheng hadn't been asking for directions, Lianna might have passed out and didn't want to wake up!
Who said that only men are greedy for women's bodies?
As long as you look good enough, girls will be greedy for you!

Of course, Ye Fusheng is not that kind of superficial person, he didn't want to cheat Lianna's feelings, let alone cheat her feelings!

Therefore, along the way, Ye Fusheng kept using Liana's words to inquire about the news of the Moon Elf family.

Well, what Ye Fusheng wants is a mission!
Through Lianna's mouth, Ye Fusheng quickly learned about the situation of the Moon Elf family.

The Moon Elf Clan is a branch of the Elf Clan, living in the Shenyin Fog Valley all year round.

However, 5000 years ago, the flying winged snake family appeared.

Fortunately, those flying winged snakes did not attack the Moon Elves, but paid tribute from time to time.

In addition, the people in the group of Moon Elves can't fly, and their strength is not too strong, and they don't want to turn their backs completely. So, the person in charge of the Moon Elves at that time simply divided the air area of ​​​​Shenyin Fog Valley into Flying winged snake group.

Who knew, with the passage of time, those flying winged snakes became stronger and more greedy!

Gradually they were not satisfied with only being active in the air, and began to infiltrate underground areas.

Fortunately, there are quite a few masters in the Moon Elf group. Once those flying winged snakes dare to cross the boundary, they will be killed, and they have to restrain themselves slowly.

However, 200 years ago, all the strong men in the Moon Elf clan died, and no strong men appeared in the new generation. In addition, the flying winged snake hooked up with the demons, and obtained a secret method that can improve their strength.

Under the ebb and flow, the Moon Elf Clan is no longer the opponent of the Winged Teng Snake Clan, and their territory is constantly being eroded.

Today, the Moon Elf group has been eroded to the point where there are only three canyons and mountains left.

This time, Liana wanted to go to the ancient altar of the elves to hold a coming-of-age ceremony and inherit the power of the gods, but she was attacked by the flying winged snake.

Fortunately, the king of the Flying Winged Teng Snake Clan didn't make a move, so she was allowed to run away and was rescued by Ye Fusheng.

This is also due to the fact that Ye Fusheng injured Carlozo earlier, otherwise, Lianna would be dead!

It can be said that Ye Fusheng failed to kill Carlozo before, but started a series of plot missions for him!
At that time, if you go to kill Carlozo, you will not only get the first kill reward, but also get more generous mission rewards, which is really a big profit!
After getting these news from Lianna, Ye Fusheng's expression was solemn, and he suddenly remembered that now that the Moon Elf family is being bullied like this, he will not be regarded as a bad person for his sudden appearance, right?

Fortunately, he saved Liana, and with Liana speaking for him, it should be fine!

Just as he was thinking, under Lianna's command, the Raging Flame Demon Horse brought Ye Fusheng to a crisp stream. On both sides of the stream, there were many emerald green wooden houses hanging high.

Around, there are countless girls with long ears, thin waists, and bows and arrows moving around.


There was a sudden cold drink, and in an instant, hundreds of figures of elf girls appeared, and suddenly surrounded Ye Fusheng.

Hundreds of sharp feathered arrows, shining with cold light, aimed at Ye Fusheng!
"Bold thief, dare to hold Her Royal Highness hostage, I'm really tired of working!"

The cold shout fell, and a figure slowly emerged in the air, with a charming figure, excellent appearance, fair skin and long legs, but, the eyes she looked at Ye Fusheng were full of murderous intent!
(PS: Well, Your Royal Highness the princess of the elves, this girl, should I accept it or not...)
(End of this chapter)

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