Invincible in one touch

Chapter 255 The world is useless, so terrifying! ! !

Chapter 255 The world is useless, so terrifying! ! !
The attributes of Black Stone's Scourge are not strong, not even Lilith and Carlozo.

Whether it is skills or characteristics!
However, for Ye Fusheng, the other two were easier to deal with.

It's not that it has high defense, it's mainly because of the thorns characteristic, which can rebound physical damage!

Ye Fusheng's strongest skills are all physical damage, even if the hidden professional magic warrior has a mixed damage effect, but part of the damage is also physical damage!

In other words, the more damage Ye Fusheng caused to the Black Stone Scourge, the more damage he would have to bear.

Black Stone's Scourge is a legendary boss at any rate, with more than 1 million blood points, even if its attack power is not as good as Ye Fusheng's, and its skills are not as good, but under the rebound, Ye Fusheng will definitely not be able to handle it.

Maybe it still has tens of millions of qi and blood, Ye Fusheng's qi and blood have been bounced off, and the maiden is ushered in.

Shocked, "Reincarnation of the Heavens" No. 1 died tragically in the hands of his attacker?

"Made... what a pity!"

"I haven't got a mage class yet, otherwise, I'll kill it with spells!"

Cursing in a low voice, Ye Fusheng was very depressed.

Could it be that he really wants to give up on this boss, retreat behind the scenes, and let Lilith solve it?

Well, Lilith is also a powerhouse of the same level, once he can't make a move, Lilith will definitely do it.

But at that time, Ye Fusheng won't get any benefits.

For bosses killed by NPCs, experience points will not be distributed to players, and the explosion rate will drop by as much as 70%!

Even if Ye Fusheng has a lucky value of 9999+, there may be several earth artifacts or heavenly artifacts.

After all, it is equipment that is much lower than the legendary level!
Therefore, Ye Fusheng didn't want to give up the disaster of the Black Stone.

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought of Lianna, that girl is a princess of the elf family, she must be very strong, the previous four auxiliary skills are by no means her full strength!

If she has a way to transform Ye Fusheng's attack from physical to magical, all problems will be solved easily!

After thinking up to this point, Ye Fusheng didn't write any ink, and asked directly: "Lianna, can you change my attack from physical to magical?"


"Changing your attack form?"

Liana blinked her eyes and said with a bright smile: "Yes, there is a secret technique in our clan called Yuehua Shengyao, which can transform any attack into a moonlight attribute!"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, as expected, there is no unparalleled road!
"However, I haven't learned that skill yet!"

Liana stuck out her tongue and asked doubtfully, "What's the matter, big brother, do you need that kind of assistance?"


Before he had time to be happy for too long, Ye Fusheng's breathing suddenly slowed down. If Lianna's old mother was not far behind him, he would definitely put Lianna down and give Lianna a hard spanking!
Wouldn't it make him happy to answer like that?

Since you haven't learned it yet, what are you talking about!

"It's okay... I'll think about other ways!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to suppress the thoughts in his heart, staring at the huge stone man galloping in the distance.

What should be done to solve the Black Stone disaster, this legendary boss?

The earth trembled, and James Deron, the scourge of the Black Stone, let out a roar, and his flaming hands thrust into the ground, piercing straight into the ground.


The next moment, the ground rolled, as if there were countless waves surging underground.


The ground cracked, and demonized giants crawled out of the cracks one after another, with magic flames surging all over their bodies, and the scorching heat burned the woods beside them.

However, in the sea of ​​flames, those demonized giants became more tyrannical and rushed out again.

Not long after, hundreds of demonized giants crawled out of the cracks in this area, merged with the previous demonized giants, and launched an offensive.

Not only them, but the flying winged snakes in the air also cooperated with each other, continuously swooping down and attacking many elf girls.

This time, the flying winged snakes learned their lesson and skipped Ye Fusheng directly, but what awaited them was a rain of arrows filled with moonlight!
Ye Fusheng didn't bother to care about them, he hugged Lianna in one hand, waved the silver moon magic brilliance in the other, and greeted the charging demonized giant.

Those demonized giants don't have the thorns characteristic, Ye Fusheng is not afraid of them at all, plus various attribute bonuses, even if the instant death effect is not triggered, he can kill them instantly with a sword.

However, as the demonized giants continued to die, Black Stone's Curse, the Demon Stone's Embrace skill ended, stepped out of its majestic body again, and ran over.

Almost every step taken can make the whole earth tremble. Even the winged snakes in the air must avoid the disaster of the black stone, otherwise, they will be smashed into powder by its body!


"In the future, we must get a hidden mage class as soon as possible! Otherwise, it will be too difficult to meet such a boss whose physical damage cannot be effective!"

"If he can change his job to become a mage, a few spells, a few forbidden spells, and teach him to be a man in minutes!"

"'s too difficult for me!"

Seeing that the black stone disaster was approaching, Ye Fusheng sighed and frowned.

It's a pity that hiding a job is not easy!
Otherwise, it wouldn't be that long, the number of players who can get hidden professions in the game is pitifully small!


There was a roar, and when Ye Fusheng was depressed, the Black Stone Scourge rushed over. Seeing Ye Fusheng riding the Raging Flame Demon Horse, its eyes turned cold, and its right foot was raised, and the stinky jio, which was bigger than a mountain rock, rushed towards it. Ye Fusheng's head flew over, bringing howling wind.


The strong wind howled, as if a level 13 hurricane was blowing, even the Raging Flame Demon Horse couldn't help taking a few steps back.

There is no way, the black stone disaster is tens of feet high, taller and mightier than Ultraman, this kick, for Ye Fusheng, it is a disaster!
Fortunately, this is a game, and it doesn't mean that you are strong if you are big. The damage can only be calculated according to the attributes.

Otherwise, Ye Fusheng might be reincarnated after the black stone disaster.

"The sword swings for nine days!"

Seeing the disaster of the Black Stone attacking him, Ye Fusheng still didn't give up, and instantly switched the profession of magic warrior, all kinds of passive skills were activated, and the sword burst into the sky!


In an instant, the thunder light danced and collided with the jio of the black rock.


Ye Fusheng only felt a huge force rebounding out, and with the angry flame horse, he staggered back a few steps.

At the same time, a blood-red number-62542 floated above his head.

Looking up, as expected, the Black Stone Scourge also suffered up to 19 damage, and the blood value he lost before happened to be one-third!

Even if it is the mixed injury characteristic of the magic warrior, it can't resolve the thorn characteristic, and it will still be rebounded!

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng secretly calculated, under the boost of various attributes, he only has a total of more than 60 blood points, and the sum of the blood-sucking effects is about 13% of the physical damage, but the thorns feature can bring him As high as 30% of physical damage!

That is to say, every time he attacks, even if the blood-sucking effect is counteracted, he will reduce the blood value of the damage caused by 17%!
Without the help of other healing effects, he would have to die by himself if he could cause a few million or tens of millions of qi and blood points to the Black Stone Calamity at most.

However, the disaster of the Black Stone has hundreds of millions of vitality!

This gap is really too big, not to mention that only one Lilith can keep adding blood to him, even if another group of people add blood to him infinitely, I am afraid they will not be able to withstand the backlash of the Black Stone Scourge!

In other words, it is impossible to use physical attacks to kill the Black Stone Scourge.

Unless Ye Fusheng can have a blood value not much lower than it, and relying on high recovery, he can still solve it.

But, how can a player have more than [-] million blood?

Even if Ye Fusheng can plunder attributes infinitely and get many treasures and skills that increase attributes, it will take time to get that kind of blood value, at least for now, it is still impossible!


It seems that Ye Fusheng was too close to the Black Stone Calamity, after it suffered from the pain, its roar shocked Ye Fusheng into a headache.

The next moment, Black Stone's Calamity's eyes flashed red, he clenched his fists, let the magic flame bloom, and threw it at Ye Fusheng.

Well, after suffering the damage from that sword, the Black Stone Scourge has discovered Ye Fusheng, and launched an offensive without hesitation.


The strong wind howled, Ye Fusheng knew that he could not cause too much damage to the Black Stone Calamity, and if he continued to attack, his blood would be deducted, so he didn't bother to care about it, so he immediately drove back the angry flame horse.

Well, there is really no way!

I can only go back first and let Lilith solve this BOSS!

Although, in this way, there will be one less legendary boss reward, but it can save a lot of trouble.

It's a bit difficult to kill this boss by relying on physical damage!
"Made, when I change my job to a mage class, I will directly bombard you with a forbidden spell!"

When retreating, Ye Fusheng glanced back at the huge stone man, cursing in his heart.

However, just after scolding, Ye Fusheng froze in place as if struck by thunder in his mind.

[Forbidden Curse! 】

[Forbidden Curse!Yes, forbidden spells are spells too! 】

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng's lips moved, and he finally thought of a way to solve the Black Stone disaster!

It's true that he didn't change his profession to become a mage, but he has a piece of equipment, and that equipment comes with a forbidden spell!
Even if he is not a mage, when he releases the forbidden spell, it will still be magic damage. This is the official setting of the game!

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng immediately took out the holy magic wand from his backpack!

Under the effect of the Chosen One, Ye Fusheng could already equip it, but he hadn't obtained the hidden job yet, so Ye Fusheng hadn't used it.

But today, Ye Fusheng summoned him!



Almost the moment the holy magic wand fell into Ye Fusheng's hands, the air in the air became stagnant, and there was thunder, lightning and thunder.


There was a gust of wind, whistling endlessly, and for a while, the entire sky became dark, as if a storm was coming!

For the first time, a supernatural artifact appeared, and this world has changed!
It seemed that they also had a premonition that a terrifying force was about to erupt!


Black Stone's Calamity let out a strange roar, and in an instant, the attacks of countless demonized giants stopped, and they all turned around, with red lights in their eyes, staring at Ye Fusheng.

Black Stone's Calamity even lowered his head, glaring at Ye Fusheng, the demonic flames criss-crossing his five sense organs, looking particularly terrifying.

However, Ye Fusheng didn't care about them, he didn't even think about what happened, the moment Ye Fusheng got hold of the holy magic wand, his breath stopped, and he decisively chose to activate the skill!

Almost at the moment when the skill was activated, the entire land within a thousand miles trembled. The ground that had already been broken into many ravines undulated, and suddenly appeared hard peaks, like blades, extremely sharp!

The sharp peaks are like rows of burrs, instantly piercing through the bodies of those demonized giants, cutting them into several sections.

But, this is just the beginning!

The thunder flickered, and the thunder light exploded one after another, falling from the clouds and mist, and bombarding the flying winged snakes all over the sky.

Even though the flying winged snakes had amazing defenses and were still alive after being struck by thunder several times, the flame bombs that followed immediately burned their flesh and bones into ashes!

The flames condensed and turned into fire dragons, hovering in the air.

The thunder light was mixed with flames, and it kept falling. Apart from hitting the flying winged snake, it could also fall to the ground, causing great damage to those demonized giants who escaped the stabbing of the mountain by chance.

Not only that, in addition to the mountain stabbing, thunderclap, and fire dragon's roar, the icy breath suddenly came, and the raindrops roared in the air, turning into icicles in an instant, falling one after another at an extremely fast speed.


When the icicles fell on the monsters, in addition to causing damage, they could also spread layers of frost to cover them all.

Even if they failed to be smashed to death, they quickly turned into ice sculptures, unable to move or escape, and could only let many attacks fall on them, causing continuous damage.

Even if the Black Stone Calamity is as strong as the legendary boss, it cannot protect itself under the attack of multiple skills.

bang bang bang-

However, hundreds of icicles fell on his body, and the huge body of Black Stone Scourge was already covered in dark blue frost, unable to move, and the blood value on his body continued to decline.

But this is just the beginning!
But within ten breaths, within a thousand miles, no matter it is a flying winged snake or a demonized giant, it has already turned into a monster under the attack of the flaming dragon, the mountain peak, and the ice and snow peak pillar, under the attack of Lei Ting Yaoshi. The streaks of white light became Ye Fusheng's experience and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

The only thing that can prove that they ever existed is the equipment all over the floor!
At this time, all the elves were dumbfounded, put down their weapons, opened their mouths wide, as if they could stuff a goose egg, looked at Ye Fusheng in astonishment, and then kept looking at the scene that seemed to destroy the world, as if the catastrophe came!
Even Lilith was shocked and felt fear, looking into the depths of Ye Fusheng's eyes, there was a trace of respect.

But, it's not over yet!

After the rest of the monsters within a thousand miles died, all the flames, thunder, mountain peaks, and icicles, like a flood, poured on the Black Stone Calamity continuously!
Not only these skills, but after a few more breaths, a strong hurricane blew up, like a blade, constantly cutting the frozen body of the Black Stone Scourge.

Another blood-colored silk thread bloomed, pierced through the frost, and directly entangled its body!

Many offensives bloom one after another, and countless skills are mixed together, like fireworks.

After a full 60 seconds, the offensive between heaven and earth gradually began to weaken.

The attack flew up all over the sky, mixed with all the elements, condensed in the air, and quietly reflected four big characters - the world is useless!
Terrible! ! !
This is the power of the Transcendent Saint-level Forbidden Curse!

Heaven and earth are useless! ! !

(PS: This skill... seems to be a bit strong, but it is worthy of the name Tiandi Wuyou! Well, do you have any other forbidden spell skills to recommend? The name must be high-quality!

In addition, the new book asks for a recommendation ticket! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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