Invincible in one touch

Chapter 252 Getting married? !

Chapter 252 Getting married? !
【your Highness?It seems that I guessed well, that chick is really respectable! 】

Although being pointed at with a feathered arrow by a beautiful girl, Ye Fusheng didn't feel nervous at all, and said with a smile: "You beautiful girls, don't be nervous, I have no malice towards you!"

A warm smile mixed with a warm voice fell, however, those elf women did not let go of their vigilance, they all stared at Ye Fusheng firmly.

If it wasn't for Lianna still in his arms, perhaps those women would have shot arrows straight away!
This made Ye Fusheng very surprised, what happened, the charm value of 9999+ was invalid again?
Or, only cute lolis will be attracted by his charm?

"Everyone, don't be nervous, big brother is not malicious!"

At this moment, Liana, who was hugged by Ye Fusheng, sat up, blushing and raised her voice: "Big brother saved me, he won't hurt us!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng nodded in satisfaction, very good, the charm value has not expired!
It seems that those elf girls are all blind, and they can't see his peerless beauty, so they treat him like that!

"your Highness!"

However, to Ye Fusheng's surprise, even with Liana speaking, those elf girls did not put down their feather arrows. Instead, they glared at Ye Fusheng one by one, looking at him as if they were looking at a demon !
"Your Highness, you are still young, don't be fooled by those villains!"

"They must be a group, pretending to save you, trying to sneak into the core altar of our elves!"

Many elf girls became angrier as they talked, staring at Ye Fusheng, wishing they could do it directly.


Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng said helplessly: "Sister, it's really a pity that you people don't write novels, where do you get so many speculations?"

"Will not……"

Lianna also said softly: "Big brother has a warm aura on him, he is definitely not an evil demon!"

"your Highness!"

"Your Highness, you are still young, you must not be fooled by that guy!"

However, those elf women didn't listen to Liana's words at all, and they still pointed their bows and arrows at Ye Fusheng.

"Forget it, since your clan doesn't welcome me, little sister, then I can only leave first!"

Sighing, Ye Fusheng, who was sitting on the horse, looked at Lianna with pity, and said softly: "After I leave later, you must take good care of your wounds, and don't let the wounds worsen! Maybe it's because of no fate, if there is fate, See you later!"

Hearing this, Liana let alone her body and mind, even her eyes softened completely.

But, after all, she is a newborn princess, and she is not yet majestic enough to convince the crowd, nor can she make those elf women put down their guard and accept Ye Fusheng's arrival.

"Hey, I'm leaving!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng picked up Lianna and wanted to put her down on the flame horse. For a moment, countless elf girls stared at Ye Fusheng, their breaths short.

However, just when Ye Fusheng was about to put Liana down, Lianna wrapped her arms around Ye Fusheng's neck tightly, and almost cried out in a crying voice: "Big brother, can you not leave? Lianna I miss you!"


In an instant, the entire forest fell silent.

Deathly silence!

Not to mention many elf women, even Ye Fusheng was stunned, why is he so attractive to Lori?

"your Highness!"

"His Royal Highness! can you do this!"

Exclamations kept ringing out, and many elven girls beat their feet and chests with regret.

"Damn you bastard, it must be that demon who deceived Her Royal Highness!"

"Sisters, let's work together and kill that demon!"

In anger, some elven girls jumped up, stretched their bows and set arrows. In an instant, the emerald green elements shone on the bowstrings.

[My grass?Really dare to do it? ! 】

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng quickly hugged Liana, protected her behind him, raised his head to confront those elf girls, and said coldly: "Enough, I don't want to fight with you, but don't force me either!"

That's right, Ye Fusheng came here and was so gentle to Liana, all because of the mission.

But, if these elf girls don't know good and bad, Ye Fusheng won't spoil them!

Even if they can't receive the task, they will be taught a lesson.

"Hey, devil, quickly return our highness the princess!"

"If you don't return Her Royal Highness to us, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

However, those elf girls didn't seem to hear Ye Fusheng's words, instead they threatened.

This made Ye Fusheng's eyes turn cold, and anger arose in his heart.

Give you your face!
"Okay, don't be impulsive!"

Just when Ye Fusheng was about to make a move, the silvery white moonlight fell, and a soft female voice sounded.


"My Lady Queen!"

Hearing that voice suddenly, many elf girls put down the bowstrings in their hands one after another, fell to the ground, and knelt down to salute.

Liana, who was guarded by Ye Fusheng, her eyes lit up, and said in a low voice: "Big brother, my mother is back! You won't be driven away!"

【Um?your mother? 】

[That is, the queen of the entire Moon Elf clan! 】

As soon as his eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng also became happy in his heart.

The queen of the elves spoke up and reprimanded those people. It seems that she should trust him.

Even if you don't trust him, you won't let him go directly. As long as you can give Ye Fusheng a chance to communicate, Ye Fusheng will have the confidence to fully activate all the tasks!

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng hugged Lianna in his arms, and at the same time raised his head, looking at the place where the moonlight was shining in the sky.


Not long after, the moonlight shone, and a figure emerged, with a perfect figure, especially touching, and a face under the moonlight, like a holy fairy!
Looking from afar, that woman doesn't say what she looks like, but just her temperament, she is elegant and refined, far surpassing ordinary people!

As her body slowly fell and gradually approached, her appearance became clearer, even Ye Fusheng was stunned for a moment.

That girl may not be as good as Xing Yun, Xing Ling and the others in terms of appearance, but under the moonlight, she is not much worse than them.

If it wasn't for a certain place being too flat, Ye Fusheng's heart would probably be moved!


A soft, squirming voice sounded, even though Liana was injured, she always showed a sweet smile when she saw the woman.

"You girl!"

Hearing Lianna's voice, the woman who was still staring at Ye Fusheng with a dignified face immediately lost her expression, looked at Ye Fusheng helplessly, and said in a low voice: "Little guy, come to our Moon Elf Clan, Please also put away your magic horse, otherwise, my people will not treat you as a human being!"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng finally understood why those elf girls hated him earlier.

It turned out to be related to riding the flame horse!
Thinking about it, these elf girls are not players. After seeing the angry flame horse, they subconsciously regarded Ye Fusheng as a member of the demon clan.

It's normal not to believe him.

"Okay, thank you Queen for your advice!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng smiled lightly and put away the Raging Flame Demon Horse, and threw Lianna onto his back the moment his figure fell, and landed safely.

"It's nothing, but the empress would like to thank you for saving my Liana's life."

The elf queen smiled: "However, since we have arrived at Lingyue Valley, it is time to let her go."

As she spoke, the Elf Queen flicked her right hand, and a beam of moonlight rushed out and fell straight into Liana's body.


With a tender snort, Liana's face turned rosy, and she exclaimed, "It doesn't hurt anymore! Thank you mother for your help!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, and understood that the Elf Queen didn't want to see him holding or carrying Lianna again, so he immediately put her down with a smile.

Think about it too, Liana is still young, she is still a child in the eyes of the Elf Queen, now being hugged by a big man, can she feel comfortable?
It's not easy for someone to speak so politely!

At least, if Ye Fusheng sees that someone dares to hug his daughter like that, heh, kill him first!

After getting off the ground, Liana bounced up to the Elf Queen, hugged her hand, and said with a smile: "Mother, thanks to the big brother who killed the flying winged snake, he saved me. We have to Don't treat him well?"

"Oh? Really?"

The elf queen looked at Ye Fusheng with a smile, and said in a low voice: "I don't know, this young master, would you like to take a nap in my Lingyue Valley?"


Just when he was about to speak, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt a surge of coercion falling down, like a thick mountain, oppressing himself.

In an instant, Ye Fusheng came to his senses, it seems that the elf queen is going to drive him away!
However, the task has not been completed yet, how can Ye Fusheng leave so easily?
The most urgent thing is to find a reason to stay, and then grind the task slowly!
Just as Ye Fusheng's thoughts turned sharply and he was thinking about the reason for staying, Lianna, who had been beside the Elf Queen, suddenly blushed, tugged at her sleeve, and immediately stood on tiptoe, saying a few words in a low voice .

The voice of that sentence was so low that Ye Fusheng didn't hear it clearly. Before he could get curious, he saw the elf queen's complexion changed drastically, and all the coercion dissipated immediately.

However, the Elf Queen's eyes were full of surprise, staring at Ye Fusheng.

This surprised Ye Fusheng, what did Liana say?
However, it seems that the elf queen doesn't intend to drive herself away!

The elf queen took a deep breath, clapped her hands suddenly, and in an instant, dozens of elf women rushed over.

"You guard the Taniguchi well, and remember, don't let people from the flying winged snakes enter. If you meet someone from the demon clan, you will be killed!"

After giving the order, the Elf Queen turned her head to look at Ye Fusheng again, and said in a low voice: "Little brother, please go to the valley to talk!"

After all, the Elf Queen took Lianna with one hand, her figure floated up, and she walked towards the valley.

Before leaving, Liana turned around and stuck out her tongue at Ye Fusheng, her face was full of shyness and a smile.

This made Monk Ye Fusheng Zhang Er puzzled, and did not understand at all what Liana said to the Elf Queen, so that her attitude changed so much!

But, in any case, it is a good thing that the elf queen's attitude changed, so that he would have a greater chance to start a new mission!
However, the elf queen's attitude towards him has changed, and those ordinary elf girls have not changed, they are still staring at him indifferently.

Too lazy to talk to those elf girls, Ye Fusheng followed Lianna and the elf queen slowly, bored, and simply used the Eye of Truth skill to check the elf queen's attributes.


The eyes flickered, and the body of the Elf Queen came into view immediately, without her noticing anything. The next moment, a series of attributes were neatly arranged in front of Ye Fusheng.

Elf Queen Lilith (Legendary Boss★★★★★)
Rating: 150
Blood value: 260000000
Magic Attack Power: 38000
Defense: 10000
Elemental Body: When releasing elemental skills, there is a 100% chance to increase the damage by 300%

Essence of the Moon: When there is moonlight, all attributes of the self will increase by 200%
Luna Possession (???)

Lunar Cut (???)
Luna's Embrace (???)

? ? ? (???)
? ? ? (???)

Description: The Queen of the Moon Elf Clan paid a huge price in order to maintain the existence of Lingyue Valley and maintain the inheritance of the Moon Elf Clan. Therefore, in real battles, she can only exert a little power

A series of skills are question marks, and the special skills are not weak. It increases its own attributes by 200%, and the skill damage bonus is 300%!
Coupled with more than 2 million blood points and tens of thousands of magical attack power, this attribute, among NPCs, is already a very strong existence.

Of course, compared with Xingyun and Xingling, they are still a bit far behind.

However, even this was enough to surprise Ye Fusheng.

Unexpectedly, in such a small place, there are hidden NPCs with more than [-] million blood points!

Normally, the attributes of NPCs are half that of monsters!

[It's strange, this Lilith has such a strong attribute. It stands to reason that Ka Luozo, who is fully capable of fighting, can't fight back. Why would the flying winged snakes suppress the elves instead? 】

[Although in the introduction, it is said that she can't exert too much strength, she won't be beaten by Carlozo, right? 】

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was curious.

Could it be that Carroso has something to back him up?
[Fortunately, I have plundered one of the powerful skills of that old thief, which can be regarded as weakening its strength!Well, so what if you hide your strength, once you open it like a rock, you will be attacked by the damage, and once the instant death effect comes out, if you don't die, I will report it directly! 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng thought of his sky burial suit, and no longer worried about Carlozo's strength.

No matter how powerful your attributes and skills are, you can only kneel down before my instant death effect!
Just as Ye Fusheng was thinking, he had already followed Lianna and Lilith to a luxurious palace.


After a group of three people entered the palace, the gate was slammed shut, and in an instant, flames lit up one after another, illuminating the entire palace.

Looking around, what comes into view is a crystal-like world!

Whether it's the walls, steps, or the high throne and crown, they all shone with silvery white light, giving people a holy atmosphere!

"This... is this the palace of the elves?"

Short of breath, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up suddenly, if he sells this palace, how much money can he make?

"Ahem, little brother, can you promise me one thing?"

Suddenly, the Elf Queen's voice sounded, Ye Fusheng was startled, turned around quickly, and said with a smile: "Please speak, Your Lady Queen!"

Ye Fusheng was quite excited in his heart. It seems that the elf queen is planning to give him a task?

Sure enough, the system prompt sounded immediately, but when Ye Fusheng saw the prompt, he was stunned and froze in place stupidly!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the first phase of the mission [Escort Liana], and get a reward of 5 million experience points, 3% mission completion!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully activating the second phase of the mission [Getting Married]!"



Seeing that prompt suddenly, Ye Fusheng was struck by lightning!
(PS: Starting tomorrow, the old book will be 8000 words a day, and the new book will also resume updating. For the new book, invincibility starts from summoning the fairy, and after it stabilizes, the update will reach 1 words. Um... Brothers, can you give me the tickets?)

(End of this chapter)

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