Invincible in one touch

Chapter 256 Legendary pet, an irreversible mission!

Chapter 256 Legendary pet, an irreversible mission!

As the aftermath of the world's useless skills dissipated, the terrifying power dissipated, and Black Stone's Calamity stiffened and stood on the spot.

Ye Fusheng looked at it, only to see its blood strips were black and flickering.

This made Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, he didn't expect the boss to be so thick-skinned, and he could not die after eating a forbidden spell skill!

Fortunately, there is only the last bit of blood left, Ye Fusheng is not afraid even if he has the characteristics of thorns.


An abrupt, clear voice sounded, echoing in the sky.


"Why is there a sound suddenly?"

Hearing that sound suddenly, Ye Fusheng, who was just about to start, raised his brows, looked up, and suddenly saw that the frost cracked on Black Stone's Bane, and gradually widened.


When the frost fissure expanded to a certain extent, it exploded suddenly, and in an instant, its body shattered along with the ice and flew out.

As for its last blood bar, it also disappeared when its body exploded!
Forbidden spell is a forbidden spell level skill after all, the damage is really terrifying!

Even if it is a legendary BOSS, it can't resist at all if it has a whole set of forbidden spell skills.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the legendary BOSS Black Stone Scourge, James Deron. You will be rewarded with 8 million experience points, 10000 reputation points, 10 merit points, and 1 extraordinary achievement point!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the staged task [Cleaning Demons], and getting a reward of 10 billion experience points!"

Sure enough, after killing the Black Stone Calamity, he got some Extraordinary Achievement Points. It can be said that he cast the forbidden spell without spending anything.

Not only that, the range of the forbidden spell is huge, all the monsters within a thousand miles have died, and there are many elite monsters among them. The experience value rewards brought to Ye Fusheng are also very rich. After Floating Life was upgraded, his experience bar skyrocketed to as much as 80%!

As long as there is one more mission, you can definitely upgrade again!
The sky and the earth are boundless, and as the huge body of the Black Stone Calamity collapses, all the demons, as well as the flying winged snakes, disappear without a trace.

There were only countless elf girls left, with their mouths wide open, and Ye Fusheng was sized up with shocked eyes.

None of them thought that Ye Fusheng would be so powerful!
Just releasing a skill can kill all the monsters within a thousand miles, and even make a legendary boss die without any power to fight back.

This dealt a great blow to them, especially Lilith, originally she thought that if Ye Fusheng dared to break the contract, even if his senior sister was Xing Yun, she would force Ye Fusheng to be tied up and Lianna to sleep with him.

However, now it seems that if she really dares to make a move, the entire ethnic group may perish!
At this time, even without Xing Yun's threat to her, she did not dare to underestimate Ye Fusheng anymore, her eyes were full of respect when she looked at him!
After all, even if Black Stone's Calamity is not as strong as her, he is still a powerhouse of the same level, but Ye Fusheng can't even withstand Ye Fusheng's skills once.

It can be seen from this that she will not be Ye Fusheng's opponent!

Only one's own strength can bring true respect.

"Hee hee, big brother, you are amazing!"

However, Liana, who had been held in Ye Fusheng's arms all this time, had no other thoughts at all, and asked with a smile: "Big brother, how is the support I gave you this time? I didn't hold you back, did I?"

"No no!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng raised his eyelids, and immediately said with a smile: "Lianna is amazing, without Lianna, I wouldn't be able to kill that big guy!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, Lianna became more and more happy, her smile was as bright as a flower.

Well, facing the cute little girl, I still have to coax her!

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was just about to put Liana down to touch the corpse and check the equipment, when he suddenly found that after killing so many monsters, Liana's body also emitted a faint light.

Taking a closer look, Liana actually increased by 9 levels compared to her previous level!
[ is this possible? 】

[Why can Liana get experience points even after I kill those monsters?Can it be improved? ! 】

The pupils contracted suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but freeze in place.

Normally, NPC characters in the game do not count experience, they have their own unique upgrade methods.

Soldiers need to fight, and life NPCs need to be promoted in life occupations.

For example, the master blacksmith I met in the camp last time, after he helped Ye Fusheng evolve his equipment a few times, his level increased.

However, it is true that Liana participated in the battle, so she shouldn't get experience points. This battle, at best, allowed her to advance two or three levels. Why did she suddenly increase to nine levels?
Could it be that there is a bug in the game?
Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng stared at Lianna, wondering in his heart.

"What's the matter? Brother, why do you keep staring at me?"

Liana noticed Ye Fusheng's gaze, blinked her eyes, and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng's breath was stagnant, he couldn't possibly ask an NPC character why you were able to level up, so he could only laugh and say, "It's nothing, just seeing how cute my Lianna is! I can't help but want to see more!"

"Hee hee, big brother is also very handsome!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's praise to her, Lianna narrowed her eyes when she smiled.

"Okay, I'll go to tidy up the battlefield first, you go to your mother, and tidy up your defenses too!"

"In case others come to attack!"

The next step is to collect the equipment. Ye Fusheng doesn't want Liana to follow him. If she is curious about the baby's attributes and he answers wrongly, causing a system bug, it will be a tragedy.

"Yeah, I see!"

Fortunately, Lianna was obedient and obedient, nodded, got off the horse quickly, turned around and went to find her mother, Lilith.

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng walked towards the place where the Black Stone Calamity's body collapsed, he didn't even pick up the equipment and gold coins on the way, his whole heart was beating.

This time I killed the legendary boss independently, I don't know what level of equipment will be revealed!

If the legendary equipment can be released again, even if he can't use it, he can still sell it for a high price.

In today's game version, heavenly weapons are the mainstream, but Ye Fusheng is equipped with spirit weapons and fairy weapons. If he can play legendary equipment, it will definitely attract all guilds in the game to compete.

At that time, no matter whether Ye Fusheng wants money or other conditions, those players will definitely agree!
Running all the way to the place where Black Stone's Scourge died, Ye Fusheng kicked away the debris all over the floor, and finally swept out two pieces of equipment that shone with black and purple light.

A shield, and, a shield!
【Lying trough...】

The corners of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng almost didn't utter a single curse word.

This is too cruel!

Unexpectedly, two identical pieces of equipment appeared!

What the hell is this called?

Good things come in pairs?

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to admit it.

The BOSS has already been killed, and the equipment has exploded. No matter how upset I feel, I can only bear it at this time.

The Eye of Truth skill was released, and the shield's attributes suddenly floated out, neatly listed.

Those attributes relieved Ye Fusheng's depressed mood.

At least, their attributes are not bad!
Blackstone Steadfast Shield (Legend · Excellence)
Blood value: 45000
Defense: 8000
Power: 1200
Stamina: 2000
Additional: HP value increased by 30%
Rock: own defense increased by 100%
Thorn of Thorns: When attacked, 90% of the damage received will be reflected as real damage to the attacker, and will not be immune to any characteristics, skills, and status effects below level 2

Handy: Reduce user requirements by 50 levels

Excellence: When attacked, there is a 7% chance to trigger the soul of the Black Stone Scourge, causing high damage to targets within 100 yards in front
Description: It was originally a shield formed by the unyielding will of the king of demonized giants after death. It has amazing defensive power, but it is heavy and lacks certain strength, so it cannot be equipped

Requirements for use: Strength reaches 5000 points, the occupation is warrior, shield warrior and other extended occupations
Rating: 120

"This equipment perfectly inherits the two characteristics of Black Stone's Scourge. Although the increase in defense power has been reduced, the anti-injury effect has reached 90%, and it still does real damage! This increase is a bit drastic!"

"The built-in handy special skill actually lowers the use requirement of level 50, that is to say, it can be equipped at level 70. In about half a month, most players can catch up to the level!"

"If it is auctioned, this shield will definitely sell for a high price! It's a pity that it can only be equipped when the strength reaches 5000 points! This point should dissuade many players!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was very depressed.

Fortunately, for players who can afford this kind of peak equipment, it is not impossible for them to work hard in a short period of time and reach 5000 points of strength.

The big deal is that when the time comes, Ye Fusheng will take off the equipment and let others wear it, put on the shield and return the equipment.

As for others taking the equipment and running away?

Well, now, no one should dare to do that!
Unless he never plays the game again, what awaits him is an endless pursuit!

"Well... just do it like this, such a strong attribute, it can definitely be sold!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng picked up the two shields and was about to turn around, when he suddenly found that under the shields, there was a stone shining with black and purple brilliance!

Judging by the color, it was definitely caused by the Black Stone!

"It turns out... a treasure has also been revealed!"

"It's just that the two shields are too big to block them!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but get excited.

Sure enough, the lucky value of 9999+ is not covered, how could it be possible that only two pieces of legendary equipment were revealed?
I just don't know what use that stone will have!

Bending down to pick up the stone, the Eye of Truth skill was released, and the attributes of that stone suddenly floated out.

However, it surprised Ye Fusheng!
He originally thought what material that stone would be, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a pet egg!

Black Stone Bane Pet Egg (Legendary): After use, it can hatch the legendary pet Black Stone Bane

Blackstone's Bane (Legendary)

Blood value: 2000
Attack Power: 70-100
Defense: 500
Skills: None (comprehend after level up)
Features: None (comprehend after level up)
Form: None

stage: nascent
Growth qualification: Attack 10 star, stamina 30 star, defense 30 star, agility 1 star, spirit 5 star

Potential Qualification: 20
"Holy shit, 2000 HP, 500 defense? This level 1 attribute is actually stronger than my star!"

"Fortunately, it is only strong in vitality and defense. Its attack power has been dropped by more than a third, and its growth aptitude is also higher in stamina and defense. The other three are pitifully low!"

"Well, coupled with the gap in skills and characteristics, it is completely incomparable with my star! However, if a mage class or an archer uses this pet, it will definitely exert a very strong effect!"

"My cheap daughter seems to be a mage, you can give her this pet!"

Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, he didn't expect such a legendary boss to give him a not weak pet.

Although he can't use it, it is also very good for his daughter to use it to improve her strength and ensure her safety.

Ever since Ye Xin arrived, Ye Fusheng hasn't brought her to level up yet, and in the game he has always left her to be taken care of by his sister. After all, she is also his daughter, so if he can take care of her, he still needs to take care of her.

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng happily put away the pet eggs.

Turning around and looking, I saw that the rest of the battlefield had been cleaned up almost.

It's just that Lilith didn't move those equipment and gold coins, and left them to Ye Fusheng to clean up.

This surprised Ye Fusheng, he thought that Lilith would take those gold coins away!

After all, the development of a group consumes a lot of gold coins.

However, Lilith didn't take it, and Ye Fusheng didn't say much. He galloped on the battlefield on the furious flame horse, and frantically harvested equipment and gold coins.

After looting the entire battlefield, Ye Fusheng already had more than 30000 gold coins in his backpack, which would be as much as 3000 if converted into Huaxia coins!

If other studios that made money for a living knew that the amount of gold coins they produced in half a day was only about the same as that of Ye Fusheng in a few minutes, they would probably commit suicide in shame!

Of course, this speed of killing monsters cannot be copied.

At least the forbidden spell has a cooling time, so many monsters, including some elite monsters, and the leader monsters all gather together, it also depends on luck.

As for the equipment, Ye Fusheng's character exploded, but among the mobs, three supernatural weapons were revealed, but unfortunately they were all of a higher level, so they should not be sold in auctions, and at most they would be sold to ordinary players in small shops.

Then we have to wait until the player level catches up!

After everything was cleaned up, when Ye Fusheng returned to the Moon Elf clan, the way those female elves looked at him changed, and their attitude was even more respectful.

Not far away, Lilith and Lianna were waiting for Ye Fusheng to return.

"Big brother, you are finally back!"

Lianna didn't feel shy at all, when she saw Ye Fusheng, she jumped on him.

Before Ye Fusheng could hug Liana, Lilith walked aside and said in a deep voice: "Little brother, can you promise me one thing?"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the fourth stage mission [Millennium Inheritance], do you accept it?!"

"System prompt: Once this mission is accepted, the mission plot will be irreversible, and the rest of the branches cannot be opened! Once failed, the player will also be severely punished!"

(PS: I have something to do at school, and there have been few updates recently. After I am done with work, I will add updates every day. Brothers, don’t worry, it will never be interrupted!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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