Invincible in one touch

Chapter 254 The Scourge of the Black Stone

Chapter 254 The Scourge of the Black Stone

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully activating the third-stage mission [Clear Demons]. Mission requirements: Cooperate with the Moon Elf clan to defeat the attacks of the Demon clan and the Flying Winged Snake clan. Mission reward: Rich experience rewards!"


"Sure enough, the Demon Clan and the Flying Winged Snake Clan also hooked up together! They also attacked the Moon Elf together!"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and became amused.

If Carlozo, the king of the winged snake clan, also came, maybe he could kill it directly!
In that way, the completion of the task is high enough, and the reward will definitely be several times!


The terrifying power rippled, and even the palace shook violently.

Originally, Liana was still full of shyness, but now she looked solemn, gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Fusheng, and said in a low voice: "Big brother, you are so strong, can you go out and help resist those demons!"

"Of course!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, gently stroked Lianna's head, and said softly: "Since it is Lianna's request, then I will definitely do my best!"

"Yeah, thank you big brother!"

Hearing this sentence, Lianna's whole heart was broken, and she almost didn't melt!Looking at Ye Fusheng, the eyes are full of love!
No way, who made Ye Fusheng so flirtatious?

If other players know Ye Fusheng's answer, they will definitely scold Ye Fusheng angrily!
Damn it, I clearly gave you all the missions, and asked you to resist the demons, how dare you say it's for Lianna?
"Lianna, take a good rest here, I'll go out now!"

After stroking Lianna's head again, Ye Fusheng turned around, wanting to rush out of the palace and fight those demons.

Well, those demons are definitely high-level monsters. Killing them will not make much difference in terms of experience points, gold coins and equipment.

How could Ye Fusheng be willing to let them die in the hands of the elves?
He wished that all the demons would die in his hands!Only in this way can the profit be maximized!

"Brother, let me go with you!"

"I can assist you in killing the enemy! Moreover, I can teleport us directly, without wasting time!"

Lianna suddenly grabbed Ye Fusheng's sleeve, with a dignified expression, she said firmly: "Big brother, Lianna will not hold you back!"

"Huh? Can you let me teleport directly?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng paused, and immediately looked at Lianna in surprise.

He heard correctly, Liana said the word teleportation!
In other words, Liana knows space magic!

"Big brother, look!"

Lianna's watery eyes flickered, and immediately her hands formed seals, and a strange force instantly permeated Ye Fusheng and her side.


The next moment, a strange force burst out, and Ye Fusheng felt as if his whole body was trapped in the clouds. When he felt the feeling of being down-to-earth again, there was a sudden sound of fighting and whistling beside his ears.

Looking around, it can be seen that countless flames fell, and the giants all over the sky, covered with purple magic patterns, rushed from a distance, causing strong fluctuations.

Behind him, there are hundreds of figures of elven girls, all holding strong silver-white bows, drawing bows and arrows, and continuously shooting arrows that contain moonlight, like shooting stars!


Starlight arrows roared endlessly, continuously shooting at those demonized giants, forcing them to retreat and keep retreating.

However, there were still many flying winged snakes in the air. When the demonized giant was repelled, hundreds of flying winged snakes suddenly swooped down, stretched out their sharp claws, and stabbed straight at the girls of the moon elves.

【Hiss... This battle is really intense! 】

Looking around, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but change his expression slightly. It seems that the scale of this battle will not be too small. At any rate, three ethnic groups are involved, which is definitely the top mission.


A strange light burst out, and then, a silver-white light turned into a wall of light, blocking Ye Fusheng and the girls of the Moon Elf family, blocking the attack of countless flying winged snakes that swooped down.

bang bang bang-

The sound could only be heard continuously, and those flying winged snakes seemed to be hitting the wall, and were ejected one after another.


Just when Ye Fusheng was surprised by the strength of that light shield, he heard the sound of vomiting blood, turned his head and saw Liana's face was pale, half kneeling on the ground.

Obviously, the skills just now, as well as teleportation, are all from Liana's handwriting!

This made Ye Fusheng very shocked, he never thought that Liana looked so weak, she could really have that kind of miraculous skill!
However, Lianna's strength is too weak, even if she has that kind of skill, she can't exert a strong effect, and at this time she is seriously injured and vomiting blood!

It is estimated that it is impossible to release that kind of shield wall skill in the future.

However, Lianna's light shield defense before has bought a lot of time for everyone.

More and more elf girls rushed out, lined up neatly, forming battle formations one after another, intertwined and watching each other.

Not far away, Lilith, Queen of the Elf, appeared. She didn't care about Liana's situation. Instead, she floated up and spread her hands. The next moment, her whole body burst into dazzling brilliance.

The holy breath fell from the sky like raindrops and landed on Ye Fusheng.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the skill BUFF of Lunar Radiance, all attributes of the player will increase by 10%, and 1000 points of vitality will be recovered every second!"


"Increase all attributes by 10%? Can it recover 1000 points of vitality per second? This BUFF is a bit powerful!"

Ye Fusheng originally thought that Lilith was wasting her skills, but when she saw the buff effect, she couldn't help swallowing.

Lilith's Moon Zhiguang's skills will definitely increase everyone's strength by as much as 30%!

Originally, Ye Fusheng was a little worried, under the staggered attacks of the demonized giant and the flying winged snake, would those elf girls be defeated and defended, but now it seems that it is very difficult!

It restores 1000 blood points per second, 10 points in 1 seconds, plus 10% full attribute blessing, those monsters want to break through this line of defense, it is a dream!

What surprised Ye Fusheng even more was that under the skill of Moonlight, Lianna gradually recovered and her face was rosy.

"Big brother, mother has already made a move, let's kill it!"

"Hey, mother will bless us!"

Liana stood up, hugged Ye Fusheng, blushed and said, "I want you to hug me and kill the enemy!"

"Cough cough..."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood, my aunt, this is a war, is there anyone like you?

However, Ye Fusheng thought about it again, it seems that it is also a kind of fun to gallop around with a girl on the battlefield!
With this in mind, Ye Fusheng no longer hesitated, turned around and hugged Lianna by the waist, and summoned the Raging Flame Demon Horse.


The sound of horseshoes sounded, and the angry flame horse appeared. Ye Fusheng hugged Liana and sat on it instantly. The next moment, the angry flame horse ran wildly, and suddenly rushed towards those huge demonized giants.

Not only Ye Fusheng rushed out, when Lilith's BUFF fell into everyone's body, the battle formation formed by the girls of the Moon Elf clan also stepped forward one after another, countless feather arrows, containing the power of stars, seemed to be long As if eyes were closed, they shot out continuously, shooting at those monsters.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining Liana's skill Lunar Eclipse Strike Amplification. When the player attacks the target, a layer of lunar eclipse marks will be left. After reaching the third layer of marks, the lunar eclipse will be detonated, hitting the target Causes 1000% damage that ignores armor and defense! The duration is 500 seconds!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining Liana's skill Moonlight Bounty Boost, which increases all attributes by 50% and lasts for 100 seconds!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining Lianna's skill, Bright Moon's Glory Amplification. The ability to release the skill does not consume any mana, and the cooldown time is reduced by 30%, and the skill effect is increased by 10%! The duration is 300 seconds!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining Liana's skills..."

After four system prompts sounded in succession, Ye Fusheng glanced at him, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he was shocked in place.

He really didn't expect that Liana's skill enhancement effect would be so powerful!
The lunar eclipse mark, although it can only be triggered and detonated after reaching the third floor, the damage coefficient is extremely high, as high as 1000%, that is, 10 times the damage, plus ignoring armor and ignoring defense, it can definitely cause unimaginable damage. harm!
Not to mention the gift of moonlight, the increase of all attributes by 50%, that is half the increase of attributes, not only the blood value, but also the attack power, have been significantly improved!

In this way, combined with the blood recovery effect of the Moon's Glory, Ye Fusheng dared to kill tens of thousands of monsters alone without worrying about his own safety!
Bright Moon's Glory can reduce mana consumption, cooldown, and skill effects, allowing Ye Fusheng to release skills without interruption.

As for the last skill, it has a destructive effect, which can make those monsters continuously reduce their defense power. When combined with other skills, it is equivalent to, in front of Ye Fusheng, those monsters are like blank paper!

After thinking about this, Ye Fusheng hugged Lianna with one hand, summoned the silver moon magic brilliance with the other, rushed into the group of monsters with a laugh, and released skills such as rushing, horizontal cutting, and nine-day sword swing one after another.

A terrifying thunder burst out, killing all the monsters around Ye Fusheng in an instant!

Almost none of the injuries that jumped out were less than 20!
By itself, Ye Fusheng's attributes were already strong enough, after successive increases, those monsters couldn't even stop him with a sword.

In addition, there are thousands of elven girls not far away who keep shooting arrows, and it is not uncommon to beat those monsters to half blood, half blood, and instant kill with one blow.


However, with the impact of Ye Fusheng, coupled with the continuous shooting of those elf girls, the demonized giant kept falling down like cutting leeks.

Even if there is a clan of flying winged snakes constantly falling to buy time for the demonized giant army, they can't be saved!
On the contrary, every time the flying winged snake dives, Ye Fusheng will jump up instantly, taking advantage of the moment when he can attack them, he releases his skills one after another, knocking them down.

Once they landed, those elf girls turned their attacks on them one after another. After all, they were old enemies, so how could they let them go?

In this way, within a few seconds of falling, they have already turned into hedgehog baskets!

The demonized giant and the flying winged snake kept falling to the ground. After their tragic deaths, they immediately turned into experience and floated into Ye Fusheng's body.


I don't know how many monsters he killed, the golden light shone under Ye Fusheng's feet, and the rich experience rewards directly promoted him to a level!
But, before Ye Fusheng could be happy, the mountain range not far away shook violently, and then, black clouds oppressed, and a black shadow with a height of thirty feet rushed over from a distance.

boom boom --

The earth trembled, and as the black shadow gradually approached, the earth trembled more violently.

Then, it was a demonized giant more than 30 feet tall, with purple magic flames burning on both fists, bursting out with a fiery temperature, which seemed to be able to burn the entire space.

The strong coercion fell even more, oppressing everyone. For a while, the offensive of those elf girls slowed down a bit, staggered and retreated a little.


Realizing this, Ye Fusheng raised his head and frowned.

[Sure enough, this kind of task will not be solved so easily! 】

[Although the mobs are relaxed, this boss looks a bit ruthless!This looks as tall as Ultraman, how to fight? 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng had a premonition that this boss would definitely be very powerful!

Want to solve it, perhaps, take some time!
While thinking about it, Ye Fusheng used the Eye of Truth to investigate the attributes of the huge demonized giant.


The skill was released, and the next moment, the attribute panel suddenly flew out.

The Scourge of the Black Stone Jampestron (Legendary Boss)

Rating: 140
Blood value: 120000000
Attack: 28000
Defense: 25000
Rock: own defense increased by 500%
Thorns: When attacked, it can reflect 30% of the damage it takes on the target

The magic stone comes to the world (summons the stones full of magic energy, and falls one after another, causing extremely high damage to targets within 30X30 yards)
Embrace of the Magic Stone (randomly summon 10-100 demonized giants, who can obey orders and fight for 10 minutes)

Earth Dragon Turns Over (rolls over, causing irreversible damage to the ground, and causing an earthquake, causing high damage to targets within 1000 yards)

Embrace of Demon Fire (release the magic fire in both fists, incinerate any items within 100 yards, causing extremely high damage)

? ? ? (???)
? ? ? (???)
Description: The king of the demonized giant family is a senior group in the demon clan. Unfortunately, his speed is too slow, and his aggressiveness is not strong, so he is not recognized by the rest. leave them to do
Weakness: body


"The characteristics of rocks and thorns, doesn't it mean that you can't use physical attacks to deal with this boss?"

"so what should I do now?!"

After reading the attributes of Black Stone's Scourge, Ye Fusheng paused, but was stunned in place.

(PS: Come on, guess what, how to solve this BOSS next? Hey, physical attacks will be bounced back!
It's a new week soon, please recommend tickets!Of course, it is a new book asking for a recommendation ticket!

If the new book reaches 100 recommendation votes tomorrow, this book and the new book will all be updated! ! ! )

(End of this chapter)

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