Invincible in one touch

Chapter 257 The Legendary Boss Returns!

Chapter 257 The Legendary Boss Returns!

"Irreversible? Unable to open the plot missions of the other branches..."

"It seems that this task is a bit aggressive, it won't be so easy to complete!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng hesitated for a moment, and immediately made a decision to accept the task!
As for the so-called punishment for failing to complete the task, Ye Fusheng didn't even think about it. What kind of jokes are you kidding, he won't be able to complete the task?
He was just a little hesitant, what kind of reward would a task of this level give him!

Seeing that Ye Fusheng nodded and agreed, Li Lisi showed joy and said excitedly: "Although you used your skills this time to slaughter all the monsters within a thousand miles, those monsters will not let it go!"

"It's okay, if they come again, I will stop them!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

For Lilith and the others, the influx of monsters is a disaster, and the entire group will perish if they are not careful.

But, to Ye Fusheng, those monsters are all worthless experience and gold coins!

The allure to him is far higher than that of the beautiful girl Dana!

"Heh, there are so many of them. I'm afraid you won't be able to use that spell multiple times in a short period of time. By then, you alone won't be able to stop their attacks!"

Lilith sighed helplessly: "Once they break through Lingyue Valley, once they break through the Temple of Inheritance, our Moon Elf family will be completely extinct!"


With a raised brow, Ye Fusheng finally realized that he could not guarantee that he would not die, just kill the monsters slowly, he had to ensure the safety of the Moon Elf clan to complete the task.

In this way, if there are too many monsters, he can't resist.

"Then, Your Lady, what do you need me to do?"

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng asked aloud.

"It's very simple, can you protect Liana for me to go to the elf inheritance temple? As long as she can inherit the power of the gods, she can repel the attacking monsters and save our moon elves!"

Lilith was short of breath, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, when Liana accepts the inheritance, I will use the strength of the whole family to resist the demon army! Unless Lingyue Valley is destroyed, otherwise, we will never take a step back! "

"Don't worry, I will protect Lianna until the end of the inheritance!"

Nodding slightly, Ye Fusheng agreed.

For a moment, both Lilith and Lianna looked at Ye Fusheng with great satisfaction.

Especially Lianna, if it wasn't for the crowd and her mother was still there, she might have rushed directly into Ye Fusheng's arms, and she might even have a jungle war in a moment of excitement!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully accepting the fourth stage of the story mission [Millennium Inheritance]. Mission requirements: Protect Liana and successfully reach the Temple of Elven Heritage! Mission rewards: rich experience rewards! And special rewards!"

"Huh? There are special rewards for this mission?"

"What kind of reward? You won't just reward me with the elf goddess, right?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was noncommittal, this wasn't even the ultimate plot mission, so what rewards could there be.

Not paying attention to it, Ye Fusheng asked again: "Your Majesty, when shall we set off?"

"Don't worry, you can rest for a night first!"

Lilith smiled and said: "Your move just now will definitely shock everyone in the demon race. In a short time, you should not attack. Moreover, if Liana wants to accept the inheritance perfectly, she must restore her own state to the peak. You have to teach her something, otherwise, it will be difficult for her to accept the inheritance in a short time!"

"A night's rest?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng groaned and agreed.

One night in the game is less than an hour in reality.

It just happened to be able to go offline to have a meal and do some activities.

Well, just now Liana was rubbing against him. Although the girl is still young and hasn't grown up yet, being green is also a kind of temptation, which made him angry.

Must find a girl to relax for him!


Ye Fusheng was very satisfied, but Lianna showed a bitter smile and begged: "Mother..."

"What do you want to do?"

Lilith glared at Liana, and said in a deep voice: "Don't mess around, you have to come with me tonight and restore your state, otherwise, what will you use to inherit the power of the elf god?"


Liana puffed her mouth and said, "I will work hard!"

"Well, good boy, when you inherit the power of the elf god, then you can do whatever you want!"

Hearing this, Lilith lovingly stroked Liana's little head.

She couldn't see that Lianna was completely fascinated by Ye Fusheng, so she let Lianna follow her.

She didn't want Liana to do things that were too cheap, some things could only be done after getting married!

"Little brother, in a short time, those monsters don't dare to be presumptuous, you should rest for a while!"

Comforting Lianna, Lilith looked at Ye Fusheng again, and said in a deep voice: "Early tomorrow morning, you will lead Lianna to the Temple of Elves' Inheritance! At that time, those demons will definitely attack wildly, maybe they will not be able to attack you on the way." There will be their figures, careful!"

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I'll be able to protect Lianna well. If those monsters want to hurt Lianna, they won't be able to step over my corpse!"

Ye Fusheng patted his chest to show his determination, which made Lilith and Lianna very satisfied.

At least, for Lilith, meeting a heroic warrior who is willing to protect her daughter, who also has impressive strength and extraordinary status, is definitely not a bad thing!
After the task was completed, Lilith took Lianna away, and Ye Fusheng came to the original palace under the guidance of several elf girls.

Randomly found an empty room, Ye Fusheng glanced out the window, saw the night was coming, without any hesitation, he directly exited the game.

Exiting the game, Ye Fusheng moved his body a bit, Qian Shanxue and Ye Xin were still in the game, Ye Fusheng didn't bother them, quietly left the room to find Qingning.

But who knew that Qingning hadn't come back yet!

In the living room, there are prepared meals, which are still steaming.

Taking a closer look, there is a note next to it, which was exactly what Qingning left for Ye Fusheng.

It turned out that the company had something to do, so Qingning hurriedly prepared a meal and left.

Ye Fusheng was completely helpless, the rest time was only over an hour in total, it was impossible, why don't you call Qingning again?

At that time, Ye Xin will also wake up, what should he say if he sees that scene?
How could he spoil his obedient daughter?

Not long after, Qian Shanxue and Ye Xin came out of the room, and they were a little surprised to see Ye Fusheng sitting in the living room.


"Hurry up and eat! After eating, I will go to the task!"

Noticing that Qian Shanxue and the others had come out, Ye Fusheng was not polite, spread out the food, and started to eat by himself.

"Huh? So urgent?"

Qian Shanxue hugged Ye Xin and sat at the dining table, seeing Ye Fusheng's expression, she couldn't help asking curiously: "What task makes you so nervous? Could it be another task that can change the version?"

"Change version task?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng frowned, and suddenly thought of the call from the customer service earlier.

Could it be that the task he is going to do now is exactly what the customer service said?
However, it doesn't look like it. According to Ye Fusheng's speculation, in order to trigger a version update, a major event must happen.

The moon elves are relatively weak, and the queen is the legendary boss, who is not even one percent stronger than Xing Yun. Even if they are eliminated, the setting of the entire game world will not change much.

Even if this task is completed, it will not trigger a version update!


"Looking at you like this, it's not really going to come up with a new version!"

Qian Shanxue said in surprise: " are so fast, you haven't stopped for a few days, and a new version will be released soon, aren't you tired? Besides, we haven't even released the equipment of this version yet. , if you update the version, we won't even be able to wear the equipment!"

"Is it so pitiful?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng glanced at Qian Shanxue, saw that she looked sad, she didn't seem to be lying, grinned and said: "Well, after this mission is over, I will send some of the high-level equipment that can be used to the guild warehouse , you can use points to exchange! Well, be careful, you don’t need points, you can use whatever you want to exchange directly.”

Saying that, Ye Fusheng looked at Ye Xin, smiled and said: "Be careful, I will give you another gift after I go back!"


Ye Xin blinked her eyes and said joyfully, "Thank you Dad, but can you tell me what gift it is?"

"Hey, you'll know when the time comes!"

"I will definitely give you a surprise!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng was very sure, after this period of time, Ye Xin has become familiar with the modern society, and is quite interested in "Reincarnation of the Heavens".

A cross version of a powerful pet, how can a little girl not like it?

"Okay, I'll look forward to it!"

Ye Xin was looking forward to it.

Qian Shanxue glanced at Ye Xin, then at Ye Fusheng, her eyes were full of envy.

It's a pity that Ye Fusheng turned a blind eye to her gaze and began to eat by himself.

This made Qian Shanxue gritted her silver teeth and spat softly: "Hey, Ye Fusheng, you are so heartless! I will help you take care of the child every day, so why don't you give me some presents?"

"You? You are such an old man, what more gifts do you need?"

Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, but when he thought about it, Qian Shanxue managed a guild, which was tiring and hard work, so it was unreasonable not to give her some benefits, and grinned: "When I go back, you can see if there is any equipment that can be used. Take it away!"

"I've spawned too much equipment, and I don't even bother to look at the attributes!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Qian Shanxue was overjoyed. What she wanted was not some mysterious gift. For her, being able to choose high-level equipment freely was already extremely lucky.

"Hey, honey, eat more, here, this is meat!"

"Only after eating will you have the energy to do the task, to kill monsters! Hurry up and finish the task, and I will receive you when you come back to the city!"

Qian Shanxue laughed and took the initiative to help Ye Fusheng pick up vegetables, the words in his mouth would definitely make people tired!

Ye Xin was so ashamed that she covered her eyes!

After dinner, Qing Ning was not there, Ye Xin followed Qian Shanxue all the time, Ye Fusheng couldn't do some exercise, of course, it would definitely not be a multiplayer exercise.

After walking casually in the courtyard for a while, Ye Fusheng returned to his room to log in to the game.

The time is almost here!
Sure enough, after logging into the game, Ye Fusheng looked out the window, the moon was gradually setting, and the sun was about to rise.

There is only a little time before the mission starts.

After a long time, the sun rises and shines with the moon that is setting aside, showing the same color as the rays of the sun.

For a moment, Ye Fusheng couldn't help staring blankly.

However, after the sunset of the sun, Ye Fusheng suddenly noticed that there was a burst of purple light in the depths of the sky!
It just so happened that at the moment when the rays of the sun dissipated, it appeared!


"What kind of light is that?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng had an ominous premonition in his heart.

If it was the noble purple, then he wouldn't think too much about it, maybe this is the initial primordial purple energy between heaven and earth?

Although this is a game, it is unlikely that there will be something about cultivating immortals, but it is not necessarily true!

However, that touch of purple contained a little weirdness, which made Ye Fusheng suspicious.


A strange, deep voice gradually sounded, like a mosquito, resounding in Ye Fusheng's ears.

"No, it must be the Demon Race!"

"The demons are attacking!"

His face changed slightly, Ye Fusheng was just about to turn around and leave the room to remind Lilith, but there was a loud noise, and in an instant, the sky that was about to brighten suddenly darkened.

Countless black clouds pressed down, and the purple-black thunder continued to strike down, bombarding the palace and inside Lingyue Valley!

Even though the palace was protected by a formation, after being struck by the thunder, it shook violently, and even the walls of the room had cracks!
"Grass... this time the demons are coming hard!"

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his face changed slightly, it seemed that the demons were also getting ruthless.

Among the demons who came this time, it is estimated that there may be several legendary bosses, otherwise, they would not have such power.

However, as long as there are no epic or extraordinary bosses, Ye Fusheng is not afraid!
It doesn't matter how many legendary bosses you come to, as long as you don't lose me in a second, I can let you experience the feeling of being in heaven!

The ground trembled, and the palace gradually crumbled. Fortunately, Ye Fusheng ran fast, summoned the angry flame horse, and rushed out abruptly.

At the same time, the entire Lingyue Valley was shaken, and all the elf girls rushed out, each forming a battle formation, drawing bows and arrows, preparing to deal with the coming demons.

The breath of the whole space is suppressed, and with the overlapping of dark clouds, it is endlessly dark. As long as you are a little farther away, you will not be able to see the surrounding situation clearly.

So much so that they didn't know where the demon monsters had gone and how far away they were.

Fortunately, Ye Fusheng was wearing advanced equipment, and after turning on the special effects of the equipment, a series of rays of light burst out immediately, illuminating the surrounding area.

In this way, the elf women leaned towards Ye Fusheng one after another, gathered beside him, and looked around.

At this time, they could see clearly that among the black clouds in the sky, one after another of the flying-winged snakes emerged, and the patterns on their bodies were deeper and weirder than the flying-winged snakes they had encountered before!

Suddenly, another ray of light bloomed, soaring into the sky, flying up like a dragon and a phoenix, wrapped in amazing power, directly hitting the sky!

(PS: Starting next week, it will be updated and restored every day!!! If the new book may not be suitable for Chuangshi, if the brothers don’t think it’s not good-looking, I won’t write much, and I will write this book with all my strength, how about it? !!!)
(End of this chapter)

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