Invincible in one touch

Chapter 258 Two waves of offensive!

Chapter 258 Twenty waves of offensive!

The sound of the phoenix's cry was clear and clear, resounding through the sky. At the same time, that ray of light was as soft as moonlight, but when it transformed into a phoenix and exploded in the air, the waves that burst out boiled like magma, and suddenly wiped away all the monsters. The figures were all repulsed back.


The moonlight broke through the dark clouds and illuminated the space. It was impressive to see that a woman's figure emerged and floated in the air. She held a divine staff and swayed silver-white light. It turned into a light shield and enveloped the entire Lingyue Valley. .

That woman, like a fairy, is the spiritual queen Lilith!
Sure enough, to become the emperor of a group, Lilith's strength should not be underestimated. Now that she has completely exploded, that kind of strength surprised Ye Fusheng.

Of course, if there was a real fight, Ye Fusheng would not be afraid.

Who let Ye Fusheng have a lot of treasures on his body, and also has an instant death effect that can be called a hang-up?
"Liana, young warriors, go to the Elf Temple as soon as possible!"

When Ye Fusheng raised his head to look at Lilith, Lilith felt her heart, and looked down at him, then flicked her right hand lightly, and another silver light fell on Ye Fusheng's body.


In an instant, Ye Fusheng felt extremely refreshed all over his body, as if his own strength had been greatly improved!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining Lilith's spirit blessing status. Within 60 minutes, all attributes of the player will increase by 50%, and damage to demons will increase by 30%!"


His eyes lit up, seeing that BUFF, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed.

Half of the attribute increase, plus a 30% damage bonus, let alone escorting Liana to the Temple of Elf Inheritance, he can do it even with countless demon monsters killing him!
"Big brother!"

At this time, Liana rushed out from the wooden house in the distance, seemingly not seeing the other elves and those monsters at all, and rushed towards Ye Fusheng.


Being directly bumped into Lianna's arms, Ye Fusheng was almost knocked to the ground.

In the air, the corner of Lilith's mouth also twitched, but at this time, countless monsters were dormant, and she didn't have the heart to care about Liana, so she could only softly shout: "Liana, you all go to the Spiritual Heritage Temple, don't be too late!"

"it is good!"

Hearing Lilith's reminder, Ye Fusheng was also afraid that Liana's little girl would be a demon again, so he quickly got up, hugged Lianna by the waist, summoned the angry flame horse, and immediately rushed towards the direction where the light shield was not yet closed.

Ye Fusheng understood that that was definitely the exit Lilith left for him, otherwise, how could there be a gap in a shield?


Sure enough, when Ye Fusheng rushed out of the gap with the angry flame horse, the light shield trembled and spread down immediately, covering the entire Lingyue Valley in the light shield.

Not only that, Ye Fusheng also wore a silvery-white radiant shield, protecting him and Lianna.

That is Lilith's last protection for them!

Lianna is her daughter after all, even with Ye Fusheng's protection, she will not be completely at ease, and she still has a hand.

Once Lianna and Ye Fusheng are really in danger, the backhand can let her teleport there in an instant and rescue them.

Of course, although the backhand is left behind, it won't be triggered if it can't be triggered.

Inside the light shield, many elven girls watched Ye Fusheng leave with Liana in his arms, and their expressions became firmer and dignified.

They all know that a big battle is coming!

The demons are not like the human races. The human races may only come to plunder resources and save their lives. However, once the demons break through their homes, they will not only plunder resources, but also everything from them!
Therefore, they all made up their minds, even if they died, they would keep all the demons out!

The dark clouds pressed down, and the thunder burst out, constantly smashing on the light shield.

In an instant, Lilith's expression was solemn, and she no longer looked at Ye Fusheng. Lianna looked up at the sky in the direction the two left.

In the distance, faintly visible, there are several terrifying existences with several feet in height standing side by side.

The terrifying breath slowly permeated through the light shield...

"Move forward!"

"Go left!"

"Big brother, after I inherit the power of the elf god, can you take me away?"

While Lianna was guiding Ye Fusheng, she asked something that changed his expression dramatically.

"Take you away?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ye Fusheng couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Where are you going? You don't stay in the group, you go with your mother?"

"A little bit..."

Liana stuck out her tongue and said seriously: "Anyway, there is a mother in the ethnic group, she will protect everyone, I just want to follow you!"


Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng couldn't help having a headache.

He was gentle with Liana before, but it was just to get the task.

Why did you take her heart away again?
Not so much, right?

Could it be that his charm is irresistible to little Lolita?
As strong as a protoss, even hopelessly in love with him!
Although there are people who like him, Ye Fusheng does not resist, but Ye Fusheng is a little timid.

What will happen if you bring Liana back to the city and let the Protoss know?
The strength of Xingling is second only to Xingyun, and she is also a rare master of extraordinary pharmacy on the mainland. What if she gets jealous and loses her temper?
If she wants to attack Lianna, Ye Fusheng has no way to stop it!

Unless, let his senior sister take action!
But, will Senior Sister Xingyun help him solve the fire in the harem?

At that moment, Ye Fusheng's thoughts turned sharply. After thinking about this, he couldn't help but tremble, and quickly said with a dry smile: "Let's talk about it after you inherit the inheritance! Of course, the premise is that your mother agrees, and my senior sister also agrees! "

Fearing that after being rejected by him, Lianna would simply quit, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to change the subject.


"Since the big brother has said it, I will definitely work hard to accept the inheritance!"

Hearing this, Lianna became happy, her smile was as bright as a flower.

This made Ye Fusheng feel guilty, um, is it really good to deceive a little loli like this?
However, when Ye Fusheng thought that this was the main plot task of the super serial series, the guilt in Ye Fusheng's heart immediately flew to the Siberian Plain.

What is guilt compared to task rewards?
Can I eat it?

Suddenly, a roar sounded, and several black praying mantises sprang out from both sides of the road. They raised their sharp arms like blades, and immediately flew up to kill Ye Fusheng and Lianna!

Seeing those weird demonized praying mantises suddenly appear, Lianna couldn't help screaming, and quickly buried her whole body in Ye Fusheng's arms.

However, she is not stupid, even if she is afraid, she still casts spells very quickly, putting one buff after another on Ye Fusheng!


Coupled with the BUFF that Lilith gave Ye Fusheng earlier, in an instant, Ye Fusheng's attributes suddenly doubled!
With a cold light in his eyes, Ye Fusheng raised the silver moon magic light, and the skill of sword swing nine days burst out impressively.


In an instant, the silver-white thunder exploded, rushing toward the demonized praying mantises flying over.

The thunder light collided with the demonized mantises, and those demonized mantises had almost no strength to resist, and were instantly smashed into ashes by the thunder.

After easily disposing of a few demonized praying mantises, Ye Fusheng's expression turned serious.

He knew that the monsters that appeared here were just the beginning!
The further you go, the stronger the monster will be!
At that time, it will be very difficult to eliminate those monsters with one blow.

If you want to send Liana safely to the Spiritual Heritage Temple, the task will definitely not be so simple.

Otherwise, how can it be worthy of the serial main storyline mission?

"Da da da--"

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng pinched his legs and accelerated the speed of the Raging Flame Demon Horse.


The sound of the jungle swaying continuously came from all around, and the strong magic energy swept in and gathered.

"Another monster came to die?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng held Yinyue Mohui tightly.


Sure enough, when the jungle shook to the most violent moment, several emerald green leopards rushed out, waving their sharp claws, and attacked Ye Fusheng.

[The whole body forgives the color? !Does this say anything about their condition? ! 】

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng didn't care, he let them charge forward, until they were within 25 yards, he waved the silver moon magic brilliance and swayed sword energy one after another.

The normal attack immediately caused extremely high damage to those leopards. Some forgave the leopards for being unlucky, triggering a critical attack, and even being sent back to the happy hometown!

There is no way, Ye Fusheng's own attributes are strong, and he got double BUFF, the boost effect is not weak, at this moment, his normal attack let alone those ordinary monsters, even elite monsters, commander-level bosses are a bit overwhelming!

It can be said that, apart from serious bosses, there is no monster that can withstand Ye Fusheng's three swords without surpassing Ye Fusheng's level 50!
puff- puff-

While the sword energy was swaying, Ye Fusheng killed all the forgiving leopards without even using his skills.

At this time, Liana also reacted, seeing that those monsters couldn't get past Ye Fusheng's attack at all, she was no longer afraid and fearful, she was tired of being in Ye Fusheng's arms, and looked at him obsessively.

The look in her eyes is like chasing stars in modern society!
Of course, Ye Fusheng didn't see it, and he didn't care. He just thought about what kind of monsters he would encounter next.


"System prompt: The phase task is officially triggered. Next, the demons will launch [-] waves of attacks. Please defeat the [-] waves of demon attacks, or resist the attacks of the demons before Liana completes the inheritance, and the task can be completed! Once the mission fails, the Moon Elf family perishes, and Liana dies, the player will be severely punished!"

"Huh? Twenty waves of attack?"

"Fuck, this task is a bit ruthless!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng touched his nose and felt a little pressure.

In previous games, there were seven or eight waves of attacks in this mode, and ten waves was enough. This attack of twenty waves at once is a bit brave!
However, Ye Fusheng could also tell from the mission that he was about to arrive at the Temple of Inheritance, otherwise, this mission would not be activated.

However, when Ye Fusheng raised his head and looked around, he didn't see any tall buildings, just a barren mountain.

This made him wonder, what happened?

Could it be that the system has gone wrong?


Just when Ye Fusheng was surprised, there was a deafening roar, and then, the surrounding earth trembled, and even the jungles and trees fell down. It was faintly visible that hundreds of huge mammoths rushed towards them.

"My grass? There are elephants?!"

Seeing those elephants suddenly, Ye Fusheng was stunned, and quickly cast his Eye of Truth to sweep them away. The next moment, the attributes of those mammoths suddenly floated out.

Dark Mammoth (Elite)
Rating: 140
Blood value: 60000
Attack: 8000
Defense: 10000
Thickness: Increase defense by 30%, reduce physical damage by 60%

Heavy hit: When attacking, there is a 10% chance to trigger the knockback effect
Skills: nose throwing, trampling, savage charging, water spray...

Description: A monster that absorbs too much magic energy, falls into darkness, loses its sanity, and only knows savage collision
"Hiss...the one with the lower attack power has weaker skills!"

"It can reduce physical damage by 60%, and it can also increase defense power, plus a blood value of up to 6! If you want to kill them all, it will be a bit troublesome!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng hesitated for a moment, switched careers instantly, and activated Mowu Warrior.

The dark mammoth is not the same as the thorny characteristic of the previous Blackstone Bane. As long as the thorny characteristic receives physical damage, even if there is magic damage, it will rebound the attack it receives.

However, this is only reducing physical damage. If it is mixed damage, it is very likely that it will not be reduced.

If Ye Fusheng still uses the Predator profession, I am afraid that he will not be able to kill too many dark mammoths after fighting for a long time. Once they gather together and trigger the heavy attack effect continuously, even if their attack power is extremely low, they cannot attack Ye Fusheng. Floating Life caused too much damage, and it would also be trapped here, unable to rush out.

Once Ye Fusheng fell into the tidal sea of ​​dark mammoths, the mission would fail as soon as the time passed.

In an instant, Ye Fusheng looked at those dark mammoths with extremely cold eyes.

He wanted to bet that the mixed injuries of Mowu fighters would not be reduced!

Thousands of dark mammoths smashed the trees and rushed towards them. Ye Fusheng also drove the angry flame horse and killed those dark mammoths!
As the tremors of the earth became louder, the distance between Ye Fusheng and the dark mammoth became closer.

50 yards... 40 yards... 30 yards!
His eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng released his skills without hesitation, punching and slashing!


The next moment, Ye Fusheng, man and horse, traveled through the space instantly like a phantom, and came to a dark mammoth. The silver moon magic glow shone with two-color brilliance, and the sharp blade fell straight down, cutting into its head!

The dark mammoth suffered pain, neighed, and raised its body.

Itself and the dark mammoths behind it were all rushing forward, and when it paused like this, it immediately collided with those mammoths.


Like bowling balls, before Ye Fusheng could inflict damage on most of them, they collided by themselves.

As for the dark mammoth that was attacked, under the mixed damage, its figure was unreal, and it turned into data and scattered!

Two damage numbers floated up one after another, one was 11, and the other was [-]. Obviously, the physical damage was immune, but the magic damage brought by the mixed damage still caused the full output!

In an instant, Ye Fusheng's breathing became short of breath!
(PS: I won’t be writing a new book, I’ll take it easy today, and the update of this book will be accelerated tomorrow, please ask for a recommendation ticket!!! Brother Meng, I’m not writing a new book anymore, write this book with peace of mind!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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